indexOf() function for search object. < property > in an array of objects

Hello world!
OK, I know that the subject of this sounds a little awkward wire, with an example, it will be much clearer.
I have a series of tables that contain strings, now named "label"; These tags can only produce only once in each table (which is therefore a 'set' of the mathematical definition of 'package', tags), but more than one table may contain a given tag (intersections of the sets are not always zero).
I want to write a function that goes through all the tags in all tables and counties, which gives the result in a separate table called tag_counter that contains the objects of the tag. A tag object contains two fields: 'value', which is the tag itself, and 'events', which takes account of the time the tag was found.
The function logic is simple: for each table, cycle all its labels. If the tag already exists in the tag_counter table, increment the counter 1; If not, add a new entry in the table with the given tag tag_counter. The line in bold-italics is exactly in the place of my question, because I don't know how to search within an array of objects by a property of such an object. Here is the code:

private function harvest_tags(dt:DataTable):Array {
    var tag_counter:Array = new Array();
    for each(var site_feeds:Object in {    //cycle through the Arrays
        for each(var tag:String in site_feeds.t) {  //cycle through the tags
            if(tag == '') continue;     //in case an empty tag is found, skip it
            tag = tag.replace(',', ''); //strip commas
            var i:int = tag_counter.indexOf(tag); //this needs fixing!
            if(i != -1) {
            else {
                 tag_counter.push(new Tag(tag));

     tag_counter.sortOn("occurrences", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
     return tag_counter;

and the class of tag definition:

public class Tag {
        private var value:String;
        public var occurrences:Number;
        public function Tag(value:String) {
            this.value = value;
            this.occurrences = 1;

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I think you want to use a hash table.  The object class is often used for this.  It is much faster than searching for an array of strings.

private void harvest_tags(dt:DataTable):Array {}

var tag_counter:Object = new Object();

for each (var site_feeds:Object in {//cycle through the berries

for each (var: string tag in site_feeds.t) {//cycle by tags

if(tag == '') continue;     where is an empty tag, pop it

tag = tag.replace (',', "); Strip commas

If (tag_counter [tag])

tag_counter [tag] ++;

on the other

tag_counter [tag] = 1;



var tag_array:Array = new Array();

for {(var p:String in tag_counter)

var tagObj:Tag = new Tag (p);

tagObj.occurences = tag_counter [p];


Alex Harui

Flex SDK Developer

Adobe Systems Inc..


Tags: Flex

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    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)
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    and the code of this JS code is...

    /*! SWFObject v2.0 <>
    Copyright (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns, Michael Williams, and Bobby van der Sluis
    This software is distributed under the license MIT <>

    SWFObject var = function() {}

    var UNDEF = "undefined."
    OBJECT ="object", ".
    SHOCKWAVE_FLASH = "Shockwave Flash",
    SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."
    FLASH_MIME_TYPE = application/x-shockwave-flash"."
    EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID = "SWFObjectExprInst"

    Win: a window,
    doc = document,
    NAV = navigator,

    domLoadFnArr = [],
    regObjArr = [],
    Timer = null,
    storedAltContent = null,
    storedAltContentId = null,
    isDomLoaded = false,
    isExpressInstallActive = false;

    / * Centralized function for browser detection
    -Owners (conditional compilation) detection is used to detect features of Internet Explorer
    -Detection of string user agent is used only when no alternative is possible
    -Is executed directly for optimal performance
    var ua = function() {}
    var w3cdom = typeof doc.getElementById! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.getElementsByTagName! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.createElement! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.appendChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.replaceChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.removeChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.cloneNode! = UNDEF,
    playerVersion = [0,0,0],
    d = null;
    If (typeof nav.plugins! = UNDEF & & typeof nav.plugins [SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] == OBJECT) {}
    d = nav.plugins [SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] .description;
    If (d) {}
    (d = d.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$) /, '$1');
    playerVersion [0] = parseInt (d (/ ^(.*)------... * $/, "$1"), 10);
    playerVersion [1] = parseInt (d (/ ^. * \.)) (. *)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10);
    playerVersion [2] = /r/.test(d)? parseInt(d.replace(/^.*r(.*)$ /, '$1'), 10): 0;
    else if (typeof win. ActiveXObject! = UNDEF) {}
    var a = null, fp6Crash = false;
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".") 7") ;
    {catch (e)}
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".") 6 ») ;
    playerVersion = [6,0,21];
    a.AllowScriptAccess = "always";  Introduced in fp6.0.47
    {catch (e)}
    If (playerVersion [0] == 6) {}
    fp6Crash = true;
    If (! fp6Crash) {}
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX);
    {catch (e)}
    If (! fp6Crash & & a) {/ / a will return NULL when ActiveX is disabled}
    try {}
    d = a.GetVariable ("$version");  Crash fp6.0.21/23/29
    If (d) {}
    d = d.split("") [1].split(",");
    playerVersion = [parseInt (d [0], 10), parseInt (d [1], 10), parseInt (d [2], 10)];
    {catch (e)}
    var u = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase (),
    p = nav.platform.toLowerCase (),
    WebKit = /webkit/.test(u)? ((parseFloat(u.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?). * $/, '$1')): false, / / returns the version of webkit or false otherwise webkit
    IE = false,
    Windows = p? (/Win/.test(p): /win/.test(u).
    Mac = p? (/Mac/.test(p): /mac/.test(u);
    IE = true;
    @if (@_win32)
    Windows = true;
    @elif (@_mac)
    Mac = true;
    return {w3cdom:w3cdom, pv:playerVersion, webkit:webkit, IE: IE, win: windows, mac: mac};

