XLATLONGNAME from the drop-down list should be a default value in the edit box


I have two fields in a grid, one named "TEST_Type" and one is named 'TEST_Name' edit box
Use cases, TEST_Name by default will be TEST_Type in Drop Down.

"TEST_Type" is the translation of edition Table and 'TEST_Name' will contain XLATLONGNAME.

I do drag XLATLONGNAME of PSXLATITEM table in my grid and make related field and "TEST_Type" a related control field.

Show LongName according to the value "TEST_Type.

If the field 'TEST_Name' RowInit, I wrote

If GetRow(). IsNew and
No (MYRecord.TEST_NAME. Value) then
MYRecord.TEST_NAME. Value = GetRow(). GetRecord (Record.PSXLATITEM). GetField (Field.XLATLONGNAME). Value;
End - If;

It gives an error

"Class line method GetRecord account PSXLATITEM is not valid. (2 268)

MYRecord.TEST_NAME. RowInit

The recording has been used as a parameter of the specified method. It is not valid for the current object. »

What is the problem?

Is there a better solution for this use case?

Thanks in advance

I think you mix a few think upwards.

The drop is on a class with the values of translate. So, when you set the property to the field from the drop-down list page to view the longxlatitem, you are finished.

If you want to copy the xlatlongvalue for some reason any other areas, use instead the domain object properties.

& dropdownlownlist = getrecord([YOUR_RECORD]).getfield ([YOUR_FIELD]);
VALUE = & dropdownlownlist. LongTranslateValue;

Kind regards


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Here is a very simplistic example. Please research each tag in the documentation to see how they can be used:

    ArrayNew (1) >

    Sorry for formatting issues.

    See you soon


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    of Tbl_Scholarships, Tbl_DistCode
    where Tbl_Scholarships.DistCode = Tbl_DistCode.id
    AcctNum order
    < / cfquery >

    < cfparam name = 'X' default '0' = >
    < cfparam name = default "CounterX" = "0" >

    <!--get scholarship-->

    < cfif getStudentsDataRet.RecordCount eq 0 >
    < class p 'paragraph' = > No Records Found < /p >
    < class p = "pageheight" > < / p >
    < class p = "pageheight" > < / p >
    < cfelse >

    < class p = "submitmessage" > records found - < cfoutput > #getStudentsDataRet.Recordcount # < / cfoutput > < / p >
    < table width = "98%" border = "1" cellpadding = "3" cellspacing = "0" style = "" border-collapse: collapse "bordercolor ="#000000"align ="center">"
    < class tr = "steptext2" bgcolor = "#999999" align = "center" >
    < td width = "10%" > Student ID < table >
    < td width = "9%" > name < table >
    < td width = "9%" > name < table >
    < td width = "5%" > GPA Cum < table >
    < td width = "5%" > account # < table >
    < td width = "5%" > < table > amount
    < td width = "20%" > account # | Dist Code | Scholarship name < table >
    < /tr >

    < do action = "updateAward.cfm" method = "post" name = "AwardForm" > "
    < cfoutput query = "getStudentsDataRet" >
    < cfif eq x 0 and x neq getStudentsDataRet.recordcount >
    < cfset x = 1 >
    < cfelseif x neq (getStudentsDataRet.recordcount + 1) >
    < cfset x = x + 1 >
    < / cfif >
    < class = "paragraph" tr >
    < td > #StudentID # < table >
    < td > #lname # < table >
    < td > #fname # < table >
    < td > #GPA # < table >

