HP Tablets

HotSync with Vista 64

I cannot synchronize with palm E2 and Vista 64 Error message "current port in use by another application"

HotSync to Outlook 2003 Centro media

I started HotSync my Centro contacts and calendar with Outlook 2003, I use as my mail reader, but I can't seem to find a way to unload my photos or videos, other than the return of Palm desktop.  Is it possible to do this with Outlook?

Mobile send me error

I managed my .me account installation to receive messages, but nothing I've tried will get my outgoing mail to send.  I've seen comments on the forums to change the port leaving 587 - no joy.  I also tried to use authentication on and outside and sti

You can disable network functionality

It can move, but I didn't know where he was going. I have a Tungsten E2.  I have a ball of baseball scoring software package that I use in this topic.  Whenever I get back something, the Palm is looking for a network service.  Is there a way to disab

Palm Vx synchronize using Hotsync 7.0.2

I'm migrating my data from a TX to an old VX I data in Desktop 6.2.2 and connected the Vx using my old serial cable. HotSync is configured for a connection series on com 1. When I touched the hotsync on Palm th icon, I get the Hotsync progress on des

Email accounts not added on the Meadow

This is not an e-mail account that I added on my pre. I'm checking emails on my live (formerly hotmail) account. I am able to get on the account, but when I press the email to open it nothing happens. I am able to disconnect, go through the different


I have a palm treo 650. I have all the features through verizon activated on the phone. Im trying to set up an e-mail account. instructions say to go to main menu versamail and choosing... There is no icon versamail on the phone... just one who said

Pre Bluetooth crashes when the screen turns off

Having a problem with the Bluetooth on my pre. I coupled it with a Plantronics Voyager 855. Initial pairing works very well, but after the screen on the pre turns off, the connection goes bad. When I turn the screen back on, the Bluetooth application

Palm Z22 and problem with Outlook 2007 help.

News: Palm Z22, Palm Desktop software is being updated for the most common, Outlook 2007, 32 bit Windows Vista computer. I have been using a Palm Z22 for several years.  I want to use Outlook 2007 but failed to get transferred to the Outlook 2007 dat

Change Languaje

How can I change the languaje of my smartphone to Spanish?

I need a screw...

The itty bitty live few that holds the antenna in place on a Treo 700 p to be exact.  It is located in the little countersunk hole below the antenna.  Palm and Verizon seem to if interested in making it simple to get the thing, and to spend $200 to g

How to import from outlook tol Palm Desktop (*.dba)?

I lost my (Palm Vx) hardware, but I have all my data on my computer (Windows XP). Can´t Outlook Import *.dba as far as I understand. How can I recover my Outlook calendar?

import data to new pc M500

I have an older m500, and I need to import my data from my calendar files and address book to a new pc.  I am running XP, and I downloaded the software available on the site.  When I try to import, the file format of the data file it needs are not av

Old data to the new phone

I have a Centro (sprint), which is synchronized including my calendar, contacts and photos. I recently had my accident of screen on my phone, so I sent the same brand of phone in replacement. When I try to synchronize the new phone, it creates a new

Limbo btw desktop installs

Hi all I'm a long-time user palm which is having a wired installation problem I'm sure someone can help with. Background: A Treo 700 p Sprint with Palm Desktop 4.2 work very well for years on XP.  I lost the 700 p Monday and replacement who came toda

Import of old tungsten e given to new e2

Help!  I have lost my Palm data.  My Tungsten e died and I got a refurbished Tungsten e2.  When I loaded the new software on my pc, it seems I've lost the old data.  I again gave a different name.  Both names appear in the Palm file located in the pr

washed out background on the Treo Pro image

Hello: When I put my background image on my today screen (check box in the settings, navigate to the image - use the 320 x 320 resolution) I get a "washed out" version of the image, regardless of its original color, your or its intensity. Images of t

Synchronization of two different models on the same PC

I just bought a Z22 to replace an IIIxe, but my wife always uses an IIIxe.  Is there a way I can synchronize them both on the same PC running Windows XP?  Two different versions of office can be installed on the same PC?  If so, how?  Thank you

Cannot delete contacts!

Most of my contacts 'transferred' from my old phone to my Treo to my SIM card, even if some didn't (not a big deal) However, I can't open those who did.  I just get the beep when I try to open then.  Therefore, since I can't open them, I also can not