An error occurred during rebinding of application program after applying the patch patch p9239090

Dear experts,

I put my installation Oracle of R12.1.1 to R12.1.3 level.

I made a request patch 9239089 successfully, but system showed me an error after the application of patch p9239090 . (An error occurred during re-Association of the application programs. ) )

The log file is

Start of session AutoPatch *.

AutoPatch version: 12.0.0

AutoPatch started: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:34

APPL_TOP is defined on/u01/applr12/apps/apps_st/appl

The value of NLS_LANG environment is: American_America.US7ASCII

NLS_LANG value for utility AD run is: AMERICAN_AMERICA. US7ASCII

Backup restart files, as appropriate. Fact.

Your previous session to autopatch did not stand up to the end.

You want to continue your previous session to AutoPatch [Yes]? There

You are about to apply a patch for the installation of the Oracle Applications

in your ORACLE database "PROD".

using ORACLE executable files in ' / u01/applr12/apps/tech_st/10.1.2'.

This is the database correct [Yes]? Yes

Connecting to the SYSTEM... Successfully connected.

Already asked the ORACLE username and password

Application Object Library.

(The name of user and password given was: APPLSYS / *)

Connecting to APPLSYS... Successfully connected.

The status of the different features in this performance of the AutoPatch is:

<-feature version in - >

Function Active?   Flags of APPLTOP data model

------------------------------   -------   --------   -----------   -----------


PREREQ Yes 6 6 O N N O N O







Product file information...

Reading language information and territory of file...

The language information of applUS.txt reading...

AutoPatch WARNING:

Product data file


There is no product "zfa".

This product is registered in the database, but the

above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

will be ignored without error.

AutoPatch WARNING:

Product data file


There is no product "zsa".

This product is registered in the database, but the

above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

will be ignored without error.

AutoPatch WARNING:

Product data file


There is no product "jts".

This product is registered in the database, but the

above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

will be ignored without error.

Currently, the following is installed:

Status of language code

----   --------------------------------------- ---------

American base of American English

Your base will be AMERICAN.

Set up the module information.

Reading database for more information on the modules.

Saving the module information.

Connecting to the SYSTEM... Successfully connected.

Connecting to APPLSYS... Successfully connected.

AD code level: [B.3]

STRT_TASK: [AutoPatch startup after software] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:49]

Connecting to applications... Successfully connected.

STRT_TASK: [password validate schema] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:49]

STOP_TASK: [password validate schema] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:49]

STRT_TASK: [history of Patch Upload information filesystem] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:49]

Try to get a lock...

About to attempt of instantiation of the snapshot of the current view: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

Attempt to instantiate the snapshot current view...

Was already instantiated. If no instantiation made this time.

Trying to instantiate the snapshot of the current view: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

S T E R T O F U P L O A D *.

Start date: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

0 "left on" files uploaded to DB javaupdates.txt: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

0 patches downloaded from the history of patch ADPSV format files: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

Download information on files copied during previous tests...

Download ' / u01/applr12/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/filescopied_15760.txt '...

Start instant processing of information

No records processed = 5012

Collecting statistics for the table 'AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP '...


Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: Mar 17 June 2014 06:34:53

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End time: 17 June 2014 Mar 06:35:50

No records processed = 10110

Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: June 17, 2014 Mar 06:35:51

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End times: Mar 17 June 2014 06:36:24

No records processed = 15110

Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: Mar 17 June 2014 06:36:25

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End times: Mar 17 June 2014 06:36:51

No records processed = 20130

Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: Mar 17 June 2014 06:36:52

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End times: Mar 17 June 2014 06:37:16

No records processed = 25130

Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: Mar 17 June 2014 06:37:16

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End times: Mar 17 June 2014 06:37:49

No records processed = 30842

Collecting statistics for the table 'AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP '...


Update of the snapshot Tables... Start time: Mar 17 June 2014 06:37:50

Fact update of the snapshot for the above lines Tables... End times: Mar 17 June 2014 06:38:01

Completed the instant processing of information

1 "left on" filescopied_ < session_id > .txt files uploaded to DB: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:34:50

****************** E N D   O F   U P L O A D ******************

End date: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01

STOP_TASK: [history of Patch Upload information filesystem] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

Already asked the name of the patch directory.

(The answer was: / u01/9239090)

STOP_TASK: [AutoPatch startup after software] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

Already asked the name of the driver of the patch file.

(The answer was: u01/9239090/u9239090.drv)

STRT_TASK: [execute a driver file single patch] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STRT_TASK: [steps before the part of copy] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STRT_TASK: [pilot Initial processing steps] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STOP_TASK: [pilot Initial processing steps] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STRT_TASK: [get Oracle Applications release and read the driver file] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STRT_TASK: [driver and logic output for a reboot] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

STRT_TASK: [read the release list save file] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:01]

Playlist version save file...

Release list reading registered the file

STOP_TASK: [read the release list save file] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [driver and logic output for a reboot] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [get Oracle Applications release and read the driver file] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Prereq logic check] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [Prereq logic check] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [patch question Ask translated] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [patch question Ask translated] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [determine bugs apply] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

Journal and news file synchronization point:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03

Deactivation of the actions that make reference to unrecognized products.

