Where is my form PHP error? Two values of the label are received in an e-mail, but three others are not


I have a form on my web page developing, written by a programmer at the top of the page.


Of all the labels, I received emails with attachments.

Except in the label 'College Sports' I will receive 2 values

Football and Basketball.

The three values, I CAN'T receive are:

((1) baseball, Softball) 2 and 3) of others.

It seems to me that php script is written in a dynamic

and structured way.

SEND-FORM FILE - START-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

<? PHP

PEAR library includes

You should have the installed pear lib

include_once ('Mail.php');



$max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

$allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

$upload_folder = "files /';" <-this folder must be writable by the script

$your_email = ' [email protected] ';//<<-- this day to your email address

$errors = ";

If (isset($_POST['submit']))


//Get the uploaded file information

$name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

//get the file extension

$type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                      strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

$size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

///---Do validations.

if (empty($_POST['name']) |) Empty($_POST['email']))


$errors. = '\n name and Email are required.';     


if (IsInjected ($visitor_email))


$errors. = "\n bad email value!"


if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


$errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


/ /-Validate file extension.

$allowed_ext = false;

for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


$allowed_ext = true;                





$errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

"Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


//send email

if (empty ($errors))


//copy the temp. file uploaded to the uploads folder

$path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

$tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


$errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



//send email

$name = $_POST ['name'];

$visitor_email = $_POST ['email'];

$user_message = $_POST ['message'];

$to = $your_email;

$subject = "new submission of form."

$from = $your_email;

$text = "a user $name sent you this message: \n $user_message";

$message = new Mail_mime();

$message-> setTXTBody ($text);

$message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

$body = $message-> get();

$extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $visitor_email);

$headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

$mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

$mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

//redirection to ' thank you page

header ('Location: .html thank you ');




Function to validate against any attempt to electronic fuel injection

function IsInjected ($str)


$injections = array ('(\n+)',




              '(% + 0D)',

              '(% 08 +)',

              '(% + 09)'


$inject = join ('|) (', $injections);

$inject = "/ $injecter / I";

if (preg_match ($inject, $str))


returns true;




return false;



? >

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" > ""

< html >

< head >

download < title > file < /title > form

<! - define some elements of style - >

< style >

label, one, body


are-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

are-size: 12px;


< / style >

<! - a script for vaidating help shape - >

< script language = "JavaScript" src = "scripts/gen_validatorv31.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

< / head >

< body >

<? PHP

If (!) Empty ($Errors))


echo nl2br ($errors);


? >

< are method = "POST" name = "email_form_with_php".

action = "<?" PHP echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);? ' > ' enctype = "multipart/form-data" >

< p >

< label for 'name' = > name: < / label > < br >

< input type = "text" name = "name" >

< /p >

< p >

< label for = "e-mail address" > Email: < / label > < br >

< input type = "text" name = "email" >

< /p >

< p >

< label for 'message' = > Message: < / label > < br >

< textarea = 'message' name > < / textarea >

< /p >

< p >

< label for = "uploaded_file" > select a file to download: < / label > < br >

< input type = "file" name = "uploaded_file" >

< /p >

< input type = "submit" value = "Submit" name = "submit" >

< / make >

< script language = "JavaScript" >

For the validation of the code of

/ / Visit http://www.JavaScript-coder.com/HTML-form/JavaScript-form-validation.p html

For more information

var frmvalidator = new Validator ("email_form_with_php");

frmvalidator.addValidation ("name", "req", "Please enter your name");

frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "req", "Please enter your email address");

frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "email", "Please enter a valid email address");

< /script >

< noscript >

< small > < a href =' ml http://www.html-Form-Guide.com/email-Form/php-email-Form-Attachment.HT '

> How to attach the file to email in PHP < /a > article page. < / small >

< / noscript >

< / body >

< / html >

-END SEND FORM-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

-FORM BEGINNING-> ACTION > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

<? PHP

require_once ('recaptchalib.php');

$privatekey = "6LfwwsISAAAAAAPShkJ6nV3qkgLDHCe2uXj9RTWw";

$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,


$_POST ["recaptcha_challenge_field"],

$_POST ["recaptcha_response_field"]);

if (! $resp-> is_valid) {}

die ("the reCAPTCHA has not been entered correctly. Go back and try again. ».




include_once ('Mail.php');


$errors = ";

$max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

$allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

$upload_folder = "files /';"

$name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

$type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                      strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

$size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


$errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


$allowed_ext = false;

for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


$allowed_ext = true;                





$errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

"Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


if (empty ($errors))


