Create the UDM using os script

Hi guys,.

I received the following task to be done as soon as possible, but have small problems, as I read the oracle documentation, we have os scripts to apply certain measures that are defined by the user, I followed tasks but cannot get the scripts


Create a user defined Metrics (UDM) alerting when file listener is in mode Dbug

Create an alert UDM check Rman uses catalog Rman

Create a UDM alerting when logical WEB is in debug mode

Create a UDM alert when logical when WEB log rotation is not defined


I'm using OEM 11 g

If anyone has suggestions or scripts to do this, please let us know.

Thank you and best regards,
Small foot

Hi 844375,

I created the same script you provided (seems like you and me have a similar up to think the comment section), but the script provided seems to be incomplete, it is empty, first step of the script is empty, IE "/ tmp/ ' is not provided without which the next part is incomplete.

Here are the scripts I've created:


TASK: To check if a listener is put in debug mode.

Script used:

> STEP 1:

#The script to check if the listener is in debug mode

Small-foot #script, version 1.0

#Step 1 - file name is

#Step 2 - uses to retrieve the name of the listener in debug mode

#The script below will search for ASM instance

for k ' ps - ef | grep pmon | grep asm *. AWK '{print $8} ' | f '_' awk ' {print $3} "


echo $k ' for loop inside get the path from the House of the DSO.

. oraenv<>



#If more than a listener then we do loop for

# 'lsnrctl see the trc_level' is the command to check the debug state

for m ' ps - ef | grep inh | grep - v grep | grep "grid" | "awk"{print $9} '"


echo $m "inside for loop check the listeners of the DSO.


the value current $m

See the trc_level




echo "outside for loop check ASM listeners."


echo «outside for loop get the path from the House of the ASM»

#This script will not TEST for + ASM1

for i ' ps - ef | grep inh | grep - v grep | AWK '{print $8} ' | AWK-f ' / ' '{print $6} ' | grep - v tnslsnr'


$i echo "inside for loop get ASM no way home.

#' ps - ef | grep MP n | grep - v grep | AWK '{print $8} ' | f '_' awk ' {print $3} "#check this line once more

#check over the line once more

#check over the line once more

. oraenv<>




j in ' ps - ef | grep inh | grep - v grep | grep - v "grid" | AWK '{print $9} ' | grep $i ' # #CHECK THIS LINE TOO CHECK if THE FIRST LINE IS ALWAYS - LISTENER - ONLY of OTHER IT WILL RESULT WORNG OUTPUT


#for j in ' ps - ef | grep inh | grep - v grep | grep - v 'LISTENER ' | AWK ' {print $9} "

#To be more specific

#for j in ' ps - ef | grep inh | grep - v grep | grep - v "grid" | AWK ' {print $9} "


$j echo "inside for loop check listeners not ASM.


the value current $j

See the trc_level




echo "outside for loop check listeners not ASM.


ECHO "outside for loop get ASM no way home.

Exit 0

> STEP 2:

#! / bin/ksh

#The script to check if the listener is in debug mode

#script by Harish, version 1

#Step 1 - file name is

#Step 2 - uses to retrieve the name of the listener in debug mode

#This file to run the script above and store the result in another file to check/compare the information required

#file name

#Put in udm_lsnrctl_debug_log.txt output to check the names of the listener in debug mode

Date > /oracle/app/agent11g/scripts/udm_lsnrctl_debug_log.txt

/Oracle/app/agent11g/scripts/ > /oracle/app/agent11g/scripts/udm_lsnrctl_debug_log.txt


out_result = "-i"value"grep $FILE |" grep - v out | AWK '{print $1}'

#Check if the output is echo null then debug disabled

Message1 =' have the active debug '

If [-z "$out_result"]


out_result = "Disabled".

#out_result = 1

out = "no listener '.

on the other

out = $out_result

#out_result = 2

out_result = 'active '.


em_result = $out_result

echo "em_result = $em_result".

echo "" em_message = $oute $message1 ".

Exit 0

2. UDM alert check of Rman uses catalog Rman: was addressed in other post of mine.

Task: To check if debug mode is enabled in the wls targets

Script used:

> NOTE: the House of the area path must be set separately for each server

Cat /oracle/app/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/custcons_domain/bin/|grep debugFlag = > udm_wls_debug_log.txt

QUEUE = udm_wls_debug_log.txt

out_result = "grep-i"true"$FILE"

echo $out_result

domain_name ='grep-i "/ app/oracle/product ' | AWK '{print $2} ' | AWK-f ' / ' ' {print $8} "

echo $domain_name

Message1 = 'have the active debug '.

If [-z "$out_result"]


out_result = "Disabled".

#out_result = 1

out = "no domain".

on the other

out = $out_result

#out_result = 2

out_result = 'active '.

out = $nom_domaine


#em_result = $out_result

echo "em_result = $out_result".

echo "" em_message = $oute $message1 ".

