Conflict beetween cordova-plugin-facebook4 & cordova-plugin-facebook4 phonegap-plugin-push


I've been using Phonegap to build for a couple of years and it's a great tool. It is the first time that I can't understand what is happening.

If I add the following plugins, one at a time the construction is successful, but if I put all the build fails

  1. Cordova-plugin-facebook4
  2. PhoneGap-plugin-push

Here is my file config.xml

<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? >

< widget id = "com.x.x" version = "1.0.1" xmlns =" " "xmlns:gap =" " "versionCode ="1"> "

< name > X < / name >

< description >

App Móvil del Lider for sale Electronica

< / description >

" < author email = ' [email protected] "href =" ">


< / author >

" < author href = ' "email =" " [email protected] "> "


< / author >

< src = "index.html" / content >

< access origin = "*" / >

< name of option = "webviewbounce" value = "false" / >

< name of option = "UIWebViewBounce" value = "false" / >

< name of option = "DisallowOverscroll" value = "true" / >

< name of option = "android-minSdkVersion" value = "16" / >

< name of option = "BackupWebStorage" value = "none" / >

< name of option = "phonegap-version" value = "cli - 5.2.0" / >

< name of option = value "android-build-tool" = "gradle" / >

< src = "icon.png icon" / > "

"< src="res/icon/android/icon-36-ldpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="ldpi"/ >

"< src="res/icon/android/icon-48-mdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier"android"="mdpi"/ >

"< src="res/icon/android/icon-72-hdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="hdpi"/ >

"< src="res/icon/android/icon-96-xhdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="xhdpi"/ >

"< src="res/icon/ios/icon-57.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="57"height ="57"/ >

"< icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-72.png "gap: platform ="ios"width ="72"height ="72"/ >

"< src="res/icon/ios/icon-57-2x.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="114"height ="114"/ >

"< src="res/icon/ios/icon-72-2x.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="144"height ="144"/ >

"< icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-76.png "gap: platform ="ios"width ="76"height ="76"/ >

"< src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-120.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="120"height ="120"/ >

"< src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-152.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="152"height ="152"/ >

< name of option = "SplashScreen" value = "none" / >

<!-set the screen for starting application for each platform. ->

"< src="res/screen/android/screen-ldpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-ldpi"/ >

"< src="res/screen/android/screen-mdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-mdpi"/ >

"< src="res/screen/android/screen-hdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-hdpi"/ >

"< src="res/screen/android/screen-xhdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-xhdpi"/ >

"< src="res/screen/blackberry/screen-225.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="blackberry"/ >

"< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="320"height ="480"/ >

"< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-2x.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="640"height ="960"/ >

"< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-568h-2x.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="640"height ="1136"/ >

"< src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="768"height ="1024"/ >

"< src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-landscape.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="1024"height ="768"/ >

"< src="res/screen/windows-phone/screen-portrait.jpg gap: splash "gap: platform ="winphone"/ >

< src = "" splash.png gap: splash "/ >"

< name of the function "Θtat bar" = >

< param name = 'ios-package' value = 'CDVStatusBar"onload ="true"/ >

< / fiction >

< access origin = "*" / >

<! - added the following intentions to support the withdrawal of the code of the white base cordova to a plugin list - >

<!-white list configuration. Refer to ->

< name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-whitelist" version = "1.2.2" source = "MNP" / >

" < allow intention href = ' http://*/* "/>

" < allow intention href = ' https://*/* "/>

< allow intention href = "Tel: *" / >

< allow intention href = "sms: *" / >

< allow intention href = "mailto:*" / >

< allow intention href = "geo: *" / >

< platform name = "android" >

< allow intention href = "market: *" / >

< / platform >

< platform name = "ios" >

< allow intention href = "itms: *" / >

< allow intention href = "itms-apps: *" / >

< / platform >

< name = "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions plugin" source = "MNP" / > "

< name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" source = "MNP" / >

< name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source = "MNP" / >

< name of the ditch: plugin = 'cordova-plugin-facebook4' source = 'MNP' version = "1.7.4" >

< param name = "APP_ID" value = "X" / >

< param name = 'APP_NAME' value = 'X' / >

< / gap: plugin >

< name of the ditch: plugin = 'phonegap-plugin-push' source = 'MNP' version = "1.5.3" >

< param name = "SENDER_ID" value = "X" / >

< / gap: plugin >

< gap: plugin name = "org.apache.cordova.device" / > "

< name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-x-toast" source = "MNP" / >

< name of the ditch: plugin = "Ionic-plugin-keyboard" version = "2.1.0" source = "MNP" / >

< / widget >

And the error log is the following. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance

Construction date: 2016-10-01 18:06:18 + 0000




Installation of "org.apache.cordova.device" to "0.3.0" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

Installation "cordova-plugin-whitelist" to "1.2.2" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

This plugin is applicable for versions of cordova-android higher than 4.0. If you have an earlier version of the platform, you do * not * need this plugin because the white list will be built.

Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" plugin via the NPM

Installation "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" to "5.1.3" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" plugin via the NPM

Installation "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" to "1.5.0" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

Installation "cordova-plugin-facebook4' to '1.7.4" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

Installation 'phonegap-plugin-push' to '1.5.3"for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-x-toast" plugin through the Museum

Installation "cordova-plugin-x-toast" to "2.5.2" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

Installation 'Ionic-plugin-keyboard""2.1.0"for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

Retrieve the plugin "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions" through the Museum

Installation of "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions" to "0.6.5" for android

Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.




Build the option-"unrecognized (ignore).

Running: / project/gradlew cdvBuildDebug b /project/build.gradle-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true - PcdvBuildMultipleApks = false - PcdvVersionCode = 1

Configuration on demand is a function of incubation.

