Add HorizontalFieldManager to ObjectListField

Is this possible?

I think I came up with a solution that seems to work.

Basically what I've done is created a class that extends HorizontalFieldManager.

Inside of this, I outweigh the function of painting as follows:

    protected void paint(Graphics graphics)    {     if(this.isFocus())                        {         graphics.setColor(0x00FFFFFF);            graphics.setBackgroundColor(0x0000a8ff);      }     else                      {         graphics.setBackgroundColor(0x00FFFFFF);              }

       graphics.clear();     super.paint(graphics);        invalidate();       }

Then I added the other managers / text boxes / bitmaps to the Senior Manager, but I got them all the non-focusable.

Then I added * a * element focusable all at the bottom of the Senior Manager, but I did the actual height of the Senior Manager under then there, which shows that when this element received focus in the Senior Manager, the background color change, acting as a "hightlight. You can on this element features, then click send you to different screens or Watt, you want to do.

My only question for now seems to be affecting all areas of text to a color once the Senior Manager is put in evidence... but im still working on it.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Trace of thread


    Bitmap image. line (int, int, int, byte [], boolean, boolean, boolean): 550
    Bitmap image. line (int, int, int, byte [], boolean, boolean): 456
    Bitmap image. line (int, int, int, byte [], boolean): 437
    Bitmap image. (int, int, int) line: 391
    Bitmap.createScaledBitmap (int, int) line: 762
    ScaleBitmap.scaleBitmap (int, int, int, boolean, Bitmap) online: 481
    ScaleBitmap.scaleBitmap (Bitmap, int, int, int) online: 427
    Line BitmapBackground.draw (Graphics, XYRect): 193
    ListScreen$ ItemListField (field) .drawHighlightRegion (Graphics, int, boolean, int, int, int, int) line: 1463
    ListScreen$ ItemListField (field) .drawFocus (icon, boolean) online: 1326
    ListScreen$ ItemListField (ListField) .drawFocus (icon, boolean) online: 495
    ListScreen$ ItemListField (field) .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) line: 4252
    Line .paintChild (graphic design, field) HorizontalFieldManager (Manager): 2596
    HorizontalFieldManager.subpaint (Graphics) line: 245
    HorizontalFieldManager (Manager) .paint (Graphics) line: 2540
    HorizontalFieldManager (field) .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) line: 4237
    Line .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) HorizontalFieldManager (Manager): 2601
    Line .paintChild (graphic design, field) VerticalFieldManager (Manager): 2596
    VerticalFieldManager.subpaint (Graphics) online: 536
    VerticalFieldManager (Manager) .paint (Graphics) line: 2540
    VerticalFieldManager (field) .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) line: 4237
    Line .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) VerticalFieldManager (Manager): 2601
    Line .paintChild (graphic design, field) TitleStatusManager (Manager): 2596
    TitleStatusManager (Manager) .subpaint (Graphics) line: 3006
    TitleStatusManager (Manager) .paint (Graphics) line: 2540
    TitleStatusManager (field) .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) line: 4237
    Line .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) TitleStatusManager (Manager): 2601
    Line .paintChild (graphic design, field) FieldMapListScreen (Manager): 2596
    FieldMapListScreen (Screen) .paint (Graphics) line: 3556
    FieldMapListScreen (field) .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) line: 4237
    Line .paintSelf (graphics, boolean, int, int) FieldMapListScreen (Manager): 2601
    .DoPaint0 (boolean, boolean) FieldMapListScreen (screen) line: 1368
    UiEngineImpl.paintToBackingStores (line): 444
    UiEngineImpl.doPainting (line): 275
    UiEngineImpl.processMessage (subject, Message, boolean) online: 2436
    AcireJournalApp (app) .processNextMessage (Message) line: 1799
    AcireJournalApp (app) .enterEventDispatcher () line: 1043
    Line AcireJournalApp.main (String []): 47

    I found the cause of the exception, they wore the style bits being passed to the constructor of the HorizontalFieldManager.

