No option to batch in Bridge CS5

Usually, in Bridge, I would go to tools > Photoshop > batch processing. But instead, I see tools > process in Photoshop Collections.

Even if I go in photoshop to batch processing via the bridge, for the bridge is greyed out and I can't select it.

I am on Windows 7, 64 bit.

Help, please.

Ok. go to start/pref/edit scripts.  You should at least have bridge and photoshop verified so they can communicate with each other.

Tags: Bridge

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    This might do what you want... f

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    It seems related to the different versions and their startup scripts. Bridge preferences Start Up Scripts has a script PS showing first check and see if the checkmark in front is verified. If this isn't the case, you must copy the old writing to this location. Don't know if it works and not knowing if you have a Mac or Windows. For a Mac there is library at the level of the root (so not in the user account).

    Here is the way: HD/Library/Application Support / Adobe / startup scripts. You probably have two folders, one called CS5 and called CS5.5 one. Try to copy (copy, no travel) the Photoshop script for the CS5.5 folder and try if it works. Theoretically, bridge 4.1 (that comes with CS5.5 - Yes, it is a bit confusing) should recognize scripts. And basically bridge 4 (CS5) and bridge 4.1 (CS5.5) are the same. But if you define Bridge 4.0 it will probably not recognize the new beginning of InDesign scripts.

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    Thank you.

    Two things to check.  You have CS5 or CS5.1?  There seems to be some difference in the programs.

    Then open edit/preferences/scripts, you must have a checkbox at Bridge and Photoshop.

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    Frau S aus B wrote:

    I use Bridge CS5 with camera raw 6.7.1 in combibnation with a canon 6 d and a canon 5 d Mark2. The 5 d raw files can be found in the bridge, the 6 d raw files are not. There is just an icon. The camera raw is the last usable for Windows Update, canon 6 d is listed as compatible. Someone at - there idea has what to do?

    Canon 6 d id NOT taken in charge by ACR 6.7.1. He was supported for the first time in ACR 7.3 requiring CS6 to run.

    Therefore, you will never be able to open the 6 d directly CR2 raw files in CS5.

    If you don't plan on upgrading, you can download the Adobe DNG Converter 8.3 free and autonomous (always use the latest version, it is not related to your version of Photoshop in all), install it like any other application, then run it on each batch of CR2 files to convert them into files DNG raw that you can then open in your version of Photoshop and ACR.

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    It is a function of the operating system.

    Look in the options for AutoPlay for a 'status quo' when this application is connected.

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    You may need to restore the Bridge CS5 preferences. If necessary, stop smoking on the deck. Restart and quickly press Command + Shift + Option (Mac key) until you get a dialog box. Then choose restore preferences.

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    Thank you

    I emptied the cache and reset the preferences.

    Since this is apparently a new installation and you probably not a lot

    updated files in cache, you can try this one first.

    Exit the bridge and library user find and remove the bridge plist file:

    Bibliotheque/preferences/com.Adobe.bridge4.plist. Drag this file in the


    File cache library even remove the bridge cache Manual:

    The user library/caches/Adobe/Bridge CS5. Inherent drag two files (Plug and)

    cache folder) to the trash.

    Bridge to restart again now press the option key and choose Reset Preferences.

    TSRI point Bridge to a folder with files and let it do its job cache

    (according to the amount of files and settings and the size of the file, it may take a)

    while checking the low bar to the left of the Bridge window activity to see if she

    has finished.

    Set preferences for personalized wishes and try again.

    If still off lucky to create a new user account to test and see if

    Bridge works normally from there.

  • Bridge CS5 crashes when opening

    Joseph Heller would be proud.

    Adobe Bridge, CS5 crashes when starting.  I downloaded Photoshop CS5 Extended, installed on my new MacBook Air (this computer has never seen any product of CSx).  Installed CS5 installed SC4 legacy serial number serial number, all right.  Photoshop works very well.  I installed all my plugins Nik and Bokeh Plugin.  All right.  I tried to launch the bridge, and it crashes during launch "not able to be achieved.  An unknown operating system error has occurred. "Adobe has released an update, I downloaded, but when installing, it crashes too (could not perform the update and provided a link to the Adobe support.)

    Hours later with Adobe ovens.  Tried:

    (1) by removing the PLIST file for bridge, no luck.

    (2) tried the trick of the Bridge Option to reset all the preferences in Bridge, no luck.

    (3) bridge created a new account Admin, connected to it, worked.

    (4) technical support adobe says it's now a problem with Apple because the program has worked with the new admin account.

    (5) says Apple book sand, it is a program of Adobe, it should work regardless of what admin account.

    (6) back to Adobe, talked to anyone at the third level (always 1), it's an Apple problem.  He suggests to disable Photoshop, uninstall Photoshop, run a clean script (that I just downloaded but haven't tried) which will remove all the files that have to do with CS5 uninstaller doesn't uninstall (completely logical), re - download and reinstall everything, yet once (I've not tried yet).

    Do a Google search for crashing at the opening of the bridge reveals a frightening amount of comments with people having similar problems (don't even get started me on Adobe Air).

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you


    Hey Arnie,.

    We have this (former) document on the problem that you describe. The solutions are still valid.

    Troubleshoot unexpected behavior that occurs only in a particular user account. Adobe on Mac OS software

    Here are the locations of specific Bridge preferences, you can try to pass Bridge CS5 files the following paths on the desktop to ensure all get recreated and exist. I know that you had mentioned the PLIST one already in #3.

    [It] in the path would be your specific user account.

    If your user account was not all permissions of read/write on any of these directories, which could also be the cause.