    / * OnDomLoad Cross-browser
    -Based on the solution of Dean Edwards:
    -Triggers an event as soon as the DOM of a page is loaded (supported by browsers based on Gecko based - like Firefox - IE, Opera9 +, Safari)
    var onDomLoad = function() {}
    If (! ua.w3cdom) {}
    addDomLoadEvent (hand);
    If ( & & {}
    try {/ / avoid a possible abandoned operation error}
    doc. Write ("< scr" + "ipt id = __ie_ondomload reporter = true src = / /: > < / scr" + "ipt >"); String is split into pieces to prevent Norton AV to add code that can lead to errors
    var s = getElementById ("__ie_ondomload");
    If (s) {}
    s.onreadystatechange = function() {}
    If (this.readyState == 'complete') {}
    this.parentNode.removeChild (this);
    {catch (e)}
    If (ua.webkit & & typeof doc.readyState! = UNDEF) {}
    Timer = setInterval (function () {if (/ loaded|complete/.test(doc.readyState)}) {callDomLoadFunctions() ;}}, 10);
    If (typeof doc.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    doc.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", callDomLoadFunctions, null);
    addLoadEvent (callDomLoadFunctions);

    function callDomLoadFunctions() {}
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    If ( & & {/ / check if we can really add to the DOM model; we do not want the fire too soon}
    var s = createElement ('span');
    try {/ / avoid a possible abandoned operation error}
    var t = doc.getElementsByTagName ("body") [0] .appendChild (s);
    t.parentNode.removeChild (t);
    {} catch (e)
    isDomLoaded = true;
    If {(timer)
    clearInterval (timer);
    Timer = null;
    DL var = domLoadFnArr.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < dl; i ++) {}
    domLoadFnArr [i] ();

    function addDomLoadEvent (fn) {}
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    else {}
    domLoadFnArr [domLoadFnArr.length] = fn; Array.push () is only available in Internet Explorer 5.5 +.

    / * Cross-browser onload
    -Based on the solution of James Edwards:
    -Triggers an event as soon as a web page, including all of its assets are loaded
    function addLoadEvent (fn) {}
    If (typeof win.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    win.addEventListener ("load", fn, false);
    else if (typeof doc.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    doc.addEventListener ("load", fn, false);
    else if (typeof win.attachEvent! = UNDEF) {}
    win.attachEvent ("onload", fn);
    else if (typeof win.onload == 'function') {}
    var fnOld = win.onload;
    Win.OnLoad = function() {}
    else {}
    Win.OnLoad = fn;

    / * Main function
    -Will preferably run onDomLoad, onload otherwise (as a backup)
    int main() {/ / static publishing only}
    RL var = regObjArr.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < rl; i ++) {/ / for each element of the registered object}
    var id = user.user regObjArr [i];
    If (ua.pv [0] > 0) {}
    var obj = getElementById (id);
    If (obj) {}
    regObjArr [i] .width = obj.getAttribute ("width")? obj.getAttribute ("width"): "0";
    regObjArr [i] = obj.getAttribute ("height") .height? obj.getAttribute ("height"): "0";
    If (hasPlayerVersion (regObjArr [i], .swfVersion)) {/ / Flash plugin version > = version of Flash content: Houston, we have a match!}
    If (ua.webkit & & ua.webkit < 312) {/ / older webkit engines ignore elements nested in the element of the object param}
    fixParams (obj);
    setVisibility (id, true);
    ElseIf (regObjArr [i] .expressInstall & &! isExpressInstallActive & & hasPlayerVersion ("6.0.65") & & ( | ua.mac)) {/ / display the Adobe quick installation dialog box if defined by the author of the page web and if supported (fp6.0.65 + on Win/Mac OS only)}
    showExpressInstall (regObjArr [i]);
    else {/ / invalid plugin Flash and Flash version content: display the alternative content instead of Flash content}
    displayAltContent (obj);
    else {/ / if no fp is installed, we let the object element do its work (show alternative content)}
    setVisibility (id, true);