    The following code caused the exception on V4.7 but not on earlier versions (V4.2, tested V4.6).

    HFM HorizontalFieldManager = new HorizontalFieldManager)
    | HorizontalFieldManager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR);

    The exception does not occur when the code is changed

    HFM HorizontalFieldManager = new HorizontalFieldManager();

  • How to set a background image

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    SerializableAttribute public class BackgroundImage extends UiApplication
    Imagearriereplan private bitmap;
    fieldBitmap private bitmap;
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    BackgroundImage PAP = new BackgroundImage();
    theApp.enterEventDispatcher ();
    public BackgroundImage()
    The background image.
    Imagearriereplan = Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("loginBackground.png");
    Display display = new MainScreen();
    HorizontalFieldManager horizontalFieldManager = HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | nouveau HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT) {}
    Override the paint method to draw the background image.
    public void paint (Graphics graphics)
    Draw the background image, then paint.
    graphics.drawBitmap (0, 0, 240, 240, Imagearriereplan, 0, 0);
    Super.Paint (Graphics);
    The LabelField will be visible through the transparent image.
    LabelField labelField is new LabelField ("is a label");.
    A bitmap with a transparent image field.
    The background image will be visible through the transparent BitMapField image.
    BitmapField bitmapField = new BitmapField (Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("field.png"));

    Add the handler to the screen.
    mainScreen.add (horizontalFieldManager);
    Add the fields to the Manager.
    horizontalFieldManager.add (labelField);
    horizontalFieldManager.add (bitmapField);
    Tap on the screen.
    pushScreen (mainScreen);

    Thanks in advance

    You can scale the image with EncodedImage, but it is usually best to use an image with a sufficient size

  • How to draw and the positioning of images in FieldManager using the method object?

    How can I add and the positioning of my images in the position desired in FieldManagers?

    I need to add more than 2 fields (HorizontalFieldManager/VerticleFieldManager) in my application and I draw an image using the method of painting ovverided.

    NOTE: The image will be established if I do not use mainScreen.add (SeparatorField ()) or mainScreen.add (hori2), see below.

    If I use mainScreen.add (mainScreen.add (hori2) SeparatorField ())... n then the horizontalFieldManger won't be empty, drawn in the output screen.

    import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.*;
    public class BackgroundImage extends UiApplication
        private Bitmap backgroundBitmap;
        private Bitmap fieldBitmap;
        int width, height;
        public static void main(String[] args)
                BackgroundImage theApp = new BackgroundImage();
        HorizontalFieldManager hori2;
        public BackgroundImage()
            //The background image.
            backgroundBitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("jalan_logo.png");
            MainScreen mainScreen = new MainScreen();
            hori2 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
            HorizontalFieldManager horizontalFieldManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT){
                //Override the paint method to draw the background image.
                public void paint(Graphics graphics)
                    System.out.println("come to here..!!");
                    width = graphics.getScreenWidth();
                    height = graphics.getScreenHeight();
                    //Draw the background image and then call paint.
                    graphics.drawBitmap(width/2, height/2, 150, 40, backgroundBitmap, 0, 0);
            //The LabelField will show up through the transparent image.
            LabelField labelField = new LabelField("This is a label");
            //Add the manager to the screen.
           mainScreen.add(new SeparatorField());
            //Push the screen.

    Help, please.

    I have already pointed out the problem with USE_ALL_HEIGHT in first Manager add you to the form. Drop this style bit, otherwise sublayout your screen will generate an exception, and nothing appears!

    If you want HorizontalFieldManager to be of a particular size, regardless of the height of managed fields, replace its sublayout:

    HorizontalFieldManager fieldManagerTopBanner = new
         protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
            super.sublayout(maxWidth, maxHeight);
            int myDesiredHeight = ;
            setExtent(getWidth(), Math.min(myDesiredHeight, maxHeight));
         protected void paint(Graphics g)
              // g.setBackgroundColor(0x000000);//blue
                 g.drawBitmap(100, 150, 100, 200, jlnLogoImg, 0, 0);
  • Selection field of the day of the week as the appointment screen


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    Now, can someone please give me an idea on how to develop this field?

