Click on my boxes please, tell me why

Click IN the first row and click ONE in the second row... weird... Why?

CODE: hod.mxml

I think it has to do with the duplication of the online id box 1 and line 2?

Any help/suggestions will give me hope here. Thank you all...

Delete: editable = "true" in the tag of the DataGrid control.
Delete: rendererIsEditor = "true" in the label column of the DataGrid control.

It was the answer here... Sweet... Thank you Mr President

Tags: Flex

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    I fully agree that every day is an opportunity to learn something new. Learning was never end... Yes, in your operating system, drivers are preloaded. If you curious you can click on start and go to devices and printers and there you have an option Add a printer, click that and then click on next and then your OS will be retriever all drivers installed not only hp but many other manufactures... But these are just the basic drivers...

    You will find the complete software in the link below...

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    =========== my script ==== ================

    / * Formatted on 30/01/2009 11:11 (trainer more v4.8.7) * /.
    SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000
    -SET serveroutput OFF
    SET verify OFF
    SET feedback OFF

    -- *********
    -Debug/error handling
    -- *********
    v_err_seq NUMBER: = 0;
    v_err_num VARCHAR2 (30);
    v_err_msg VARCHAR2 (250);
    v_err_line VARCHAR2 (350);
    -- *********
    -Variable work
    -- *********
    p_hire_date DATE;
    p_business_group_id NUMBER: = 0;
    p_person_id NUMBER: = 0;
    p_address_line1 VARCHAR2 (240);
    p_date_of_birth VARCHAR2 (35);
    p_address_line2 VARCHAR2 (240);
    Employee_number VARCHAR2 (14);
    p_employee_number VARCHAR2 (14);
    emp_number VARCHAR2 (14);
    p_email_address VARCHAR2 (240);
    p_address_line3 VARCHAR2 (240);
    p_first_name VARCHAR2 (150);
    p_address_line4 VARCHAR2 (240);
    p_middle_names VARCHAR2 (30);
    p_post_code VARCHAR2 (30);
    p_last_name VARCHAR2 (150);
    p_nationality VARCHAR2 (30);
    p_sex VARCHAR2 (30);
    p_national_identifier VARCHAR2 (30);
    p_title VARCHAR2 (30);
    v_rec_cnt NUMBER: = 0;
    insert_flag VARCHAR2 (8);
    -ip_p_address_id NUMBER;
    ip_p_address_id per_addresses.address_id%TYPE;
    ip_p_object_version_number NUMBER;
    ip_p_party_id per_addresses.party_id%TYPE;
    l_person_id NUMBER;
    l_employee_number VARCHAR2 (35);
    l_assignment_id NUMBER;
    l_per_object_version_number NUMBER;
    l_asg_object_version_number NUMBER;
    l_per_effective_start_date DATE;
    l_per_effective_end_date DATE;
    l_full_name VARCHAR2 (240);
    l_per_comment_id NUMBER;
    l_assignment_sequence NUMBER;
    l_assignment_number VARCHAR2 (100);
    l_name_combination_warning BOOLEAN: = FALSE;
    l_assign_payroll_warning BOOLEAN: = FALSE;
    l_address_id NUMBER;
    l_object_version_number NUMBER;

    -return_code NUMBER;
    -return_message VARCHAR2 (2000);
    -command_prin VARCHAR2 (9000);

    -path VARCHAR2 (135);
    -name VARCHAR2 (30);

    -- ***********************************
    -Get employee details work table info
    -- ***********************************
    CURSOR get_employee_details
    SELECT p_person_id, p_validate, p_hire_date, p_business_group_id,
    p_last_name, p_sex, p_date_of_birth, p_email_address,
    p_employee_number, p_first_name, p_marital_status,
    p_middle_names, p_nationality, p_title, p_national_identifier.
    p_address_line1, p_address_line2, p_address_line3,
    p_address_line4, p_post_code

    -- *****************************************
    -check the details used table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F news
    -- *****************************************
    CURSOR c_check_employee (emp_number VARCHAR2)
    SELECT per.person_id, per.business_group_id, per.last_name,
    per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
    per. Employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status,
    per.middle_names, per.nationality, per.national_identifier,
    per. Sex, per.title, padd.address_id, padd.primary_flag,
    PADD.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
    PADD.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1,
    OF per_all_people_f by, per_addresses padd
    WHERE per.employee_number = emp_number
    "AND TRUNC (per.start_date) > 1 January 2009"
    AND per.person_id = padd.person_id;

    SheikYerbouti c_check_employee % ROWTYPE;
    -v_err_seq: = 2;
    -command_prin: = SQLERRM;
    -p (l_string);
    -path: = "% SU_TOP/employees";
    -name: = "utl_tester.txt";
    -- ***********************************
    -Process each record in the table of work
    -- ***********************************
    FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
    v_rec_cnt: = v_rec_cnt + 1;

    -- ************************************
    -determine if there are already customers
    -- ************************************
    OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.p_employee_number);

    EXTRACTION c_check_employee
    IN SheikYerbouti.