    / * Difficulty nested, param elements that are ignored by older webkit engines
    -This includes Safari until and including version 1.2.2 on Mac OS 10.3
    -Fall back to the property include element
    function fixParams (obj) {}
    var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If {(nestedObj)
    e var is createElement ("embed"), a = nestedObj.attributes;.
    If (a) {}
    var al is. Length;
    for (var i = 0; i < al; i ++) {}
    If (a [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'data') {}
    e.setAttribute ("src", a [i] .nodeValue);
    else {}
    e.setAttribute (a [i] .nodeName, a [i] .nodeValue);
    var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
    If {(c)
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var j = 0; j < cl; j ++) {}
    If (c [j] .nodeType == 1 & & c [j].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param') {}
    e.setAttribute (c [j] .getAttribute ("name"), c [j] .getAttribute ("value"));
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (e, obj);

    / * Difficulty suspended discussions audio/video and force open sockets and NetConnections disconnect
    -Occurs when unloading a web page in Internet Explorer using FP8 + and innerHTML/outerHTML
    -Dynamics of publication only
    function fixObjectLeaks (id) {}
    If ( & & & & hasPlayerVersion ("8.0.0")) {}
    win.attachEvent ("onunload", function () {}
    var obj = getElementById (id);
    If (obj) {}
    for (var i in obj) {}
    If (typeof obj [i] == 'function') {}
    obj [i] = function() {};
    obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj);

    / * Display the Adobe quick installation dialog box
    function showExpressInstall (regObj) {}
    isExpressInstallActive = true;
    var obj = getElementById (;
    If (obj) {}
    If {(regObj.altContentId)
    var ac = getElementById (regObj.altContentId);
    If {(ac)
    storedAltContent = ac;
    storedAltContentId = regObj.altContentId;
    else {}
    storedAltContent = abstractAltContent (obj);
    If (!) () / %$/.test(regObj.width)) & & parseInt (regObj.width, 10) < 310) {}
    regObj.width = "310";
    If (!) () / %$/.test(regObj.height)) & & parseInt (regObj.height, 10) < 137) {}
    regObj.height = "137";
    doc.title = doc.title.slice (0, 47) + "-Flash Player Installation";
    var pt = & & "ActiveX": "PlugIn."
    DT = doc.title,
    FV = "MMredirectURL =" + win.location + "& MMplayerType =" + pt + "& MMdoctitle =" + dt.
    replaceId =;
    For IE when a SWF file is loading (AND: not available in the cache) wait for the onload event to remove the original object element
    In IE you can not properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking the browser load references, also does not work obj.onreadystatechange
    If ( & & & & obj.readyState! = 4) {}
    var newObj = createElement ("div");
    replaceId += "SWFObjectNew";
    newObj.setAttribute ("id", replaceId);
    obj.parentNode.insertBefore (newObj, obj); Insert the placeholder div will be replaced by the object element that loads expressinstall.swf = 'none ';
    win.attachEvent ("onload", function() {obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj) ;});
    createSWF ({data: regObj.expressInstall id: EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID, width:regObj.width, height:regObj.height}, {flashvars:fv}, replaceId);

    / * Functions of abstraction and display alternative content
    function displayAltContent (obj) {}
    If ( & & & & obj.readyState! = 4) {}
    For IE when a SWF file is loading (AND: not available in the cache) wait for the onload event to remove the original object element
    In IE you can not properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking the browser load references, also does not work obj.onreadystatechange
    var El = createElement ("div");
    obj.parentNode.insertBefore (el, obj); Insert the placeholder div will be replaced by alternative content
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (abstractAltContent (obj), el); = 'none ';
    win.attachEvent ("onload", function() {obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj) ;});
    else {}
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (abstractAltContent (obj), obj);

    function abstractAltContent (obj) {}
    var ac = createElement ("div");
    If ( & & {}
    ac.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;
    else {}
    var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If {(nestedObj)
    var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
    If {(c)
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (!) () c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param') & &! (c [i] .nodeType is 8)) {
    ac.appendChild (c [i] .cloneNode (true));
    return ac;