    1. users / [user] / Library/Caches/Adobe/Bridge CS5
    2. users / [user] / Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CS5.
    3 com.adobe.bridge4.plist file located in the users / [user] / Library/Preferences

    Hope this helps,

    Dave B

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    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Instead of a right-click on the file, right-click on the folder and select "Browse in Adobe Bridge CS5"

    If this option is not take a look at: -.


    Where it will show you how to put in place.

  • Bridge CS5 - setting to automatically open the images selected in ACR?

    My Bridge CS3 opens images (when I click on the thumbnail) in ACR, jpg even.  How to make this happen in Bridge CS5?

    I can open in ACR by going in "file > open", but is there a way to automatically?  Sorry if there is an obvious answer, but I'm

    absent - it if there is.  I just installed CS5 today.

    Thanks... carolyn

    How to make this happen in Bridge CS5?

    I can open in ACR by going in "file > open", but is there a way to put


    You can set it in preferences. By default, it is set to open only jpeg

    and tiff with parameters (and that's really the only adjustment I want because I have)

    don't want to open ACR everytime I open a jpeg or tiff file...)

    Under the Bridge menu, you have two preferences, first Camera Raw, then

    Preferences (those who are for the bridge)

    In the preferences of the camera, you have down to choose from

    3 options to open jpeg and tiff in ACR. Not at all, just the ones with ACR

    Settings and all the time.

    Also consider this workflow:

    Leave the default settings to only open files with parameters and bridge

    Content panel select one or more files that you want to change in ACR. With the right

    Click the mouse choose "Open in Camera Raw" from the submenu.

    If you already changed files and want to fine tune them just double

    Click to open in ACR (those that have a small icon with sliders top right

    the miniature)

    You can also use the Panel filter (Camera Raw - custom settings) to show

    Only files with parameters.

    Just another workflow

  • Bridge CS5 with CS4 files cache problem

    If I use Bridge CS4 on a directory, then open the directory even with Bridge CS5, bridge insist on rebuilding thumbnails and previews (as shown on the lower status line).    If I reopen it then the directory in Bridge CS4, it rebuilt again inches and previews - but only inches seem to be rebuilt.   Preferences in both versions of the bridge are "identical".  The bridge cache files are kept in directories of images.

    The construction of the cache seems to be pretty fast (faster than expected) - I don't know what, if anything, is being rebuilt.

    What is an operation expected?

    This poses some difficulties that I have 530 000 images (7 terabytes) on Bridge CS4 and the reconstruction of the files would literally take weeks to rebuild.

    Central cache built in Bridge CS4 allows not in Bridge CS5, as expected.  But there is a way to save a lot of time is the construction of a local cache in CS4, which will produce 2 hidden files '. '. BridgeCache «and» BridgeCacheT' in the same folder with your images.  After that when you open the folder in CS5, the thumbnails can get out of the local cache, which will be much faster to rebuild the cache.

    For reference, there are 2 ways to build the local cache:

    1. check the option "Automatically export Cache files when Possible" in preferences > Cache.  This will produce a cache local to each folder as you navigate so you don't need to worry about build manually.  It is unchecked by default.

    2. manually build a local cache for a folder and all its subfolders by innovation in the folder that you want to build, then the selece tools > Cache > build and Cache export, with the option "Export Cache files" checked, click 'OK '.

    Please try it and tell me if this solves your problem.

    Thank you!

  • Cannot open the camera raw 6.0 Bridge CS5

    I just installed photoshop CS5 and I'm unable to view and open my NEF files in Camera Raw in Bridge CS5.  It worked perfectly fine with CS4 Bridge and Camera Raw  Anyone have any suggestions other than using my old Bridge CS4. I have mas OS X 10.6.3 installed on my computer.

    Thank you very much

    Natdale wrote:

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the whole photoshop CS5 and it's always the same... I am at lost and using my old CS4 bridge for now.

    You must confirm that the Camera Raw plugin has been properly installed so that the two bridge _and_ Photoshop can access. For Mac only right place is to be installed is: the level of the root (not the user library) library. To the inside of the eye to Library Application Support / Adobe/Plug-ins / CS5 / File Formats / camera Raw.plugin

    If plug in Camera Raw isn't here or one of these folders are not there then Camera Raw is not correctly installed... If Camera Raw is correctly installed, then you may need to do several things... first of all, in the folder that you want to see raw images, and ride under Tools / Cache / purge the Cache for the file. If this does not work, you may have to trash your preferences in Bridge CS5. To do this, hold down the command / Option / Shift key while double-clicking the bridge app icon and choosing preferences reset...

    If Camera Raw was not properly installed, sorry, you can not help... you may have to contact Customer Service for technical support installation.

  • Bridge cs5 missing export

    today, I was watching this movie

    but in my bridge cs5 missing export tools

    is normal?
    I do not have

    Send to hard drive

    I tried to check for update nothing
    I have only the Panel (export), but it is empty

    Thank you

    Nothing is fake, that options 'To Blog' and 'To Email' since the video were just save the presets of hard drive that did the author

  • Previews in Bridge CS5 are not sharp

    The Panel in Bridge CS5 preview images are not strong (almost blurry). Also when I select an inch and view it using the method of the space bar (of the bridge) the picture not sharp. Anyone has any idea why? They look fine in Bridge CS4. I searched for a setting, preferably without result. It doesn't matter if it's RAW or JPG (same results).

    When I select an image and view using the space bar (in the finder) looks sharp/normal.

    Thank you.

    You generate previews monitor size (an option in preferences)? You will need purge the cache for the records after making this choice.

Maybe you are looking for