    IF c_check_employee % NOTFOUND
    insert_flag: = 'I ';
    insert_flag: = 'X '.
    END IF;

    IF insert_flag = 'I '.
    ("Employee does not exist, continue the import...");
    ("Employee found - cannot import recording.");
    END IF;

    CLOSE C_check_employee;

    -- ***********************************
    -Create new record PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES of
    -record of the table info
    -- ***********************************
    IF insert_flag = 'I '.
    START-procedure used - import
    -fh: = UTL_FILE. FOPEN (name, path, "w");
    -UTL_FILE. Put_line (fh,' import used...) Hang on...! ") ;

    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' import used...) Hold on...! ');
    (p_validate = > l_validate,)
    p_hire_date = > v_emp.p_hire_date,
    p_business_group_id = > v_emp.p_business_group_id,
    p_date_of_birth = > v_emp.p_date_of_birth,
    p_email_address = > v_emp.p_email_address,
    p_first_name = > v_emp.p_first_name,
    p_middle_names = > v_emp.p_middle_names,
    p_last_name = > v_emp.p_last_name,
    p_sex = > v_emp.p_sex,
    p_ni_number = > v_emp.p_national_identifier,
    p_employee_number = > v_emp.p_employee_number,
    p_person_id = > l_person_id,
    p_title = > v_emp.p_title,
    p_assignment_id = > l_assignment_id,
    p_per_object_version_number = > l_per_object_version_number,
    p_asg_object_version_number = > l_asg_object_version_number,
    p_per_effective_start_date = > l_per_effective_start_date,
    p_per_effective_end_date = > l_per_effective_end_date,
    p_full_name = > l_full_name,
    p_per_comment_id = > l_per_comment_id,
    p_assignment_sequence = > l_assignment_sequence,
    p_assignment_number = > l_assignment_number,
    p_name_combination_warning = > l_name_combination_warning,
    p_assign_payroll_warning = > l_assign_payroll_warning
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE ('.. employee updated successfully..');
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE ('..) SQLCodeErrors:-' | SQLCODE);
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' no. used:-' | v_emp.p_employee_number);
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' name ' | v_emp.p_last_name);

    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' record failed to load...) ' || SQLERRM);
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' record failed to load...) ' || l_string);
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (SUBSTR (command_prin, 1, 250));

    START-import procedure address - partners
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE ('.. and address the employee associate...');
    (p_validate = > l_validate,)
    -p_effective_date = > v_emp.p_hire_date,
    p_effective_date = > SYSDATE,.
    p_pradd_ovlapval_override = > NULL,
    p_validate_county = > NULL,
    p_person_id = > l_person_id,
    p_primary_flag = > 'Y ',.
    p_style = > 'GB_GLB ',.
    -p_date_from = > v_emp.p_hire_date,
    p_date_from = > SYSDATE,.
    p_date_to = > NULL,
    p_address_type = > NULL,
    p_comments = > NULL,
    p_address_line1 = > v_emp.p_address_line1,
    p_address_line2 = > v_emp.p_address_line2,
    p_address_line3 = > v_emp.p_address_line3,
    p_town_or_city = > v_emp.p_address_line4,
    p_region_1 = > NULL,
    p_region_2 = > NULL,
    p_region_3 = > NULL,
    p_postal_code = > v_emp.p_post_code,
    p_country = > v_emp.p_nationality,
    p_telephone_number_1 = > NULL,
    p_telephone_number_2 = > NULL,
    p_telephone_number_3 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute_category = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute1 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute2 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute3 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute4 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute5 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute6 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute7 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute8 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute9 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute10 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute11 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute12 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute13 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute14 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute15 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute16 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute17 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute18 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute19 = > NULL,
    p_addr_attribute20 = > NULL,
    p_add_information13 = > NULL,
    p_add_information14 = > NULL,
    p_add_information15 = > NULL,
    p_add_information16 = > NULL,
    p_add_information17 = > NULL,
    p_add_information18 = > NULL,
    p_add_information19 = > NULL,
    p_add_information20 = > NULL,
    -p_party_id = > NULL,
    p_party_id = > ip_p_party_id,
    p_address_id = > ip_p_address_id,
    p_object_version_number = > ip_p_object_version_number
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' updated address of the / Insertion was successful! ');
    -OUTPUT WHEN command_prin IS NULL;
    -command_prin: = SUBSTR (command_prin, 251);
    -- ******************************
    -End of the related customer details
    -- ******************************