$path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

$tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


$errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



$Business = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Business']));

$ProfessionalSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['ProfessionalSports']));

$Humor101 = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Humor101']));

$CollegeSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['CollegeSports']));

$Politics = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Politics']));

$EmailToBusiness = $Business. "@collegestudentvoice.net";

$EmailToProfessionalSports = $ProfessionalSports. "@collegestudentvoice.net";

$EmailToHumor101 = $Humor101. "" @collegestudentvoice.net ";

$EmailToCollegeSports = $CollegeSports. "[email protected]"; "

$EmailToPolitics = $Politics. "@collegestudentvoice.net";

$EmailTo = "[email protected]"; ""

$EMailSubject = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Subject']));

$First = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['First']));

$Last = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Last']));

$Email = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Email']));

$Suggestions = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Suggestions']));

$Body = "was filled the following form;

                        $Body. = "\n";

                        $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------";

                        $Body. = "\n";

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' First name: '; "

                        $Body. = $First;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' last name: '; "

                        $Body. = $Last;

                        $Body. = "\n";

                        $Body. = "email:";

                        $Body. = $Email;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' business: '; "

$Body. = $Business;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = "Professional sports: «;»»

$Body. = $ProfessionalSports;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' humor 101: '; "

$Body. = $Humor101;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = "College sports: «;»»

$Body. = $CollegeSports;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' policy: '; "

$Body. = $Politics;

                        $Body. = "\n";

$Body. = ' suggestions: «;»»

$Body. = $Suggestions;

                        $Body. = "\n";

                        $Body. = "\n";

                        $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------\n";

//$Body. = "e-mails sent to:". "." $EmailToBusiness. « / ». $EmailToProfessionalSports. « / ». $EmailToHumor101. « / ». $EmailToCollegeSports. « / ». $EmailToPolitics. « » ;

$to = "[email protected]"; ""

$subject = $EMailSubject;

$from = "[email protected]"; ""

                        $text = "\n $Body";

$message = new Mail_mime();

$message-> setTXTBody ($text);

$message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

$body = $message-> get();

$extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $Email);

$headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

$mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

$mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

                        If ($Business! = "")


$mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToBusiness), $headers, $body);


if ($ProfessionalSports! = "")


$mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToProfessionalSports), $headers, $body);


                        If ($Humor101! = "")


$mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToHumor101), $headers, $body);


if ($CollegeSports! = "")


$mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToCollegeSports), $headers, $body);


                        If ($Politics! = "")


$mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToPolitics), $headers, $body);



print "< meta http-equiv =-"refresh\"content =------"0; " URL = Form.php? suc = y\ "' >"; "


? >

---------------------------------------------------------------------  END FORMACTION  FILE---

$Body. = "College sports: «;»»

I see a space between the College and the sport. Also, make sure that your form fields are named exactly as the names of variables.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Another clue. If you check using DIAdem

    Microsoft Windows Script Debugger

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    Instructions http://chrisramsden.vfast.co.uk/3_How_to_install_Add-ons_in_Thunderbird.html

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    Hello FergusonChris,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    I understand that your business has iPhones whose screens are behaving erratically.  Given your description of the issue, it seems that the screen may be dirty or there is the screen protector/case that interferes with the screen.  To further support this issue, please see the link below.

    If the screen of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch does not respond to touch

    Take care.

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    Thank you


    As long as the form on your site no - BC works and send emails, you can ignore this warning message. It's just that forms require PHP work on third-party servers and Muse is trying to verify compatibility PHP on your server during the postback.

    If the forms on your website do not work as expected, please see the following guide - http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-3581.

    Thank you


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    How to write code in when the button is pressed the trigger of a push button? pls suggest me.


    I have not problem
    Better you recreate the new form

    1 button
    2. item1
    3 item2
    4 point 3.

    every article must be in a canvas

    what button to trigger
    writing and code test it again.

    give point 1 only
    give point 2 only
    Now press the button
    output should on the 3rd point.

    Check and return back.


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    and has values as follows:


    My question is how to move '10' instead of '20' and '20' instead of '10' in the column? This permutation is only for the first two values (10, 20)

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    Any advice?

    Thanks in advance?

    the value a = decode(a,10,20,20,10,a);

    Alexander gelin

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    For example: the table below has the records.

    Col1 Col2
    Orange color
    red color
    White color
    Yellow color

    Result of: existing query
    Orange > color
    Red > color
    White > color
    Yellow > color

    But I want to display two columns in the order appropriate as the below one.
    Veuileez note that all the the first character of the col2 must start the position of sampe in a row.