    < cfif AwardStatus eq 2 >
    < name cfquery = "getStudentsScholar" datasource = "#application. DSN #">"
    Select Code, Tbl_Scholarships.id, AcctNum, scholarships
    of Tbl_Scholarships, Tbl_DistCode
    where Tbl_Scholarships.DistCode = Tbl_DistCode.id
    and Tbl_Scholarships.ID = #getStudentsDataRet.ScholarshipID #.
    < / cfquery >
    < / cfif >
    < td >
    < select name = "" scholarshipID_ #X # "onChange =" showMessage_ #X #(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) ">"
    < option value = "" > < / option >
    < cfloop query = "getScholarshipRet" >
    < option value = "" #id # "selected < cfif getStudentsDataRet.ScholarshipID eq id > < / cfif > > #AcctNum # < / option >"
    < / cfloop >
    < / select >
    < table >
    < td > < input name = "" amount_ #X # "type ="text"size ="5"< cfif amount gt 0 > value = ' #NumberFormat (amount, 99.99) # ' < / cfif > / > < table >"
    < td > < cfif AwardStatus eq 2 > #getStudentsScholar.AcctNum # | #getStudentsScholar.Code # | #getStudentsScholar.Scholarship # | #getStudentsDataRet.ScholarshipID # < / cfif > < table >
    "< input name =" "IndexID_ #x #" type = "hidden" value = "#SSID #" / >
    < /tr >
    < / cfoutput >
    < cfoutput > < input name = "CounterX" type = "hidden" value = "" #getStudentsDataRet.RecordCount # "/ > < / cfoutput >"
    < b >
    < td align = "center" colspan = "11" height = "50" valign = "middle" > < input name = "Submit" type = "submit" value = "Submit" / > < table >
    < /tr >
    < / make >
    < /table >
    < / cfif >

    the syntax is: getStudentsDataRet.ScholarshipID [1]

    where '1' is the line number to specify

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    xfa.resolveNodes ("RowOptionalCoverage [*]. DdlCoverageType [*] ") .execEvent ("exit");"      does not work

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    Hello Stephen,

    You need to loop through each instance of the line and force the exit event. Without the form, it should look like:

    var oRows = xfa.resolveNodes ("RowOptionalCoverage [*]");
    oNodes var = oRows.length;
    for (var i = 0; i)< onodes;="">
    xfa.resolveNode ("RowOptionalCoverage [" + i + "]"). DdlCoverageType.execEvent ("exit");

    You could also index table to determine the number of row repeat:

    var oNodes = RowOptionalCoverage.instanceManager.count;

    You may change this to make it work.

    Good luck


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    If I select Bob

    If I select Jane



    Jane (I want to appear as shown in the list)

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    var sNewSel = this.boundItem (xfa.event.newText);

    Switch (sNewSel)


    case '1': / / Amy

    TextField1.rawValue = "Amy \n";


    Switch (sNewSel)


    case '2': / / Bob

    TextField1.rawValue = "Bob \n";


    Of course that's not work one name shows at a time. Help, please!

    Thank you

    Don't know what the code is supposed to do, but basically, you want to add the name of the drop-down list the addition on the current value of the TextField? Why not use the dropdownlist display value directly? For example on the change event:

    if ( TextField1.rawValue == null )
        TextField1.rawValue = xfa.event.newText;
        TextField1.rawValue += ( "\n" + xfa.event.newText );
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    Drop-down list:

    with(borderPanels.add()) {

         pdfDD = dropdowns.add();

         sl = new Array();

         for (i = 0; i < app.pdfExportPresets.length; i++)


         pdfDD.stringList = sl;
         pdfDD.selectedIndex = 0;





    myPreset = pdfDD.selectedIndex;

    In PDF format:

        // Open, Export, & Close
        for (i = myFileAmount; i >= 0; i--) {


            ExportFormat.pdfType, File(myFolder.fsName + "/" + app.activeDocument.name.split(".indd")[0] + ".pdf"), false, myPreset);

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    Thank you!

    In view of your code, you probably need something like:

    myPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName (pdfDD.stringList [pdfDD.selectedIndex]);



  • Add options from a drop-down list of c ++

    In my C++ files, I have a QMap to data that I want to add a drop-down menu that I have in QML.

