XMLForest with multiple subqueries return not some tags


PL/SQL in Oracle (stored procedure).

I am using this slider (I only show a part of the cursor - hope that is not a problem):

XMLForest (brd.service_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:Insemination",
XMLElement ("ns3:Bull",
XMLElement("ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber", brd.sire_reg_id)))
OF cmi_breedings brd
WHERE brd.anm_id = anm.id
AND brd.sire_reg_id IS NOT NULL
AND brd.service_date = (SELECT MAX (brd2.service_date)
OF cmi_breedings brd2
WHERE brd2.anm_id = brd.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (lct.start_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:Parturition",
XMLElement("ns3:LactationNumber", lct.lact_no)))
OF cmi_lactations lct
WHERE lct.anm_id = anm.id
AND lct.start_date = (SELECT MAX (lct2.start_date)
OF cmi_lactations lct2
WHERE lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (lct.end_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:DryOff")))
OF cmi_lactations lct
WHERE lct.anm_id = anm.id
AND lct.end_date = (SELECT MAX (lct2.end_date)
OF cmi_lactations lct2
WHERE lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (prg.prgncy_chk_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:PregnancyCheck",
XMLElement ("ns3:PregnancyCheckResult", DECODE (prg.prgncy_ind, '1', 'F', 'E')))
OF cmi_pregnancies prg
WHERE prg.anm_id = anm.id
AND prg.prgncy_chk_date = (SELECT MAX (prg2.prgncy_chk_date)
OF prg2 cmi_pregnancies
WHERE prg2.anm_id = prg.anm_id)) AS 'AnimalEvent '.
) AS "AnimalEvents".

which means (as expected and works perfectly):

< AnimalEvents >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 09 - 08 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Insemination >
< ns3:Bull >
< ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber > 5401809 < / ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber >
< / ns3:Bull >
< / ns3:Insemination >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 05 - 10 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Parturition >
< ns3:LactationNumber > 8 < / ns3:LactationNumber >
< / ns3:Parturition >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1998 - 02 - 02 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:DryOff / >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< / AnimalEvents >

However, if I wanted to return several rows for an animal insemination event by changing the query like this:

XMLForest (brd.service_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:Insemination",
XMLElement ("ns3:Bull",
XMLElement("ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber", brd.sire_reg_id)))
OF cmi_breedings brd
WHERE brd.anm_id = anm.id
AND brd.sire_reg_id IS NOT NULL
AND brd.service_date > (SELECT MIN (brd2.service_date) <-what IS THE LINE has BEEN CHANGED)
OF cmi_breedings brd2
WHERE brd2.anm_id = brd.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (lct.start_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:Parturition",
XMLElement("ns3:LactationNumber", lct.lact_no)))
OF cmi_lactations lct
WHERE lct.anm_id = anm.id
AND lct.start_date = (SELECT MAX (lct2.start_date)
OF cmi_lactations lct2
WHERE lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (lct.end_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:DryOff")))
OF cmi_lactations lct
WHERE lct.anm_id = anm.id
AND lct.end_date = (SELECT MAX (lct2.end_date)
OF cmi_lactations lct2
WHERE lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)) AS "AnimalEvent."
XMLForest (prg.prgncy_chk_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
'INF' AS 'ns3:ActionCode'),
XMLElement ("AnimalEventType",
XMLElement ("ns3:PregnancyCheck",
XMLElement ("ns3:PregnancyCheckResult", DECODE (prg.prgncy_ind, '1', 'F', 'E')))
OF cmi_pregnancies prg
WHERE prg.anm_id = anm.id
AND prg.prgncy_chk_date = (SELECT MAX (prg2.prgncy_chk_date)
OF prg2 cmi_pregnancies
WHERE prg2.anm_id = prg.anm_id)) AS 'AnimalEvent '.
) AS "AnimalEvents".

I get an error message on several rows returned (and that's what I want to be returned in some cases, more than one record).