Journal and news file synchronization point:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03

End of unrecognized product verification.

STOP_TASK: [determine bugs apply] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: process action [Options] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: process action [Options] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: Edit actions for "bootstrap" mode] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: Edit actions for "bootstrap" mode] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Ask for the number of parallel workers] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

(The number of parallel workers is: '8')

STOP_TASK: [Ask for the number of parallel workers] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

AutoPatch will run in parallel mode.

STOP_TASK: [steps before the part of copy] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Not part of copy] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [applied the new applterr.txt] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

Didn't need to apply new applterr.txt.

STOP_TASK: [applied the new applterr.txt] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [AutoSplice applprod.txt and applUS.txt] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [AutoSplice applprod.txt and applUS.txt] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Version searching for driver files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [Version searching for driver files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [copy driver files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [copy driver files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [driver files Forcecopy] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [driver files Forcecopy] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [screen invalid files for this configuration] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [screen invalid files for this configuration] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [read the file driver files for a list of valid files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [read the file driver files for a list of valid files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [libout Perform actions] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [libout Perform actions] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [To conduct an audit of version] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [To conduct an audit of version] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [determine the directories to create] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

To jump...

Determine the directories to create for driver specific

Since no action is present for this driver file

STOP_TASK: [determine the directories to create] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [determine executables to bind] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [determine executables to bind] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [determine the executable files to generate Forms] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [determine the executable files to generate Forms] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [library files determined PL/SQL to generate reports] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [library files determined PL/SQL to generate reports] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [files determine the reports to generate] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [files determine the reports to generate] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [determine to build the files of messages] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

To jump...

Determine if you need to generate messages for driver files specified

Since no action is present for this driver file

STOP_TASK: [determine to build the files of messages] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Find bugs with any active] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [Find bugs with any active] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: custom view [files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: custom view [files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [copy files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [copy files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Forcecopy files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [Forcecopy files] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Perform actions of libin] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STOP_TASK: [Perform actions of libin] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [create directories] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

To jump...

Create specific directories pilot

Since no action is present for this driver file

STOP_TASK: [create directories] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

STRT_TASK: [Relink executable] [] [Tuesday, June 17, 2014 06:38:03]

Reissue of executable links...

An error occurred during re-Association of the application programs.

Continue as if it was successful [No.]: No.

Release includes the hash table

Release fixes hash table

Hash table freeing basedons

Releasing entities hash table

You must check the file

/ U01/applr12/Apps/apps_st/Appl/admin/prod/log/adpatch_901

to find errors.

Kind regards

Dear X E H E R

I have faced this message also when installing

ATTENTION: All workers have failed or are pending:

Failed: File WFRESGEN worker 1.

Failed: File WFRESGEN worker 2.

Failed: File WFRESGEN worker 3.

ATTENTION: Fix the worker failed above the Manager to continue.

What it means?

Kind regards


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Everything by applying the patch Patch 18345006 as explained in Doc 1981206.1 , in the phase to apply it, I get the error

    AutoPatch error:

    You must be in Maintenance Mode to apply the patches.

    You can use the AD Administration utility to set the Maintenance Mode.

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    Hi Experts,

    As he tried to apply the patch

    FAMILY PACK OF FIXES (R12. ATG_PF. B.3 (8919491))

    I was getting error while applying the sine qua non patch 9239089 .. Is the error produced when re - link application programs.

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    The error of the logfile adpatch : -.

    Reissue of executable links...

    An error occurred during re-Association of the application programs.

    Continue as if it was successful [No.]: Yes

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    Adjcopy.class running:

    adjava-mx512m - nojit @/u01/appl_top/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/apps.cmd

    / bin/sh: adjava: command not found

    I also see warnings in adpatch.log: -.

    AutoPatch WARNING:

    Product data file


    There is no product "zfa".

    This product is registered in the database, but the

    above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AutoPatch WARNING:

    Product data file


    There is no product "zsa".

    This product is registered in the database, but the

    above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AutoPatch WARNING:

    Product data file


    There is no product "jts".

    This product is registered in the database, but the

    above the file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product

    will be ignored without error.


    Please see the following documents.

    Lack of responsibilities after that put 12.1.3 at level [ID 1309852.1]

    SYSADMIN responsibility missing after upgrade to 12.1.3 [ID 1246824.1]

    Troubleshooting missing responsibilities for user [ID 429852.1]

    See also (known on top of Patch 9114911 - R12.HR_PF issues. B.Delta.3 (Doc ID 1075479.1)).

    Thank you


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    Here is a list of all the things I've tried:

    Running the application again;

    Move the installation to another folder application;

    Control date & time and it was already correct;

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    Well, I don't know what else can be done, and I'd rather not have to completely restore my iMac.

    Please try installing again after taking each of these steps you have already taken it.

    Step 1

    Reset the PRAM from your computer.

    Step 2

    If possible, set the clock system as indicated here. If you can only boot into recovery mode, see below.

    In the OS X Utilities screen, select get online help. Safari will launch. While in recovery, you will have no access to your bookmarks or history. Load this web page.

