Beginner resize of the issue of the fla

I built an animation in a flash (i.e. pre to generate a swf) fla file that is located on a 800 x 600 px canvas

For aesthetic reasons, that it works well on the site at this size and I now want to do the final swf to 400 x 300px

If I resize the canvas layers and animation does not evolve down

is it possible to resize all - the or display size on the last page

It would be a pain to have to rebuild it again from scratch - resize for each layer and all keyframes, Ouch!

any suggestions / appreciated of the workarounds


Thank you for this - that work

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    import flash.text.TextField;

    import flash.text. *;

    import flash.utils.Timer;


    var RSSLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    var RSSURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("");

    RSSLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, RSSLoaded);

    RSSLoader.load (RSSURL);

    var RSSXML:XML = new XML();

    RSSXML.ignoreWhitespace = true;

    var title: TextField;

    var desc:TextField;

    var allText:TextField;

    title = new TextField();

    allText = new TextField();

    var i: int;

    function RSSLoaded(e:Event):void {}

    trace ("xml load file here");

    RSSXML = XML (;

    for {(var selectedItems:String in

    title. Text = ( [selectedItems] .title + "/");

    title.wordWrap = true;

    tfLog.text += title.text;

    tfLog.wordWrap = true;

    trace (title. (Text);



    var t:Timer = new Timer (200);



    function(EV:TimerEvent): void


    tfLog.text tfLog.text.substr = (1) + tfLog.text.charAt (0);



    t.Start ();

    var picTimer:Timer = new Timer (2000);

    picTimer.start ();

    picTimer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, timehandler);

    function timehandler(event:TimerEvent):void {}

    setChildIndex (getChildAt (7), 0);


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