CFFILE uploadall accept question!

If I have a cffileupload that points to a page with this code:

< cffile action = "uploadAll" destination = "-#DocPath # ' nameConflict ="MakeUnique"result ="myDoc"accept =" application/msword">

Then, I find myself with an empty array.  If I remove the tag accept then I download the file very well.  I am downloading a file valid msword.doc.  I even tried vnd.openxmlformats - officedocument.wordprocessingml.document for 2007 docx files.  Nothing seems to work and it gives no error, it just don't do.

Any ideas on how to check the type MIME of what to download?

WARNING: I have not used the CFFILE uploadAll version.

Using the attribute accept to specify the allowed MIME types requires the web browser to provide his form post values of MIME type.  I've seen this failure on the two web browser and when using a Flex application.  I do not use the accept attribute and write your own validation of the file extension.

Tags: ColdFusion

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    -My code below-

    < cftry >

    < cffile
    action = "upload".
    destination = "C:\path\to\the\folder".
    FileField = "upload_doc."
    nameconflict = "overwrite".
    accept = "application/msword, application/pdf, application/ms-excel" >

    < cfcatch type = "application" >

    Type - lettering

    Message - the MIME type of the file uploaded application / - excel is not accepted by the server.

    Retail - only files of type application/msword, application/pdf, application/ms-excel can be downloaded.
    Make sure that you download a file of the appropriate type.

    < / cfcatch >

    < / cftry >

    The MIME type that is appropriate for the Excel files is indeed application / - excel. This is the value that you should use in the attribute accepts .

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    The column for the response of the database table is varchar2 sense it's text, but when you supply a value like 123 (a pure number), the database will think that you are trying to insert an integer into a field of varchar2. Add the quotes will make think it's the text instead of a number.

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    What is the source of the wire that goes into your sub - VI Q & A mistake?  Is it possible that you have found errors on this thread?

    If there is an error, these property nodes will not run.

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    = cffile code =.

    < isDefined ("fileUpload") cfif >
    < cffile action = "upload".
    fileField = "fileUpload".
    destination = "C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\myWebsite\user_images".
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    Can't understand why it works in FF, but IE not.

    | H1. The MIME type of the file uploaded image/pjpeg

    Only files of type image /JPG, image /JPEG can be downloaded.

    The reason is in the error message ;-) "image / jpegP' is not in the list of mime types you accept. Internet Explore often has his own ideas about the types mime.

    That said, don't count on the attribute "accept." Mime types are easy to operate:

    Post edited by: == cfSearching == -.

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    Thank you

    Thank you
    You were right. It was my computer. I copied MimeTypes.rdf from another computer and now it works.

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    Welcome to the Adobe Forums.

    You must check for an 'attempt' to this question slide (in the properties of Quiz-> for the purposes of the Action)

    If you have infinite or > 1 tent, then the slide will not progress to the next slide.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank you


  • CFFILE Question

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    What should I do now. The copy of cffile is not a way to make the names unique copied file or what I need to download this file several times. ?

    I need to have saved him under different names.

    Hi umuayo,

    You can do this by using the two files multiple download and also a copy of the files.

    Download files:

    destination = "D:\TestProgram\".
    FileField = "uploadfile".
    nameconflict = "makeunique" >

    Here, he create 5 files on the server, each with a different name. If you want to store the names, then you can do it.

    Copying files:

    destination = "D:\TestProgram".
    FileField = "uploadfile".
    nameconflict = "makeunique".
    result = "uploadResult" >
    destination = "D:\TestProgram\#uploadResult.SERVERFILENAME#_ #i#." "#uploadResult.SERVERFILEEXT#" >


    Here first of all, it will download the file and then it will copy to multiple copies with different names.

    Here we have to give names defined by the user, and the name must be unique for this directory. You can apply your own logic to get it.

    Thank you


  • CFFILE questions

    I have a pretty annoying problem - I am trying to create a file through cffile - the need for content to be dynamic, so there is a loop and some attached conditions. I can't seem to get CF running inside the cffile tag and to write the results in the form of plain text within this file.

    This code should be treated and then written to the file in it has changed state.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    var MENU_ITEMS =]

    ["#read_navigation.title #", " #",]
    {"tw": "_self"},<>
    [#read_navigation.lastitem # EQ ' 1' >].

    ["#read_navigation.title #", " #",]
    [{"tw": "_self"}],


    You can't do an assignment like that. I'm not even sure where to start
    on that. What you need to do is build a string and then write that
    a string in a file with the cffile attribute. I would like to look in the
    tag and | or concactination of the chain.