    -- ******************************
    END IF;
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' to read: ' | v_rec_cnt);

    -Output error message
    -v_err_num: = TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
    -v_err_msg: = SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 250);
    -v_err_line: = ' Oracle error (seqno =' | v_err_seq |) ') ' ||
    -v_err_num |' occurred processing file ' |
    -TO_CHAR(v_rec_cnt + 1) |': ' | v_err_msg;
    -DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (v_err_line);




    much, much obliged...

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see one in your outer loop EXIT condition...

      FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
        v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
      END LOOP;
    END LOOP;   <---- No EXIT for this loop
  • SIM-Free iPhone bought in Dubai, United Arab Emirates UNITED, to aid in the countries of the EU without iMessage and restriction of FaceTime. iMessage WORK PERFECTLY WELL, even on cell phones, but no FaceTime. Please tell me why?

    Hello to all on the Apple community!

    Recently, I bought the iPhone SIM-Free from the shop Duty Free in Dubai World.
    I used my iPhone in Dubai very shortly and I did not have iMessage and FaceTime option on my phone. I know that laws of United Arab Emirates telecommunication UNITED and I know why people out there have this apps.
    But when I arrived in my born country last week I put the new sim card without restriction for iMessage and FaceTime and when I open the Message in the settings, I saw "Power" toggle iMessage and I was surprised that it is possible that. When I pass switches on 'On' for iMessage, who runs BEGIN WORK PERFECTLY FINE WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM EVEN on LTE network.

    When I try to do the same thing with FaceTime, I saw that there is still no menu FaceTime in settings. I'm looking for in my iPhone and I find everywhere FaceTime app (Notification centar, use of boxes, installed Apps etc etc...), I want to say the FaceTime app is in my phone but is disabled and not showing somеhow.

    Please someone who knows this situation to respond to my question: can I activate FaceTime work as iMessage works now on my iPhone?
    Thank you!

    This is because one of the configuration files of the iPhone disables it for iPhones with AB, AE and AH maybe just before the / is their model numbers. If a Middle East SIM card in the iPhone, it can substitute for it, but no SIM card non - Middle Eastern won't. There is no other way to substitute it, or get FaceTime on your iPhone outside the Middle East.


  • Will be it someone please tell me why I don't have the fan video open automatically as I used to when I opened the video Comcast Xfinity? Thanks a milion.

    Someone please help me get videos of Comcast Xfinity automatically opend & run like I used to have


    This is the Web page you're talking about?


    If so, when in Internet Explorer

    Open the page above

    Click on tools

    Click on Internet Options

    Click on use current

    Click OK

  • Please tell me why it takes so long to connect to a site protected by security software 'Report' since the upgrade to 17.0.1. Also locks firefox temporarily

    By connecting to: & PT = 1

    Report seems to crash the whole browser. This was a problem since you upgraded me to 17.0.1. Have just tried the same operation with report running on IE8 and no problem to hit to 12 seconds and the use of the browser. When can we expect a patch?


    Please visit to update the current installation and the statement of the issues.

    fixed the broken hyperlink - Ed

  • My Yahoo toolbar no longer works! I have to keep replace to make it work. Can someone please tell me WHY! He has been working very well

    My yahoo toolbar works great for a few years on Firefox. Now, every time I open Firefox none of the functions of the toolbar works!

    I have to keep re - install to make it work.

    I don't know if this is a problem with Firefox or Yahoo, because it is almost impossible to communicate with any of you.

    Can someone help and tell me how to solve this problem once and for all?

    Thank you in advance-

    Great! Thanks for letting me know.

  • Please tell me why I have 2 black inks: D5460

    After much trawling through the HP website and Googling the world as a whole, I find no clue why I have 2 black ink cartridges.  In addition, four types of replacement cartridge are listed for replacements!  I imagine that some phrases in the manual could clarify this question.  Why never HP did not try to explain?  I guess they want us to buy loads of unnecessary cartridges...  Thanks for any help.

