Convert the varables in text


Anyone having the script to convert all variables to text for all pages.

Kind regards


Hi Vincent,.

Try this...



Tags: InDesign

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    No, you're not being stupid. There are usually a number of ways to accomplish something and you are trying only to get an idea of the best way.

    I would still be a little go with my original suggestion... store the object of the request at the time of the purchase (by storing in text form). You can convert a query object later and perform all operations above you need.

    storing text, you are limited to... Well... just out of text.

    Alternatively, you may wish to consider that when an item is changed (all change, be at this price, description, etc.), you write too simply existing data. first copy the original file to a "product archive" table...-then-update the price of your table is active.

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    When you simply replace data, your story is actually gone. not a lot of reports that you can do... and reports often is very convenient to watch (or search) some trends that can help you decide which direction you want to go in the future.

    My $0.02 :)

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    Remember that you can not get an answer it if you don't show any attempt of your choice.



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    Help, please.

    Thank you


    Here are the details:

    Name of direct effect: "effects of shape of Adobe.

    The parameters are:

    ['Integer'] = 0 form

    DisplayString ['String'] = "Rectangle".

    Absolute ['real'] = 0

    AbsWidth = 'true' 36

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    AbsHeight = 'true' 36

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    'Form' is likely to be 0-2 for the Rectangle, Ellipse, or a rounded Rectangle (perhaps the last two switched). For more information about how to create and apply a live effect see this thread:

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    Thanks in advance.

    RIM has not exposed everything sucks API for developers of third-party applications. There are a few other providers that has these fecilities and libraries for the use of third party. I could name as a shade, talkhose etc... Dn't know how procedure how you can exploit them.

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    Like a little more fun, I initially wanted to do this:

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    Adobe recommends strongly against systematically vectorised text conversion as being an unwise practice, destroyer of workflow, there is a very simple correction in Acrobat DC Pro control upstream that makes these conversions in one step.


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    The settings that you should should work. I agree with sisham, to keep things simple and only put 5 in the first 2 fields, or your H will resemble each other.

    Now, you must have something else, and I suggest you select the element and to dissociate in the appearance menu > clear appearance. Then apply the dotted line.

    If you can post your file, am sure we could find what is worrying, but my guess is you have your dashboard applied, and which is overridden by a stroke applied to the group or level of the layer and dashboard you

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    1. Insert text here
    2. Insert text here
    3. Insert text here


    1 text goes here, 2. Text goes here, 3. The text here.

    This revised list can take multiple lines.

    I use InDesign CC2014 - if that makes a difference.

    the only way is to convert numbered in the text (select numbered list > ctrl (or right click) > bulleted & numbered lists > convert numbered text).

    Then, with search - replace, you can change the paragraph returns in space (or in space by commas as in your example)

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    The only way you can keep the conversion raster vector is to save in Photoshop PDF format. Make sure you save without flattening and choose the option to keep the layers. Your only other option is to use Illustrator for the text and put the photoshop content in Illustrator.

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    The Acrobat application provides no ability to language translation.
    If you locate the language for the applications from the OS, MS Office, Acrobat, etc. to the desired language try again.
    Alternative: transfer a copy of the content in a web site based in PTE (Bing or Google offers a free service).
    Transfer the output in a word-processing program that is localized in the appropriate language.
    Perform the cleaning.

    Be well...

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    With Office 365, need you Acrobat 11.0.1 or higher.

    You can also try the new DC Pro Acrobat.

    Thank you


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    What font you vectorize?

    Or is happening with all your fonts?

  • Is it possible to convert the selected text in javascript lines?

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    I put a word to indesign cs 5.5 file is almost in a single table, I need to separate the text of the actual tables, is it possible to convert the selected text in javascript lines?

    If there is no way to do that, someone can help me to make a script to cut selected lines and place it in the right holders of the table pointer to make independent table and then convert to text?

    Hey brother,

    Simply select the rows or cells represent the lines and then run this Javascript code snippet:

    for (var r = 0; r < app.selection.length; r++) {
        for (var t = 0; t < app.selection[r].rows.length; t++) {
            for (var u = 0; u < app.selection[r].rows[t].cells.length; u++) {
                for (var c = 0; c < app.selection[r].rows[t].cells[u].paragraphs.length; c++) {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].cells[u].paragraphs[0].move (LocationOptions.AFTER, app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset);
                    if (c < app.selection[r].rows[t].cells[u].paragraphs.length - 1)
                        app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.contents += "\r";
                if (u < app.selection[r].rows[t].cells.length - 1) {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.contents += "\t";
                else {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.contents += "\r";
    for (var r = 0; r < app.selection.length; r++) {
        for (var t = app.selection[r].rows.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
            app.selection[r].rows[t].remove ();
  • Convert the text of the text field

    For compatibility with other forms, I have a text field of digital data are concluded.  I however, would be to do a calculation out of this field, so therefore like to convert the number entered in this field to a numeric value instead of a text value.  Can someone explain to me how this is done?

    Thank you in advance!

    Depending on the type of number you want you would use parseInt or parseFloat in Javascript. So when it comes to your domain in the calculation (assuming it's called TextField1)

    Ditto var = parseFloat (TextField1.rawValue) + 123.45

    Make sense?


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