Exit 0


TASK: Check if rotation is enabled and not put over 7 days

Script used:


#! / bin/bash

#The script to check if the rotaion of log is enabled

#Step 1 - file name contains the path of the field

#Step 2 - use to get the path of the field and then download the config.xml file to check if logrotation enabled id

File #This to run the script above to check th logrotaion is true or false

#file name

file_name ='cat /oracle/app/agent11g/scripts/ | grep setDomain | AWK '{print $2} ' | "awk-f" / "' {print" / "$2"/"$3"/"$4"/"$5"/"$6"/"$7"/"$8"/config/config.xml"}.

rotation_type ='cat $file_name | grep rotation-type | AWK-f ' > ' '{print $2} ' | AWK f"<" '{print="" $1}' ="" |="" awk=""><>

numero_fichier ='cat $file_name | grep-number of files | AWK-f ' > ' '{print $2} ' | AWK f"<" '{print="" $1}' ="" |="" awk=""><>

domain_name ='grep-i "/ app/oracle/product ' | AWK '{print $2} ' | AWK-f ' / ' ' {print $8} "

#echo $file_name

#echo $rotation_type

#echo $file_count

If ['$rotation_type' = 'None']


#echo "Disabled".

out_result = "Disabled".

echo "em_message = $nom_domaine have no rotaion enabled log.

Elif [["$file_count" - gt "7"]]


#echo "superior to 7 files.

out_result = "Disabled".

echo "em_message = $nom_domaine a logrotaion active with file count more than 7.

on the other

#echo 'active '.

out_result = 'Active '.

echo "" em_message = $nom_domaine have enabled rotaion journal "»


echo "em_result = $out_result".

Exit 0

Tags: Enterprise Manager

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    CURSOR cr_header


    SELECT ood.organization_code, fm.formula_no AS "FORMULA_NAME."

    FM.formula_vers AS "FORMULA_VERSION."

    FM.formula_desc1 AS "FORMULA_DESC."

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    800, "We Hold."

    900, "frozen."

    1000, "obsolete/archived.


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    "W', 'waste."

    "R',"rework. "

    "Y', 'Yield."

    The of ', 'Sample. "



    Of org_organization_definitions ood,.

    fm_form_mst fm,

    fm_matl_dtl fd,

    mtl_system_items_b msib

    WHERE ood.organization_id = fm.owner_organization_id

    AND fm.owner_organization_id = msib.organization_id

    AND msib.organization_id = fd.organization_id

    AND fd.organization_id = ood.organization_id

    AND fm.formula_id = fd.formula_id

    AND msib.inventory_item_id = fd.inventory_item_id

    - and fm. FORMULA_NO like '% THE % '.

    AND fd.line_type IN ('1 ', ' 2', '-1' ")

    Ood.organization_code GROUP,






    MSIB. Segment1,


    ORDER BY fm.formula_no, fm.formula_vers;


    Dbms_output.put_line (INITCAP ('the ORGANIZATION CODE')

    || ','


    || ','


    || ','


    || ','


    || ','


    || ','


    || ','


    || ','



    FOR ch IN cr_header


    Dbms_output.put_line (ch.organization_code

    || ','

    || ch.formula_name

    || ','

    || ch.formula_version

    || ','

    || '"'

    || ch.formula_desc

    || '"'

    || ','

    || ch.formula_status

    || ','

    || ch. Product

    || ','

    || ch.ingrediant

    || ','

    || ch.by_product

    || ','

    || ch.by_product_type






    Dbms_output.put_line (' No error: ' |) SQLCODE. "Error Msg: ' '.

    || SQLERRM



    EXEC HeadCSV_Prc2

    Thank you


    Hi Christian,

    In addition to the fact that the Oracle database has an internal Java engine and it would be possible for Apex call a Java stored procedure, the Apex really has nothing to do with Java. To create a report, you discovered, you specify a SQL query. In certain circumstances, you can embed a query in a PL/SQL function, but the incorporation of an arbitrary Java application and waiting for it to be called from Apex for a kind of security is there with the fairies.

    I recommend you research the Apex and then enter your so-called "higher authorities" how things work.



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    Here is the PDApp.log file:

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - runs the deferred custom action.

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - obtained the following as CustomActionData

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode = install; sourceDir = c:\Nouveau (2) folder \Adobe presenter 8\Build\. installDir =; origDB = folder (2) c:\Nouveau \Adobe 8\Build\Adobe presenter presenter 8. MSI

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode = install; sourceDir = c:\Nouveau (2) folder \Adobe presenter 8\Build\. installDir =; origDB = folder (2) c:\Nouveau \Adobe 8\Build\Adobe presenter presenter 8. MSI

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - original database path: C:\New folder (2) \Adobe 8\Build\Adobe host presenter 8. MSI

    {15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - OptionXML saved to the location: D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{0EAD2103-39AF-4D85-B942-CAC0E462C482}\\{9CB14C72-1E7 1-49 C 0 - A7D8 - 559F1DC35661}

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - initialization of the Custom Action parameters data

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] utility - file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - commissioning tool path is (D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{0EAD2103-39AF-4D85-B942-CAC0E462C482}\\{731F139B-D8 D6-4870-AA90-9626C4D6D4E2}).

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - begins to run the custom action to install mode

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 1: start to parse the XML Option.