: stretch

: compileDebugNdk

: preDebugBuild

: checkDebugManifest

: preReleaseBuild

: CordovaLib:compileLint

: CordovaLib:copyDebugLint updated

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugProguardFiles

: CordovaLib:preBuild

: CordovaLib:preDebugBuild

: CordovaLib:checkDebugManifest

: CordovaLib:prepareDebugDependencies

: CordovaLib:compileDebugAidl

: CordovaLib:compileDebugRenderscript

: CordovaLib:generateDebugBuildConfig

: CordovaLib:generateDebugAssets updated

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugAssets

: CordovaLib:generateDebugResValues

: CordovaLib:generateDebugResources

: CordovaLib:packageDebugResources

: CordovaLib:processDebugManifest

: CordovaLib:processDebugResources

: CordovaLib:generateDebugSources

: CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaNote: entry files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

: CordovaLib:processDebugJavaRes updated

: CordovaLib:packageDebugJar

: CordovaLib:compileDebugNdk

: CordovaLib:packageDebugJniLibs updated

: CordovaLib:packageDebugLocalJar updated

: CordovaLib:packageDebugRenderscript updated

: CordovaLib:bundleDebug

: CordovaLib:copyReleaseLint updated

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseProguardFiles

: CordovaLib:preReleaseBuild

: CordovaLib:checkReleaseManifest

: CordovaLib:prepareReleaseDependencies

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseAidl

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseRenderscript

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseBuildConfig

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseAssets updated

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseAssets

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseResValues

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:processReleaseManifest

: CordovaLib:processReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseSources

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaNote: entry files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

: CordovaLib:processReleaseJavaRes updated

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseJar

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseNdk

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseJniLibs updated

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseLocalJar updated

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseRenderscript updated

: CordovaLib:bundleRelease

: prepareComAndroidSupportCardviewV72340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportCustomtabs2340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV132340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42340Library

: prepareComFacebookAndroidFacebookAndroidSdk4141Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBase940Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBasement940Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesGcm940Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesIid940Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesTasks940Library

: prepareProjectCordovaLibUnspecifiedDebugLibrary

: prepareDebugDependencies

: compileDebugAidl

: compileDebugRenderscript

: generateDebugBuildConfig

: generateDebugAssets updated

: mergeDebugAssets

: generateDebugResValues

: generateDebugResources

: mergeDebugResources

: processDebugManifest

: processDebugResourcesWarning: AndroidManifest.xml sets already debuggable (in; with existing value in manifest.

Failure of the generation of table of resources to do a separation "

/Project/build/intermediates/RES/debug/values-v23/values.XML:6: error: error: no resource only for the name found (at 'cardBackgroundColor' with value '? android: attr / colorBackgroundFloating').


FAILED: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

The execution of the task failed ': ' processDebugResources.

> unable to run the command:

/Android-SDK/build-tools/24.0.1/AAPT package - f - no - crunch - I /android-sdk/platforms/android-22/android.jar - M /project/build/intermediates/manifests/full/debug/AndroidManifest.xml s/project/build/intermediates/res/debug - a/project/build/intermediates/assets/debug m-J/project/build/generated/source/r/debug f /project/build/intermediates/res/resources-debug.ap_--debug mode - custom package com.rii.test - 0 apk - output-text-symbols/project/build/intermediates/symbols/debug

Error code:



Warning: AndroidManifest.xml sets already debuggable (in; with existing value in manifest.

Failure of the generation of table of resources to do a separation "

/Project/build/intermediates/RES/debug/values-v23/values.XML:6: error: error: no resource only for the name found (at 'cardBackgroundColor' with value '? android: attr / colorBackgroundFloating').

* Try:

Run with the option - stacktrace to get stack trace. Run with the option - info or - debug option to get out of the newspaper.


Total time: dry 7,751


throw e;


Error code 1 for command: / project/gradlew with args: lse cdvBuildDebug,-b,/project/build.gradle,-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true,-PcdvBuildMultipleApks=fa,-PcdvVersionCode = 1

After a few days, I found the solution

I changed from BMP to use the latest version of cordova

And added lines

Tags: PhoneGap

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    Unfortunately, it seems that the generation of the plugin hook is not supported by generation.  You can try using 1.8.1?

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    Hello! Answers online.

    Hi Newbie question here. I downloaded and installed desktop phonegap, I created a phonegap project that I ran on the application of the emulator on my phone.

    I am trying to get the plugin to network information and the plugin from media for his work.

    I want to test if I have a suggested internet and I want to play sounds on the app.

    Please note that the developer PG App is not an emulation perfect environment that receives a compiled application. It's really cool and good to use for quick iteration, but there are cases where you will encounter differences. The media plugin is one of them - in a compiled application, your sound is perhaps in the application bundle, but that would break the App Dev PG because the beam refers to the PG Dev app, not /your/ app. Information plugin, OTH, network should work without differences (AFAIK).

    My question is in what regards the plugins. I can't find all sorts of documentation such as the use of plugins and I'm not sure what to do. ?

    some sites have different plugins that have been downloaded and put in folders, others just added in the config.xml file, but these lines seemed to already be there, and I wasn't having much luck getting their job.

    Infrastructure of the plugin and instructions to add to your project have changed over the years and so the docs have evolved in this direction. Many documents continue to include the manual installation instructions. As a general rule, if the docs say they are compatible with the CLIs of PG/Cordova, use the command 'Add a plugin of cordova' that they provide. Plugins can be installed this way will provide a "plugin.xml" file in their repo.

    Remember, however, when you use the PhoneGap developer application, have access to the base plugins more some additional plugins. This means that if the plugin is not compiled into the App Dev PG, you can not use, regardless what is your config file. XML (PG Dev App is NOT analysis config.xml). You can either:

    • Create a version of the PG Dev App containing the plugins you want to use for your use
    • Install PhoneGap / LCIs of Cordova and build your application directly
    • Build your application using PhoneGap Build

    When you use the LCIs, you add a plugin like this:

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-some-plugin-id --save

    The -Save switch will update your file config.xml properly to include the plugin. I suggest you ensure that you also to pin your plugins for a specific version so that you don't accidentally later shoot a newer version and break your code in unexpected ways.