    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select:

    date 0801000014

    Copy the selected text in the Clipboard by pressing Control-C key combination.

    Quit Safari. You go back to the OS X Utilities screen.


    Utilities ▹ Terminal

    in the menu bar. It will open a Terminal window. Paste in the window by pressing the command-V key combination.

    Wait for a new line ending with a dollar sign ($) below what you entered. If it does not appear, press return.

    Quit the Terminal to return to the main screen.

    Step 3

    If your model has replaceable memory by the user and you have upgraded modules of memory, reinstall the original memory and see if there is any improvement. Make sure not to touch the Gold contacts. Clean them with a mild solvent such as rubbing alcohol. Spare memory must exactly match the technical specifications of the machine. Do not install more memory to the maximum value specified, even if a seller of RAM, or someone else, said you that it will work.

    Step 4

    Back up the data at least two different storage devices, if you haven't done so already. A backup is not enough to be sure. Backups are possible with Time Machine or disk utility. Preferably both.

    Erase and install OS X. This operation will destroy all the data on the boot volume, if you be better be sure backups.

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    An error occurred during the installation of the device
    "The IO operation has been abandoned due to a thread exit or an application request."
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    Hello Smachbub,

    Thank you for your message.  Let's try one or two different things.  Please follow step by step.
    1. we will try to completely remove the previous sound card driver, then reinstall.
    Click 'Start' > right click on 'My computer' > select 'manage '.
    Click on Device Manager.
    Click the (+) sign next to "sound, video and game controllers".
    Below, you should see your audio card, right click and select "Properties".
    Select the 'Drivers' tab and click 'uninstall '.
    After uninstalling the driver, reboot and go to your computer manufacture or website of the manufacturer of the sound card and download/install the latest driver for your device.
    If problems persist, try this same process as a new profile.
    2. to create a new profile:
    Click 'Start' > right click on 'My computer' > select 'manage '.
    Double-click 'Users and groups' > select 'users '.
    In the right pane, right click and select 'add a new user '.
    Fill in the appropriate information, and then select 'create '.
    The new user must be added, right click on the new user and select "Properties".
    Select the tab "member of ' and click on 'Add '.
    Type Administrators and click on "check names".
    Once the name is entered correctly, click 'OK '.
    Log off your computer and connect with the new credentials.  Then try removing and reinstalling the driver.
    Please let us know if it did or did not help to solve your problem.
    See you soon

    Engineer Jason Microsoft Support answers visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    You must take ownership of files and folders. Do follow link below:

    Troubleshoot "access denied" when opening files or folders

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    Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of Assembly

    Microsoft.VC80.ATL.type = "win32", version = "8.0.50727.5592", publicKeyToken = "1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", processorArchitecture is "amd64"
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    Anyway, any help is appreciated. Looked everywhere, looks like I've tried everything.


    This problem may occur when the Microsoft .NET Framework installation on the computer is damaged or is missing.

    Method 1: Follow the steps described in the article below

    Error message when you try to install an Office program: "Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component"

    Method 2: Also see the article below for measures to address this problem.

    Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly ' Microsoft.VC90.ATL, version

    Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

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    Error occurred during the installation of the application:

    Session ended with error (null)

    Can you help me?  Is this a bug being fixed yet?

    Thank you.



    The issue is fixed and will be available in the next beta of the AIR SDK.

    Now, try the fix

    • Replace it with that of /lib/aot/bin/isb/isb

    Thank you


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    Error occurred during the application of packaging:

    output file is not writable


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    ADT-migrate SIGNING_OPTIONS (< air-file-in > | < flown-file-in >) < fichier_resultat >

    ADT-package SIGNING_OPTIONS (-aerial target)? <>Package-output (FILE_OPTIONS < app-desc > | < input-package >)

    ADT-package SIGNING_OPTIONS-target flown < output-package > (< app-desc > FILE AND PATH OPTIONS | < input-package >)

    ADT-package - target (apk | apk-debug | emulator apk | apk-captive-runtime) (CONNECT_OPTIONS? |) LISTEN_OPTIONS? ) (- airDownloadURL < url >)? (ARCH_OPTIONS)? SIGNING_OPTIONS < output-package > (< app-desc > PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION?) FILE-AND-PATH-OPTIONS | PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION < input-package >? )

    ADT-package - target (ipa-test | ipa-debug | ipa-app-store | ipa-ad-hoc: ipa-test-interpreter | ipa-debug-interpreter | ipa-test-interpreter-Simulator | ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator) (CONNECT_OPTIONS? |) LISTEN_OPTIONS? ) (- sampler)? ANE_LINK_OPTIONS? AOT_MODE_OPTIONS? SIGNING_OPTIONS < output-package > (< app-desc > PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION?) FILE-AND-PATH-OPTIONS | PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION < input-package >? )

    ADT-package SIGNING_OPTIONS? -target native SIGNING_OPTIONS? <>Output-package (< app-desc > FILE AND PATH OPTIONS | < input-package >)

    ADT-package SIGNING_OPTIONS? -migrate SIGNING_OPTIONS-target native SIGNING_OPTIONS? OPTION-PATH < output-package > < app-desc > FILE_OPTIONS

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    ADT-prepare < airi-file > < app-desc > FILE_AND_PATH_OPTIONS

    ADT-sign SIGNING_OPTIONS (-target (air: flown | ane))? (< airi-file > | < unsigned-ane-file >) < fichier_resultat >

    ADT-devices OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION?

