How to import general imbalance using the standard import GL program.

Hi experts,

I wrote a package that the newspaper using standard gl inface import tax program.

When I import the journal dolts he l gives an error (EU02, P). Please tell me how to import imbalance standard thorugh gl journal import program.

It's my obligation to enter jv unbalance in the category 'Budget' of custome api.

Please help me.

Thank you


Thank you.

I try to download via the import program...

PROCEDURE UPLOAD_BUDGET_JV (P_BUDGET_ID IN NUMBER) IS lv_request_id NUMBER;       number of irun_id;       errbuf VARCHAR2 (2000);       orig_req_id NUMBER;             num_copies NUMBER;       print_style VARCHAR2 (100);       printer VARCHAR2 (100);       save_output_flag VARCHAR2 (10);       save_output_bool BOOLEAN;       BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize (5443,50263,101);           fnd_profile.get ('CONC_REQUEST_ID', errbuf);       orig_req_id: = to_number (errbuf);                   / * Copy the print at the request of the child options * / IF (fnd_concurrent.get_request_print_options (orig_req_id, num_copies, print_style, printer, save_output_flag)) THEN IF (save_output_flag = 'Y') THEN save_output_bool: = TRUE;         ANOTHER save_output_bool: = FALSE;         END IF;         IF (NOT fnd_request.set_print_options (printer, print_style, num_copies, save_output_bool)) THEN fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE. Log, 'Impossible to set print options');         END IF;       END IF;                       dbms_output.put_line(errbuf||) e -'|| orig_req_id);           SELECT gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL INTO irun_id FROM DUAL;       dbms_output.put_line (irun_id);       INSERT INTO gl_interface_control (status, set_of_books_id, je_source_name, group_id, interface_run_id) VALUES detached ', 1001, 'Map', null, irun_id);       /* Launch the concurrent request */       lv_request_id         := fnd_request.submit_request(             'SQLGL',             'GLLEZL',             '',             '',             FALSE,             to_char(irun_id),             '1000',             'NO',             '',             '',             'NO',             'NO',             'Y',         chr(0),             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '');                   dbms_output.put_line ('req_nu -' | lv_request_id);       IF (lv_request_id = 0) THEN errbuf: = fnd_message.get;         fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE. Journal, errbuf);         gl_message.write_log ('LEZS0001');         IF (fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status ('ERROR', errbuf)) THEN NULL;         END IF;         dbms_output.put_line (' ERROR: ' | errbuf);       ELSE gl_message.write_log ('LEZS0000', 1, 'REQ_ID', to_char (lv_request_id));         IF (fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status ('NORMAL', NULL)) THEN NULL;         END IF;       END IF;       IF lv_request_id = 0 THEN UPDATE XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG SET attribut1 = 'ERROR in RUNNING PAY IMPORT PROGRAM', attribut2 = lv_request_id, status = "ERROR" WHERE BUDGET_ID = P_BUDGET_ID;       ELSE UPDATE XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG SET attribut2 = lv_request_id, attribut1 = "TRANSFORMED", status = "TRANSFORMED" WHERE BUDGET_ID = P_BUDGET_ID;       END IF;              end UPLOAD_BUDGET_JV;

This is the procedure which is used to start the interface. Thank you yoann

Tags: Oracle Applications

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