Guarantee that won't change the examination required for DBA OCA 11g

I'm about to take the exam 1Z0-051 - SQL Fundamentals in my path to the OCA 11 g certification. then I plan the training for 1Z0 - 052 - DB Admin I next Jan 2011 and will write the review more than dec 2011 if I can put the knowledge I have acquired training in real work situations for a year before the exam 1Z0-052. The problem is, is it possible (even remotely) which will change the examination required for 11g OCA in this period of one year? Say, as you have to pass 1Z0-047 rather 1Z0 - 051 for 11g OCA, thus renderring my pass 1Z0-051 worthless? because I don't think it's possible that I will get a refund. Oracle can guarantee, or Oracle can change requirements when they want as they are happy?
The reason why I take 1Z0-051 is first because I'm already pretty confident with my SQL skills, but not so much with my DB Admin skills since I just started to use Oracle DB. I used SQL Server for the last 3 years. Thank you

I can't guarantee anything unequivically, but we have radically would not change the certification requirements without providing options for candidates who are already on the path to certification. I can't predict this review being removed from this way, that this review has been developed for the path of the OCA 11 g. The other reviews that are alternatives to this review have been approved as an alternative, they were not developed specifically for the OCA 11 g review. I don't think you have to worry about this.

Kind regards
Brandye Barrington

Tags: Oracle

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