    Orange > > color
    Red > > > > color
    White > > > color
    Yellow > > > color

    Knowing the value that should be completed when running...

    SQL>  with tab as
      2   (select 'Orange' Col1, 'color' Col2 from dual union all
      3   select 'red' , 'color' from dual union all
      4   select 'White' , 'color' from dual union all
      5   select 'Yellow' , 'color' from dual)
      6   Select RPAD(col1,(select max(length(col1)) +1
      7   from tab),chr(32))||chr(9) ||col2 data
      8   from tab;
    Orange  color
    red     color
    White   color
    Yellow  color


  • Value of the element are clear when I joined the document,

    Hi friends,

    I created a form and I have two reports on the same page. First of all is the list of all the Document, and the second is the list of all the attached Document.

    first of all, I have to fill out all the information to the point after that I have have attached the report document, when I attach the document then attached document come in two second report.

    Problem is when I filled all the points with value and atcchted document page is update then all value elements are clear.
    I don't want the value of the items when I joined the paper.

    Another problem is I m facing this page, if I refresh the page then a single document is automatically attached or add in the second rerpot.

    My workspace details

    User: [email protected]
    Password: desomu

    Application No.: 42370
    Page no. 4

    How can I attached document with clear.

    Thank you.


    See the page now.

    'Fixing' your link on the list of the documents was not submit the page, he called to a URL that has just passed the value selected in the FILE_OBJ_ID.

    I've changed that to call a javascript function called addAttachment having set the value of a new hidden page element called P4_FILE_OBJ_ID and then the page submitted. All entries for the other entry points are saved then as well. I moved the process that adds the file selected in the table DUMY_SELECTED_ATTCH_FILE to work on submit it instead of loading the page. I also updated the list of documents in order to exclude items that have already been picked - unless you want duplicates?

    Another thing that you should consider...

    If you have multiple users doing so at the same time, the DUMY_SELECTED_ATTCH_FILE will contain documents for all THE users, so all users send the same accessories. You should consider adding a username column in the DUMY_SELECTED_ATTCH_FILE table and assign to this v ('APP_USER') so that you can identify the files selected by the current user only


  • Error: the translators are not loaded due to errors

    Whenever I use Dreamweaver CS3, I get the following error message will appear:

    "The following translators were not loaded due to errors: Spry.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.".

    I tried to rename the configuration in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 folder, then Dreamweaver would not work, so I changed it the original name. I have NOT used any framework spry for the validation of the form.


    [email protected] wrote:
    > When I use Dreamweaver CS3, I get the following error pop
    > to the top:
    > "The following translators were not loaded due to errors: Spry.htm: has '.
    > the configuration information that is invalid. »


    Troubleshooting step 4 normally does the trick.

    Adobe Community Expert David Powers
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • Value of items that are not be rendered on the page of reconciliation. (Their State has not been reached)

    Hi guys,.

    I'm using the theme of the apex 4.2.6 26.

    I have on my page, items that have a disease. The value of my item must be some value of the condition must be completed otherwise, they make on the page. (I mean any type of Condition)

    I want to do a process (or something) that will be clear all stored values of elements that constitutes the condition is not satisfied. When? When my page loads.

    Is it still possible?

    Para wrote:

    Hi guys,.

    I'm using the theme of the apex 4.2.6 26.

    I have on my page, items that have a disease. The value of my item must be some value of the condition must be completed otherwise, they make on the page. (I mean any type of Condition)

    I want to do a process (or something) that will be clear all stored values of elements that constitutes the condition is not satisfied. When? When my page loads.

    Is it still possible?

    Create a process On Load - before header that erases the conditional elements based on the extraction and assess the State of the item's metadata in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_ITEMS view:

      for unrendered_item in (
          , condition_type
          , condition_expression1
          , condition_expression2
            application_id = :app_id
        and page_id = :app_page_id
        and condition_type_code = 'VAL_OF_ITEM_IN_COND_EQ_COND2'
        and not (apex_util.get_session_state(condition_expression1) = condition_expression2))
            '...clearing session state value "' || apex_util.get_session_state(unrendered_item.item_name)
          || '" for item ' || unrendered_item.item_name
          || ' as condition of type "' || unrendered_item.condition_type
          || '" with Expression 1 = "' || unrendered_item.condition_expression1
          || '" and Expression 2 = "' || unrendered_item.condition_expression2 || '" failed.');
        apex_util.set_session_state(unrendered_item.item_name, null);
      end loop;

Maybe you are looking for