    / * Creation of dynamic Cross-browser SWF
    function createSWF (attObj, parObj, id) {}
    var r, el is getElementById (id);
    If (typeof == UNDEF) {/ / If no 'id' is defined for the object element, it will inherit the 'id' of alternative content} = id;
    If ( & & {/ / do not combine the IE, the purpose and methods of the W3C DOM element: return to outerHTML}
    att var = "";
    for (var i in attObj) {}
    If (attObj [i]! = Object.prototype [i]) {/ / filter out other potential libraries prototype additions, like Object.prototype.toJSONString = function() {}
    If (I == 'data') {} = attObj [i];
    ElseIf (i.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    att += "class =" "+ attObj [i] ' + '" '; "
    Else if (I! = "classid") {}
    att += ' ' + i + "=" "+ attObj [i] ' + '" '; "
    by var = "";
    for {(var j in parObj)
    If (parObj [j]! = Object.prototype [j]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    "by += ' < param name =" "' + j + '" value = "" + parObj [j] + "" / > ';
    el.outerHTML = ' < object classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ' + att + ' > ' + by + ' < / object > ";
    fixObjectLeaks (; This bug only affects dynamic publishing
    r = getElementById (;
    ElseIf (ua.webkit & & ua.webkit < 312) {/ / older webkit engines ignore elements nested in the element of the object param: fall to property incorporate element}
    var e = createElement ("embed");
    e.setAttribute ("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
    for (var attObj k) {}
    If (attObj [k]! = Object.prototype [k]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (k == 'data') {}
    e.setAttribute ("src", attObj [k]);
    ElseIf (k.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    e.setAttribute ("class", attObj [k]);
    ElseIf (k! = "classid") {/ / filter the specific attribute IE}
    e.setAttribute (k, attObj [k]);
    for {(var l parObj)
    If (parObj [l]! = Object.prototype [l]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (l! = 'movie') {/ / filter the IE specific param elements}
    e.setAttribute (l, parObj [t]);
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (e, el);
    r = e;
    else {/ / good browsers behave}
    var o = createElement (OBJECT);
    o.setAttribute ("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
    for {(var m in attObj)
    If (attObj [m]! = Object.prototype [m]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (m.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    o.setAttribute ('class', attObj [m]);
    Else if (m! = "classid") {/ / filter the specific attribute IE}
    o.setAttribute (m, attObj [m]);
    for {(var n in parObj)
    If (parObj [n]! = Object.prototype [n] & & n! = 'movie') {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype and the IE specific param element}
    createObjParam (o, n, parObj [n]);
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (o, el);
    r = o;
    Return r;

    function createObjParam (el, pName, pValue) {}
    var p = createElement ("param");
    p.setAttribute ("name", pName);
    p.setAttribute ("value", pValue);
    el.appendChild (p);

    function getElementById (id) {}
    Return doc.getElementById (id);

    function createElement (el) {}
    Doc.createElement (el) return;

    function hasPlayerVersion (rv) {}
    var pv = ua.pv, v is rv.split(".");.
    v [0] = parseInt (v [0], 10);
    v [1] = parseInt (v [1], 10);
    v [2] = parseInt (v [2], 10);
    return (pv [0] > v [0] |) (pv [0] == v [0] & & pv [1] > v [1]) | (pv [0] == v [0] & & pv [1] == v [1] & & pv [2] > = v[2])) ? true: false;

    / * Creation of dynamic Cross-browser CSS
    -Based on the solution of Bobby van der Sluis:
    function createCSS (salt, VAT statement) {}
    If ( & & ua.mac) {}
    var h = doc.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0], s = createElement ("style");
    s.setAttribute ("type", "text/css");
    s.setAttribute ("media", "screen");
    If (!) () & & & & typeof doc.createTextNode! = UNDEF) {}
    s.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (salt + "{" + VAT statement + "}"));
    h.appendChild (s);
    If ( & & & & typeof doc.styleSheets! = UNDEF & & doc.styleSheets.length > 0) {}
    ls = doc.styleSheets var [doc.styleSheets.length - 1];
    If (typeof ls.addRule == OBJECT) {}
    ls.addRule (salt, VAT statement);

    function setVisibility (id, isVisible) {}
    var v = isVisible? "visible": "hidden";
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    getElementById (id).style.visibility = v;
    else {}
    createCSS ("#" + id, "visibility:" + v);

    function getTargetVersion (obj) {}
    If (! obj)
    return 0;
    var c = obj.childNodes;
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () ==' object ' ') {}
    c = c [i] Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0);
    cl = c.length;
    i = 0;
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param' & & c [i] .getAttribute ("name") == 'swfversion') {}
    Return c [i] .getAttribute ("value");
    return 0;

    function getExpressInstall (obj) {}
    If (! obj)
    Return ' ';
    var c = obj.childNodes;
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () ==' object ' ') {}
    c = c [i] Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0);
    cl = c.length;
    i = 0;
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param' & & c [i] .getAttribute ("name") == "expressinstall") {}
    Return c [i] .getAttribute ("value");
    Return ' ';

    return {}
    / * Public API
    registerObject: {function (objectIdStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr)
    If (! ua.w3cdom:! objectIdStr) {}
    var obj = document.getElementById (objectIdStr);
    XI var = getExpressInstall (obj);
    var regObj = {}; = objectIdStr;
    regObj.swfVersion = swfVersionStr? swfVersionStr: getTargetVersion (obj);
    regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr? xiSwfUrlStr: ((xi! = "")?) XI: false);
    regObjArr [regObjArr.length] = regObj;
    setVisibility (objectIdStr, false);

    getObjectById: {function (objectIdStr)}
    var r = null;
    If (ua.w3cdom & & isDomLoaded) {}
    var o = getElementById (objectIdStr);
    If (o) {}
    var n = o.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If (! n |) (n & & typeof o.SetVariable! = UNDEF)) {
    r = o;
    else if (typeof n.SetVariable! = UNDEF) {}
    r = n;
    Return r;