    Dolphin wrote:
    After much trawling through the HP website and Googling the world as a whole, I find no clue why I have 2 black ink cartridges.  In addition, four types of replacement cartridge are listed for replacements!  I imagine that some phrases in the manual could clarify this question.  Why never HP did not try to explain?  I guess they want us to buy loads of unnecessary cartridges...  Thanks for any help.

    A black cartridge is for ordinary paper, the other (the "black photo") is used for the photo.  Plain paper ink is pigmented which provides an excellent text printing, but it is not compatible with the glossy photo media.  Pigmented black printers use a mixture of cyan, magenta and yellow to produce black.  The D5460 has an ink black photo providing more black areas in picture.

    The D5460 has separated for each color ink tanks, so there are a number of supplies.  These each are available in two sizes, the normal cartridges and large cartridges (XL).  XL cartridges generally provide the best cost per page.  For casual users normal cartridges cheaper may be a better match.

    You can see more information on the page performance and discussion brief black cartridge additional picture here.

    If you are in the United States, the cartridges will be HP 564.  There are different cartridges in different parts of the world, check the supplies in your manual for power supplies suitable for your area or your printer.  There are four such regions as described here to a different printer, but the information applies to the D5460 as well.

    Kind regards
    Bob Headrick, Microsoft MVP printing and imaging

  • Please tell me why to do 2 different folio screensize for iOS as it is native on Android?


    If you run your magazine on iPad and iPhone, you can get the same problem as me (or you might have the solution).

    In the Android version, your folio which is usually for iPad from the beginning, can be opened natively on Android devices with black on both sides line, very well some clients that have not been compressed are happy to have a version on smartphones, even, that it is smaller and harder to read.

    But the size iPad folio can be read natively on the iPhone (any screen of 4s / 5s...).

    First of all, I was wondering why it may be ok on all android devices, I tried.

    And secondly what is the screen size I should do for the folio for iPhone version, all size because I tried, I found problems... never found the good screensize to export my foilo in the size of the screen of the iPhone/iPod. the only solution I found is to rebuild all of my InDesign pages and make the false black line in my documents... I guess that there is a solution much easier than this, and I really want to know!

    If you could help me so I really appreciate it!

    See you soon

    Hi Rihze

    Don't know if this is the best way, but it worked for me

    I started with the ipad version. 1024x768px.

    Then, I created a new folio for the iphone version. 960 × 640px.

    I use the same content, but the layout, that I was forced to change to fit the smaller screen.

    I didn't have black edges in the iphone 5, so I created a new folio for 1136 x 640px.

    I use the same documents that were, but changed the size of the page in indesign and changed some of the layout.



  • Please tell me why this won't work cross-platform (parallax)

    My new test site:

    In chipboard with Adobe song > downloaded through Dream Weaver > account BC

    IM struggling to understand why this Parallax site or this entire site will not work on iphone 5 or ipad


    Hi Simon,.

    iOS does not support Parallax scrolling.

    The reason for this, is because Parallax is too heavy on the graphics processor. iOS cannot handle [yet].

  • Is could someone please tell me why my paintComponent() is called infinitely?