    Save the sample content

    TEXT and CFML that produces the text
    #dateFormat (now (), "dd/mm/yyyy") #.

    Example of Concactination string
    Menu_Items = "text".
    Menu_Items = Menu_Items & "and CFML.
    Menu_Items = Menu_Items & 'which produces the text' &
    dateFormat (now (), "dd/mm/yyyy")

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    I use the package of notifications to intercept the vCD blocking tasks.

    Attached, when getting mail to approve or reject the vApp, details of approval of VAPP is not formatted. Use the latest versions of vCO, vCD (5.5).

    Any reference will be useful... Thank you.

    Try to update file updated with the following line: (allows an appropriate display of the HTML in the approval page)

    com.vmware.o11n.webview.htmlescaping.disabled = true

    Please let me know if it solves your problem. This little note from configuration seems to have never been published in some old release notes and in several positions of the community. If it solves your problem, I will present a request for documentation for adding it to the official documentation or as a KB article.

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    Hi ther,.

    Ive been away from Livecucle for quite awhile and I lost a handle on coding.

    I am tyring to get the data from that paid to be repeated also in two other areas with different formatting (in capital letters and capatilise each word)

    Therefore, if the user enters "james smith michael" in a named filed - say - fullanme - she could also be replicated in a fullnameCaps file - changed to uppercase in this area (i.e: JAMES MICHAEL SMITH) and - class fullnameCapsEach get out of James Michael Smith

    the other fields will be just hidden.

    I remembered hot change the entry to the ceilings in the entry field - xfa.event.change = xfa.event.change.toUpperCase () - but that only works in the entry field of course.

    I tried to set the fullnameCaps and the fullnameCapsEach to equal the rawvalue of the entry fullanme field and put the code of change in them - but that doesn't seem to be the answer!

    Someone out there you have nay of ideas?

    see you soon


    Try this solution in the event of change of your input field:

    var str = xfa.event.newText, capsAll, capsFirst;
      capsAll = str.toUpperCase();
      capsFirst = str.toLowerCase().replace(/([^a-z]|^)([a-z])(?=[a-z]{1})/g, function(_, g1, g2) {
        return g1 + g2.toUpperCase();
    fullnameCaps.rawValue = capsAll;
    fullnameCapsEach.rawValue = capsFirst;
  • CFfile problem multiple sending

    Hello ~

    I use two tags cfinput with type of 'file' in the same shape. They accept different file types, using regular expression validation to check each and have different values of name and id.

    <!--- FORM FIELDS --->

    <cfinput type="file" name="pageLayoutCSSFileUpload" class="inputArea" message="Please upload a .css file." required="yes" size="50" id="pageLayoutCSSFileUpload" validate="regex" pattern="^.*\.(css|CSS)$" />

    <cfinput type="file" name="pageLayoutImageUpload" class="inputArea" message="Please upload a layout image (.gif)." required="yes" size="50" id="pageLayoutImageUpload" validate="regex" pattern="^.*\.(gif|GIF)$" />

    Once the form is submitted, I use cffile to download each one in the same directory, with the same name, but different extensions (a .css and a .gif). The first file, .css, uploads correctly. Then, I get an error with the second tag cffile that the mime type is incorrect, and the file must be in the format of the image/gif. I know that the test files that I use are in the correct format, so it seems that the second cffile tag is by looking at the first file that is downloaded. I don't know how this can happen, the value "file" for each cffile tag is defined by a form variable, which is directly related to these two separate input fields.

    <!--- FORM ACTION --->

    <!--- upload page layout CSS file --->
    <cffile action="upload" destination="#local.pageLayoutsPath#pageLayout_#numberFormat(local.layoutID,000)#" file="#form.pageLayoutCSSFileUpload#" nameconflict="error" result="local.pageLayoutCSSFileUpload" accept="text/css" />
    <!--- upload page layout image file (large) --->
    <cffile action="upload" destination="#local.pageLayoutsPath#pageLayout_#numberFormat(local.layoutID,000)#" file="#form.pageLayoutImageUpload#" nameconflict="error" result="local.pageLayoutImageUpload" accept="image/gif" />

    Does anyone else have this problem? It's complicated to explain, so let me know if this is not supposed... Thank you!

    According to the docs (and my past experience): 8f.html

    requires a FILEFIELD attribute, which must be the name of the field in the relevant form in the file in question.  Note: not the form field VALUE, but the NAME of it.

    I'm surprised that your code does not have the slightest mistake, FILEFIELD is - appaerently - required.



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