    {15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - deployment XML created to the path: D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{2592DDC9-72BD-430A-B2EA-C2839B69B46E}\\{709B4BF9-4A0 5-4D3E-BC48-850DE16D5A85}

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Deployment Manager runs in Install Mode.

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - relative path to Self-Update the bootstrapper does not exist.

    {15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - substitute XML created to the path: D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{2592DDC9-72BD-430A-B2EA-C2839B69B46E}\\{61E5FBB2-8F4 C-4909-9A3F-823EC1DE99F5}

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - no updates found (0).

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 2: from launch media program boot.

    15/07/2013 09:07:21 [INFO] DeploymentManager - bootstrapper launch location is: C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\Set-up.dat

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - start the installation of Adobe

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: start-up of the bootstrapper

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: begin the initial checks

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - specified Action - "install".

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [ERROR] installation - error analysis of the arguments of the command line to the - 'DISABLE_CCM_DESKTOPSHORTCUT '.

    The expected arguments are-

    -mode = silent

    -overrideFile = '< FilePath > ".

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\resources\setup.xml

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:22 [INFO] installation - found 7 packages in install manifest

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] utility - semaphore is not locked

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - PIM INSTANTIATE...

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db on computer 1.

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db installation 1.

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB schema is updated. Current schema version is 1.

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - Updater inventory location: c:\Nouveau file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\resources\updaterinventory.dll

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - system locking ACF acquired level...

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:23 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:24 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:25 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:25 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:25 [INFO] PIM - id Package FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:27 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:27 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:27 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:27 [INFO] PIM - id Package B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:28 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - id Package B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - id Package F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize... 29928536

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: complete the initial audits

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: start the installation

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] C:\New - Start by installing the package kernel - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:29 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:31 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:31 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:32 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:32 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:32 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:32 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:07:34 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:37 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finished installing the kernel package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, status code returned: 0

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:07:38 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:07:39 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:42 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:43 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:07:45 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:47 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:48 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:07:49 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - id Package FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:07:53 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:54 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:54 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:54 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:54 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:07:54 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:07:59 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - id Package B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:04 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:05 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:05 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:05 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:05 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:05 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:09 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:08:18 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:19 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:19 [INFO] PIM - id Package B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:19 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:20 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:20 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:20 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:20 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:20 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:21 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:27 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:28 [INFO] PIM - id Package F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:28 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:28 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:28 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:29 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:29 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:29 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:29 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:33 [INFO] utility - path to the process: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe directory of process: \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities arguments C:\Program Files (x 86) being passed: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe" - registry = true - createShortcut = true

    15/07/2013 09:08:33 [INFO] utility - success of CreateProcess

    15/07/2013 09:08:35 [INFO] utility - Sucessfully launched and executed the process...

    15/07/2013 09:08:35 [INFO] PIM - executed correctly install modifier to the path: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common.

    15/07/2013 09:08:35 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:35 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\Setup\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:35 [INFO] PIM - treatment... _pimCreateOrUpdateAAMInventory

    15/07/2013 09:08:36 [INFO] PIM - inventory already present on the machine...

    15/07/2013 09:08:36 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: installation of the end Lance PDApp.

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - path of deployment file not specified in command-line arguments. Skip the deployment of payload part

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - = end of Adobe installer. Exit code: 0 =.

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] FREE PIM - PIM Instance...

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - the code returned by the boot process is (0).

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 3: from throw ASU AAM.

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - bootstrapper launch location is: C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\Set-up.dat

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - start the installation of Adobe

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: start-up of the bootstrapper

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: begin the initial checks

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - specified Action - "install".

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [ERROR] installation - error analysis of the arguments of the command line to the - 'DISABLE_CCM_DESKTOPSHORTCUT '.

    The expected arguments are-

    -mode = silent

    -overrideFile = '< FilePath > ".

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\resources\setup.xml

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] installation - found 7 packages in install manifest

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] utility - semaphore is not locked

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] PIM - PIM INSTANTIATE...

    15/07/2013 09:08:37 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db on computer 1.

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db installation 1.

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB schema is updated. Current schema version is 1.

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - Updater inventory location: c:\Nouveau file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\resources\updaterinventory.dll

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - system locking ACF acquired level...

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:38 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - id Package FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - id Package B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - id Package B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - id Package F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize... 29928536

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: complete the initial audits

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: start the installation

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] C:\New - Start by installing the package kernel - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - Package id 5AA1D762-31AF-4FC3-A0C0-66BF663B2117 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:39 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:40 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:41 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finished installing the kernel package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, status code returned: 0

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:45 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:46 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\D6\D6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:49 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:51 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:53 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - Package id 99477136-88AD-496B-9551-BAE72699A32C is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:08:55 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [REPORT] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:08:58 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - id Package FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:08:59 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:09:03 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\P6\P6.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - id Package B322281B-C04F-438E-82D7-7DA34A359526 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:11 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:12 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:12 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:12 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:09:15 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [WARN] PIM - cannot find the node

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:23 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - id Package B1313DE3-08DF-4834-91D9-CBD1A91488E5 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:24 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:09:25 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:09:31 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] C:\New - Start installation package - Setup folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - BEGINNING to the C:\New folder (2) file installPackage \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - tries to access xml path: c:\Nouveau folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [WARN] PIM - could not find node

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - package validation file: "C:\New folder (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pima.