    ADT - installRuntime OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION? (- < apk file > package)?

    ADT - installApp OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION? -package < apk file. IPA-file >

    ADT - uninstallRuntime OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION?

    ADT - uninstallApp OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION? -appid < app - id >

    ADT - launchApp {OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION? (port - debuggerPort)? -appid < app id >}

    ADT - runtimeVersion OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION?

    ADT - appVersion OPTION of platform PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION? DEVICE OPTION? -appid < app - id >


    SIGNING_OPTIONS:-< type > stores (-< store > keystore)? (- storepass < pass >)? (- alias < aliasName >)? (- keypass < pass >)? (- providerName < name >)? (- tsa < url >)? (- service-profile <>layout)?

    FILE_OPTIONS: < fileOrDir > * ((C-< dir >< fileOrDir > +) |) (-e < file > < path >)) *

    ARCH_OPTIONS:-arch (armv7 | x 86)

    CONNECT_OPTIONS:-connect < host >

    LISTEN_OPTIONS:-listening < port >

    ANE_LINK_OPTIONS:-hideAneLibSymbols (yes | no)

    ANE_OPTIONS:-CFC < EFA > (-platform < name > (-platformoptions < file >). < fileOrDir > * (C - < dir > < fileOrDir > +) *) *.


    OPTION: PATH - extdir < dir >

    Platform-OPTION:-platform (android: ios)

    PLATFORM-SDK-OPTION:-platformsdk < platform-sdk-home-dir >

    OPTION: DEVICE-device (deviceID | ios simulator)

    AOT_MODE_OPTIONS:-useLegacyAOT (yes | no)


    I am able to repro the bug, if I change the 'DEMAND' while packing the apk and change it to "somedirectory/helloworld.apk' to 'helloworld.apk '. So a quick solution would be to remove all path and do simple APPLICATION parameter value 'helloworld.apk' when packing with - arch argument.

    Also, there is a known issue with FB4.7 that it will fail to install the APK for Android device when they are packed with the option Ark on export Release version. So always choose option 'Keep bin-release-temp file' that will keep the APK even if FB fails to install/launch of the device.


  • After download, ' an error occurred during the preparation of the installation.

    Ok.  I'm not very good with computers, so I'm going to do my best here:

    I downloaded El Capitan last night, did the installation and rebooted.  The questions endless gray on the screen.  Relaunched in LANDAU several times; Install still 'stuck' 31 minutes downloading - every time.  Restarted in safe mode; install 'stuck' 24 minutes - every time.  I did the safe mode--> reinstalling OS X, which then made me download 'additional components' and then restarted automatically.  That put me right back to get 'stuck' to 24 minutes Setup.

    I could then go back to my previous OS X 10.7.5 then in safe mode (I don't remember how).  I have so found the OS X 10.11 El Capitan install file in my applications folder, tried running the installer again and got "an error occurred during the preparation of the installation.  Try to run the installation again. "I tried several times over with no different results.  I checked the date in the terminal; It is correct.  So I deleted the application (ten hours later!). Re-uploaded El Capitan on the App Store on the day the next day and just tried to run the installation program and still get "an error occurred during the preparation of the installation.  Try to run the installation again. »

    I do not have a "clean"... installation I didn't really know what it was before all these questions.  All my stuff is backed up via Time Machine on an external hard drive that...

    Any advice would be so appreciated.  I am at a loss at this point.

    Thank you!

    So, everything was OK, two days ago? On Lion OS?

    Of course, there was a hiccup during the installation. you said "makes installation and restarted."

    During the installation (Setup in the applications folder), it restarts after installation, it installs effectively while restarting. So I guess the installation never finished, maybe because you the restarted.

    This means that your operating system 'old' is always on it, but not completely healthy because of the "accidents" caused by ElCapitan failure install.

    So I propose:

    Connect your Time Machine disk (when not connected), start in the RecoveryPartition Time Machine restore, choose a date before that you tried to install ElCapitan, let him finish completely, it restarts automatically (I think). Then you are back where you started.

  • Need help with my Mail window. I can't export my message to the PST format. I keep getting the message error "an error occurred during initialization of MAPI".


    Need help with my Mail window. I can't export my message to the PST format. I keep getting the message error "an error occurred during initialization of MAPI". Y at - it solution or another method?

    Hi ErikLee,

    Do you have MS Outlook installed on your computer?

    Windows mail import and export opportunities are limited to an Outlook .pst file or an Exchange Server mailbox. They are available only if MS Outlook is installed.
    If MS Outlook is not installed and you start an import or export action, the necessary support files are not present for Windows mail complete the operation. Then I suggest you to install Outlook temporarily and see if the problem is resolved.

    Follow the instructions below and check if the problem is resolved.