    embedSWF: function (swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj) {}
    If (! ua.w3cdom:! swfUrlStr |! replaceElemIdStr |! widthStr:! heightStr |! swfVersionStr) {}
    widthStr += ""; Automatic conversion of string to be stupid
    heightStr += "";
    If (hasPlayerVersion (swfVersionStr)) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, false);
    var att = (typeof attObj == OBJECT)? attObj: {};
    att. Data = swfUrlStr;
    att. Width = widthStr;
    att. Height = heightStr;
    by var = (typeof parObj is OBJECT)? parObj: {};
    If (typeof flashvarsObj == OBJECT) {}
    for (var i in flashvarsObj) {}
    If (flashvarsObj [i]! = Object.prototype [i]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (typeof par.flashvars! = UNDEF) {}
    by. FlashVars += "&" + i + "=" + flashvarsObj [i];
    else {}
    by. FlashVars = i + "=" + flashvarsObj [i];
    {addDomLoadEvent (function ()}
    createSWF (att, par, replaceElemIdStr);
    If ( == replaceElemIdStr) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, true);
    ElseIf (xiSwfUrlStr & &! isExpressInstallActive & & hasPlayerVersion ("6.0.65") & & ( | ua.mac)) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, false);
    {addDomLoadEvent (function ()}
    var regObj = {}; = regObj.altContentId = replaceElemIdStr;
    regObj.width = widthStr;
    regObj.height = heightStr;
    regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr;
    showExpressInstall (regObj);

    getFlashPlayerVersion: function() {}
    return {major: ua.pv [0], minor:ua.pv [1], release: ua.pv [2]};


    createSWF: {function (attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr)
    If (ua.w3cdom & & isDomLoaded) {}
    Return createSWF (attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr);
    else {}
    return undefined;

    createCSS: function (salt, VAT statement) {}
    If {(ua.w3cdom)
    createCSS (salt, VAT statement);



    getQueryParamValue: {function (param)}
    var q = | doc. Location.Hash;
    If (param == null) {}
    Return to q;
    {if (q)}
    var pairs = q.substring (1) .split ("&");
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i ++) {}
    If (pairs [i] .substring (0, peers [i] .indexOf ("=")) == param) {}
    peers return [i] .substring ((peers [i] .indexOf ("=") + 1));
    Return ' ';

    For internal use only
    expressInstallCallback: function() {}
    If (isExpressInstallActive & & storedAltContent) {}
    var obj = getElementById (EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID);
    If (obj) {}
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (storedAltContent, obj);
    If {(storedAltContentId)
    setVisibility (storedAltContentId, true);
    If ( & & {} = 'block ';
    storedAltContent = null;
    storedAltContentId = null;
    isExpressInstallActive = false;




    It is a problem with the code you are using, to remove the lines marked in red and check if it works then. Or move the code of swfobjects, (6 off) above any other javascript code you have at the bottom of your page.



  • BSOD network, related function for Winsock problem driver-related

    I'll give as much detail as possible in order to get the right answer.

    I'm working on HP G70 - 463CL with Vista Home Premium 64 - bit.

    The problem is that whenever we try to use something that would require a network function, I have a BSOD with the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.
    This occurs even if I plug in a network cable, try to run a web browser, or right-click on the signal wireless in the bottom task bar.

    When the computer reboots, I get the "Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown' with this information.
    Problem event name: BlueScreen
    The system version: 6.0.6002.
    LocaleID: 1033

    More information about the problem:
    BCCode: a
    BCP1: 0000000000000000
    BCP2: 0000000000000002
    BCP3: 0000000000000001
    BCP4: FFFFF80002228C45
    OS version: 6_0_6002
    Service Pack: 2_0
    Product: 768_1

    He then lists the minidump file which I do not know how to open it.

    I went to HP and download the current network for the WLAN and LAN drivers. (I have uninstall the previous)

    I went to Services to see what didn't work and I got these errors when I tried to start them.

    The DHCP Client 1.) -Error 1068: the dependency service or group could start. So I clicked on the dependencies and seen that it relies on the "accessory function for Winsock driver" and the "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto - Discovery Service" depends on DHCP.

    TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper 2 properties.) -a had the same message according to the 'related function pilot' and it depends on the NETBT.

    I have passed to the command window and tried ping, and got the error that transmit failed, error code 1231.

    I have also reset IP address and with the command netsh winsock

    I went to Device Manager and click on devices show hidden.

    Under the pilot no Plug and Play there was a yellow by 'Related function for Winsock driver' symbol when I click Properties, it says under the status it is not working properly or has not all the drivers installed (Code 24).
    I also had a yellow symbol of security processor Loader driver and the same information under properties.

    In searching the Internet, I tried several different things that I found and tried including change something in the registry.  At one point I was able to make wireless work and managed to get on the internet and ran Windows Update and downloaded several items.  After the reboot, I clicked on an Internet Explorer icon on the screen to come back on the internet and I got the blue screen again.

    I ran Malwarebytes and it found nothing.

    I uninstalled AVG 8.5 and was going to install a different virus protection and I have a feeling that this is where the problem started.

