Why is not updated when you create or whole part of delete trigger?

Hey there ' All,.

I have a Page with links. These bindings are based on components business ADF, pretty standard stuff. On this page, I have an af:panelCollection. It contains buttons to create, remove, commit, and roll back. All those assigned to their respective shares in the ADF business components-based binding. In this collection of Panel there is also an editable table. It was created by dragging the view from business components in the collection of panels. ADF automatically created the iterator in the definition of the page.

It is the source of the fragment:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
  <af:panelGridLayout id="pgl1">
    <af:gridRow marginTop="5px" height="100%" marginBottom="5px" id="gr4">
      <af:gridCell marginStart="5px" width="60%" id="gc5" halign="stretch" valign="stretch">
        <af:panelCollection id="pc1" featuresOff="detachMenuItem" partialTriggers="b_new b_delete b_save b_restore">
          <f:facet name="menus"/>
          <f:facet name="toolbar">
            <af:toolbar id="t2">
              <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Create.execute}" text="New" disabled="#{!bindings.Create.enabled}"
              <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Delete.execute}" text="Delete"
                         disabled="#{!bindings.Delete.enabled}" id="b_delete"/>
            <af:toolbar id="t3">
              <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Commit.execute}" text="Save" disabled="#{!bindings.Commit.enabled}"
              <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Rollback.execute}" text="Restore"
                         disabled="#{!bindings.Rollback.enabled}" immediate="true" id="b_restore">
          <af:table value="#{bindings.PermissionView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                    emptyText="#{bindings.PermissionView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                    rowBandingInterval="0" selectedRowKeys="#{bindings.PermissionView1.collectionModel.selectedRow}"
                    selectionListener="#{bindings.PermissionView1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}" rowSelection="single"
                    fetchSize="#{bindings.PermissionView1.rangeSize}" id="t1" filterVisible="true" immediate="true"
                    contentDelivery="immediate" summary="Edit available permissions">
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.IdPermission.name}" sortable="true"
                       headerText="ID" id="c1" width="32" filterable="true" minimumWidth="22">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.IdPermission.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.IdPermission.tooltip}" id="it1">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.IdPermission.validator}"/>
                <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.IdPermission.format}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.Designation.name}" sortable="true"
                       headerText="Designation" id="c2" width="221" filterable="true">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Designation.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.Designation.tooltip}" id="it2"
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Designation.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.Description.name}" headerText="Description"
                       id="c3" width="432">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Description.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.PermissionView1.hints.Description.tooltip}" id="it3" rows="3"
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Description.validator}"/>
          <f:facet name="statusbar"/>
      <af:gridCell marginStart="5px" width="40%" marginEnd="5px" id="gc6" halign="stretch" valign="stretch">
        <af:panelAccordion discloseMany="false" id="pa1">
          <af:showDetailItem id="pane_roles" text="Users" inlineStyle="overflow:scroll;">
            <af:region value="#{bindings.assignusers1.regionModel}" id="r1"/>
          <af:showDetailItem id="pane_permissions" text="Usergroups" inlineStyle="overflow:scroll;">
            <af:region value="#{bindings.assignusergroups1.regionModel}" id="r2"/>
          <af:showDetailItem id="pane_groups" text="Roles" inlineStyle="overflow:scroll;">
            <af:region value="#{bindings.assignroles1.regionModel}" id="r3"/>

