AWR files in oracle

I use AWR reports feature in ORACLE 11 g to get the vital for my application ststiatics. However in SQL sorted by elapsed time, I get a lot of queries table SYS. Please help me with the settings to get the specific schema queries only.

You may be using the wrong tool?

A report at the level of the system as AWR or ADDM isn't any use to you, if your application code is not significant at the level of the system.

You might want to review the follow-up of your application sessions using client_id or module to identify these sessions owned by your application, and then possibly use TRCSESS and TKPROF.

Tags: Database

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    With a minor correction, it works on Unix/putty:

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    (1) an urgent need, ASAP,... are words that do not in a forum of volunteer. We are here to help if you need it now, for free, open a SR.

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    Kind regards

    Published by: Yousef_m on June 2, 2012 05:18


    Have you tried the builtin SRW. Built-in GET_REPORT_NAME?

    Example of

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    SRW. GET_REPORT_NAME ($my_var);
    SRW. MESSAGE (0,' report Filename = ' | my_variable);


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    cool, congratulations! OK, now mark the question as answered to close this thread!

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    Read the requirement of KM... it will be mentioned that you need a customer installed Oracle Tnsnames.ora file must be configured, source file must be accessible to all mapping needs to run on the staging agent ODI etc.

    Check each requirement of the KM and to implement the same.

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    Kind regards


    Hi Srinivas,
    There is no need to deploy MapBuilder on an application server. You can order online with for example:
    java-jar mapbuilder.jar - noconnect


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    Thank you very much.

    The removal of flashback logs is managed in-house, which means that you can not remove the manually, flashback logs unless you disable the FLASHBACK DATABASE (using the method you already mentioned).

    According to the Oracle Documentation, flashback logs are automatically deleted when:

    1. If flash recovery area is full, then perhaps archived redo log be automatically deleted by the flash recovery area to make room for other files. In one such case, all the flashback logs that require the use of this log file to roll forward to the use of FLASHBACK DATABASE are also deleted.

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    See you soon,.

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    Thank you very much



    Take a look at the link below. It answers your question.

    See also:

    Welcome to my Blogspot Oracle: Bounce Apache Server - Oracle Apps R12

    See you soon


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    What would be the best approach to get all the data in the tables in the least possible time.

    Any help would be great.

    Kind regards


    Take a look at the use of the external tables.

Maybe you are looking for