    When you use any BMP, you add just a plugin to the config.xml file, as


    Finally, if you try to use a basic plugin and it does not work, be more specific so that we can help. Include error messages, code snippets, etc.

    also when I'm happy with this app what measures should I take to build in a fully functional app here?

    You will need to build your application using either the PhoneGap / Cordova CLIs or PhoneGap Build.

    I know it's a newb question but I am really get bogged down looking for something that is probably simple, thanks in advance

    If in doubt, check out the docs:

    And if that fails, give us a complaint!

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    Hi shauryag26424738, this plugin is now obsolete. Try to use the last being: phonegap-plugin-push.

    Include in your file as config.xml:

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    : preDexRelease

    : dexRelease

    UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION: multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$ AccessibilityServ iceInfoVersionImpl;












    But last week, all was fine. In one of my tests, I noticed that if I remove one of these plugins below, the build works:

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller" source = "MNP" / >

    < name = "com.phonegap.plugins.pushplugin plugin" spec = "2.5.0" source = "CDP" / > "

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    But is it possible to exclude dependence on config.xmlv4, so I can build on the website phonegap without problems?

    Thank you for your attention.


    Source plugins bmp - they are old and obsolete. Use instead of the MUSEUM: phonegap-plugin-push

    In addition, SafariViewController should be does not interfere somehow, since it is not supported on Android (it is iOS only).

    Also, make sure to pin your app to a specific version of BMPS. See: Adobe Build PhoneGap

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    I have a phonegap application that works great on iphone iOS 9 but in iOS 10, it shows error "Unable to download app" what installation of the application.
    The application is a business application that is not published on the store.

    I built a version today in the generator of phonegap and still have the same error.

    This is the config file (I changed the private data of the company to "xxxxxx")

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf - 8"? >

    < widget id = "" version = "1.0.0" xmlns =" " "xmlns:gap =" " ">

    < name > xxxxxxx Intranet < / name >

    < description >

    intranet application XXXXXX

    < / description >

    " < author email = ' [email protected] "href =" ">

    XXXXXX the Intranet team

    < / author >

    < src = "index.html of content" / > "

    " < = function name" "/ > "

    " < = function name" "/ > "

    < = "permissions" option name value = "none" / >

    < name of option = "orientation" value = "default" / >

    < name of option = "target device" value = "universal" / >

    < name of option = "full screen" value = "true" / >

    < name of option = "webviewbounce" value = "true" / >

    < name of option = "rentals-icon" value = "true" / >

    < = "stay webview" option name value = "false" / >

    < name of option = value 'ios-statusbarstyle"="Black opaque"/ >

    < name of option = "detect types of data" value = "true" / >

    < = 'exit suspend' option name value = "false" / >

    < name of option = "show-splash-screen-spinner" value = "false" / >

    < option value = "auto-hide-splash-screen" name = "true" / >

    < name of option = "disable-cursor" value = "false" / >

    < name of option = "android-minSdkVersion" value = "14" / >

    < = "android-installLocation' value = 'auto' option name / >

    <!-added by Tomer->

    < name of option = value "android-build-tool" = "gradle" / >

    < gap: platform preferably = "android" name = "SplashScreen" value = "none" / >

    < gap: platform preferably = 'ios' name = 'SplashScreen' value = 'splash' / >

    < name of option = "SplashScreenDelay" value = "0" / >

    < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-dialogues" source = "MNP" / >

    < plugin name = 'cordova-plugin-device' source = 'MNP' / >

    < plugin name = source "cordova-plugin-file" = "MNP" / >

    < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" source = "MNP" / >

    < plugin name = 'phonegap-plugin-push' source 'MNP' = >

    < params >

    < param name = "SENDER_ID" value = "XXXXXXXXXX" / >

    < / params >

    < / plugin >

    < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source = "MNP" / >

    < src = "icon.png icon" / > "

    "< icon gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'ldpi" src="res/icon/android/icon-36-ldpi.png" / >

    "< icon gap: platform = gap: qualifier"android"="mdpi"src="res/icon/android/icon-48-mdpi.png "/ >

    "< icon gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'hdpi" src="res/icon/android/icon-72-hdpi.png" / >

    "< icon gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="xhdpi"src="res/icon/android/icon-96-xhdpi.png "/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="blackberry"src="res/icon/blackberry/icon-80.png "/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="blackberry"gap: state ="hover"src="res/icon/blackberry/icon-80.png "/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="ios"height ="57"src="res/icon/ios/icon-57.png "width ="57"/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="ios"height ="72"src="res/icon/ios/icon-72.png "width ="72"/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="ios"height ="114"src="res/icon/ios/icon-57-2x.png "width ="114"/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="ios"height ="144"src="res/icon/ios/icon-72-2x.png "width ="144"/ >

    "< icon gap: platform ="webos"src="res/icon/webos/icon-64.png "/ >

    "< icon gap: Platform = 'winphone" src="res/icon/windows-phone/icon-48.png" / >

    "< icon gap: Platform = 'winphone" gap: role = "bottom" src="res/icon/windows-phone/icon-173-tile.png" / >

    "< splash gap: Platform = 'ios' height = '480' src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait.png "width ="320"/ >

    "< splash gap: platform ="ios"height ="960"src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-2x.png "width ="640"/ >

    "< splash gap: Platform = 'ios' height ="1136"src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-568h-2x.png "width ="640"/ >

    "< splash gap: platform ="ios"height ="1024"src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-portrait.png "width ="768"/ >

    "< splash gap: platform ="ios"height ="768"src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-landscape.png "width ="1024"/ >