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    This is the code where the question is:
    package project;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import java.awt.FontMetrics;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    public class UserInterface extends JPanel
    //    private JTextField orb1ChargeDensityTextField; // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
    //    private JTextField orb2ChargeDensityTextField; // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
        private JFrame frame;
        private JTextField orb1ChargeTextField;
        private JTextField orb2ChargeTextField;
        private JTextField orb1InitialVelocityTextField;
        private JTextField orb2InitialVelocityTextField;
        private JTextField gravityConstantTextField;
        private JCheckBox considerGravity;
        private JCheckBox considerElectricity;
        private JRadioButton inVacuumRadioButton;
        private JRadioButton inAirRadioButton;
        private JRadioButton inOtherMediumRadioButton;
        private JPanel graphicsPanel = this;
        private JPanel buttonsPanel;
        private Orb orb1;
        private Orb orb2;
        private boolean regularComponentsAdded = false;
        private JLabel orb1InitialVelocityLabel;
        private JLabel orb2InitialVelocityLabel;
        private JLabel orb1ChargeLabel;
        private JLabel orb2ChargeLabel;
        private JLabel gravityConstantLabel;
    //    private JPanel orb1InitialVelocityPanel;
    //    private JPanel orb2InitialVelocityPanel;
    //    private JPanel gravityConstantPanel;
        private JButton simulateButton;
        private GridBagConstraints c;
        private boolean simulationStarted = false;
        private Common common = new Common();
        private JLabel planetaryRadiusLabel;
        private JTextField planetaryRadiusTextField;
        private JLabel planetaryMassLabel;
        private JTextField planetaryMassTextField;
        private JLabel dielectricConstantPanel;
        private JTextField dielectricConstantTextField;
        private JLabel orb1HeightLabel;
        private JLabel orb2HeightLabel;
        private JTextField orb1HeightTextField;
        private JTextField orb2HeightTextField;
        private JLabel separationDistanceLabel;
        private JTextField separationDistanceTextField;
        private JLabel dragCoefficientLabel;
        private JTextField dragCoefficientTextField;
        private JLabel orb1RadiusLabel;
        private JTextField orb1RadiusTextField;
        private JLabel orb2RadiusLabel;
        private JTextField orb2RadiusTextField;
        public UserInterface()
        public void setLabelProperties()
            orb1InitialVelocityLabel = new JLabel("First orb's initial velocity (m/s): ");
            orb2InitialVelocityLabel = new JLabel("Second orb's initial velocity (m/s): ");
            orb2InitialVelocityLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP); // CHECK!!!
            orb1ChargeLabel = new JLabel("First orb's charge (C): ");
            orb2ChargeLabel = new JLabel("Second orb's charge (C): ");
            gravityConstantLabel = new JLabel("Gravity constant (m/s^2): ");
            planetaryRadiusLabel = new JLabel("Planetary radius (m): ");
            planetaryMassLabel = new JLabel("Planetary mass (kg): ");
            dielectricConstantPanel = new JLabel("Dielectric constant: ");
            orb1HeightLabel = new JLabel("First orb's height (m): ");
            orb2HeightLabel = new JLabel("Second orb's height (m): ");
            separationDistanceLabel = new JLabel("Separation distance (m): ");
            dragCoefficientLabel = new JLabel("Drag coefficient: ");
            orb1RadiusLabel = new JLabel("First orb's radius (m): ");
            orb2RadiusLabel = new JLabel("Second orb's radius (m): ");
        public void setPanelProperties() // layout needs some serious fixing!!!
                // Initial GridBagLayout settings
                c = new GridBagConstraints();
                c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START;
                c.weighty = 0; //etho
                c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
                c.gridheight = 1; // is for the the specific component when adding - not height for all components together
                buttonsPanel.setSize(400, 200);
                buttonsPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 1;
                buttonsPanel.add(considerElectricity, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 1;
                buttonsPanel.add(considerGravity, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 2; c.gridwidth = 1; c.weighty = 0; // etho
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1InitialVelocityLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 2;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1InitialVelocityTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 3;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2InitialVelocityLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 3;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2InitialVelocityTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 5; c.gridwidth = 1;
                buttonsPanel.add(gravityConstantLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 5;
                buttonsPanel.add(gravityConstantTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 6;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1ChargeLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 6;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1ChargeTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 7;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2ChargeLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 7;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2ChargeTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 8;
                buttonsPanel.add(planetaryRadiusLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 8;
                buttonsPanel.add(planetaryRadiusTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 9;
                buttonsPanel.add(planetaryMassLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 9;
                buttonsPanel.add(planetaryMassTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 10;
                buttonsPanel.add(dielectricConstantPanel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 10;
                buttonsPanel.add(dielectricConstantTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c. gridy = 11;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1HeightLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 11;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1HeightTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 12;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2HeightLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 12;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2HeightTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 13;