    Thank you.


    Add HorizontalFieldManager and add ButtonFields on measurement (method overload f.e paint.).

    ButtonFieldListener is added to the custom field button.

    If selected the day of the week (given by the manufacturer) paint "BOLD", and another not.

    Kind regards


  • v, can add two horizontalFieldmanager in a horizontalfieldmanager


    I want labelfield and editfield one under the other.

    and I want to add bitmap border combining two fields... If I want to add two horizontalfield in unique horizontalfield.

    is it possibble?

    «I want labelfield and editfield one under the other.»

    below?  So, you want a vertical zone manager you?

    I imagine that you have two HFM, each with a label and an EditField and you want these below the other.  Add you them to an optimization of resources and then put the following border around a resources optimization.

    Once you start to need to do this sort of thing, you really should look at:

  • HorizontalFieldManager in a DialogFieldManager

    Hi I'm trying to place a HorizontalFieldManager that contains a BasicEditField and a ButtonField in a DialogFieldManager.  When I run the code below in the HorizontalFieldManager fields do not appear.

    DialogFieldManager dfm = (DialogFieldManager)getDelegate();
             dfm.setIcon(new BitmapField(Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.QUESTION)));
             dfm.setMessage(new RichTextField("Select a text file for results"));
            _txtfilename = new BasicEditField() {
                protected void paint(Graphics g) {
                    if (getTextLength() == 0) {
                        g.drawText("Enter Text File Name", 0, 0);
            _txtfilename.setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(2, 2, 2, 2), 0xF5F5F5));
            _btnOK = new ButtonField();
             HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager()
                 public void sublayout(int width, int height) {
                      int xpos = 0;
                      int ypos = 0;
                      Field field = getField(0);
                      setPositionChild(field, xpos, ypos);
                      layoutChild(field, 280, 50);
                      Field field1 = getField(1);
                      setPositionChild(field1, xpos+20, ypos+80);
                      layoutChild(field1, 100, 50);
                      setPosition(150, 220);
                      setExtent(width, height);
            _olf = new ObjectListField();

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    According to my interpretation of the Javadocs, instead:

    DFM. Add (HFM);

    you will need

    dfm.addCustomField (hfm);

    have you tried that?

  • HorizontalFieldManager

    Call me a maniac of perfectionism.

    I can't have a HorizontalFieldManager inside a VerticalFieldManager.

    I did this:

    vfm.add(body3);  HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT | Manager.FIELD_BOTTOM); hfm.add(ContactButton); 
    hfm.add(DownloadButton); add(vfm); add(hfm);

    But he won't put the buttons next to the other as shown in the attached photo.

    What am I doing wrong again?

    VFM. Add (HFM);
    Add (VFM);

  • HorizontalFieldManager custom: cannot field presentation, insufficient height or width

    I have two fields to label that I need for available side by side in a manager of horizontal field. When ran, the outputs of the Console: "cannot the field presentation, insufficient height or width.

    When I insert a breakpoint, the values are:

    • width = 480
    • height = 1073741823

    Why is the value of great height? (Oh yes, the virtual height.)

    What is the right way to calculate the height - just use the height field's favorite?

    LabelField lf = new LabelField("Flavor");
    LabelField olf = new LabelField("Order");
    HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(
                    | Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR) {
            protected void sublayout(int width,
                int height) {
            Field field;
            int numberOfFields = getFieldCount();
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
                field = getField(i);
                setPositionChild(field, x, y);
                layoutChild(field, width,
                y += 10;
            int myWidth = Math.min(width,
            int myHeight = height;
            super.sublayout(myWidth, myHeight);
            setExtent(myWidth, myHeight);
        public int getPreferredWidth() {
            return getScreen().getWidth();

    You all that hard work the fields chickens and then try to destroy with super.sublayout () call. I'm sure that's what throws the exception. Check your myWidth and myHeight before the call to super.sublayout (). You might find that getPreferredWidth() returns to zero.