    "< splash gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'port-ldpi" src="res/screen/android/screen-ldpi-portrait.png" / >

    "< splash gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'port-mdpi" src="res/screen/android/screen-mdpi-portrait.png" / >

    "< splash gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'port-hdpi" src="res/screen/android/screen-hdpi-portrait.png" / >

    "< splash gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' = 'port-xhdpi" src="res/screen/android/screen-xhdpi-portrait.png" / >

    < access origin = "" * "/ >"

    < access origin = "" whatsapp: * ' launch-external = "yes" / > "

    < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-whitelist" version = "1" / >

    " < allow intention href = ' http://*/* " />

    " < allow intention href = ' https://*/* " />

    < allow intention href = "" Tel: * "/ >"

    < allow intention href = "" sms: * "/ >"

    < allow intention href = "mailto:*" / >

    < allow intention href = "" geo: * "/ >"

    < allow intention href = "" whatsapp: * "/ >"

    < platform name = "android" >

    < allow intention href = "' market: *" / > "

    < / platform >

    < platform name = "ios" >

    < allow intention href = "" itms: * "/ >"

    < allow intention href = "" itms-apps: * "/ >"

    < / platform >

    < / widget >

    Please help me, I don't know what to do,

    Let me know if it need more data...

    Thank you very much!


    I don't think that PhoneGap Build has officially announced that it supports iOS 10. There is usually a slight delay between the release of the final version and the support on the BMP. One of the known risks of the use of BMPS. Keep the eye on the official blog of PG for more details


  • iOS version was working fine yesterday, now routinely broken on all applications

    Versions were all working fine last night.  I'm doing a refresh without changing code (just switching Git branch to another who was also working the day before) and I get the same errors on both branches.

    Plugins/org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser/CDVInAppBrowser.h:23:9: fatal error: "Cordova/CDVWebViewDelegate.h' file not found

    #import < Cordova/CDVWebViewDelegate.h >


    Plugins/org.apache.cordova.dialogs/CDVNotification.m:21:9: fatal error: ' Cordova/NSDictionary + Extensions.h' file not found

    < Cordova/NSDictionary + Extensions.h > #import

    These are two plugins that I have indicated in my config.xml file and are working and fully tested before.

    < gap: plugin name = "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" / > "

    < plugin name = spec 'phonegap-plugin-push' = "~1.5.3" / >

    I noticed at the top of the screen there's an alert on PhoneGap generation updated their supported versions.  These plugins are no longer supported or do they need to be configured differently now?

    You should not use plugins from the old, obsolete bmp repo. Use the latest versions of the plugins of NPM. They are named differently (for example cordova-plugin-inappbrowser).

    In addition, the inappbrowser plugin now has a different API (functions for the plugin are named differently), so you need some code changes).

  • How to play multiple sounds in PHONEGAP DESKTOP?

    I created a phonegap Office (no Cordoba) game he background music and special sounds (event based), it works fine on the PC browser, but when played in mobile (after compiling using the application mobile phonegap) two sounds do not play at the same time... like when the effect of his kick , the background music stops forever and is not time... does anyone has an idea?

    PS: I am developing for android, but also work for ios later

    As with my response to your other question, we are kind to discuss Orange potatoes vs here.

    The Developer PhoneGap app does not support any other than the basic plugins and a few third-party plugins plugin. You cannot add a plugin it unless you build your own version of the application of the developer.

    For example, if you want to use a third-party plugin, you two (and only two) options:

    1 PhoneGap CLI (or CLI Cordova)

    2 PhoneGap Build

    When you use the CLI, you can add a plugin as follows:

    PhoneGap plugin add cordova-plugin-name - register

    When you use Build (or CLI) you can add a plugin as follows (in your config.xml file):

    It may or may not be true that your problem will be solved during the conversion in an APK. You can not count on PhoneGap Developer to prove that your application works or does not work. Well, there are some edge cases developer has expected also (unless you are very familiar with the internal architecture of PhoneGap). Therefore, do not expect it to tell you one thing or the other. (It's great for quick iteration, Yes, but not not for the final test.)

    So to be sure of anything, or build an application using the CLI or build.

    Note: If you're using a plugin, then it would be a way to solve your problem without worrying. But again, you have to build the application using the CLI or PhoneGap Build because it's a third party plugin.

  • Can't hear the music from the radio station of my fav, WDIA on heartradio?

    Can someone call me on my phone?

    Hi 42spencer.

    Sometimes, the audio or video content in a web page can't be properly downloaded and displayed in Firefox. A plugin required may be missing, obsolete, locked in a conflict with another plugin or extension, or the content can be blocked for some reason any. This article will help you to solve these problems.

    Difficulty common audio and video questions

    I hope this will help. Unfortunately there is no phone for Firefox support. All answers these questions by volunteers via this site.

  • Since I upgraded to firefox7, video playback has become very slow

    YouTube getting so boring. The image stops every 2 seconds, and then appears the little loading circle and the sequence continues to be repeated on and on. This has happened since I downloaded firefox7

    Hi elhoo.

    Sometimes, the audio or video content in a web page can't be properly downloaded and displayed in Firefox. A plugin required may be missing, obsolete, locked in a conflict with another plugin or extension, or the content can be blocked for some reason any. This article will help you to solve these problems:

    Difficulty common audio and video questions

    Hope that helps.

  • GIFs are beginning to half way through the animation after loading.

    The title says it pretty well. After GIFs fully loading, animations start part, approximately, to half way through before looping.

    Hi Kaldari-

    Sometimes, the audio or video content in a web page can't be properly downloaded and displayed in Firefox. A plugin required may be missing, obsolete, locked in a conflict with another plugin or extension, or the content can be blocked for some reason any. This article will help you to solve these problems.

    Difficulty common audio and video questions

    Hope that helps!