It's the source of the definition of the page of the fragment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pageDefinition xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel" version="" id="PermissionViewEditPageDef"
    <variableIterator id="variables"/>
    <iterator Binds="PermissionView1" RangeSize="25" DataControl="AdminPanelModuleDataControl"
              id="PermissionView1Iterator" Refresh="default"/>
    <taskFlow id="assignusers1" taskFlowId="/WEB-INF/taskflow/permission/assign-users.xml#assign-users" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/controller/binding" Refresh="ifNeeded">
        <parameter id="permissionID" value="#{bindings.IdPermission.inputValue}"/>
    <taskFlow id="assignusergroups1" taskFlowId="/WEB-INF/taskflow/permission/assign-usergroups.xml#assign-usergroups" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/controller/binding" Refresh="ifNeeded">
        <parameter id="permissionID" value="#{bindings.IdPermission.inputValue}"/>
    <taskFlow id="assignroles1" taskFlowId="/WEB-INF/taskflow/permission/assign-roles.xml#assign-roles" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/controller/binding" Refresh="ifNeeded">
        <parameter id="permissionID" value="#{bindings.IdPermission.inputValue}"/>
    <action IterBinding="PermissionView1Iterator" id="removeRowWithKey" RequiresUpdateModel="false"
      <NamedData NDName="rowKey" NDValue="#{}" NDType="java.lang.String"/>
    <action IterBinding="PermissionView1Iterator" id="Delete" RequiresUpdateModel="false" Action="removeCurrentRow"/>
    <tree IterBinding="PermissionView1Iterator" id="PermissionView1">
      <nodeDefinition DefName="de.lkvsh.shirotest.admin.model.ev.PermissionView" Name="PermissionView10">
          <Item Value="IdPermission"/>
          <Item Value="Designation"/>
          <Item Value="Description"/>
    <action IterBinding="PermissionView1Iterator" id="Create" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="createRow"/>
    <action id="Commit" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="commitTransaction"
    <action id="Rollback" RequiresUpdateModel="false" Action="rollbackTransaction"
    <attributeValues IterBinding="PermissionView1Iterator" id="IdPermission">
        <Item Value="IdPermission"/>

For the facts so far.

Now, my experience with it:

Whenever I click on the 'New' or 'Delete' button, it first calls the partial relaxation and then perform the action assigned to the button I clicked. I thought this because of the following behaviour:

1. I load the page

2. I click on the 'New' button - nothing happens

3. I click on the button "New" once again - a single line appears

4. I click on the button 'Delete' - nothing happens, still a line it

5. I click on delete - disappearance of the line

In order to engage without an error in database fields, that I need:

1. load the page

2. click on the button "new".

3. click again on the button "new".

4. click on the button Delete

5. fill the new line

6 validation

What I tried:

1. triggers, of course, I thought that business components and links stuff would be here to refresh everything about an action.

2. I also tried in the PageDef not caching the results of the underlying iterator from the table. However, this only leads to an exception during step 3 of my 'to be able to commit without a basic error of data fields that I".

I hope you can tell me what is the problem or you have any suggestions or advice.

Thanks in advance

Lukas Wagner

You should always use CreateInsert operation declaratively add new line to af:table.

"createInsert" has a problem: he inserts. I know almost no case (at least in a well-designed database location) when possible, insert without data. As it is in my case, so createInsert will not work, I get an exception from the database during insertion.

It will insert line collection in British Colombia ADF, not in the db table.

Framework will display data from db only when you call commit operation (or if you call transaction.postChanges ()) programmatically.

Thus, the workflow must be:

-Invoke CreateInsert

-Fill in all the mandatory attributes for this ViewObject

-Don't commit / rollback


Tags: Java

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    Thanks for that bring to our attention. The question doesn't seem to be specific to the creation of blank pages. I connected the bug 16729276 to follow up on this matter. In the meantime, the workaround, which I'm sure you already did, is to edit the page and update tab to make reference to the new blank page ID.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="horizontal" 
         minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
         <mx:Tree id="tree" width="300" height="500" labelField="name" />
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                   import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
                   protected var itm1:Object;
                   protected function run() : void
                        var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                        this.itm1 = new ObjectProxy({name:"1", children:new ArrayCollection()});
                        this.tree.dataProvider = ac;
                   protected function onClickAdd() : void

    I think that your case is equivalent to "loading lazy trees."  There are examples

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    Hi Alison, Sameh

    The reason why you see directions is not available, it's that for cards of Apple, turn-by-turn directions is not a feature that is available in the Qatar. You can search for places and satellite imagery
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    Nice day

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    First, update your anti-virus software and run a scan completes. Then:

    If you have not already seen it this article, it may be interesting to read through to check it out - http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-update-error-80072efd#1TC=windows-7

    If it still fails to run the resolution of the problems of Internet connection (from Control Panel) and see if that finds & correcting something. More details here - http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-troubleshoot-windows-7-internet-connection-.html

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    Hi Mitchell,

    Please uninstall and reinstall the ESET program and check if it solves the problem:

    Uninstall or change a program


    For further assistance:

    ESET knowledge base


    Please post us with the result.

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