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - id Package F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 is already installed

    15/07/2013 09:09:32 [INFO] PIM - deleteAppletRegInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] PIM - deletePackageInstallationInfoRecords SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] PIM - insertPackageUpdateList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] PIM - insertAppletRegInfoList SUCCESS.

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] PIM - created backup file

    15/07/2013 09:09:33 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:09:35 [INFO] utility - path to the process: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe directory of process: \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities arguments C:\Program Files (x 86) being passed: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe" - registry = true - createShortcut = true

    15/07/2013 09:09:36 [INFO] utility - success of CreateProcess

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] utility - Sucessfully launched and executed the process...

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] PIM - executed correctly install modifier to the path: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] PIM - installPackage SUCCESS to the C:\New folder (2) file \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] C:\New Setup - finish by installing the package - file (2) \Adobe presenter 8\Build\ASU\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] PIM - treatment... _pimCreateOrUpdateAAMInventory

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] PIM - inventory already present on the machine...

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] installation - TimeLog: installation of the end Lance PDApp.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] installation - path of deployment file not specified in command-line arguments. Skip the deployment of payload part

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] installation - = end of Adobe installer. Exit code: 0 =.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] FREE PIM - PIM Instance...

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - the code returned by the boot process is (0).

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - correction of dependencies in local db.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - no db media present on the machine.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - STEP 4: start the Adobe installer.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - path of the common Adobe got.

    15/07/2013 09:09:37 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Installer Adobe launch location is: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\DECore\Setup.exe

    15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] AAMEEUtilities - creation process is complete.

    15/07/2013-09:16:50 [FATAL] DeploymentManager - the code returned by the Adobe installation process is (6). Stop the installation process.

    15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] DeploymentManager - begins to clean partially recessed payloads.

    {15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] DeploymentManager - undeployment XML created to the path: D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{2592DDC9-72BD-430A-B2EA-C2839B69B46E}\\{EE4FEE4B-4C1 3 - 44E5 - 8 c 22-230423DB10EF}

    15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] DeploymentManager - begins to launch the Adobe installer to uninstall mode.

    15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] DeploymentManager - path of the common Adobe got.

    15/07/2013 09:16:50 [INFO] DeploymentManager - C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\DECore\Setup.exe

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-uninstall - Version Build -

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-uninstall - Start: uninstall Adobe Application Manager...

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - County of SIDES occurs

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - SIDES produced install status

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - get the NO SIDE product count

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] utility - file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - AAMRefs folder does not exist. Products non-cotes does not exist on the system

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - SIDES NOT produced install status

    15/07/2013 09:20:21 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-uninstall - launch RemoveAAM to: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\RemoveAAM.bin

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] UninstallAAM - argc: 2

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] UninstallAAM - PIM.dll starting from loading: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\AdobePIM.dll

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] AAMEEUtilities - creation process is complete.

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] DeploymentManager - the code returned by the Adobe installation process is (0).

    {15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] DeploymentManager - sizing tool launch location is: D:\Users\Vmbuild\AppData\Local\Temp\{0EAD2103-39AF-4D85-B942-CAC0E462C482}\\{731F139B-D8D 6-4870-AA90-9626C4D6D4E2}

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-uninstall - Version Build -

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - killing all deployment workflows

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - Check and wait on the installation of Adobe (Bootstrapper) runs...

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - Check and wait on installation of Adobe (SIDES) if running...

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - Check and wait if ACF is locked...

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM-Uninstall - Check and close notifiers Adobe Application Manager...

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] utility - semaphore is not locked

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - modifying installation execution

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - verbosity Logging Level Set of 4

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - PIM INSTANTIATE...

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] utility - the file does not exist

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db on computer 1.

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - schema version current db installation 1.

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB schema is updated. Current schema version is 1.

    15/07/2013 09:20:22 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] utility - path to the process: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe directory of process: \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities arguments C:\Program Files (x 86) being passed: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM\Utilities\AdobeCreativeCloudClient.exe" - unregister = true - deleteShortcut = true

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] utility - success of CreateProcess

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] AAMEEUtilities - creation process is complete.

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] DeploymentManager - the return Code of the tool in service (0).

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] DeploymentManager - commissioning tool succeeded UnSerialize the product.

    15/07/2013 09:20:23 [INFO] DeploymentManager - install workflow ends.

    15/07/2013 09:20:25 [INFO] utility - Sucessfully launched and executed the process...

    15/07/2013 09:20:25 [INFO] PIM - executed properly uninstall modifier to the path: "C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common.

    15/07/2013 09:20:25 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0

    15/07/2013 09:20:25 [INFO] FREE PIM - PIM Instance...

    15/07/2013 09:20:33 [INFO] UninstallAAM - Self delete to delete RemoveAAM.bin and AdobePIM.dll...

    1. Office 2010 64 bit as a dependency.

    2. the register used to deceive the 64-bit version of PowerPoint application is already installed.

