Creating HDR X800D


I have the X800D and a Pro in PS4. (Good cable HDMI and HDMI port setting on "Enhanced").

I need help for HDR on the X800D setting. When I turn the HDR setting on 'on', it seems quite better than the "automatic" setting, even when it gets a signal HDR of the PS4 Pro from a game like Uncharted 4.

Should I put the HDR setting on 'on' continuous? or automatic? What is the difference?

All this k 4 setting of the TV is very complicated! Can someone help me please!

Hi VKCybermat,

Welcome to the community of Sony!

We suggest setting the auto HDR. Autotuning allows the TV to automatically show or improve content from sources located in HDR. If the TV detects non - HDR content, it won't show or trying to improve it, but display as its native resolution.

If the parameter is set on "On", it will try to display it and improve all content sources at HDR. The disadvantage with this setting, it is content that is not in HDR will be well forced reinforced by the TV that seem a bit off.

Best regards


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Tags: Sony TV

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  • HDR Photoshop script

    Hi, I would need your help. I want to customize this code it will automatically run when I launch immediately click OK plus. Thank you very much.

    #target photoshop
     Batch HDR Script by David Milligan
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    <name>Batch HDR...</name>
    //these lines import the 'Merge To HDR.jsx' script that is built in to photoshop, we will make calls to that script and some of the scripts that it includes
    var runMergeToHDRFromScript = true;
    var g_ScriptFolderPath = app.path + "/"+ localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts");
    var g_ScriptPath = File( g_ScriptFolderPath+'/Merge To HDR.jsx' );
    $.evalFile( g_ScriptPath ); 
    //$.level = 2;
    //default settings:
    mergeToHDR.useAlignment = true;
    mergeToHDR.useACRToning = false;
    var numberOfBrackets = 3;
    var userCanceled = false;
    var sourceFolder = new Folder('/d/Automata/LOADING');;
    var outputFolder = new Folder('/d/Automata/LOADING');;
    var saveType = "JPEG";
    var jpegQuality = 80;
    var progress;
    var statusText;
    var progressWindow;
    var fileMask = "*";
    var outputFilename = "hdr_output_";
    var zeroPadding = 2;
    var hdrRadius = 100;
    var hdrStrength = 0.5;
    var hdrGamma = 1.0;
    var hdrExposure = 0.0;
    var hdrDetail = 100;
    var hdrShadow = 0;
    var hdrHighlights = 0;
    var hdrVibrance = 20;
    var hdrSaturation = 30;
    var hdrSmooth = false;
    var hdrDeghosting = kMergeToHDRDeghostBest;//kMergeToHDRDeghostOff
    var hdrCurve = "0,0,255,255";
    var estTimeRemaining = "";
    var previewDoc;
    var originalDoc;
    function main()
        //make sure user didn't cancel
        if(sourceFolder != null && outputFolder != null && sourceFolder.exists && outputFolder.exists && numberOfBrackets > 0)
            var files =  sourceFolder.getFiles(fileMask);
            var currentFileList = new Array();
            var numberOfFiles = files.length;
            if (numberOfFiles % 3 == 0)
                numberOfBrackets = 3;
                numberOfBrackets = 2;
            /* convert numberOfFiles to a string to make sure zeropaddingis high enough to cover all files */
            var numberOfFilesStr = "" + (numberOfFiles / numberOfBrackets);
            if (zeroPadding > 0 && zeroPadding < numberOfFilesStr.length)
                zeroPadding = numberOfFilesStr.length;
            for(var index = 0;  index < numberOfFiles; index++)
                if((index % numberOfBrackets) == numberOfBrackets - 1)
                    var start = new Date();
                    progress.value = 100 * index / numberOfFiles;
                    if(userCanceled) break;
                    if(numberOfBrackets > 1)
                        statusText.text = "Merging files "+(index-numberOfBrackets+2)+" - "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles + estTimeRemaining;
                        //for braketed exposures use the mergeToHDR script to merge the files into a single 32 bit image
                        mergeToHDR.outputBitDepth= 32;
                        mergeToHDR.mergeFilesToHDR( currentFileList, mergeToHDR.useAlignment, hdrDeghosting );
                        statusText.text = "Toning files "+(index-numberOfBrackets+2)+" - "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles+ estTimeRemaining;
                        statusText.text = "Loading file "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles+ estTimeRemaining;
