Firefox App

I want to have a home button on my toolbar. How can I do?

I want to be the cable to access the homepage by the presence of a home button in the toolbar.

Can scroll is no longer with the mouse since FF48 on Android. Ff48 mark now instead of scrolling text

Subject says it all. I have two boxes of Android MyGica running FF48 one with Android 4.4.2 and the other is 5.0. Never had any problems with FF until V48. Now, I can't scroll with the mouse or keyboard.

Firefox can't confirm a secure connection to Google when you try to search

I can reach all my favorites without problem, but all the web fail to research without worrying that site search is used (Google Bing Yahoo). I've been using Firefox on this phone successfully for a year (not a new installation) The error message is

Why my version of Firefox for Android doesn't have a bookmark (star) symbol to create?

I noticed that the symbol of the bookmark (star) is missing from my version of Firefox for Android. Until I can get it back I can't record more favorites. He is nowhere to be seen. Address, not on the browser bar, bar anywhere. Where is he past? Wher

Push-to-Addon Kindle is Grayed Out

I am terribly confused. I had the ff Push to Kindle addon installed. I have a mediocre performance issues with ff and removed and reinstalled the same version. I went back to reinstall ptk and now she is grayed out in the addons section. It worked pe

How can I delete a bookmark if the star isn't blue?

There are several sites marked on my list of bookmarked on my ipad, but when I try to delete some of them, the star is not blue. If I do blue, it added the site again to my list. Then I can remove this site by clicking on the Blue Star, but the origi

Android 5.0 comes out Bookmarks

My Favorites are in added most recently arrested. I want to sort them by name (no URL). I can't find the settings to sort. I don't want to search for in the search box.

How to remove files after synchronization with PC

After syncing, I tried to delete some unnecessary files and bookmarks. I can't delete files even if they are empty. Bookmarks are deleted very well.

When setting ' on: on ' new homepage on Firefox for Android after having restarted the program the on: on the page is empty and 'settings' are grayed out

I can access is more about: config (even empty) and I can't export profile using the Copy Profile.xpi. New Session invited works normally By the way is anyway to export, then import prefs.js in firefox on a phone for?

'Send to device' option of Firefox for Android has gone... again.

50.0b1 Firefox Beta for Android used to have an option to send tabs to other devices, but now he's gone. The stable version on Store doesn't have this option as well. There is an option 'Add to Firefox', but his only secondary option is to add to Fav

How to prevent intrusive sites open on my Tablet?

When I look at 123movies on my Tablet I keep on getting ads on how to make money Web sites or game, I find this VERY offensive, how to stop the reception of this shit?

Why Firefox Sync is not protected by 2FA OTP?

There is no option to add 2FA to your sync account. So you can't log in to synchronize your information to a public computer without endangering your password and your account to full synchronization.

Get rid of the history of the form > > Android < <

Please, no answers for PC. I use Firefox on my phone. Can someone tell me how never never and never use form history. On my phone, this popup over a form field, is pure nonsense (I've never will fill in the same text again) and she translates importa

Where can I find a Firefox app for iOS 5.1?

I have an old iOS iPad running 1 where can I get the firefox compatible with it?

That means 'Attempt limit exceeded' and how to I remedy?

I'm trying to synchronize Firefox between my iPhone and my Windows computer. I can connect successfully to my computer at first, then I make a confusion with passwords and 'Attempt limit exceeded' appears now on phone and computer. I have delete my a

When it will be available for iOS Firefox addons of Firefox?

This isn't a bug, just a general question. I was disappointed to see that Firefox for iOS (iPad air 2) don't have any addons. When it will be available for iOS Firefox addons of Firefox?

Firefox IOS contains 6 connected devices when none are connected

When you try to synchronize Firefox in IOS I get 'Not Sync not available'. When I press the "Clock", under "Synchronized devices" icon it said "6 device (s)". I only have my laptop and Ipad which I am trying to sync? Why Firefox IOS think I have 6 de

How to call firefox app in url scheme

Expensive than it may cover Hello, I'm an iPhone Developer and is facing a problem. I want to call the application firefox to my application, but I have no idea to get the firefox app url scheme. If you don't mind, could you let me know what it is or
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