    So if anyone can offer help, I'd appreciate it.  I have a feeling that everything hinges on the related function driver but do not know how to reinstall.  The hard drive has a recovery partition, but I don't want to reinstall the OS.

    There are a few issues, including the duplicate property and lack of records relating to the CPU.

    While this can be traced back to file by file, the best way to solve the OS when SFC finds files that it cannot solve is to do a repair of the DVD of the OS installation.

  • function XML

    I am trying to create a simple xml search function that searches for a file xml to a string and if this string is found in the xml file, view the node that contains this string in a text box.

    I have the simple search feature works, but that I can't do, is to return the specific node. Right now, the function returns all of the xml data instead. If someone could take a look and possibly give some tips on how to return the specific daya, I would be much obliged. Hope that makes sense, if not, let me know and I will do my best to clarify.

    ~ chipleh

    The xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <page number = "1">    
        <para><![CDATA[<p>Content Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>
        <subpage number="1">
         <para><![CDATA[<p>SubContent1 Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>
        <subpage number="2">
         <para><![CDATA[<p>SubContent2 Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>
       <page number = "2">    
        <para><![CDATA[<p>Content Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>
        <subpage number="1">
         <para><![CDATA[<p>SubContent1 Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>
        <subpage number="2">
         <para><![CDATA[<p>SubContent2 Goes 
    here</p>]]> </para>


    searchInput.text = "";
    searchDisplay.text = "";
    searchButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, searchXMLFile);
    //xmlFileToSearch = xml.sim.bodyText (previously defined in the code, which is not posted here);
    var xmlFileToSearch:XMLList;
    function searchXMLFile(Event:MouseEvent):void{
     for (var i:Number = 0;i<;i++){
      var paragraphText:String =[i]; 
      trace("[" + i + ".] " + paragraphText);;//:int
      var str:String = paragraphText;  
      trace(i + ". " +; // output: 9 
      if ( > -1){
       //searchDisplay.text = "match";
       searchDisplay.text = paragraphText;
       searchDisplay.text = "no match";


    Here's a quick example, hope that will guide you towards something, but I don't see what you are after, perhaps you simply complicated this?

    Best regards

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    * Search xml example
    * @author "Severiaan" Grela Lukasz
    SerializableAttribute public class Test extends Sprite
    public void Test()
    var XML: data =.

                                         Insert content here

                                             SubContent1 goes here

                                             SubContent2 goes here

                                            Insert content here

                                             SubContent1 goes here

                                             SubContent2 goes here

    var m_sSearchTerm:String = "go";
    var list: XMLList = data.descendants ();
    for (var i: int = 0; i< list.length();="">
    var point: XML = list [i];
    var textList:XMLList = item.text ();
    for (var j: int = 0; j< textlist.length();="">
    var t:XML = text [j];
    If (t.toString () .indexOf (m_sSearchTerm)! = - 1).
    trace (Item.ToXmlString ()); / / c SubContent2 goes here

    trace ("\t" + t); / / that is

    SubContent2 goes here


  • Jerky mouse mouseover function for all while the menu (file, options, help) and the key back/forward/home too. More scrolling is choppy every Web site.

    Jerky mouse mouseover function for all while the menu (file, options, help) and the key back/forward/home too. More scrolling is choppy every Web site since the update to version 3.6 to 4 RC1.

    Gel mouse pointer when it comes across objects that use some sort of animation or gradual highlighting when hovering on (which is basically all the Firefox 4 items menu, tabs, etc.) But also a lot of things on the Web pages as the green buttons on this page that change color when you hover over them).

    After rebooting my system, however, the problem seems to have disappeared!

    [, WinXP SP3 - 4 GB RAM, Core i5 M520, driver Nvidia NVS3100M, Firefox 4.0]

  • Function for desktop computer keys does not


    I have a desktop running Windows 7 Professional SP1 64 - bit OS.  With it, I use a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 800.  I have used both for 4 years now without a problem.

    Recently (last week inside or almost), the function keys (F1, F2, etc) stopped working.  All other keys on the keyboard work.  In addition, the virtual keyboard, the function keys work.

    Any suggestions on how to fix this?  Everything I found online seems to be exclusive to laptops.

    Thank you!


    SFC will produce this fictitious result, if one or both of these two Windows updates are installed on your computer.   Delete them.  They are not important for your computer.

    SFC: KB3022345
    SFC: KB3068708

    Go to Windows Update. Lower left corner, click on view installed updates.  The display takes a long time to complete, so wait while the Green band moves all the way on the top of the window.  Now, type in one of these two KB codes in the search box.  If it is not installed, clear the check box for search and WAIT.  Enter now in the other.  If either are uninstall them.  Turn it back on.  Run the SFC.  If neither are installed, then come the real corrupt files in your operating system and the likely healing will be a re - install Windows 7.