                buttonsPanel.add(separationDistanceLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 13;
                buttonsPanel.add(separationDistanceTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 14;
                buttonsPanel.add(dragCoefficientLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 14;
                buttonsPanel.add(dragCoefficientTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 15;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1RadiusLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 15;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb1RadiusTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 16;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2RadiusLabel, c);
                c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 16;
                buttonsPanel.add(orb2RadiusTextField, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 17;
                buttonsPanel.add(inVacuumRadioButton, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 18;
                buttonsPanel.add(inAirRadioButton, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 19; c.weighty = 1;
                buttonsPanel.add(inOtherMediumRadioButton, c);
                c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 20; c.weighty = 0; c.gridwidth = 2;
                buttonsPanel.add(simulateButton, c);
    //        buttonsPanel.add(orb1ChargeDensityTextField); // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
    //        buttonsPanel.add(orb2ChargeDensityTextField); // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
    //        frame.pack();
    //        System.out.println("The width is: " + buttonsPanel.getWidth()); // here for testing purposes
        public void setRadioButtonProperties()
            inVacuumRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Vacuum");
            inAirRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Air");
            inOtherMediumRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Other");
            ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
        public void setRegularButtonProperties()
            simulateButton = new JButton("Simulate");
            simulateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    // The following is test code and is not the real deal type of simulation
                    orb1.setX(0); simulationStarted = true;
    //                Timer timer = new Timer(100, new Repaint());
    //    public class Repaint implements ActionListener
    //    {
    //        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    //        {
    //            repaint();
    //        }
    //    }
        public void createPanels()
            buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
        public void createOrbs()
            orb1 = new Orb();
            orb2 = new Orb();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            orb1.setX(0.03F); orb1.setY(0.1F); // temporary for testing purposes
            if(orb1RadiusTextField.getText() != null)
            System.out.println("The nummber is this: " + Float.parseFloat(orb1RadiusTextField.getText()));
            g.fillOval(getPixelXCoordinate(orb1.getX()), getPixelYCoordinate(orb1.getY()), convertMetresToPixels(orb1.getRadius()), convertMetresToPixels(orb1.getRadius()));
        public int convertMetresToPixels(double metres)
        {// This method only converts metres to pixels and does not take into account where the pixels are drawn
            int pixels = -1;
            int scalar = 3000;
            pixels = (int) (scalar*metres);
            return pixels;
        public int getPixelXCoordinate(double metresXCoordinate)
            return convertMetresToPixels(metresXCoordinate);
        public int getPixelYCoordinate(double metresYCoordinate)
            return (int) (frame.getHeight() - convertMetresToPixels(metresYCoordinate));
        public void drawTitle(Graphics g) // There's an issue with the delay from normal/unformatted text to special/formatted text
            String title = "Welcome to the orb program!";
            FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
            graphicsPanel.setFont(new Font("Times", Font.BOLD, 20));
            // Get the position of the leftmost character in the baseline
            int x = fontMetrics.stringWidth(title);
            int y = fontMetrics.getAscent();
            g.drawString(title, x, y);
            // Nullify unused references for garbage collector
            fontMetrics = null;
            title = null;
        public void setFrameProperties()
            frame = new JFrame();
            frame.setTitle("Orb program");
            frame.setSize(1100, 800); // change resolution in conjunction with FontMetrics title placement
            frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    //        frame.add(buttonsPanel); // uncomment this later
            frame.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
        public void setCheckBoxProperties()
            considerGravity = new JCheckBox("Enable gravity", false);
            considerGravity.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            considerElectricity = new JCheckBox("Enable electrical forces", true);
            considerElectricity.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        public void setTextFieldProperties()
            float tempElementaryCharge = common.getElementaryCharge();
            gravityConstantTextField = new JTextField("9.79205");
            orb1ChargeTextField = new JTextField(String.valueOf(tempElementaryCharge));
            orb2ChargeTextField = new JTextField(String.valueOf(-1 * tempElementaryCharge));
            orb1InitialVelocityTextField = new JTextField("0");
            orb2InitialVelocityTextField = new JTextField("0");
            planetaryRadiusTextField = new JTextField("6.3685E6");
            planetaryMassTextField = new JTextField("5.9721986E24");
            dielectricConstantTextField = new JTextField("1.00058986");
            orb1HeightTextField = new JTextField("1");
            orb2HeightTextField = new JTextField("1");
            separationDistanceTextField = new JTextField("1");
            dragCoefficientTextField = new JTextField("0.47");
            orb1RadiusTextField = new JTextField("0.03");
            orb2RadiusTextField = new JTextField("CACA2");
    //        orb1ChargeDensityTextField = new JTextField(""); // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
    //        orb2ChargeDensityTextField = new JTextField(""); // don't remember what I have this for or if it's a mistake
    //    public String getOrb1Initial // I WAS HERE LAST!!!!
        public static void main(String[] args) // main() will be removed later
            UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(); // this will later be called via the main() of the launcher program
    (Just so that can compile the program here)
     * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
     * and open the template in the editor.
    package project;
     * @author Deniz