  • I can't watch streaming movies

    Hello! I am running Ubuntu 11.10. My version of Firefox is 7.0.1.
    I want to watch streaming movies from
    but I just can't. I click on the link that loads the movie screen, but it says "I should install the XviD codec for MPEG-4 movies.
    Help, please!

    Hi BlueTower-

    Sometimes, the audio or video content in a web page can't be properly downloaded and displayed in Firefox. A plugin required may be missing, obsolete, locked in a conflict with another plugin or extension, or the content can be blocked for some reason any. This article will help you to solve these problems.

    Difficulty common audio and video questions

    If this is not enough, I found a page where you can download the XviD codec: I'm not familiar with this codec, so I can't guarantee that this will solve the problem. Hope that helps.

  • Photoshop crashes when I start/open a new project

    So everytime I open Photoshop everything is fine and dandy. then I click Open a project or start a new it crashes. I tried to fix my disconnection and billing information and back in but nothing has changed. I called and told them and they said to reset my preferences, then I did. nothing has been fixed. So now I don't know what to do, but this post. Happened 2 days now. and I am super excited that im paying for a product that I can not use and I'll have to pay for it for a whole year, it really pisses me and I would like an answer as soon as POSSIBLE.

    If screw up your Photoshop preferences don't work try to install PS using the Cloud creative application, run Adobe Cleaner and install PS again.

    If this does not work, try opening as a new user, if that works, it can mean that you have a conflict with a plugin or something.

  • My images are missing "icon then, close - can someone help!

    I'm not too sure of what you may need to look at this issue, but I understood what I think, it may be necessary because no way can I resolve this issue... .to difficult for me.

    Source code


    < html >

    < head >

    < script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/jquery.js" > < / script >

    < script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/timothy.js" > < / script >

    < link href = "css/styles.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" media = "screen" > "

    < link href = "css/print.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" media = "print" > "

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    < name meta = "robots" content = "INDEX, FOLLOW" / >

    < name meta = "keywords" content = "Enter keywords" / >

    < name meta = "description" content = "Description here" / >

    < title > Bristol equestrian Services < /title >

    < script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/jquery.js" > < / script >

    < script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/lightbox.js" > < / script >

    < link href = "css/lightbox.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" media = "screen" / > "

    < script type = "text/javascript" >


    $('_#gallery_a').lightBox ();


    < /script >

    <! - Google Analytics code below goes here - >

    <! - end of the Google Analytics Code - >

    < / head >

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    < div id = 'wrapper' >

    < div id = "logo" >

    < img src = "images/banner1.jpg" / > "

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    < div id = 'social-media-icons' >

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    " < li > < a href =" "> < img src="images/icons/facebook.jpg "/ > < / a > < /li >

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    "< li > < img src="images/icons/youtube.jpg "/ > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / div >

    < div id = 'contact' >

    < p > < span class = "big blue" > Bristol equestrian Service </span > < p >

    < span class = 'phone' > Tel: 0117 9190060 / Mob: 07800538697 < br >

    Email: [email protected] < br >

    [email protected]</span > < / p >

    < / div >

    < div id = "Visibility" >

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "index.html" > home < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "stablesandfieldshelters.html" > Stable and shelters field < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "pricelist.html" > price list < /a > < /li > "

    < li > < a href = "gallery.html" > Gallery < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "contactus.html" > contact us < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / div >

    < div id = "banner" > < / div >

    < div id = "content" >

    Gallery of < h1 > < / h1 >

    < div id = 'Gallery' >

    "< a href="images/photos/1.jpg "title ="Stable 12x12ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/1a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/2.jpg "title ="shelter 12x12ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/2a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/3.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/3a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/4.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/4a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/5.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/5a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/6.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/6a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/7.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/7a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/8.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/8a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/9.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/9a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/10.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/10a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/11.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/11a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/12.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/12a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/13.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/13a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/14.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/14a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/15.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/15a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/16.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/16a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/17.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/17a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/18.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/18a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/19.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/19a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    "< a href="images/photos/20.jpg "title ="Stable 12x24ft">

    "< img src="images/photos/20a.jpg "width ="120"height ="80"/ > < / a >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "footer" >

    < class p 'foot of page-text' = > Copyright 2014 Bristol equestrian Services < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    light box


    * jQuery lightBox plugin

    * This jQuery plugin was inspired and based on 2 by Lokesh Dhakar Lightbox ( )

    * and for use as a jQuery plugin for me.

    * @name jquery-lightbox - 0.5.js

    * @author Leandro Vieira Pinho -

    * @version 0.5

    * @date 11 April 2008

    * @category jQuery plugin

    * @copyright (c) 2008 Leandro Vieira Pinho (

    * @license CCAttribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Brazil -

    * @example visit for more information about this jQuery plugin


    / / Offering a Custom Alias suport - more information:

    (function ($) {}


    * $ is an alias for the jQuery object



    $. fn.lightBox = {function (settings)}

    Settings to configure the plugin jQuery lightBox how you like

    settings = jQuery.extend({)

    Overlay configuration

    overlayBgColor: ' #000 ', / / (string) the background color of overlay; inform a hexadecimal as value: #RRGGBB. Where RR, GG, and BB are the hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue color values.

    overlayOpacity: 0.8, / / the value of opacity (whole) to overlay; inform: 0.X. Where X is a number from 0 to 9

    Configuration related to navigation

    fixedNavigation: false, / / Boolean (Boolean) which informs if the navigation (next and prev button) will be set in the interface or not.