    I don't know why you would want to increase the parameter y in a horizontal field in any event handler. If anything, set x and not just randomly, by 10, but by the field.getWidth (). But it's logical that if you extend the Manager and remove super.sublayout call.

    More important still, you can get what you want much easier to not the substitution of all sublayouts and instead use setMargin on your domains.

  • How to add fields on a screen at a particular location where a domain manager is already added


    Issue in the user Desiging interface...

    I have a screen where I use two HorizontalFieldManager covering first half and second half of the screen, now my qusetion is that I want to add a field to the second half of the screen but the field is added below the second half of the screen, I know why this is happening because the area of the screen is already filled by the two HorizontalFieldManager.

    So please suggest me how to add the field in the second half of the screen, which sector is already covered by HorizontalFieldManager.

    Here is my sample code...

    Top of HorizontalFieldManager = HorizontalFieldManager(NON_FOCUSABLE | nouveau FIELD_HCENTER |) FIELD_VCENTER);
    upper_part = new BitmapField (upper_bitmap);
    Upper.Add (upper_part);

    Low HorizontalFieldManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(NON_FOCUSABLE |) FIELD_HCENTER | FIELD_VCENTER);
    lower_part = new BitmapField (lower_bitmap);
    Lower.Add (lower_part);

    VerticalFieldManager body = new VerticalFieldManager(NON_FOCUSABLE |) FIELD_HCENTER | FIELD_VCENTER);
    Body.Add (Upper);
    Body.Add (Lower);
    Add (Body);

    Thanks a lot... :)

    Are you using the bitmap for horizontal substantive adding upper and lower field area manager

    If yes don't do that add background to the Manager of horizontal field like this:

    horizontalFieldManager.setBackground (BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground (bitmap));

  • Problem with the ObjectListField


    I have problems with the method getSelectedIndex() ObjectListField.
    Supposedly, when there is no index selected, it returns-1. But how come it always returns the index of the last element?

    To illustrate, I created my own dialog that has similar functionality to the "device window select" Bluetooth BB application. I have an ObjectListField and a Cancel button. What I did simply, is to change the label of the button to show the selected index. I have attached my sample code below.

    public class MyDialog extends dialog
    private ObjectListField m_list;
    private ButtonField m_btn;

    public MyDialog)
    Super ("Select Device:", null, null, 0, Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("bluetoothIcon.PNG"), Manager.FOCUSABLE);

    m_List = new ObjectListField();
    m_btn = new ButtonField ("Cancel", Field.FIELD_HCENTER);
    m_List.set (new String [] {"first", "second"});

    Add (m_List);
    Add (m_btn);

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time)
    m_btn.setLabel (Integer.ToString (m_List.getSelectedIndex ()));

    Returns true;

    Can someone help me on this problem? Is there something wrong with my code, or is the buggy API? All I want to do is to return an index of-1 if there is no selected item in the list.

    Also, I tried the isFocus() method to check if the list is being concentrated, it always returns false even if the list is OBVIOUSLY being focused. I'm running out of options on how to determine the solution to this problem. Help, please!

    Thank you very much.

    @jacylan - I do not use isFocus() to determine if the ListField is net.  Take a look at the following code, I think that with this, you can force-1 when the ListField is not the point.

        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
            int selectedIndex = m_list.getSelectedIndex();
            boolean listInFocusOption1 = false;
            if ( this.getLeafFieldWithFocus() == m_list ) {
                listInFocusOption1 = true;
            boolean listInFocusOption2 = false;
            if ( m_list.isFocus() ) {
                listInFocusOption2 = true;
            m_btn.setLabel(Integer.toString(selectedIndex) + ":" + listInFocusOption1 + ":" +listInFocusOption2);
            return true;
  • Set the color for emphasis on the interactive whiteboard to HorizontalFieldManager

    I have an array of horizontal fields that contains a bitmap and a labelfield each. The entire line should be clickable who worked until now, but how do I set the color to accent properly? At the moment the onFocus and onUnfocus functions are completely ignored.