    I can't find examples of how to add options to a menu already existing but.  Here's what I have in my file QML right now:

    DropDown {
                        id: account
                        title : "Account"
                        enabled : true

    It seems it should be a fairly easy process to get the id of the drop-down list and enter the data of my inside QMap.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    Oh, I didn't see that you do not know how to connect the logic of C++ to the UI QML, the ID of the component QML is not enough, you must set objectName: property 'dropDown' too.

    You can reach any CPP QML object like this:

    This excerpt comes from YourProjectName.cpp
    create the active document of the main.qml scene
    Set parent document created to ensure that there is overall
    application lifetime

    QmlDocument * qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

    Create the root for the UI object
    AbstractPane * root = qml->() createRootObject;
    game created the root like a scene object
    App-> setScene (root);

    and here's the findChild method
    Drop-down list * dpList = root-> findChild ("combo");

    After this line, dpList will point to the controller of the user interface.

  • Filling of a numeric field by selecting from a drop-down list

    Hello all;

    I went through the 38 pages on the form now to try to understand it myself. I must have missed something or this day becomes medium long.

    I am filling a numeric field that is based on what is selected in a drop-down list box.

    For the test, I use only 2 fields

    DropDownList1 and digital Field1

    I If (DropDownList1.rawValue == 1) { }

    NumericField1.rawValue = 25;


    On the other;

    (DropDownList1.rawValue == 2) { }

    NumericField1.rawValue = 35;


    That worked. I am now getting the error "missing; before the statement

    "6:xfa: form1 [0]: #subform [0]: DropDownList [0]: output"

    Specify the value of points is checked in the tab links for DropDownList1.

    I said this with a single selection, who worked

    if (DropDownList1.rawValue == 1) { }

    NumericField1.rawValue = 25;


    Thank you all


    If it's a copy/paste of your script, you have a semicolon after the "else" and "else" should be lowercase.

    And for nested IFS, you need an "else if", so:

    If (DropDownList1.rawValue == 1) {}

    NumericField1.rawValue = 25;


    Else if (DropDownList1.rawValue == 2) {}

    NumericField1.rawValue = 35;



    If you have a lot of statements, you might want to look at using a statement that may be easier to read.

    {Switch (DropDownList1.RawValue)}

    case '1 ':

    NumericField1.rawValue = 25;


    case '2 ':

    NumericField1.rawValue = 35;




  • How to change or remove a line from a drop down list?

    I have a spreadsheet Numbers drop down box that shows the 3 lines of the text when I start typing the text in the cell. I have to enter the same text 3 times during the construction of the document. How can I remove 2 of these lines of text?

    Hi Brudduh,

    Click the cell that contains the context menu,

    Click on the brush to Format to open the Format Inspector and click cell.

    The Inspector displays the menu items in the context Menu in this cell.

    • To remove a menu item: click on the item to select. Click the button below the list.
    • To edit an item: double-click on the item to select content. Modify if needed.
    • To add an item: click on the button +. Type the content of the element.

    To use the same drop-down list in a different cell:

    • Click the cell that contains the menu to select. Copy.
    • Select the cells to the same menu. Dough.

    Kind regards


  • How to import a list from a drop-down list?

    I have a list of 500 names that I need to import in a drop-down list instead of typing them one by one.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I tried all sorts of things but can't get the first line to stick in the drop-down Options menu.

    Help, please! Tight deadline!

    Thank you


    Here's a simple form that you can use: https://acrobat.com/?d=sIJoabh12oYOY19AuTZ9yw

    Paste the list into the field of large text at the bottom, click on the button at the top and then copy the drop-down list on the form and paste it into your form.

    This demo has been discussed in a previous thread: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1025337?start=0&tstart=0

  • Slide to pause until that value is selected from a drop down list?

    Hi there everyone.

    I try to create a cover page of sorts for a simulation of system where the user is asked to enter his name and choose where they work in for a combo box (using the drop-down list box widget)

    I have the name entry part work and the drop-down list box is displayed, but I'm having some problems with it.