    public class Common
        private float coulombConstant = (float) 8.9875517873681764E9; // Nm^2/C^2
        private float newtonGravitationalConstant = (float) 6.67428E-11; // Nm^2/kg^2
        private float planetaryMass = (float) 5.9721986E24; // (in kg) defaults to Earth's mass
        private float dielectricConstant = (float) 1.00058986; // dimensionless
        private float planetaryRadius;
        private float height;
        private float systemImpulse;
        private final float airDensityEarth = (float) 1.29; // in kg/m^3 // THIS NUMBER COULD BE WRONG
        private float mediumDragForce;
        private final float airDensityMars = (float) 2.30446139E-5; // g/(cm^3)
        private float gravityConstant; // = (float) 9.80665; // in m/s^2 // set it via text field instead of here by default
        private float mediumDensity; // also called fluid density
        private float separationDistance; // m
        private float electricalPotentialEnergy;
        private double electricField;
        private double gravitationalPotentialEnergy;
        private double totalKineticEnergy;
        private double totalPotentialEnergy;
        private boolean inVacuum = true; // should make it get from text field - check my logic again jic
        private boolean inAir = false; // should make it get from text field - check my logic again jic
        private boolean inOtherMedium = false; // neglect any additional electrical properties that MIGHT exist(depending on the fluid in question)
        private final float elementaryCharge = (float) 1.6E-19;
        public Common()
        public float getElementaryCharge()
            return elementaryCharge;
        public double getSeparationDistance()
            return separationDistance;
        public float getSystemImpulse()
            return systemImpulse;
        public float getElectricalPotentialEnergy()
            return electricalPotentialEnergy;
        public double getElectricField()
            return electricField;
        public float getMediumDragForce()
                return 0;
                return mediumDragForce;
        public void setSeparationDistance(Orb orb1, Orb orb2, float surfaceSeparation)
            separationDistance = surfaceSeparation + orb1.getRadius() + orb2.getRadius();
        public void setMediumDragForce(float mediumDragForce)
            this.mediumDragForce = mediumDragForce;
        public void setMediumDragForce(float mediumDensity, double velocity, float referenceArea, float dragCoefficient)
            mediumDragForce = (float) (-0.5 * mediumDensity * referenceArea * dragCoefficient * Math.pow(velocity, 2)); // haven't paid too much attention to direction of the vector yet
        public void setMediumDensity(float mediumDensity)
            this.mediumDensity = mediumDensity;
    //    public void setSeparationDistance(Point point)
    //    {
    //    }
        public void setSystemImpulse(float systemImpulse)
            this.systemImpulse = systemImpulse;
        public float getGravityConstant()
            if(gravityConstant > 9.7 && gravityConstant < 9.9)
                return gravityConstant;
                gravityConstant = (float) (newtonGravitationalConstant * planetaryMass/Math.pow((planetaryRadius + height),2));
                return gravityConstant;
        public double getGravitationalPotentialEnergy()
           return gravitationalPotentialEnergy;
        public double getTotalKineticEnergy()
            return totalKineticEnergy;
        public double getTotalPotentialEnergy()
            return totalPotentialEnergy;
    //    public float getPotentialDifference()
    //    {
    //        return potentialDifference;
    //    }
        public void setGravityConstant(float gravityConstant)
            this.gravityConstant = gravityConstant;
    (Just so that can compile the program here)
     * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
     * and open the template in the editor.
    package project;
    import java.awt.Point;
     * @author Deniz
    public class Orb
        private boolean fixedOrbPosition = false;
        private float currentVelocity;
        private float currentSpeed;
        private float orbArea;
        private double charge;
        private double mass;
        private Point position;
        private float x;
        private float y;
        private double initialVelocity;
        private double intialSpeed;
        private float chargeDensity;
        private float potential;
        private float gamma; // in order to implement relativistic linear momentum
        private float initialMomentum;
        private float finalMomentum;
        private float impulse;
        private float radius;
        private final float sphereDragCoefficient = 0.47F;
        private float weight;
        public Orb()
        public float getWeight()
            return weight;
        public float getRadius()
            return radius;
        public void setRadius(float radius)
            this.radius = radius;
        public double getSpeed()
            return currentSpeed;
        public double getVelocity()
            return currentVelocity;
        public double getPotential()
            return potential;
        public double getCharge()
            return charge;
        public float getChargeDensity()
            return chargeDensity;
        public float getInitialMomentum()
            return initialMomentum;
        public float getFinalMomentum()
            return finalMomentum;
        public float getImpulse()
            return impulse;
        public double getMass()
            return mass;
        public Point getPosition()
            return position;
        public float getX()
            return x;
        public float getY()
            return y;
        public void setInitialVelocity(double initialVelocity)
            this.initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
        public void setImpulse(float impulse)
            this.impulse = impulse;
        public void setInitialMomentum(float initialMomentum)
            this.initialMomentum = initialMomentum;
        public void setVelocity(float currentVelocity)
            this.currentVelocity = currentVelocity;
        public void setSpeed(float currentSpeed)
            this.currentSpeed = currentSpeed;
        public void setFinalMomentum(float finalMomentum)
            this.finalMomentum = finalMomentum;
        public void setX()
        public void setX(float currentX)
            this.x = currentX;
        public void setY()
        public void setY(float currentY)
            this.y = currentY;
        public void setCharge(double charge)
            this.charge = charge;
        public void setChargeDensity(float chargeDensity)
            this.chargeDensity = chargeDensity;
        public void setMass(float mass)
            this.mass = mass;
        public void setPosition(Point position)
            this.position = position;
        public void setPosition(int x, int y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
    Thanks in advance!

