Creating a link to Flah

Newbie and pulling hair. Trying to create a link inside a flash file on reach a url. 'FLA' file type contains a photoshop layered file that was animated. I would like to click anywhere inside a flash to goto URL file. Before posting tried many things of the button symbol, music video, etc. Did not flash help. I don't know what my lack of experience inside flash, given the subjects of the forum and tried several things listed at nothing doesn't. I would appreciate it if someone could give step by step instructions, or a sample file that shows the steps.

I'm so dense with Flash CS3 or this program is really difficult. Have little or no problems with Photoshop, Illustrator, LiveMotion and other products adobe... what I understand.

Thanks in advance.

Strange. There is an error in the code, I posted, but it seems nevertheless

But for good shape, Please rephrase "eventMouseEvent" as "event: MouseEvent.
Hmm, I'll have another look on this afternoon.

2007-07-16 11:39 in article
C2C1095E.5B5E% [email protected], 'Tiemen Rapati.

> In order to use the brand of its code, you must set the actionscript version
> 2.0 publication settings.
> For actionscript 3.0, try this:
> function buttonClickHandler (eventMouseEvent): void {}
> var request_url = new URLRequest ("");
> navigateToURL (request_url);
> trace ("clicked");
> }
> inv_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
> Watch how you use the semiclon. It is used for the code line break. Do not
> Put it on halfway to your statement finction, and braces also have the
{> integrated so semicolon}; is never necessary.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Cyrillic characters in the range of table encoding UTF-8 code points u + 0400 - u + 04 FF are represented by two bytes. These people must be encoded as a percentage (read the two paragraphs of the current standard of article), as the Pages v5.6.2 will convert automatically URI to this encoding for you in the link Inspector. It will simply ignore what it considers incorrect URI links, they are Cyrillic, or even English.

    Use what is easier for you, and that Pages v5.6.2 accepts.

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    Thanks Jscher it waqs a add on called 'Adblock Plus 2.2.1' as soon as it was turned off everything was back to normal. Just to prove it I active re and the problem comes back. So I completely removed.
    Funny, is that I never actually installed it in the first place

    Thanks for the correction of a problem tips


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    Katy Anderson

    You can use file-> Send link or copy the web address of the address bar and paste it into an email.

    You are using an older version of Firefox (3.0.7) - you need to update as soon as possible

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    1. What application/program that you use to send emails?

    Please refer to the below link mentioned before asking your question so that you can provide all the relevant information for us to help you:

    Open the Web page you want to create a link in internet explorer, and then copy the URL (Universal Resource Locator) in the address bar and paste it into your outgoing mail.

    You can also add the link in your email signature, which will automatically add the link when you compose an email.

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    Under the Signature settings in the options, you can use a plain text signature that has no connection, or you can use the 'file' option to define an HTML file containing the code for a signature with a link.

    For example, save it as a sig.html notebook file (instead of the economy as a normality. txt file) and use it in the options.


    This will produce a signature that looks like this:


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    As much as I know there is no absolute limit.  The number of accounts depends on many variables.  I can say that it is over 25, which is what I have.

    Not sure what you mean by "are these...". can overlap in WLM"you be more specific?

    Any email can be hacked given enough time.

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    Hi lindsayk65872868,

    The function that you are talking about is called Widget. A widget is a signable web form that you can create and integrate on your Web site or a link to, as well as several people can easily access your document to sign. It is particularly useful if you need to display a form on your own Web site for signature. Each signatory fills out the form separately, and each individual transactions are recorded on the tab manage.

    - Create of Widgets

    Other help links: Adobe sign Help | Forms, Document Library and Widgets

    Kind regards


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    f9afc1ea-f5a4-4400-A33A-187e03664d82 wrote:

    I want to create the link (to each row) in my detail page< in="" order="" to="" linking="" between="" (detail="" page="" 1="">< detail="">

    Change your column on which you want to create the link

    go to declare attributes-> column change-> under the column link

    1. Select a text link (you have option available under the link text select one of these option)

    2 target - > application Page

    3 page-> page not on which you want to redirect

    If you want to pass a value then

    Item1-> select an item in the page detail2

    values-> that you want to move the page pos.1

    see this screen shot for reference

    Hope this helps you,

    Kind regards


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    What color are the links in your style sheet?

    If they are white text on a white background, you will not be able to see them.  Try changing your background of a contrasting color.

    Nancy O.

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    Thank you

    I tried to create the link of database for my schema oracle on my localhost and it brings me an error "database user has sufficient privileges for the proposed operation.". I don't know what the problem is?

    This pattern of localhost was created for APEX.

    What is developer Sql has to do with the problem? This forum is ONLY for sql developer questions.

    If this isn't a problem with Sql developer please mark ANSWERED thread and repost it in the general forum of the database

    Database General Discussions

    The exception is you say the problem: the user you are using to create the DB link doesn't have the necessary privileges to create the DB link type you are trying to create. Privileges are required on the source and target databases.

    When repost you, you will need to provide:

    1. your full 4 DB for DBs source and target text segment

    2. a copy OF the sql * plus (or other) session you use to create the DB link

    3. information on the user that you use to create the link DB - including the privileges that have been granted to this ulser

    4 information on the type of link DB you try to create

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    Your options are:

    -try to make it work (could take a few hours and may does not always work)

    -get the CS6 (has problems as well, but works a little better)

    -get CC

    -install a virtual machine with an older system (10.6 or 10.8)

    -Check if your Mac is not as new as you think and you can still run Yosemite (also has problems, but perhaps not as much)

  • How to create a link read more to post blog?

    I can view the publication list using {module_blogsitesummary}, {module_blogposlist} and using a liquid like this:

    {"< p > {module_data resources ="blogposts' version = "v3" field = "blogId, postTitle, postBody, activated, slug" skip = "0" limit = "50" where="\{'':'20756'\}" order = 'postTitle' collection = "myData"}

    {% for article on myData.items-%} < /p >

    < h3 > {{item.postTitle}} < / h3 >

    {{item.postBody}} < /p > < p >

    < p > {endfor %} < /p >}

    But I Don t know how to combine this solution to create a link read more to a post. In this example, when I use a {{url}} output, the same link to the current page will link.

    Flavio Manarelli


    You must include the postUrl in the fields for module_data and item.postUrl to make the url:

    Blogposts | Business catalyst support

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    When I send files to the client the links do not work as they refer to the place on my hard drive not record that they exist in the customer's computer.  Is there a way to create a link with Adobe DC?  IE.   supportingfile.PDF instead of C://files/documents/myfiles/supportingfile.pdf. If the links will always work when they are sent to the client.

    Links created in Acrobat are always relative (unless you hardcoded the path to the file in a script or something like that). Move the file to a different location, and you will see that they will change accordingly.

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