    Even though source works with 32-bit powerPoint. but need to MSI 64-bit powerpoint.

  • create the file using flex


    I work in flex.

    I want to create the file using flex 4.

    I use this code

    private var file:File;

    private function addfolder (): void


    file = new File ("file:///C:/MyNewFolder");

    file.createDirectory ();


    the error is

    Type was not found or was not a compilation constant: file.

    anyone helpme




    With flex, you need to display the filereference function record. Because of the security sandbox you cannot programmatically save files or create folders, you need to open a box to browse to windows files, so the user can create a folder or save a file.

    private void testme (): void


    var fi: FileReference = new FileReference();

    fi. Save ('Hello');<=== this="" would="" open="" a="" system="" file="" save="">


  • Trying to create the table using Clause any Union with Select multiple stmts

    The motion seeks to get the substring of the value to for example.
    If the value is * ASA 2 * then so do ASA
    where as if the value is * 1.5 TST * it sholud come as TST as wise for others too.
    I am trying to execute stmt SQL written but in error as below:

    * ' ORA-00998 must appoint this expression with the alias column 00998.00000 - must appoint this expression with the column alias. "

    SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl, SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len test_care_lvl FROM
    WHERE LENGTH (old_care_lvl) = 5
    SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl, SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len test_care_lvl FROM
    WHERE LENGTH (old_care_lvl) = 7
    SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl, SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len test_care_lvl FROM
    WHERE LENGTH (old_care_lvl) = 14
    Row_id SELECT, old_care_lvl, SUBSTR (old_care_lvl, 3), LEN test_care_lvl
    WHERE LENGTH = 7 AND old_care_lvl (old_care_lvl) = "Regular."

    I want to create the table using the above given the multiple selection by using the Union ALL clause, but trying to create run query error like "ORA-00998 must appoint this expression with the alias column 00998.00000 - must appoint this expression with the column alias.

    Please guide me how to approach to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try this->

      select *
      from (
              SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl,SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len FROM test_care_lvl
              WHERE LENGTH(old_care_lvl) =5
              UNION ALL
              SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl,SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len FROM test_care_lvl
              WHERE LENGTH(old_care_lvl) =7
              UNION ALL
              SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl,SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3), len FROM test_care_lvl
              WHERE LENGTH(old_care_lvl) =14
              UNION ALL
              SELECT row_id, old_care_lvl,SUBSTR(old_care_lvl,3),LEN FROM test_care_lvl
              WHERE LENGTH(old_care_lvl) =7 AND old_care_lvl ='Regular'

    N.B.: Not tested...

    Kind regards.


  • Create the Excel using Indesign javascript file

    Hi all

    We can create csv file using indesign javascript. Is there a way to create excel file using indesign javascript?

    Thanks in advance

    Hi all

    It is a way to generate an Excel from an InDesign table by using a combination of jsx, vbs and applescript.

    Quite a long discussion on that Open with below is a better application of the suggestions here.

    // Exports SIMPLE tables to proper excel file single and double quotes in the table would have to be escaped on the Mac version
    // Does not take Unicode file names
    // with a bit of brain racking can be developed to deal with merged cells and nested tables
    // Pieced together by Trevor ( coming soonish) based on the referenced sources
    // Sold AS IS
    var doc = && app.activeDocument,
           myTable = myTable || getTable (doc);
    if (!myTable) {alert ("Take a break, needs a document with a table in it!"); exit();};
    var filePath = new File (Folder.temp + "/" + +new Date + ".xlsx"),
        osFilePath = filePath.fsName;
    if ($.os[0] === "M")  osFilePath =  osFilePath.replace(/(.)(\/)/g,"$1:").replace(/\//, "");
    exportTable (myTable, osFilePath);
    if (confirm ("Open new excel file")) filePath.execute(false);
    function exportTable (myTable, filePath)
            var  numberOfRows = myTable.rows.length,
                   rowNumber, columnNumber,
                   isMac = $.os[0] === "M",
                   rowContents = [],
                   setRange, openMark, closeMark;
            if (isMac)
                    setRange = 'set value of range "A';
                    openMark = '" to {';
                    closeMark = '}';
                    setRange = 'app.Range("A';
                    openMark = '") = Array(';
                    closeMark = ')';
    for (var z = 0, rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < numberOfRows; rowNumber++) {
        var  numberOfColumns = myTable.rows[rowNumber].columns.length,
                toRange = GetExcelColumnName (numberOfColumns - 1),
                columnContents = [];
         for (columnNumber = 0; columnNumber < numberOfColumns; columnNumber++) {
             var cellContents = myTable.rows[rowNumber].cells.everyItem().contents;
             columnContents  = '"' + cellContents.join('", "') + '"';
        rowContents[rowNumber] = setRange + ++z  + ":"  + toRange+ z + openMark  + columnContents + closeMark;
    var tableData = rowContents.join("\n") + "\n";
                   if (isMac)
                            // Thanks Hans
                           var myAppleScript =
                            '''set excelRunning to isRunning("Microsoft Excel")
                               tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                               set theWorkbook to make new workbook
                               tell sheet (1) of theWorkbook'''
                               + tableData + '''
                               end tell
                               save workbook as theWorkbook filename "''' + filePath + '''"
                               close active workbook
                               if not excelRunning then tell application "Microsoft Excel" to quit
                               end tell
                               on isRunning(appName)
                                    tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
                               end isRunning
                          app.doScript (myAppleScript, ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE);
                            // Thanks Calos
                            // changed by me :-)
                             var vbscript =
                             '''Dim app
                                Set app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                                'take away the ' from the line below if you want to see excel do it's stuff
                                'app.visible = true
                                Dim newDoc, sheet
                                Set newDoc = app.Workbooks.Add()
                                Set sheet = newDoc.Worksheets(1)
                                + tableData
                                + 'newDoc.SaveAs "' + filePath + '''"
                                Set newDoc = nothing
                                Set app = nothing
                            app.doScript (vbscript, ScriptLanguage.VISUAL_BASIC);
    function GetExcelColumnName (columnNumber) {// 0 is A 25 is Z 26 is AA etc.
        // parsed from
         var dividend = columnNumber + 1,
                columnName = "",
        while (dividend > 0)  {
            modulo = (dividend - 1) % 26;
            columnName = String.fromCharCode (65 + modulo) + columnName;
            dividend = Math.floor((dividend - modulo) / 26);
        return columnName;
    function getTable (doc) { // thanks Marc
        if (!doc) return false;
        app.findTextPreferences = null;
        app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "\x16";
        var tables = doc.findText();
        if (tables.length) return tables[0].parentStory.tables[0];
        return false;
  • How to create the database using the command line?