    Configuration related images

    imageLoading: "images/lightbox-ico - loading.gif', / / (string) path and the name of the loading icon"

    imageBtnPrev: "images/lightbox-btn - prev.gif', / / (string) path and the name of the picture of the previous button"

    imageBtnNext: "images/lightbox-btn - suivant.gif ', / / (string) path and the name of the next button image"

    imageBtnClose: "images/lightbox-btn - close .gif ', / / (string) path and the name of the narrow btn"

    imageBlank: "images/lightbox - blank.gif', / / (string) path and the name of an empty image (pixel)"

    Associated with the configuration container image area

    containerBorderSize: 10, / / (integer) If you adjust the padding in the CSS for the container, #lightbox-container-image-box, you must update this value

    containerResizeSpeed: 400, / / (integer) specify the length of the container image resizing. These numbers are milliseconds. default is 400.

    Configuration related to the text in the legend. For example: Image 2 of 8. You can change either 'Image' and ' texts '.

    txtImage: 'Image', / / text to specify 'Image' of (string)

    txtOf: 'from', / / (string) text to specify "from".

    Configuration related to the keyboard navigation

    keyToClose: 'c', / / (string) (c = close) Letter to close the lightBox jQuery interface. Beyond this letter, the letter X and the key SCAPE is used for.

    keyToPrev: 'p', / / (string) (p = old) Letter to display the previous image

    keyToNext: 'n', / / (string) (n = next) Letter to show the next image.

    Don t change these variables somehow

    imageArray:                                        [],

    London: 0

    (}, settings);

    Caching of object jQuery with all elements mapped

    var jQueryMatchedObj =; That, in this context, refer to the jQuery object


    Initialization of the plugin to the start function call


    * @return Boolean false


    function _initialize() {}

    _start (This, jQueryMatchedObj); That, in this context, to refer to the object (link) that was clicked

    Returns false; Avoid the browser by following the link



    * Start the jQuery lightBox plugin


    @param object objClicked whick object (link) the user has clicked

    @param object jQueryMatchedObj object jQuery with all the items matched


    function _start (objClicked, jQueryMatchedObj) {}

    Hime some elements to avoid any conflict with overlay in IE. These elements appear above the overlay.

    $('embed,_object,_select').css ({'visibility': 'hidden'});

    Call this function to create markup structure; style elements; assign events in some elements.


    Unset total images in Demonstration

    settings.imageArray.length = 0;

    Unset image active information

    settings.activeImage = 0;

    We have a set image? Or just an image? See Let´s.

    If (jQueryMatchedObj.length == 1) {}

    settings.imageArray.push (new Array (objClicked.getAttribute ('href'), objClicked.getAttribute ('title')));

    } else {}

    Add a table (as we have), with href attributes, within the table that the storage of the title references images

    for (var i = 0; i < jQueryMatchedObj.length; i ++) {}

    settings.imageArray.push (new Array (jQueryMatchedObj [i] .getAttribute ('href'), jQueryMatchedObj [i] .getAttribute ('title')));



    While (settings.imageArray [settings.activeImage] [0]! = objClicked.getAttribute ('href')) {}

    settings.activeImage ++;


    Call the function that prepares the image exposure




    Create the jQuery lightBox plugin interface


    * The HTML markup will look like this:

    < div id = "jquery-overlay" > < / div >

    < div id = "jquery-lightbox" >

    < div id = "lightbox-container-image-box" >

    < div id = "lightbox-container-image" >

    "" < img src = "... / fotos/features" id = "lightbox-image" >

    < div id = "lightbox-nav" >

    < a href = "#" id = 'lightbox-nav-btnPrev' > < / a >

    < a href = "#" id = 'lightbox-nav-btnNext' > < / a >

    < / div >

    < div id = 'lightbox-loading' >

    < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-loading-link" >

    "" < img src = "... /images/lightbox-ico-Loading.gif" >

    < /a >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "lightbox-container-picture-data-box" >

    < div id = "lightbox-container-picture-data" >

    < div id = "lightbox-image-details" >

    < span id = "lightbox-images-details-caption" > < / span >

    < span id = "lightbox-images-details-currentNumber" > < / span >

    < / div >

    < div id = "lightbox-secNav" >

    < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-secNav-btnClose" >

    "" < img src = "... /images/lightbox-BTN-Close.gif" >

    < /a >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >



    function _set_interface() {}

    Apply HTML markup in the body tag

    $('body').append (' < div id = "jquery-overlay" > < / div > < div id = "jquery-lightbox" > < div id = "lightbox-container-image-box" > < div id = "lightbox-container-image" > < img id = "lightbox-image" > < div style = "" id = "lightbox-nav" > < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-nav-btnPrev" > < /a > < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-nav-btnNext" > < /a > < / div > < div id = "lightbox" loading > < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-loading-link" > < img src = "' + settings.imageLoading + '" > < /a > < / div >) (< / div > < / div > < div id = "lightbox-container-picture-data-box" > < div id = "lightbox-container-picture-data" > < div id = "lightbox-image-details" > < span id = "lightbox-images-details-caption" > < / span > < span id = "lightbox-images-details-currentNumber" > < / span > < / div > < div id = "lightbox-secNav" > < a href = "#" id = "lightbox-secNav-btnClose" > < img src = "' + settings.imageBtnClose + '" > < /a > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > ');

    Get page sizes

    var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize();

    Decorative style and show

    $('#jquery-overlay').css ({}

    backgroundColor: settings.overlayBgColor,.

    opacity: settings.overlayOpacity,.