    First of all, as soon as a value is selected in the box is jumps to the next slide. I would have rather navigation controlled by a button that the user can make sure that they have chosen the correct value before continuing. Is there a way to do this?


    This is the craziest question, but think I found the reason: Although the widget looks a lot smaller in edit mode, when opening it (preview or published) it falls above the button. When I have it away, seems to work. Can you confirm?


  • Selecting a value in a drop-down list returns to an incorrect value


    I have a table with drop-down lists in a column. The drop-down list provides 3 values: Yes, no and s/o. When the user selects n/d and leaves the cell, the value changes to no.

    Any thoughts on what is the cause and how to fix it?

    Thank you


    You can set the same value for two choices in the drop-down list. This is why it is failing the first condition in the list with the same value...


    You could not give the values for the items in the list... In this case, as they both start with "N", it will highlight the first item that starts with "N"...

    Set different values for each element in the binding tab, then click on specify point values.

    Thank you


  • Add/Remove the same exact point from a drop down list


    I need power remove/hide and/add/view THE SAME POINT, or that it doesn't look like the same question, please see the example of what I m doing:

    When you open the document:


    If you click 'Yes' to the first radio 4 value is added


    If you click 'Yes' in the second radio, value 5 is added


    If you click 'no' on the first radio, you remove the value 4 BECAUSE you remove the element #3


    If you click on 'no' on the second radio, you delete nothing 4 BECAUSE you try to delete the point #4


    And then you get this weird combination


    This is the code on the first Radio

     form1.#subform[0].value_4::click - (JavaScript, client)

    if (this.rawValue == "1") {
         DropDownList1.addItem("value 4");
    }else {

    This is the code on the second radio

     form1.#subform[0].value_5::click - (JavaScript, client)

    (this.rawValue == "1") {
           DropDownList1.addItem("value 5");
    }else {

    Anyone know how to remove a specific item of a dropdrown? or may not remove, hide only if this is possible... I tried to change specific values for Add/Remove always from the same point, but it did not work.

    Thank you!

    Ago, I find it odd that there is no native method xfa for the index of an item in the menu drop-down. Not documented at least (as I know).

    What you can do however, is create your own method!

    Here, in the initialize event of your highest subform you create a method that exends class object (which includes all XFA objects too), like native JavaScript:

    //@para String value of the item in the drop down
    //@return Boolean - true if item was deleted, false if not and null object if not found in the list
     for (var a=0;a

    You can remove any item from your drop by modying your code:

    if (this.rawValue == "1") {
     DropDownList1.addItem("value 4");
      else {
     DropDownList1.deleteItemValue("value 4");


  • How to drive the content of a text field or table from a drop-down list selection cell?

    Users will choose an option in a menu drop-down. I want their selection to control the contents of the cells in a table or text elsewhere on the form fields.

    For example, 'The coldest season of the year' by selecting 'winter' in the menu drop-down displays in a table cell.

    Thanks in advance for the help.


    Hi Nick,

    Here are some examples:




    If you open these in LC Designer, you can view the script by selecting the menu drop down and looking at the script at the top of the window Editor. If the script editor is a single line, you can drag the lower edge to make it bigger.

    Good luck


  • The Back button only allows me to return a page at a time instead of select a previous page from a drop-down list. It is a real problem: someone has any ideas?

    In the previous version of Firefox, I could go back to a previous page by clicking on a part of the previous button which brought up a list of recently visited sites and clicking on one of them, might go back to this page. This installation does not seem to be available in the latest Firefox, and the back button only goes back one page at a time. It's really embarrassing, like,

      it now takes longer to get to an earlier page
      there is no visibility of previous pages visited
      any actions carried out on webpages are undone when going back through them - this does not happen when jumping back several pages in one go.

    It is a real problem, I used the old system constantly and cannot continue to use Firefox 4.0 unless there is a way around it.

    Use it to open the history list:

    • Right-click on the back or next button
    • Press and hold the left button of the mouse on the active back or forward button until the list opens

    You can watch this extension:

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