    Hi all

    10g or 11g

    I want to create a new database using a script.

    I set up my new SID and oracle_home.

    Then sqlplus / DBA.

    then I execute a common script...
    startup nomount;
    create database PRODB
           logfile group 1 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo01.log',
                            'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo01b.log') size 50M,
                   group 2 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo02.log',
                            'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo02b.log') size 50M,
                   group 3 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo03.log',
                            'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo03b.log') size 50M,
                   group 4 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo04.log',
                            'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo04b.log') size 50M
           character set AL32UTF8
           datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\sysPRODB.dbf' size 500M
           sysaux datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\auxPRODB.dbf' size 300M
           undo tablespace undo
                   datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\undoPRODB.dbf' size 100M
           default temporary tablespace temp
                   tempfile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\tempPRODB.dbf' size 150M;
    connect system/manager;
    SQL> startup nomount;
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SQL> create database PRODB
      2         logfile group 1 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo01.log',
      3                          'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo01b.log') size 50M,
      4                 group 2 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo02.log',
      5                          'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo02b.log') size 50M,
      6                 group 3 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo03.log',
      7                          'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo03b.log') size 50M,
      8                 group 4 ('z:\oradata\PRODB\redo04.log',
      9                          'z:\oradata\PRODB\redo04b.log') size 50M
     10         character set AL32UTF8
     11         datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\sysPRODB.dbf' size 500M
     12         sysaux datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\auxPRODB.dbf' size 300M
     13         undo tablespace undo
     14                 datafile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\undoPRODB.dbf' size 100M
     15         default temporary tablespace temp
     16                 tempfile 'z:\oradata\PRODB\tempPRODB.dbf' size 150M;
    I always hit it

    SQL > startup nomount;
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

    But if I run it on Linux is good.

    Help, please...

    Thank you very much


    yxes2013 wrote:

    I want to create a new database using a script.

    Suggestion. DBCA allows to generate the database model and use the option "+ Save as scripts + ' (no need to create the database).

    In the scripts directory, there will be a couple of shell and SQL scripts to create the database. Use them as your CLI model for the creation of a custom database. (I guess that DBCA works the same on Windows as it does on Linux).

    Another option, if you are using Oracle XE, is to copy ORACLE_HOME/bin/ (probably a + .cmd on Windows) script and change for use. If you manually add non-XE features to the script (such as the installation of the Java virtual machine) If you want a database of SE or EE. (whereby DBCA scripts are a better answer).

  • Name of access to case / battery inside the case using VI scripts

    Hello everyone. I have a script that finds all instances of a specific under vi. All instances of this subroutine VI will be contained in a box structure. Using VI scripts, I want to be able to cross back and determine the name of the case that the sub vi is in. Is attached an image of the code that I currently have, however he mistakes in the part where I cast the reference to a case structure. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thank you.

  • ConnectionFactory cannot create the connection using BIS_B

    By using the code below




    SerializableAttribute public class MyConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {}

    public MyConnectionFactory() {}


    setPreferredTransportTypes (new int [] {TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_TCP_WIFI, TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_BIS_B});
    setDisallowedTransportTypes (new int [] {TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_WAP,




    setConnectionMode (ConnectionFactory.ACCESS_READ_WRITE);



    I am unable to create the connection BIS_B...

    If anyone can help...

    Read the documentation of BisBOptions. You will discover.

    Please accept as solution if my suggestion works for you.

  • create the document using the CMIS REST API

    Hello! I would like to integrate my java application with Oracle Webcenter via the REST API of CMIS. I can read, delete documents, but have some problem with creating one.