    Width: arrPageSizes [0];

    height: arrPageSizes [1]

    ({. fadeIn()});

    Get the page scrolling

    var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll();

    Calculate the top and left offset for the jquery lightbox div object and show it

    $('#jquery-lightbox').css ({}

    top: arrPageScroll [1] + (arrPageSizes [3] / 10).

    left: arrPageScroll [0]

    ({. show()});

    Allocation of events click in close overlay elements

    {$('#jquery-overlay,#jquery-lightbox').click (function ()}



    Assign the function _finish jQuery-load-link, lightbox-secNav-btnClose objects

    {$('#lightbox-loading-link,#lightbox-secNav-btnClose').click (function ()}


    Returns false;


    If the window is resized, calculate the new dimensions of overlay

    {$(window) .resize (function ()}

    Get page sizes

    var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize();

    Decorative style and show

    $('#jquery-overlay').css ({}

    Width: arrPageSizes [0];

    height: arrPageSizes [1]


    Get the page scrolling

    var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll();

    Calculate the top and left offset for the jquery lightbox div object and show it

    $('#jquery-lightbox').css ({}

    top: arrPageScroll [1] + (arrPageSizes [3] / 10).

    left: arrPageScroll [0]





    Prepares the picture exhibition; do an image´s preloader to calculate the size of s



    function _set_image_to_view() {/ / display the loading}

    Show loading

    $('#lightbox-loading').show ();

    If {(settings.fixedNavigation)

    $('_#lightbox-image,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image_-_details-currentNumber').hide ();

    } else {}

    Hide elements

    $(' #lightbox-image,#lightbox-nav,#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').hide ();)


    Process of preloading images

    var objImagePreloader = new Image();

    objImagePreloader.onload = function() {}

    $('#lightbox-image').attr ('src', settings.imageArray [settings.activeIm age] [0]);

    Perfomance of the effects in the container image resize

    _resize_container_image_box (objImagePreloader.width, objImagePreloader .height);

    clear onLoad, IE behaves irratically with animated gifs other

    objImagePreloader.onload = function () {};


    objImagePreloader.src = settings.imageArray [settings.activeImage] [0];



    * The Perfomance of the effects in the container image resize


    @param integer intImageWidth width of image´s displayed

    @param integer intImageHeight the height of image´s displayed


    function _resize_container_image_box (intImageWidth, intImageHeight) {}

    Get the current width and height of the

    var intCurrentWidth = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').width ();

    var intCurrentHeight = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').height ();

    Get the width and height of the image selected as well as the padding

    var intWidth = (intImageWidth + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); The higher the fill the width image´s and the left and right

    var intHeight = (intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); The higher the fill of the image´s height and left and right


    var intDiffW = intCurrentWidth - intWidth;

    var intDiffH = intCurrentHeight - intHeight;

    The effect of perfomance

    $('#lightbox-container-image-box').animate ({width: intWidth, height: intHeight}, settings.containerResizeSpeed, function () {_show_image() ;});)

    If ((intDiffW == 0) & & (intDiffH == 0)) {}

    If ($. browser.msie) {}

    ___pause (250);

    } else {}

    ___pause (100);



    $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').css ({width: intImageWidth});

    $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css ({height: intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)});



    * Show the prepared image



    function _show_image() {}

    $('#lightbox-loading').hide ();

    {$('#lightbox-image').fadeIn (function ()}







    * View the image information



    function _show_image_data() {}

    $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').slideDown ('fast');

    $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').hide ();

    If {(settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][1)]}

    $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').html (settings.imageArray [s.activeImage] [1]) .show () of adjustment;


    If we have a picture, view "Image X of X".

    If (settings.imageArray.length > 1) {}

    $('#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').html (settings.txtImage + ' ' + (settings.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + settings.txtOf + "" + settings.imageArray.length) .show ();




    Display the navigation button



    function _set_navigation() {}

    $('#lightbox-nav').show ();

    Instead to set this configuration in the CSS file, we define here. And it s need to IE. Just.

    $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css ({'background': ' transparent url (' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat ""});

    Show previous button, if this is not the first image at stake

    If (settings.activeImage! = 0) {}

    If {(settings.fixedNavigation)

    $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').css ({'background': ' url (' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 15% no-repeat ""})

    . Unbind()

    {.bind ('click', function ()}

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1;


    Returns false;


    } else {}

    Show images for the following buttons button

    {$('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').unbind () .hover (function ()}

    $(this) .css ({'background': ' url (' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 15% no-repeat ""});

    }, function() {}

    $(this) .css ({'background': ' transparent url (' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat ""});

    {.show () .bind ('click', function ()})

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1;


    Returns false;




    Display the next button, if this isn't the last image at stake

    If (settings.activeImage! = (settings.imageArray.length-1)) {}

    If {(settings.fixedNavigation)

    $('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css ({'background': ' url (' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 15% no-repeat ""})

    . Unbind()

    {.bind ('click', function ()}

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1;


    Returns false;


    } else {}

    Show images for the following buttons button

    {$('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').unbind () .hover (function ()}

    $(this) .css ({'background': ' url (' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 15% no-repeat ""});

    }, function() {}

    $(this) .css ({'background': ' transparent url (' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat ""});

    {.show () .bind ('click', function ()})

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1;


    Returns false;




    Activate the keyboard navigation




    Enable the keyboard navigation support



    function _enable_keyboard_navigation() {}

    {$(document) .keydown (function (objEvent)}

    _keyboard_action (objEvent);




    Disable the support for the keyboard navigation



    function _disable_keyboard_navigation() {}

    $(document) .unbind ();



    Perform keyboard actions



    function _keyboard_action (objEvent) {}

    For ie

    If (objEvent == null) {}

    KeyCode = event.keyCode;

    escapeKey = 27;

    For Mozilla

    } else {}

    KeyCode = objEvent.keyCode;

    escapeKey = objEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE;


    Get the key as a lowercase

    key = string.fromCharCode(0)) (keycode) .toLowerCase ();

    Check the keys to close the ligthBox

    If ((clé == settings.keyToClose) |) (key == 'x'). (keycode is escapeKey)) {



    Check the button to display the previous image

    If ((clé == settings.keyToPrev) |) (keycode is 37)) {

    If we´re not showing the first image, call the previous

    If (settings.activeImage! = 0) {}

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1;





    Check the key to display the next image

    If ((clé == settings.keyToNext) |) (keycode is 39)) {

    If we´re shows not the last image, call the next

    If (settings.activeImage! = (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) {}

    settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1;







    * Preload prev and next images being showed



    function _preload_neighbor_images() {}

    If ((settings.imageArray.length-> settings.activeImage) {}

    objNext = new Image();

    objNext.src = settings.imageArray [settings.activeImage + 1] [0];


    If (settings.activeImage > 0) {}

    objPrev = new Image();

    objPrev.src = settings.imageArray [settings.activeImage-1] [0];




    * Remove jQuery lightBox plugin HTML tag



    function _finish() {}

    $('#jquery-lightbox').remove ();

    $('#jquery-overlay').fadeOut (function () {$('#jquery-overlay').remove () ;});

    Display some elements to avoid any conflict with overlay in Internet Explorer. These elements appear above the overlay.