    Because you keep changing the font of drawTitle(), which causes another paint event.

    You also break a primary rule of the paintComponent() that is specified in the Javadoc. You are not supposed to make permanent changes to the provided GraphicsContext. If you need to change, you are supposed to copy it.

    Also that:

            // Nullify unused references for garbage collector
            fontMetrics = null;
            title = null;

    is nonsense. Local variables are about to go in any case out of reach. Don't waste your time with this.

  • whenever I connect to my facebook account to play chesslive or Zynga poker, my computer keeps stopping during my games, please tell me why? Someone.

    My computer guard stop whenever I play games of chess or Zynga poker games in my facebook account. Can someone help me solve this problem?


    ·          Is it the computer restarts or a stop?

    ·          You receive an error message or error code when the computer shuts down?

    ·          Is the behavior only when you work when playing games on facebook?

    ·          Have you installed the latest version of flash player?

    ·          You use Internet explorer to connect to facebook?

    ·          If so, what is the version of internet explorer, you have installed?

    ·          Do you remember any recent changes on the computer?

    Check is it y of error codes and error message appears in Event Viewer: how to view and manage the event logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP:

  • HP Pavilion 15 laptop: Could you please tell me why I get a BSOD if I updated my graphics driver AMD?

    I am facing this problem for months, I never update my graphics driver as usual, it slows down the PC and causes the BSOD. I use the graphics driver that is downloaded from the HP site and it does never BSOD. But sometimes my ATI graphic driver stops working, updates Windows shows me an update for the driver, but every time I've updated to use, the computer stops working, and it gives me screen all black when I turn it on, so I have to reinstall windows again and again if I've never updated my graphics driver. My PC is HP Pavilion E033TX 15, I hope someone could help me solve this issue. Thank you!

    Do not let Windows update to install the AMD\ATI driver. Change the Windows Update settings for "Let me know if there are updates available so I can decide whether to download and install updates" to avoid the problem reoccur.

    Computers laptop switchable graphics require a specially updated the driver provided by HP for your laptop.  It is not available through Windows update. You are not alone with this problem. The same problem happens to other brands of laptops owners who have the switchable graphics function.

  • can someone tell me why I can't update to El Capitan 10.11.2? the line "Show details" gets up and I click on it to make the update. When I do this, it just goes back to doing nothing, so I can never get past this point.

    can someone tell me why I can't update to El Capitan 10.11.2?

    When I try to update "updates available have changed" guest shows up.i click "Show details" prompt to complete the update and when I do that, it just goes back to doing nothing, so I can never get past this point. can someone help me with this, please?

    Thank you very much.

    In some cases, this error message is caused by a problem in the network. Restart your router as your device at wide band, if they are separated. If there is no change, see below.

    This procedure will remove some temporary and cache files. The files are generated automatically and do not contain any of your data. Sometimes they can become corrupted and cause problems like yours.

    Please, back up all data and read this message before doing anything.

    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select this option:


    Right-click or Ctrl-click on the highlighted line and select

    Services ▹ reveal in Finder (or just to reveal)

    the contextual menu.* file should open with a selected subfolder. The subfolder has a long name beginning with "zyx" and ending with "68". Place this subfolder in the trash. Do not move other subfolders with similar names. You may be prompted for administrator login password. Restart the computer and empty the trash.

    * If you do not see the item context menu copy the selected text in the Clipboard by pressing Control-C key combination. In the Finder, select

    Go ▹ go to the folder...

    from the menu bar and paste it into the box that opens by pressing command + V. You won't see what you pasted a newline being included. Press return.

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