For example, I would look like this (notice that I have an extra "insemination" in the example below):

< AnimalEvents >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 09 - 08 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Insemination >
< ns3:Bull >
< ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber > 5401809 < / ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber >
< / ns3:Bull >
< / ns3:Insemination >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1998 - 09 - 08 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Insemination >
< ns3:Bull >
< ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber > 2221809 < / ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber >
< / ns3:Bull >
< / ns3:Insemination >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 05 - 10 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Parturition >
< ns3:LactationNumber > 8 < / ns3:LactationNumber >
< / ns3:Parturition >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1998 - 02 - 02 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:DryOff / >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< / AnimalEvents >

I tried to use the XMLAgg() in the part of the query that returns the inseminations, but it comes down to something like this (I've lost my < Animalevent > for the second record of the insemination, I want it to look to the example above):

< AnimalEvents >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 09 - 08 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Insemination >
< ns3:Bull >
< ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber > 5401809 < / ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber >
< / ns3:Bull >
< / ns3:Insemination >
< / AnimalEventType >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1998 - 09 - 08 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Insemination >
< ns3:Bull >
< ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber > 2221809 < / ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber >
< / ns3:Bull >
< / ns3:Insemination >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1997 - 05 - 10 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:Parturition >
< ns3:LactationNumber > 8 < / ns3:LactationNumber >
< / ns3:Parturition >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< AnimalEvent >
< ns3:BeginDate > 1998 - 02 - 02 < / ns3:BeginDate >
< ns3:ActionCode > INF < / ns3:ActionCode >
< AnimalEventType >
< ns3:DryOff / >
< / AnimalEventType >
< / AnimalEvent >
< / AnimalEvents >

I tried different combinations of XMLAgg() for the multiple rows returned, and he allowed too lines returned the error to go away, but at the expense of the tag being AnimalEvent to be reproduced for the same animals event or be there only once when there are several animal events.  I know I'm close to the solution and I bet it's very simple, but I don't get it.

The only "rules" that I need are:

1. the AnimalEvents tag must appear only once and only as it is at least an AnimalEvent.

2. no blank/empty tag should appear.  For example, if there is no AnimalEvent tag while there should be no tag AnimalEvents.

3. even if I'm trying to select the records of several "insemination" only so far for this particular test, all 4 potential AnimalEvents ("Insémination", "Parturition", 'DryOff' and 'PregnancyCheck') will be rescheduled to select multiple records later.

4. each animal individual event ("Insemination", "Parturition", 'DryOff', 'PregnancyCheck') should be locked up by the AnimalEvent tag.

I don't know if I'm missing any other details?

Help, please!  Thank you.

I guess you wrote that because I used it somewhere, that seems like a bad idea

I understand why you used, and why most of the people use it in this kind of situation, but as see you it clearly now, it is not suitable more to what you aim at. Where my suggestion while trying not to use in the first place.

In addition, XMLForest is just a shortcut, in fact, a combination of a CASE statement and XMLElement that Oracle develops during analysis.

In some cases, where the subquery caching is not possible for example, that made a request using XMLForest performs badly if the operands are complex because they are used twice during the assessment.

Here's a simple example:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> create or replace function get_data (p_input in number) return number is
  2  begin
  3    dbms_output.put_line('You called me!');
  4    return p_input;
  5  end;
  6  /

Function created.

SQL> select xmlserialize(content xmlforest(get_data(1) as "test"))
  2  from dual;


You called me!
You called me!

The function is called twice, because Oracle rewrites the XMLForest call to:

BOX WHEN get_data (1) IS NOT NULL THEN XMLElement ('test', get_data (1)) END

Of course, the function can be deterministic, but this isn't the point here.

In your case, since you are with subqueries, those are probably cached and executed only once, but I think it is useful to know the internal mechanisms, however.