    1. reboot your computer, and then start Windows Mail.
    2. on the Tools menu, click Options.
    3. in the connection tab, click on edit to open the Internet Properties dialog box.
    4. in the tab programs, click on an application other than Windows mail e-mail in the e-mail list. Click on apply and then click OK.
    5. click OK again to close the Options dialog box.
    6. exit Windows mail and restart Windows mail.

    If this does not work, I suggest you upgrade to Windows Live Mail to import or export messages that may help you resolve the issue.

    To download Windows Live Mail, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

    For more information about Windows Live Mail, see the Microsoft Web site at the following address:

    Check whether the problem is resolved.

    Please post back and let us know if it helped to solve your problem.

    Kind regards
    KarthiK TP

  • Error: An error occurred during the installation of the Assembly HRESULT: 0 x 80070002 during installation of iTunes 9.2.1

    Original title: iTunes error. Help, please? I'm desperate... (I posted this on Yahoo Answers, too, but I have received no help, so I go here)


    I am trying to install iTunes 9.2.1 (for Vista 64-bit) on my laptop Vista x 64 bit. Whenever I have try and download it, however, it gives me this error: "an error occurred during the installation of assembly" Microsoft.VC80.CRT, version = "8.0.50727.4053", type = * win32 ", publicKeyToken ="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"," processorArchitecture ="x 86". See Help and Support for more information. ' HRESULT: 0 X 80070002.

    Here is a picture:

    I tried to solve it using various methods like using 7 - zip, download Microsoft Visual c ++ 2005, etc., but they do not seem to work... I don't have iTunes on my PC yet, just setting up because the facility retains default. Can someone help me please? I'm desperate...

    Here are the links that I tried to do my iTunes to work:

    Hello myducks,

    To answer your question about the SFC command, follow these steps:

    First of all, we run System File Checker to see if you have a corrupt file system.

    Click Start
    Open an elevated command prompt.

    To do this, click Start, click programs, accessories principally made, right-click Guest, and then click Run as administrator.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password, or click on allow.
    At the command prompt, type the following command and press ENTER:


    This will check for any violation of the integrity and repair any damaged operating system files.

    Then restart your system.

    Please see the article (KB) knowledge base if you find corrupted files:
    Article 929833 - how to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7

    If you were able to successfully run the SFC, then run chkdsk:
    1 disable any security software before you attempt to upgrade or do a clean install.
    2. make sure that your computer is updated (devices and applications)
    3. disconnect all external devices before installing.
    4. check your hard disk for errors:
    Click Start
    Type: CMD, according to the results, right-click CMD
    Click on "Run as Administrator"
    At the command prompt, type: chkdsk /f /r
    When you restart your system, your computer will be scanned for errors and will try to correct them.

    In this forum, we are unable to connect to your computer remotely to help solve your problem. However, if you feel you need more support, you may want to open a business of pension paid with Microsoft. I will include the support options below, so you can choose yourself.;en-us; CNTACTMS

    I hope this helps.


    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • An error occurred during the installation of assembly__ ' Microsoft.VC90.CRT, version = "9.0.21022.8", publickeyToken = "1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", _ processorArchitecture = "x 86", type is "win32".

    I am running Windows Home Premium x 64

    I received this error when you try to install software: an error occurred during the installation of Assembly
    "Microsoft.VC90.CRT, version ="9.0.21022.8", publickeyToken ="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"

    processorArchitecture = "x 86", type = "win32".  See Help and Support for more information.
    I've done several hours of digging, but all I could find relating to this is for Vista, but that's what I could find:
    the Trusted Installer is running with a 3 (manual) setting in the registry
    I renamed my C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution directory
    I run the installer by cleaning and painfully crossed the line-by-line entries and got rid of the old stuff that hanging on.
    I removed any installation of dot net I found and then ran the Win 7 Dot Net Fix Tool and then reinstalled 3.5 SP 1
    I uninstalled all the Visual C++ runtime components as well.  Now, when you try to reinstall the hours VC ++ Run, I get this momentum.
    I'm really tired.
    Here is the result of the dd_vcredistMSI7D41.txt file in my (severely truncated) temp directory
    MSI (s) (D8:88) [04:09:01:577]: installation error (sxs): Please look in component based newspaper on maintenance located a-167844744ndir\logs\cbs\cbs.log for more diagnostic information.
    «Info 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly ' policy.9.0.Microsoft.VC90.ATL, version = "9.0.30729.1", publicKeyToken = "1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", processorArchitecture = "amd64", type = "win32-policy"" See Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0X8007054F. Assembly interface: IAssemblyCache, function: UninstallAssembly, component: {4E546509-41FF-349D-BF4B-CBED508E19E5}
    [/ code]
    I also see in the file:(severly truncated) C:\Windows\Logs\CBS.log
    2010-04-02 04:09:01, error SXS Transact2 pending content detection failed with 0x8000ffff
    2010-04-02 04:09:01, info SXS uninstall Assembly: Microsoft.VC90.ATL, version = "9.0.30729.1", publicKeyToken = "1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", processorArchitecture = "amd64", type is "win32"
    2010-04-02 04:09:01, info SXS submitting uninstall transaction
    2010-04-02 04:09:01 00000242 awaiting CSI content of transaction information must be resolved, cannot start another transaction again
    2010-04-02 04:09:01, error CSI 00000243 (F) E_UNEXPECTED 29652 # of Windows::COM:CComponentStore:InternalTransact (...) [gle = 0x8000ffff]
    2010-04-02 04:09:01, error CSI 00000244@2010/4/2:09:09:01.518 (F) d:\w7rtm\base\wcp\componentstore\com\store.cpp(4389): error E_UNEXPECTED from function Windows::COM:CComponentStore:InternalTransact expression: ((HRESULT) 0x8000FFFFL)
    [/ code]
    Can someone please help with this?  I've seen messages like this all over the web, but nobody seems to know anything.  I pray that the Member States did.