    I get success only when I create document (type = "/ ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile") with the name "idcPrimaryFile". In other cases I have the exception:

    oracle.webcenter.content.integration.RepositoryException: November 12, 2015 08:52:06 oracle.webcenter.content.integration.spi.ucm.DocumentManager mapBinaryPropertiesToTransferFile

    GRAVE: Impossible to perform the action on document with binary because the binary name and the name of the node must be the same, but they are not.  The binary name is XXX and the name of the file is idcPrimaryFile

    My properties:

    Properties =]

    (PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID): type.

    (PropertyIds.NAME): name,.

    "/ ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dDocType ':"Application. "

    ' / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dDocTitle ': 'Test ',.

    ' / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dSecurityGroup ': 'Public ',.


    I would appreciate help

    Hello! I solved my problem, but with a workaround.

    I will try to explain the problem and how it is possible to create documents via Oracle Webcenter Content Management API REST CMIS:

    For the next POST request:

    POST/rest/api/cmis/children/ucmserver? UID = IDC:Folder / FLD_USERS & versioningState = none HTTP/1.1


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X 11; Linux x86_64; RV:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

    Connection: keep-alive

    Accept-Language: en-US, en; q = 0.5

    Content-Type: application/atom + xml; type = entry

    Cache-Control: no cache

    "' xmlns:cmis =""xmlns:cmisra =""xmlns:chemistry ="">."

    urn: uuid:00000000 - 0000-0000-0000-00000000000


    2015 11-13 T 08: 06:27.014Z

    a text





    / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile

    I get the response from the server

    Error 500 - Internal server error

    oracle.webcenter.content.integration.RepositoryException: 18 November 2015 05:24:04 oracle.webcenter.content.integration.spi.ucm.DocumentManager mapBinaryPropertiesToTransferFile

    GRAVE: Impossible to perform the action on document with binary because the binary name and the name of the node must be the same, but they are not.  The binary name is test , and the name of the file is idcPrimaryFile.

    When the test is the document name.

    This request, I checked with an another compatible services of CMIS (IBM FileNet and OpenCMIS InMemory repository). I created the document with name test it.

    Workaround solution:

    POST request:

    POST/rest/api/cmis/children/ucmserver? UID = IDC:Folder / FLD_USERS & versioningState = none HTTP/1.1


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X 11; Linux x86_64; RV:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

    Connection: keep-alive

    Accept-Language: en-US, en; q = 0.5


    Content-Type: application/atomsvc + xml

    Slug: test

    Cache-Control: no cache

    "' xmlns:cmis =""xmlns:cmisra =""xmlns:chemistry ="">."

    urn: uuid:00000000 - 0000-0000-0000-00000000000


    2015 11-13 T 08: 06:27.014Z

    a text





    / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile

    I created the document with the name test in Oracle Webcenter.

    The differences between applications are:

    Content-Type: application/atomsvc + xml

    Slug: test

    So I'm not sure that the Oracle Webcenter Content Management Service STILL provides "correct" implementation of the OASIS CMIS specification, because I found nothing in there on the Slug query parameter and it is not clear to me how the Oracle Webcenter Content Management REST Service works with Content-type application/atom + xml; type = entry (I mean according to CMIS specification().

    It will be very useful for me to get another point of view. Maybe someone could correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Create the custom using elements of Page filter


    I am trying to create a custom of sorts using page elements filter date picker.

    I want a report to have a where clause clause that says something like this:

    WHERE the table. Date >: P1_Date1

    AND the table. Date..: P1_Date2

    I need to do it this way because I need to have another area that displays the weighted average on the basis of 2 of the columns in this table set and I was unable to find a good way to make a weighted average using the interactive report options.

    The question just the other side is that I can not simply refer text buried user to a static source page element. I used radio groups before where the change they had an action "refresh and set the ' enabled me to make reference to them, but I don't see how to do something like this with the dates selectors.

    Any ideas on how I should go about it?


    I've included an example of what I am trying to accomplish.


    Username - TESTER

    PW - Tester

    JaReg wrote:

    Partitions tab person and date shows the page that I create. Currently the regional report and the Middle regions "Totaled" are implemented using the Radio top unit

    I want to do the same thing with the dates selectors, but previously I was unable to get the selectors of dates static to use in a sql requpete as I can with the Group of radio buttons.

    I created the page 586 as a copy of the original, with the following changes:

    1 has changed the Page Action sélection P586_PERSON point filter parameter of redirection and set the value None.

    2. added explicit Format mask to DD-MON-YYYY to filter items date picker.

    3. change the source of the region of results reports to:

        scores s
        s.person = :p586_person
    and s.scoredate between to_date(:p586_mindate, 'dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date(:p586_maxdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy')

    4. define the region of results reports the Items property of the Page to be sent to P586_PERSON, P586_MINDATE, P586_MAXDATE. What causes the values of these elements to present before a partial page refresh is performed on the region, making them available in session state when the content of the region is updated.

    5 created a dynamic change on the region of filter action:

    Event: Change

    Selection type: Region

    Region: Filters

    Action: Discount

    Fire on Page load: NO.