  • Define a map or ORDER method for the object type

    Hi gurus

    I created an object and then its type and then I use this object and type based on line, see below:

    Create the object


    TYPE test_object




    next_appearance_dt DATE, - next_appearance_dt

    youth_adult VARCHAR2 (5) - youth_adult

    ) ;


    Create the object Type

    CREATE or REPLACE TYPE t_docket_object IS TABLE OF THE test_object;


    Create function Pipeline

    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE f_report (p_dt date, p_c_cd VARCHAR2)
    return t_test_object pipeline
    FOR J IN)
    Select distinct test_object)
    'YOUTH '.
    ) AS test_object
    Jen.next_appearance base
    WHERE 1 = 1
    AND (base.next_appearance_dt = p_dt)
    AND (base.circuit_point_cd = p_c_cd)
    - and cse.information_id = 322
    -ORDER 15 - alias_name

    PIPE ROW (J.test_object);
    END loop;


    Run function

    SELECT * FROM TABLE (F_REPORT (TO_DATE('25-sep-2015','dd-mon-yyyy'),'1 '))


    ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without map or ORDER method

    ORA-06512: at "F_REPORT", line 5

    22950 00000 - "cannot ORDER objects without map or ORDER method.

    * Cause: an object type must have a defined for map or ORDER method

    all comparisons other than equality and inequality comparisons.

    * Action: Define a map or ORDER method for the object type

    I know the reason of this error and the reason is that I use the clause separate in my pipeline service, but do not know how to get rid of this error...

    Confuse you the type of table with the object type. He forge

    Select test_object (next_appearance_dt) test_object


    Select t_test_object (next_appearance_dt) test_object


    FUNCTION f_report (DATE p_dt 2,
    4                   )
    5 t_test_object of RETURN
    7 EAST
    BEGIN 8
    9 FOR (IN) v_rec
    10 WITH () DID
    11. SELECT TO_DATE('01-jan-2015','dd-mon-yyyy') NEXT_APPEARANCE_DT
    the double 12
    13                                  )
    14 select test_object (next_appearance_dt) test_object
    15                          from  t
    16                      ) LOOP
    PIPE 17 ROW (v_rec.test_object);
    18 END OF LOOP;
    END 19;

    The function is created.


  • VcHostVirtualSwitch 'portgroup' object property returns the array of channels, no objects

    Something seems a little wrong here; on a vSphere 5.5 installation, you ask a traditional vSwitch (IE not dvSwitch) for exchanges that I do not receive the table of object of type [VcHostPortGroup], but rather an array of flat strings that cannot be extended.

    This seems to break the shares provided for registration of trade as well as my own code, so I suspect that some changes in the API 5.5 can have passed unnoticed since so few people more uses vSwitches.

    Could someone check the following code and see what happens:

    var hosts=Server.findAllForType("VC:HostSystem");
    var host=hosts[0];
    var switches=host.configManager.networkSystem.networkInfo.vswitch;
    for (var i=0; i<switches.length; i++) {
      var pglist=vswitch.portgroup;
      for (var n=0;n<pglist.length;n++) {
      var pg=pglist[n];
      System.log (pg);
    System.log("Found portgroup "+ +" with vlan ID "+pg.spec.vlanId); // This breaks

    Okay, so I figured this out on my own.

    There is a bug in the documentation in the API of vCO HostVirtualSwitch object does not point to a group of ports, but rather returns an array of strings "flattened" with the keys (not unique, useless) to the port associated with the vSwitch groups. It is correctly stated in the vSphere API reference but incorrect in the version of vCO, which may indicate that the code real vCO is incompatible as well.

    To recover a real populated HostPortGroup object you must descend through the successful HostNetworkInfo object; the portgroup here property is an array of the appropriate type.

  • How to know the name (package, procedures or functions) for current sessions

    Hi all

    I am DBA and I want to find a way to get the object name regardless (packages, procedures or functions) for the current statement running in the current session.

    To specify when I open the browser session of Toad, I can see the active sessions and the current statement for each session, but without the name of the object.

    Is it possible to know this point.

    Thanks in advance

    Select *.

    from dba_objects

    When object_id in (select nvl (t.PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID-1)

    v $ session t

    where sid = 452)


    Ramin Hashimzade

  • Select dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl fails with ORA-31604 still exist for the object


    In the DEPENDENCIES of DBA, I can see that I have (seen here) according to some a table objects:

    -SQL > select type, name

    -2 from dba_dependencies where REFERENCED_OWNER = upper ('stuff')

    --3 and REFERENCED_name = upper ('st_tab') and type = "VIEW";


    -- ----- ----- ------------------



    But trying to recover these definitions 2 times I get an error:

    -SQL > select dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl ('VIEW', 'ST_TAB', 'STUFF') def double;


    -ORA-31604: NAME parameter invalid "BASE_OBJECT_NAME" for the type of VIEW object in the function SET_FILTER

    -ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_SYS_ERROR', line 116

    -ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_METADATA_INT', line 4705

    -ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_METADATA_INT', line 8582

    -ORA-06512: at "SYS." Dbms_metadata", line 2882

    For some objects, it works (triggers, index), but for others (views, procedures, packages), it still fails with ORA 31604.