    $('embed,_object,_select').css ({'visibility': 'visible'});




    * by getPageSize()


    * @return array returns an array with the height, page width, height and width of the window


    function ___getPageSize() {}

    xScroll var yScroll;

    If (window.innerHeight & & window.scrollMaxY) {}

    xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX;

    yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;

    } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight) {/ / everything except Explorer Mac}

    xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;

    yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;

    } else {/ / Explorer Mac... also would work to explore 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari}

    xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;

    yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;


    var windowWidth, windowHeight;

    If (self.innerHeight) {/ / everything but explore}

    {if (document.documentElement.ClientWidth)}

    windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;

    } else {}

    windowWidth = self.innerWidth;


    windowHeight = self.innerHeight;

    } Else if (document.documentElement & & document.documentElement.clientHeight) {/ / explore 6 Strict Mode}

    windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;

    windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;

    } Else if (document.body) {/ / other explorers}

    windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;

    windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;


    for small pages with height less height and then the display window

    if(yScroll < windowHeight) {}

    pageHeight = windowHeight;

    } else {}

    pageHeight = yScroll;


    for small pages with width less then the viewport width

    if(xScroll < windowWidth) {}

    pageWidth = xScroll;

    } else {}

    pageWidth = windowWidth;


    arrayPageSize = new Array (pageWidth, pageHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight);

    Return arrayPageSize;




    * getPageScroll() by


    * @return array returns an array with x, y values scrolling of pages.


    function ___getPageScroll() {}

    xScroll var yScroll;

    If {(self.pageYOffset)

    yScroll = self.pageYOffset;

    xScroll = self.pageXOffset;

    } Else if (document.documentElement & & document.documentElement.scrollTop) {/ / explore 6 strict}

    yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;

    xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;

    } Else if (document.body) {/ / all other explorers}

    yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;

    xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft;


    arrayPageScroll = new Array (xScroll, yScroll);

    Return arrayPageScroll;



    Stop the code execution to a time of escified in miliseconds



    function ___pause (ms) {}

    var date = new Date();

    curDate = null;

    {var curDate = new Date() ;}

    While (curDate - date < ms);


    Return the object jQuery for chaining. The unbind method is used to avoid click conflict when the plugin is called several times

    Return this.unbind('click').click (_initialize);


    (}) (jQuery); Call and execute the function immediately passing the jQuery object

    Hi Karen,.

    with your source code I 'played' with one of you (PREV) and one of my friends (exit > something like fence) icons and I got this:

    You can see, the only secret is the place where you have stored your icons.


  • What is the problem with SELPROTO?

    I try to transfer the working code to a Linux server in a client PC environment.  IOW: since Adobe's SDK to the Acrobat SDK.

    After making sure that I have all the "#include" s, I am faced with on a gazillion of error messages, and it seems that everything would be if I understood the meaning and the prupose of the following mysterious incantation: ""

    #undef NPROC

    #define (name, returnType, params) NPROC------.

    returnType typedef ACCBPROTO1 (ACCBPROTO2 * name ##SELPROTO) params;

    #include "ASExtraProcs.h".

    #undef NPROC

    Probably relevant: the application is is NOT a plugin, it's a simple CLI console application.



    Maybe I can help you.  I work for (formerly printable) PTI on a product called FusionPro, that allows to qualify trainer DL at the time where it was owned by Datalogics, for which I used to work until the product was sold.  FusionPro/trainer has a plug-in for Acrobat, which is used to create models of POS, which are then composed by our composition engine, which uses in turn the DLI and the PDF library.  So we also use both the base PDF Library (directly or through the DLI) and the Acrobat SDK kit.

    The PDFL and AcroSDK APIs are basically the same (other than some front end stuff Acrobat specific) in the second.  However, the headers are different in different versions of each.  For example, we use the software Acrobat 8 and 9 PDFL SDK, in different projects.  In PDFL 9, ASmalloc is declared in a file called ASProcs.h, while in the developing Acrobat 8 SDK, ASmalloc is declared in a file called ASCalls.h.  And the paths include in projects that use these two different APIs are also very different.

    So I suspect that all you have to do is to make sure that you change your project include path to reference the kit Acrobat SDK headers and libraries instead of referencing the DLI or PDF Library headers and libraries.

    Now, that being said, there is another hook.  If you really try to use IDD calls directly in your plug-in Acrobat, you will have trouble because DLI relies on its own set of dll PDFL that differ from those of all DLLs PDFL that uses Acrobat.  To work around this conflict in our plugin Acrobat who call DLI, we had to rename the dll PDFL used by DLI to work around this problem and cut upward binaries to make reference to different names, so that our engine of composition and DLI use DL91PDFL.dll, DL91AGM.dll, etc., instead of AdobePDFL.dll AGM.dll, etc..  Initially, we did this back in the time where we were part of Datalogics, so I do not know if they would be able to help you with that or not.  So if you really need to call the DLI, I recommend to do this in a separate process from your plug-in Acrobat, like 'Screen Test name' proposed.  But if you only call PDFL functions directly, then you should be able to use the Acrobat SDK kit without all of the other DLI or PDFL dependencies in your plug-in.

    I hope this helps.

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