Back to your question, how about something like this:

  -- concat the four possible events
    -- Insemination
      SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) != 0
             THEN XMLAgg(
                       XMLForest(brd.service_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
                                 'INF'            AS "ns3:ActionCode"),
                                XMLElement("ns3:RegistrationAnimalNumber", brd.sire_reg_id))))
      FROM   cmi_breedings brd
      WHERE  brd.anm_id       = anm.id
      AND    brd.sire_reg_id  IS NOT NULL
      AND    brd.service_date > (SELECT MIN(brd2.service_date)
                                 FROM   cmi_breedings brd2
                                 WHERE  brd2.anm_id = brd.anm_id)
    -- Parturition
      SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) != 0
             THEN XMLAgg(
                      XMLForest(lct.start_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
                                'INF'          AS "ns3:ActionCode"),
                            XMLElement("ns3:LactationNumber", lct.lact_no)))
      FROM   cmi_lactations lct
      WHERE  lct.anm_id     = anm.id
      AND    lct.start_date > (SELECT MIN(lct2.start_date)
                               FROM   cmi_lactations lct2
                               WHERE  lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)
    -- DryOff
      SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) != 0
             THEN XMLAgg(
                      XMLForest(lct.end_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
                                'INF'        AS "ns3:ActionCode"),
      FROM   cmi_lactations lct
      WHERE  lct.anm_id   = anm.id
      AND    lct.end_date > (SELECT MIN(lct2.end_date)
                             FROM   cmi_lactations lct2
                             WHERE  lct2.anm_id = lct.anm_id)
    -- PregnancyCheck
      SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) != 0
             THEN XMLAgg(
                      XMLForest(prg.prgncy_chk_date AS "ns3:BeginDate",
                                'INF'               AS "ns3:ActionCode"),
                            XMLElement("ns3:PregnancyCheckResult", DECODE(prg.prgncy_ind, '1', 'F', 'E'))))
      FROM   cmi_pregnancies prg
      WHERE  prg.anm_id          = anm.id
      AND    prg.prgncy_chk_date > (SELECT MIN(prg2.prgncy_chk_date)
                                    FROM   cmi_pregnancies prg2
                                    WHERE  prg2.anm_id = prg.anm_id)
  ) AS "AnimalEvents"

Here, the AnimalEvent tag is included directly in the subquery, before the aggregation, removing the need for deeper XMLConcat in the process.

If the subquery returns no rows, no tag is generated through the CASE statement.

Tags: Oracle Development

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    Option 1:

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    Welcome to the forum!

    We don't know what you are trying to do.
    You want all of the columns in the rows where NBRJOBS_EFFECTIVE_DATE is the date limit before a given date (November 15, 2011 in this example) for all rows in the result set with this NBRJOBS_PIDM? If so, here is one way:

    with         GOT_R_NUM     as
         select       NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS.*,
                NBRBJOB.NBRBJOB.*     -- You may have to give aliases, so that every column has a unique name
         ,       rank () over ( partition by  NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_PIDM
                                   order by      NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_EFFECTIVE_DATE     desc
                          )             as R_NUM
         from          POSNCTL.NBRBJOB NBRBJOB
                                            and      (NBRBJOB.NBRBJOB_POSN = NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_POSN)
                                      and      (NBRBJOB.NBRBJOB_SUFF = NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_SUFF)
         where       NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_SUFF             != 'LS'       -- Is this what you meant?
         and        NBRBJOB.NBRBJOB_CONTRACT_TYPE   ='P'
         and       NBRJOBS.NBRJOBS_EFFECTIVE_DATE  <= to_date ('2011/11/15', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
    select       *     -- Or list all columns except R_NUM
    from       GOT_R_NUM
    where       R_NUM          = 1
    order by  NBRJOBS_PIDM

    Normally this site does not display the <>inequality operator; He thinks it's some kind of beacon.
    Whenever you post on this site, use the other inequality operator (equivalent), *! = *.

    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT, only relevant columns instructions) for all the tables involved and the results desired from these data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.
    You will get better results faster if you always include this information whenever you have a problem.

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    Hi El KG,

    1. do you receive error messages or error codes?

    You can read the following article and check if it helps:

    OLEXP: "identity switch canceled" when starting Outlook Express


    Also check the following links:

    OLEXP: How to create and use identities in Outlook Express 5.x and 6.0




    Hope this information is useful.

    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    Thank you!

    Change the channel on E2000 to 6 or 11. Save the settings.