    Hi Carl.P,

    SE for focus in the right direction, please provide the following information:

    (a) what program are you trying to install?

    (b) do you use the computer as an administrator?

    You can follow the steps mentioned in the link below that relates to a similar question


    Troubleshooting C/C++ Isolated Applications and Side - by - side Assemblies

    (Done mentioned steps refers to Windows vista, same procedure applies to windows 7)

    If the problem persists, please visit the link below to find a more appropriate community to help you solve the problem

    Thank you, and in what concerns:

    Ajay K

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Windows 7 cannot install Itunes. An error occurred during the installation of the Assembly HRESULT:0x800736FD

    * Title *.
    "An error occurred during the installation of assembly" Microsoft.VC80.CRT, version = "8.0.50727.4053", type = "win32", publicKeyToken ='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b ", processorarchitecture ="x 86". See Help and Support for more information. HRESULT:0X800736FD

    Windows xp to Windows 7 32 bit install home premium.  iTunes will not install.  Installation hangs on publishing product information, gives this error message:

    "An error occurred during the installation of assembly" Microsoft.VC80.CRT, version = "8.0.50727.4053", type = "win32", publicKeyToken ='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b ", processorarchitecture ="x 86". See Help and Support for more information. HRESULT:0X800736FD

    remains frozen and finally claims iTunes has been installed properly.  Open iTunes generates an error indicating that Apple application support is not installed (Apple application support for mobile device support/Apple are not on the computer).  (Software update Apple Hello and Quicktime are there).
    I uninstalled programs that is fine, but try anything I can get itunes working.  I tried to install itunes 8.0, running on a different administrator, as an administrator user, stopping all programs from running and installation in offline.  I've read that it could be a problem with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.  My computer shows redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x 86 9.0.21022.218 on this subject.

    I tried to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update file vcredist_x86.exe found at
    but it freezes at around 100% completion.

    It is here where I am now.  My Windows updates were not fault and my system is up to date.  I don't know what to do as I need this program installed to be able to use my phone.

    I thank you for your time and assistance, you might be able to offer.


    I reinstalled Windows 7.

    Good luck other people having the same problem.

  • An internal error occurred during: packaging


    Recently, I've had my machine upgraded to Windows 7, which mean't I had to reinstall the Eclipse Plugin. I get the following error when I try to launch the simulator using JRE 5.0.

    'Packaging Blackberry Simulator' has encountered a problem.

    An internal error occurred during: "Packaging Blackberry Simulator."

    When I click on the 'Détails' button, I get the following error message:

    An internal error occurred during: "packaging BlackBerry Simulator.

    In the Console pane, I get the following error message:
    I/o Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess = 2 error, the system cannot find the file specified

    My installed software are:
    Blackbery Java Plug-inc (core)
    BlackBerry Java SDK
    Eclipse SDK 3.6.2.M20110210 - 1200

    In the Package Explorer, I use:
    "[BlackBerry JRE 5.0.0] JRE System Library

    In the preferences for the parameters of compiler, I put the
    The compiler compliance level for: 1.3

    In Run Configurations, I got the JRE the value:
    BlackBerry JRE 5.0.0

    My CLASSPATH Windows is:

    C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\Client_1\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\; C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Ulead Systems\MPEG; C:\Program Files (x 86) \QuickTime\QTSystem\; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\; C:\Program Files\Fichiers Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\. C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin

    Here's my configuration details of Eclipse:

    Date: Thursday, March 8, 2012 09:52:08 EST

    Information on the platform:

    System properties:
    awt. Toolkit = Sun.awt.Windows.WToolkit
    Eclipse.application = org. Eclipse.UI.IDE.Workbench
    eclipse.buildId = M20110210-1200
    Eclipse.Commands = - os
    x 86
    C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins\org. Eclipse.platform_3.6.2.v201102101200\splash.bmp
    C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins/org. Eclipse.Equinox.Launcher.Win32.Win32.x86_1.1.2.R36x_v20101222\eclipse_1312.dll
    C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins/org. Eclipse.Equinox.launcher_1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
    Eclipse.Launcher.Name = Eclipse
    [email protected]/... /P2/
    Eclipse.P2.Profile = SDKProfile
    Eclipse.Product = org. Eclipse.Sdk.IDE
    eclipse.startTime = 1331218090367
    Eclipse.VM = C:\Program files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
    Eclipse.vmargs = - XX:MaxPermSize = 512 m
    -Djava.class.Path=C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins/org. Eclipse.Equinox.launcher_1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar
    Equinox.use.DS = true
    leader. Encoding = Cp1252
    leader. Encoding.pkg = Sun.IO
    leader. Separator =.
    Java.awt.graphicsenv = Sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
    Java.awt.PrinterJob = Sun.awt.Windows.WPrinterJob
    Java.class.Path=C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins/org. Eclipse.Equinox.launcher_1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar
    Java.class.version = 50.0
    Java.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program files (x 86) \Java\jre6\lib\endorsed
    Java.ext.dirs=C:\Program files (x 86) \Java\jre6\lib\ext; C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
    Java.Home = C:\Program files (x 86) \Java\jre6
    Java.Library.Path=C:\EclipsePlugin; C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:/Program Files (x 86) / Java jre6/bin/client /. C:/Program Files (x 86) / Java/jre6/bin; C:/Program Files (x 86) / Java/jre6/lib/i386; C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\Client_1\bin; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:\Windows\System32\Wbem; C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\; C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Ulead Systems\MPEG; C:\Program Files (x 86) \QuickTime\QTSystem\; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\; C:\Program Files\Fichiers Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\. C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin; C:\EclipsePlugin;.
    Java.Runtime.Name = Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment
    Java.Runtime.version = 1.6.0_31 - b05
    Java.Specification.Name = Java platform API specification
    Java.Specification.Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.Specification.version = 1.6
    Java.Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. =.
    Java.Vendor.URL =
    Java.Vendor.URL.bug =
    Java.version = 1.6.0_31 mode = Mixed
    Java.VM.Name = Java VM Client
    Java.VM.Specification.Name = Java Virtual Machine specifications
    Java.VM.Specification.Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.VM.Specification.version = 1.0
    Java.VM.Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.VM.version = 20.6 - b01
    Line.Separator =

