Adobe Draw

Problem of export for the raffle Adobe

I use an iPad Air (gen 1), updated on its software and trying to send an Adobe Illustrator file (updated from today ' hui) 2011 Macbook Pro with RAM upgrade.On my simple files, it sends. On large files (those with the most work put into them) I can't

Can you throw an illustrator file and save it as a shape to use in the draw?

I know that I can use Adobe Capture to create a form of reuse in Adobe Draw... but is there a way to save a file that you have in your Office CC Illustrator to a library that you can access the Adobe Draw? I would like to avoid capture and resmoothin

Adobe draw gel on Air iPad

IM, create a not too complex logo, I just need to clean up a little and everything froze. After about 30 seconds, she thawed and let me do a thing (a move, switch layer, etc.) and then crashes again. I rebooted, tried to remove layers a couple, nothi

I use adobe draw on my iphone, I downloaded adobe capture cc to help me capture the copes... When I open illustrator there is no way to take what I capture in illustrator... As there was in android devices... I managed to take what I capture in an instant

I use adobe draw on my iphone, I downloaded adobe capture cc for more help... When I open illustrator there is no way to take what I capture in illustrator... As there was in android devices... I managed to take what I capture in image, but it's not

Adobe will draw and other mobile apps available on the pro 3 Surface this year?

Mobile apps this year adobe will be available on the Surface 3 pro or anytime soon? I often start at the raffle Adobe and since obtaining a surface 3 pro, it would be a much better workflow to begin to draw and move right into illustrator with the sa

How can I delete an Adobe application project draw on phone?

I was playing around with adobe draw trying to figure how to remove temporary test files?

My it pallino arancione al tocco della stylus if UOP n?

Salve a tutti.STO cercando di utilizzare app draw con una pen wacom intuos ma, pure avendola perched accettata present nell, quando provo a disegnare, compare a nice pallino arancione del di più di mezzo laddove poggio the penna cm diameter. Come pot

How to download a file "adobe" draw to my computer without going through the Illustrator?

Hello. I have recently completed a work on adobe draw for ipad, but currently I don't have access to the adobe illustrator software. Is it possible to download it on the computer? I tried to send, but I want to keep the background transparent...

Why adobe illustrator drawing app on android is "not compatible" with my galaxy tab s2?

HelloWhen I get to illustrator on Google play, it tells me that it is not compatible with my device?What should I do? What is the requirement?

Como UN layer borrado recover

¿Saben so is you can recover UN layer that borro por accident? : S

export my print illustrator proyect to my cs6 illustrator who is in my computer

I need to know how to export my proyect of the draw of the Illustrator to my cs6 illustrator who is in my computer? I did who can? in vectors.

draw the crash when changing the brush

in a brand new iPad Pro. Have the latest version of the draw. Whenever I try to change the color of a brush he breaks down. any ideas on how to fix? THX.

How to configure we draw like the paths of the race, rather than the default of transparent traces?

When I move a drawing creation using simple 1 black lines smooth to draw Adobe Illustrator CC, it is expanded or compound paths.  I want to be able to draw the image as a single path only (points in the middle of the race as opposed to control points

How can I combine 2 forms?

How can I combine 2 forms

How can I select anything in Adobe Illustrator Draw?

When I draw something, there should be a way to select certain parts of it, for further manipulation, but I can't find any way.Thanks, Gábor

Can I use my work in trade?

I just signed up for an Adobe account. I have two apps on my iPad: Adobe Draw and Photoshop Express. My question about the work, I create or modify on these two apps: can I use this work commercially (for example, sale, license, etc.)?Thank you for y

Removal of anchor on top of text?

I was wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of an ontop my text anchor. I'm trying to make a graph, but whenever I try to resize a number by using the direct Selection tool, it highlights the whole number in red and said "anchor". The Red nail is

How can I save my doc. In pdf and JPEG not?

Hello!!! I would like to know if it is possible to save the draw in high quality because it let me just save it in JPEG format and the quality is not good, I want it vectorize is supposed to be, not not even when I send it to my email, the document s

iPad complete storage, lost drawing

Help! I did a drawing in Adobe Draw! and when it was over I got a pop up on my iPad storage being full, then I LOST it! Shouldn't it be saved on creative cloud? Is it possible to get it back!
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