
Is it possible to HDR user on iPad 2?

I can't find HDR in my camera settings.

IBM application called "spirits of modern mathematics."

Hello I have problems with this IBM called 'Spirits of modern mathematics' application that does not appear on the list of apps to report a problem after uploading. I tried 5 times, but all I get is the "small wheel" after install.  I don't know how

Is there an iPad free pro guide users?

Where can I find a guide to the user for the new iPad pro?

Apple pencil will work as a simple pen on other iPads from Apple or iPhone?

Apple pencil will work as a simple pen on other iPads from Apple or iPhone?

iPad does not connect to the Macbook

Hello guys, please, help me So, I wanted to add the iTunes music on Macbook Air to iPad mini2 I connected with the lightning for Macbook iPad and it shows me, that he is in charge, BUT in 1 SEC is disappears. That the load again, that disconnected It

It is best to turn off or leave my iPad in standby mode

It is better to turn off or leave my iPad in standby mode?

Additions/removing applications from the dock

Hellotwo little question. 1. is it possible to add/remove applications from the docking station? I have pictures and it iTunes for some reason or another, and I did not really need them. 2 is. a similar question, possible to uninstall some of the App

Synchronization of Contacts

Having a problem syncing the contacts list on my iMac to my iPad. The iCloud Mail synchronizes well. Cannot find anything on the settings of the iPad that synchronizes contacts. Thanks for any info.

When we turn on my wife's ipad, a box of red line begins to jump around the screen, and then a pale red stripe moves back on the screen. Any ideas on how to stop it? Thank you

When we turn on my wife's ipad, a box of red line begins to jump around the screen, and then a pale red stripe moves back on the screen. Any ideas on how to stop it? Thank you

I've had an iPad for when they released first. How can I find out what operating system, I have to be able to update at the following system?

I had an Apple iPad since when they went out first;  How can I know what version I have so I can upgrade to the latest version, I can use?  I also have a desktop computer Apple which is older than the iPad?  Thank you

How can I open jpg in my emailsb

I have an iPad iOS 9.1 and would like to know how to open a jpg file I received in my email. There is a number followed by jpg, but no picture. Please could someone help me.  Thank you

Restore sites removed frequently visited in iPad Safari

When I first got my iPad and did not have much idea what I was doing and thinking that my action would be temporary, I deleted some of my sites the most visited of the Panel frequently visited. Having realized my error, it has been an annoyance to ac

Pictures are cropped, is there a setting screen adjustment?

My photos are cropped when I look on my all new Air 2, is there a setting to make it seen like a "fit to window"?  Thanks in advance.

I had dinner all the stuff I can find, but my new iPad pro drains the battery 1-2minuts life ever? Please help me I have no idea

Ive had only my iPad pro for a few days now and the battery just drains constantly 1% every minute or so. I read online and have turned some triggering and cool off apps, Bluetooth off exe... My iPad pro always drains battery life bad... I use it con

I have an iPad 2 Air myPhone does not appear at the bottom of the screen on FaceTime, when call is received. Tried typing the wallpaper nothing.  Could I have accidentally disabled something?  Any suggestion would be appreciated.

I have an air of the iPad 2. I can't answer my incoming calls on facetime no phone on the screen.  I tried to hit the bottom of the screen and nothing happened.  could I have accidentally disabled somethng? Any help would be appreciated.

Remove Ukash ipad

How can I remove ukash ("police") virus / malwareSince ipad Air?

How many iPad Versions of Air?

How will I know if I use an IPad Air and what version?

The Apple 2 Configurator - iPads reset randomly

Hello, I recently setup one set up 43 Mini 2 iPad using Apple Configurator 2. It is a pain in itself but I have finally all the settings and I work as they wanted. Since then, a nightmare began to fall apart. Ipads have decided to get back at random,

Why is it I can't create notes with checklists on my ipad 2 but I can change them when sent from my iphone 5 s

I can create Notes on my Iphone5s with lists of verification, but it's ' the same t on my Ipad 2 and again when the Notes are sync'd from the phone, I can add checklists on this same Note on my Ipad - stupid

MDM and locking activation

Hi people! A question about MDM and Activation lock. We currently use Airwatch as our management solution and have a mixture of mini iPad, iPad air casual iPod touch and iPhone (4S and 5s) so for the most up-to-date running IOS, with a few exceptions