    It's the definition of my table:

    for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
            logInDetailManager[i] = new HorizontalFieldManager(
                    Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Field.FOCUSABLE) {
                protected void onFocus(int direction) {
                    background_color = Color.RED;
                protected void onUnfocus() {
                    background_color = Color.GREEN;

    And that's how I add my horizontal fields:

    logInDetailManager[i].add(new LabelField("hello"));
    logInDetailManager[i].add(new NullField(Field.FOCUSABLE));

    Thanks for your help!

    AAH it got already...

    If someone has trouble with this too: I removed onFocus() and onUnfocus and set the background color in the paint so the color of the entire line method is modified when:

    protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
        graphics.setBackgroundColor(isFocus() ? Color.RED : Color.GREEN);
  • horizontalfieldmanager limitation

    I just found out that HorizontalFieldManager can not add more than 1 TextField... When I add 2 TextField in a HorizontalFieldManager and then, I transfer the app to my Blackberry, second TextField will not be displayed. Is there such a restriction for some managers?

    This is not a limitation of the Manager, but a problem of the field, it signals a preferredWidth of unlimited and as a hfm has unlimited width (virtually) it grants this wish.

    You can replace getPreferredWidth on the domain or use a custom layout manager.

  • several checkbox in horizontalfieldmanager problem!

    Hi, I add several checkbox in horizontal fieldmanager.

    It displays as intended for os 5 and less but only displays the first box added to os 6.

    I don't know what the problem is! Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or give me a work-around!


    check1 = new CheckboxField("1", true);
    check2 = new CheckboxField("2", true);
    check3 = new CheckboxField("3", true);
    checkField = new HorizontalFieldManager();

    Thanks in advance!

    It seems that in CheckboxField became "width-hungry" the OS 6.  Check this thread for the solution:

    CheckboxField, on the same line with OS6

  • How do HorizontalFieldManager containing buttons &amp; edit fields?


    I tried welcoming two EditFields and a ButtonField to a HorizontalFieldManager. But only the first EditField is visible and a part of the button. The second EditField is completely invisible. I add this HorizontalFieldManager to a PopupScreen. I have to add two more HFMs llike this. Please see the code.

    fieldSortName = new EditField("SortName:", "", 10, Field.FOCUSABLE);
    fieldCustNo = new EditField("CustNo:", "", 5, Field.FOCUSABLE);
    buttonBrowse1 = new ButtonField("..", Field.FOCUSABLE);
    HorizontalFieldManager horsnMgr = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.FIELD_HCENTER){
     protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
       layoutChild(fieldSortName, fieldSortName.getPreferredWidth(), fieldSortName.getHeight());
       setPositionChild(fieldSortName, 0, 0);
       layoutChild(buttonBrowse1, fieldSortName.getWidth(), buttonBrowse1.getHeight());
       setPositionChild(buttonBrowse1, Display.getWidth()/2, 0);
       layoutChild(fieldCustNo, fieldCustNo.getWidth(), fieldCustNo.getPreferredHeight());
       setPositionChild(fieldCustNo, maxWidth - fieldCustNo.getWidth(), 0);
       setExtent(maxWidth, fieldCustNo.getHeight());

    Any help will be very appreciated!

    screen_width = Display.getWidth();
    field_width = screen_width/3+1;
    fieldSortName = new EditField("SortName:", "", 10, Field.FOCUSABLE);
    fieldCustNo = new EditField("CustNo:", "", 5, Field.FOCUSABLE);
    buttonBrowse1 = new ButtonField("..", Field.FOCUSABLE);
    TableLayoutManager tlm = new TableLayoutManager(new int[]
    }, new int[]{

    Did the same thing yesterday, but with three buttons...  I used the TableLayoutManager.

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