    Also try to change some advanced on the router settings wireless. Click on the Wireless tab and go wireless advanced settings. Change the tag to 75 interval, RTS threshold to 2307 and 2306 fragmentation threshold. Save the settings.

    Go to the Configuration tab and change the size MTU to 1365. Save the settings and the cycle of power to the router. See if that helps you.

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    All of the suggestions. Even your options do not address several problems of interaction with the hardware and software all needs of problems to adapt to a single category.


    To correct the software issues run the methods mentioned below.
    Method 1: run the troubleshooter and check if the problem is resolved.

    Method 2 : run a SFC (System File Checker) scan and see if the problem occurs.

    Method 3 : run Clean boot and check if the problem persists.

    To help resolve the error and other messages, you can start Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This type of boot is known as a "clean boot". A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.

    Note: follow step 7 to reset the computer to start as usual after the boot process.

    To solve the problems related to Windows Live and MSN to check the links below on contact.

    To solve the problems related to the HP touch computer

    Update the HP touch drivers from the manufacturers Web site.

    Hope that helps.
  • With multiple vcenter inventory

    Hi guys,.

    Try to get connected with multiple vcenter inventory,

    Have problems with the release of some VM are attributed to wrong Vcenter and running OS is not always correct.

    Can anyone help?

    Here's the script:

    $VmInfo = Foreach ($vcenter in $global: DefaultVIServers) {}

    ForEach ($Datacenter in (Get-Data Center |)) Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($Cluster in ($Datacenter |)) Get-Cluster | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($VM in ($Cluster |)) Get - VM | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($HardDisk to ($VM |)) Get-hard drive | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    "" | Select-Object - property @{N = "VM"; E = {$VM. Name}},

    @{N = 'Vcenter'; E = {$vcenter. Name}},

    @{N = "OS"; E = {$vm. Guest.OsFullName}},

    @{N = 'Center'; {E = {$Datacenter.Name}}.

    @{N = 'Cluster'; E = {$cluster. Name}},

    @{N = 'Host'; E = {$vm. VMHost.Name}},

    @{N = "HostVersion"; E = {$vm. VMHost.version}}






    $VmInfo | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture-Path "D:\report.csv".

    Try like this.

    -What is produced fewer lines?

    $VmInfo = Foreach ($vcenter in $global: DefaultVIServers) {}

    ForEach ($Datacenter in (Get-Data Center-Server $vcenter |)) Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($Cluster in ($Datacenter |)) Get-Cluster-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($VM in ($Cluster |)) Get-VM-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($HardDisk to ($VM |)) Get-disk hard-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    "" | Select-Object - property @{N = "VM"; E = {$VM. Name}},

    @{N = 'Vcenter'; E = {$vcenter. Name}},

    @{N = "OS"; E = {$vm. Guest.OsFullName}},

    @{N = 'Center'; {E = {$Datacenter.Name}}.

    @{N = 'Cluster'; E = {$cluster. Name}},

    @{N = 'Host'; E = {$vm. VMHost.Name}},

    @{N = "HostVersion"; E = {$vm. VMHost.version}}






    $VmInfo | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture-Path "D:\report.csv".

  • First Audio interpretation is a track with multiple channels.

    We have 4 audio channels, sometimes 5 or 6 channels (component of integrated audio system, LAV, ramps, etc.). All these channels are in a wav file.

    I want that first pro to interpret these data so that it uses only ONE piece on the timeline, with all the channels that have been heard in this track.

    I watched this tutorial, thinking that it would:


    However, for some reason I can't find an option to do what I want. Did I miss something in the window change Audio channels? I can set the number of tracks to 1, however, it does not allow several channels...

    Now, if this IS possible... Can I still change each channel individually in first?

    I appreciate your response and your knowledge.

    Thank you.

    Sorry, I couldn't find a post edit...

    But this post saved my life, for all who have had the same question!

    Dealing with multiple audio channels in a track: Adobe Premiere Pro

Maybe you are looking for

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  • results of the analysis of poor

    I have a Deskjet 2542 in a series, purchased on 02/04/14 when I scanned a letter before sending him an e-mail the results are unreadable I changed the settings accordingly still always bad results can help before I the take it back to the bridge to p