    Selection type: Region

    Region: Reports of results

    The region of IR report Score is now automatically updated each time that one of the elements in the region of filters are changed. That leaves the data region totaled. As a static content area may not be automatically updated by a dynamic action of PPR, and I'm not so sure as rules that must be used to apply filters to the values of the region. The same range filters in person and date should apply to the total values as are used in the report?

  • get the id of the component using Java Script

    I have three text fields that I am trying to reset it using Java Script in the Joint Strike Fighter. When, in short, all the text fields three triggered event calls the method below and not reset the other two fields to the point.

    I need to know what text field is under discussion, so I can reset the other two.

    The question that I have does not have the correct id name using evt.getSource ();. I get a big long text for txtField, that looks like: AdfRichInputText [oracle.adf.RichInputText] id = it2

    I'm trying to get just "it2", how do I do this?

    < af:resource type = "javascript" >

    function resetFields (evt) {}

    var txtField = evt.getSource ();

    Alert (txtField);

    If (txtField == 'it2') {}

    var var1 = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId ('it1');

    var var3 = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId ('it3');

    var1. SetValue("");

    var3. SetValue("");



    < / af:resource >

    Thank you very much.

    It worked:

    var txtField = evt.getSource ();

    ID var = txtField.getProperty ("id");     -Returns the name of id for the event source.

  • Create the AD: Use with a UPN defined

    I have a workflow by using the createUserWithPassword action. This creates an AD object: User fine. Unfortunately the action does not create a user AD with a UPN defined object. Instead the user is created with the UPN name as one @...


    I have reproduced the default action and amended to include the userPrincipalName in the settings.

    {if (Password)}

    If (password! = confirmPassword) {}

    throw "could not create a new user: password not confirmed."



    try {}

    container.createUserWithPassword (accountName, password, domain name, displayName, userPrincipalName);


    {} catch (ex)

    throw "could not create a new user:"+ ex;»


    I have added a scriptable task until the action is running to fill the userPrincipalName and this linked to the action attribute.

    userPrincipalName = AccountName var + "@corp.local";

    System.log ("username for account creation is:" + userPrincipalName)

    Unfortunately AD accounts still get created without a UPN. Any ideas how to create users with a UPN defined. The API Explorer shows this as an option...


    Thank you

    Don't know what you're doing wrong here, then take a look at my results:

    vRO 7.0.1

    AD plugin 2.0.7

    Active Directory 2012

    My entries:

    My TestUser1 result:

    As you can see, the unmodified library workflow creates the user properly. There is no need to specify userPrincipalName.

    In addition, the container.createUserWithPassword method doesn't have a 5th param also passing userPrincipalName as a 5th param does nothing. See the API Explorer for more information on the objects, their methods and their supported parameters:

  • create the cookie using pl sql and retrieve values

    I am currently in an urgent need to create cookies to BE oracle and also read the values of the. I tried to use code below. his display error
    ourcookie owa_cookie.cookie;
    ourCookie: = owa_cookie.get('SESSION2');


    owa_util.mime_header ("text/html", FALSE ");

    -Create a cookie
    (owa_cookie). Send
    name = > 'SESSION. "
    value = > '344444',.
    expires = > sysdate + 2,.
    path = > ' / ');




    But when I'm reading the cookie that I created, I am unable to exercise

    -It's for reading cookies
    ourcookie owa_cookie.cookie;
    ourCookie: = owa_cookie.get('SESSION2');

    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital error or value
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." OWA_UTIL", line 325
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." OWA_COOKIE', line 36
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." OWA_COOKIE', line 140
    ORA-06512: at line 4 level

    842106 wrote:

    Now according to the guidelines of your comment, I created a simple OWA environment and run the code below. Now I get not found error of data

    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at line 23

    The error is caused the cookie is not found.

    The following is not valid - as there is no browser to receive the cookie:

    (owa_cookie). Send
    name-online "SESSION1"
    value-online '344433',
    expires => it sysdate + 2,.
    => path ' / '.

    The following code must set the CGI environment - and add the cookie to the environment for the following code to read (as shown in the code example that I posted in the 2nd thread I talked to you):

    / * Initialization * /.
    OWA.cgi_var_name (1): = 'something ';
    OWA.cgi_var_val (1): = "other";
    OWA.init_cgi_env (1, owa.cgi_var_name, owa.cgi_var_val);
    / * End initialization * /.

    Of course, the following code will fail with a NO_DATA_FOUND there is no cookie.

    ourCookie: = owa_cookie.get('SESSION1');
    v_session: = ourCookie.vals (1);

    So it is not possible to create a true cookie and retrieve the value of CGI environment or apex not?

    Yes. But the web browser is non-existent. Then, you need create the CGI environment, which would have created the web server, before you call your allowed web code PL/SQL.

    In other words, if your initialization code of CGI should pretend that it is the web server, he received the call from web browser, it received the cookie (s) from the web browser - and now she needs to create the CGI (including cookies) environment for this web browser, and then call the procedure PL/SQL referenced by the browser in the URL, he argued.

Maybe you are looking for