    org.eclipse.debug.ui.breakpoints.toggleFactoriesUsed = false
    org. Eclipse.Equinox.Launcher.Splash.Location=C:\EclipsePlugin\\plugins\org. Eclipse.platform_3.6.2.v201102101200\splash.bmp
    org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.configUrl = filerg.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/
    org. Eclipse.Update.Reconcile = false
    org. OSGi.Framework.ExecutionEnvironment=OSGi/minimum-1.0,OSGi/minimum-1.1,OSGi/minimum-1.2,JRE-1.1,J2SE-1.2,J2SE-1.3,J2SE-1.4,J2SE-1.5,javase-1.6
    org. OSGi.Framework.Language = in
    org. OSGi.Framework.OS.Name = Windows7
    org. OSGi.Framework.OS.version = 6.1.0
    org. OSGi.Framework.Processor = x 86
    org.osgi.framework.system.packages=javax.accessibility,javax.activation,javax.activity,javax.annotation,javax.annotation.processing,javax.crypto,javax.crypto.interfaces,javax.crypto.spec,javax.imageio,javax.imageio.event,javax.imageio.metadata,javax.imageio.plugins.bmp,javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg,javax.imageio.spi,,javax.jws,javax.jws.soap,javax.lang.model,javax.lang.model.element,javax.lang.model.type,javax.lang.model.util,,,,,,,,,,javax.naming,,javax.naming.event,javax.naming.ldap,javax.naming.spi,,,javax.print, javax.print.attribute,javax.print.attribute.standard,javax.print.event,javax.rmi,javax.rmi.CORBA,javax.rmi.ssl,javax.script,,,,,,,,,javax.sound.midi,javax.sound.midi.spi,javax.sound.sampled,javax.sound.sampled.spi,javax.sql,javax.sql.rowset,javax.sql.rowset.serial,javax.sql.rowset.spi,javax.swing,javax.swing.border,javax.swing.colorchooser,javax.swing.event,javax.swing.filechooser,javax.swing.plaf,javax.swing.plaf.basic,javax.swing.plaf.metal,javax.swing.plaf.multi,javax.swing.plaf.synth,javax.swing.table,javax.swing.text,javax.swing.text.html,javax.swing.text.html.parser,javax.swing.text.rtf, javax.swing.tree,javax.swing.undo,,javax.transaction,javax.transaction.xa,javax.xml,javax.xml.bind,javax.xml.bind.annotation,javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters,javax.xml.bind.attachment,javax.xml.bind.helpers,javax.xml.bind.util,javax.xml.crypto,javax.xml.crypto.dom,javax.xml.crypto.dsig,javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom,javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo,javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec,javax.xml.datatype,javax.xml.namespace,javax.xml.parsers,javax.xml.soap,,,,javax.xml.transform,javax.xml.transform.dom,javax.xml.transform.sax,javax.xml.transform.stax,,javax.xml.validation,,,,,,,, javax.xml.xpath,org.ietf.jgss,org.omg.CORBA,org.omg.CORBA_2_3,org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable,org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage,org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage,org.omg.CORBA.portable,org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage,org.omg.CosNaming,org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage,org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage,org.omg.Dynamic,org.omg.DynamicAny,org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage,org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage,org.omg.IOP,org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage,org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage,org.omg.Messaging,org.omg.PortableInterceptor,org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage,org.omg.PortableServer,org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage,org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage,org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage,org.omg.PortableServer.portable,org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage,org.omg.SendingContext,,org.w3c.dom,org.w3c.dom.bootstrap,org.w3c.dom.css,,org.w3c.dom.html,,org.w3c.dom.ranges,org.w3c.dom.stylesheets,org.w3c.dom.traversal,org.w3c.dom.views,org.w3c.dom.xpath,org.xml.sax,org.xml.sax.ext,org.xml.sax.helpers
    org. OSGi.Framework.Vendor = Eclipse
    org. OSGi.Framework.version = 1.5.0
    org. OSGi.supports.Framework.extension = true
    org. OSGi.supports.Framework.fragment = true
    org. OSGi.supports.Framework.requirebundle = true
    OS. Arch = x 86
    OS. Name = Windows 7
    OS.version = 6.1
    OSGi.Arch = x 86
    OSGi.bundles = Reference:file: net. RIM.ejde.Preprocessing.hook_1.5.0.201112201607/,Reference:filerg.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.0.200.v20100503.jar@1:start
    osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel = 4
    OSGi.bundlestore=C:\EclipsePlugin\configuration\org. Eclipse.osgi\bundles
    OSGi.Framework=file:/c:/EclipsePlugin/plugins/org. Eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar
    OSGi.Framework.extensions = Reference:file: net. RIM.ejde.Preprocessing.hook_1.5.0.201112201607/
    OSGi.Framework.Shape = jar
    OSGi.Framework.version = 3.6.2.R36x_v20110210
    osgi.frameworkClassPath =., file:c:/EclipsePlugin/plugins/net.rim.ejde.preprocessing.hook_1.5.0.201112201607/., file:c:/EclipsePlugin/plugins/net.rim.ejde.preprocessing.hook_1.5.0.201112201607/lib-ext/asm-3.1.jar, file:c:/EclipsePlugin/plugins/net.rim.ejde.preprocessing.hook_1.5.0.201112201607/lib-ext/asm-tree-3.1.jar
    OSGi.manifest.cache=C:\EclipsePlugin\configuration\org. Eclipse.osgi\manifests = en_US
    OSGi.OS = Win32
    OSGi.WS = Win32
    Path.Separator =;
    Sun.Arch.Data.Model = 32
    Files Sun.Boot.class.Path=C:\Program (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\resources.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\sunrsasign.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\jsse.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\jce.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\charsets.jar; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\modules\jdk.boot.jar; C:\Program Files (x 86) \Java\jre6\classes
    Sun.Boot.Library.Path=C:\Program files (x 86) \Java\jre6\bin
    Sun.CPU.endian = Little
    Sun.CPU.isalist = pentium_pro + MMX pentium_pro pentium + pentium mmx i486 i386 i86
    Sun.Desktop = Windows
    Sun.IO.Unicode.Encoding = UnicodeLittle
    Sun.JNU.Encoding = Cp1252
    Sun.Management.Compiler = hotspot Client compiler
    Sun.OS.patch.Level = Service Pack 1
    User country = US
    User .dir = C:\EclipsePlugin
    User .language = in
    User = sreid .name
    User .TimeZone = America/New_York
    User.Variant =

    net.rim.EclipseJDE ( BlackBerry Java plug-in»
    NET.RIM.ejde.Feature.componentpack7.0.0 ( "BlackBerry Java SDK version 7.0.0.
    org. Eclipse.CVS (1.2.1.r362_v20101111 - 7B77FKv99HL0GvIAF99I8H14B7E) 'Eclipse CVS Client'
    org. Eclipse.Help (1.2.1.r362_v20101111 - 7e7jEVFDr6xg-LSlC_z0w1D) "help system Base.
    org. Eclipse.JDT (3.6.2.r362_v20101117 - 0800-7z8XFW6FLFlmjJcvz03jyeFBLS_F) "Eclipse Java development tools.
    org. Eclipse.PDE (3.6.2.r362_v20110203 - 7b7mFL2FET3dhHalh1iNZtL) "EDP".
    org. Eclipse.Platform (3.6.2.r362_v20110210 - 9gF78Gs1FrIGnHDHWkEcopoN8AmxeZflGDGKQi) "Eclipse Platform.
    org. Eclipse.RCP (3.6.2.r362_v20101104 - 9SAxFMKFkSAqi8axkv1ZjegmiBLY) "Eclipse RCP.
    org. Eclipse.SDK (3.6.2.r362_v20100929 - 7Q7m7HD5cWlFgdCBHllpZMd2M468sbnm2RJvUWIbiJnWC) "Eclipse Project SDK.


    Do you know how to check if I'm using a 32-bit version of java?

    Thanks for any help,


    It is resolved, the problem was the level of compliance of the compiler, which unknown to me can be set in two places; a global (windows-> preferences-> compiler) and the other at the level of the project (right click on the folder of your project-> build path-> configure build path-> java compiler).

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