    If I make a direct call on dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('DISPLAY', 'STTAB_4MV_VW', 'STUFF'), it works fine.

    Everyone has seen this behavior before? (tried this code on 10g and 11g)

    Thank you very much.

    Kind regards


    For some objects, it works (triggers, index), but for others (views, procedures, packages), it still fails with ORA 31604.

    Exactly! That's what he should do. Dependent on DOF is for objects that are actually part of the table.

    If I make a direct call on dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('DISPLAY', 'STTAB_4MV_VW', 'STUFF'), it works fine.

    Exactly! That's how you get the DDL for views and other types of distinct objects. Provide you with the type of object as the first parameter.

    Everyone has seen this behavior before? (tried this code on 10g and 11g)

    Sure! This is a normal behavior.

    See chapter doc DBMS_METADATA packages and Types

    Notes on use

    • These functions allow you to extract metadata for objects with a single call. They encapsulate calls to OPEN , SET_FILTER , and so on. The function you use depends on the characteristics of the type of object and if you want the DDL or XML.
      • GET_xxxis used to fetch named objects, especially schema objects (tables, views).

      • GET_DEPENDENT_xxxis used to extract dependent objects (audits, grants of the object).
      • GET_GRANTED_xxxis used to retrieve issued objects (System of subsidies, scholarships of role).
    • For certain types of objects, you can use more than one function. For example, you can use GET_xxx to fetch a name index, or GET_DEPENDENT_xxx to fetch the same index by specifying the table on which it is defined.

    See also table 74-11 in this doc for a table showing the types of objects.

  • Matching color race for several objects of different colors at the same time

    Hi people,
    I was wondering if anyone knew a way to change the stroke color to match the fill color (or add a stroke color in the case of no current line) for several objects at the same time when the objects in question have a variety of different fill colors.
    I can't seem to find a way and doubt one exists, but maybe I missed something or there is a suitable script.
    Any help much appreciated.

    Thank you. !

    (With the help of: Illustrator CC 2014 for Mac)

    try this script,

    // matchStrokeToFillColor.jsx
    // carlos canto 07/01/2014
    function main(){
        var idoc = app.activeDocument;
        var sel = selection;
        for (a=0; a		   
  • Table of contents search function can search through several SCO files?

    Table of contents search function can search through several SCO files?

    My project is a combination of 6 different SCOs, which I wrapped using the Multi-SCO in CC 6.1. The client requested a Table of contents (TOC) which can be consulted; However, our tests indicate that, even if you create a table of contents in the Multi-SCO mode, you are unable to search across multiple SCO files. That's why when you use the function search to search for a specific term, you are only able to search within the current OCS (active/charge). Is there a work around that?

    Thank you!

    N ° research works in the course of the OCS.

  • How to expose application data Web for search engines

    Hey guys - need direction please

    My site contains a directory of companies (web app)

    The web application are in a secure area (the customer wants only registered/paid members to create their business profiles) submitted customer = web app

    It is also necessary that the directory is indexed by "elgooG".

    When you search for a business on "elgooG" type, they want found listed company information, with a link to the actual detail

    for example:\directory\Joe-blogs-plumbing

    First problem, the web application element is sitting behind a login (secure)

    How do you re this so that we have the Web App element safe (paying), but also visible for search engines and public?

    Very appreciated

    There is no reason for the entire web application under a securezone.

    Once you set the owner of the object they can only change it when they connect.

    All you need to do is to have a directory to list on your site that shows these. IF you don't want that and it that under a securezone of course he will never get indexed by google.

    If you want the public list of them you just need a page and put in the web application module that displays the list. Things like the link change will not appear unless your logged in.

Maybe you are looking for

  • FIX control :(

    There is nothing you can do to change the appearance and function of the control center on your iPhone... By default, you can not change the system scale, which is not cool. There are way more rocking that I don't use and I would like to change this

  • Satellite P200 - question RAM upgrade

    Hi all I'm looking for some RAM for a Satellite P200, although I can't find it on any list of compatibility. I'm hoping to get two 2 GB of RAM DDR2 880.Can you help me please. The RAM will be downrated to a slower speed in the Toshiba or the 880 work

  • While the I Pad that is in use reaches 100 percent of the charge can keep connected to 100% without any problems for the battery?

    When you use the I Pad while loading it can I continue to use 100% connected without no battery problem?

  • Broken full project vi (lvlibp) library

    I have a library of labview with no error reported.  I compile this library in a lvlibp and 2 screws broke arrows without listed errors.  I can open the packaged project library and recompile the code and the arrow goes, but since I can not record in

  • How to upgrade a XP driver, main: ialmrnT5.dll

    We have a Fisher Price "Cool Scool" and shake it to mouse pointer... P. Fisher says we must update the driver as shown above. The currently installed driver is dated as: 20/09/05 and is version 6.14.0010.4396. I can't find how to do this on the Micro