
How can I get my iPhone 4s to 'Trust' to my computer again after I accicentally clicked "do not trust"?

When I plugged my iPhone 4S on my computer that I had invited him for "do you trust this computer?", I clicked on "don't don't trust."  I can't find where I can get to "Approve" this computer again.  I tried to unplug the computer, allowing the iPhon

I am charged for international SMS, I don't have

I just bought a new iPhone and noted that I was charged for international SMS, I do not have. When checking with my mobile operator, it seems, he had all the numbers of UK. They claimed that this happens only with iPhones. users of the iPhone to seve

Lock individual applications with password or contact ID

How individual applications can be locked with password or ID Touch on iPhone 6 Plus? I noticed that in Touch ID & access in the settings code, it included iPhone unlock, Apple pay & iTunes App Store... Some time has all the app not included to lock

IPhone 5 s Wont load into the wall sockets?

My Iphone 5s does not load in the inlet but works perfectly when connected to a USB port on my computer? But, I recently visited my parents House and it worked not in the wall socket with the exact same USB and the plug? No outlets in my work from ho

Screen lock problem

I have a 64 GB iPhone and last week, I updated to iOS iOS 8.xx 9.1. After the update, my phone slow sometimes and the screen has not moved even I scrolled across. The problem is, when you locked your phone with touch support, screen, it should be sho

I have a persistent popup on my iphone screen saying I have ad/spyware and need to call support technique apple to 1-800-893-4975. Was suspicious so nicknamed by land line. No response. Can't warning screen to stop jumping whenever I have access to the in

I was on facebook and clicked on a link to a recipe (went there before). I had a start to screen popping up saying repeatedly I had ad/spyware and necessary to call 1-800-893-4975 (supposedly to support technique apple) to find out how to remove it.

On the Iphone 5, browser having to unwanted sites

Safari for the Iphone 5 but also firefox on their own will to a site like http://mainmobilestream.com or http://msbkvpqexq.pw once on this website, I am not able to do anything, including the closing. How can I sort this

How to search for a list of contacts by phone number

Need help looking for my contact list to see if it contains the phone number, I received but not acknowledged.

How to fix my iPhone 16 GB 6 more?

I had my first iPhone 6 more (16 GB) year last to the end of November. My new phone was working on a large until June of this year. I got the camera fixed because it was one of the models with the camera is not able to focus problem. Then, a few days

My iphone 6 has stopped working

My phone that worked very well just died all of a sudden after attending a call and would not load or launch or show even the image of the dead battery. It was running on low memory and battery was also low, when I used the latter. There was no drop

keeping mail on the mail server

How can I make my 6s leave a copy of my mails on the mail server, at the present time, it deletes everything

Any Chance will improve the keyboard of the iPhone and the iPad?

I have everything apple but the phone.  I wish I had an iPhone, but I really don't like the keyboard.  Will he get better?  Check the android keyboard. Thank you.

9.1 Bluetooth iOS buzzing audio iPhone 6s

I discovered a bug in the iOS 9.1, tested on 2 iPhone 6 and one of 6 s. 1. connect your iPhone 6 or 6 s with a bluetooth device that has the ability to power off stop. This means that you can turn off the bluetooth device and the phone does not recog

CarPlay does not connect or stay connected

I just got a Honda Civic from 2016 and was happy to try CarPlay. It worked great... once. Because then I had to reboot my phone before turning on my car to make it work again and make things worse, the car connects via Bluetooth for a few seconds - l

Historical research Google clears never when I clear the history browser and data

I have a question that I barely noticed what is happening, it has never been a problem before. If I wanted to erase all of my internet history, (including searches on google), then all I do is go to settings, safari, clear history and data from the W

Restore questions - anyone else?

My husband and I arrived at the moment where an upgrade was due. Before picking up our new phones, I backed up my 5s using iTunes with no error and my husband saved her by using the LG software he had. Once at home, my husband used the LG software to

How do I backup notes and contacts from iphone

I can't figure out how to get Notes on my iPhone5c stored in iCloud.  It seems to get contacts, but not notes. My wife also has and iPhone5c and she cannot get contacts or notes of backup to her iCloud account. What are we not understand?  I searched

Report phishing to Google ad iPhone

Recently, I experienced a phishing attack on my iPhone. I tried to report this to the app developer who denied any responsibility and that it was the responsibility of Google as they publish Google ads. I have not found a way to report to Google or A

So, I always had problems with my Chargers apple bending and fraying at the end of the plug in phone.

My technical high school class made a project to fix a product that has a problem or a flaw which could be repaired, and I choose the Iphone charger and I wanted to get some info on the cost of production of your chargers and if I could plant my idea

Can use the warranty of an iphone bought in Thailand in Turkey? BU

Can use the warranty of an iphone bought in Thailand in Turkey? BU
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