                        //otherwise just open the file
                        statusText.text = "Toning file "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles+ estTimeRemaining;
                    progress.value = 100 * (index + numberOfBrackets / 2 ) / numberOfFiles;
                    if(userCanceled) break;
                        if(app.activeDocument != null && outputBitDepth < 32)
                            //apply the actual tone mapping to the HDR image to get it back down to 8 bits
                        alert(error + "\nCheck number of files in source folder");
                    //save the result and close
                    //TODO: add leading zeros to index in filename
                    if(numberOfBrackets > 1)
                        statusText.text = "Saving result "+(index-numberOfBrackets+2)+" - "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles+ estTimeRemaining;
                        statusText.text = "Saving result "+(index+1)+" of "+numberOfFiles+ estTimeRemaining;
                    if(userCanceled) break;
                    doSaveFile(outputFolder.absoluteURI + "/" + outputFilename + ZeroPad(Math.round((index + 1)/numberOfBrackets), zeroPadding) );
                    //reset our file list
                    currentFileList = new Array();
                    //calculate time remaining
                    var end = new Date();
                    var timeElapsed = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
                    var mins = timeElapsed / 60000 * ((numberOfFiles - index - 1) / numberOfBrackets);
                    estTimeRemaining = " | Remaining: " + ZeroPad((mins / 60).toFixed(0),2) + ":" + ZeroPad((mins % 60).toFixed(0),2);
    function doOpenFile(filename)
        const eventOpen = app.charIDToTypeID('Opn ');
        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
        desc.putPath( typeNULL, new File( filename ) );
        desc.putBoolean( kpreferXMPFromACRStr, true ); //not sure what this does or if it is needed
        executeAction( eventOpen, desc, DialogModes.NO );
        //if we don't convert the image to 32bit the mergeToHDR script will not tone our image when we call it, it will simply downconvert it to 8 bit
        convertTo32Bit ();
    function convertTo32Bit()
        var idCnvM = charIDToTypeID( "CnvM" );
        var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idDpth = charIDToTypeID( "Dpth" );
        desc6.putInteger( idDpth, 32 );
        var idMrge = charIDToTypeID( "Mrge" );
        desc6.putBoolean( idMrge, false );
        var idRstr = charIDToTypeID( "Rstr" );
        desc6.putBoolean( idRstr, false );
        executeAction( idCnvM, desc6, DialogModes.NO );
    function doSaveFile(filename)
        if(saveType == "JPEG")
            var jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
            jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
            jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
            jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
            jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
            activeDocument.saveAs(new File(filename), jpgSaveOptions, true /*Save As Copy*/, Extension.LOWERCASE /*Append Extention*/);
        else if(saveType == "TIFF")
            var tifSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
            tifSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
            activeDocument.saveAs(new File(filename), tifSaveOptions, true /*Save As Copy*/, Extension.LOWERCASE /*Append Extention*/);
        else if(saveType == "TIFF LZW")
            var tifSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
            tifSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
            tifSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW;
            activeDocument.saveAs(new File(filename), tifSaveOptions, true /*Save As Copy*/, Extension.LOWERCASE /*Append Extention*/);
        else if(saveType == "TIFF ZIP")
            var tifSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
            tifSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
            tifSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFZIP;
            activeDocument.saveAs(new File(filename), tifSaveOptions, true /*Save As Copy*/, Extension.LOWERCASE /*Append Extention*/);
            activeDocument.saveAs(new File(filename), undefined, true /*Save As Copy*/, Extension.LOWERCASE /*Append Extention*/);
    function doHDRToning()
        //create the ActionDescriptor that describes the HDR toning settings to use
        var hdDesc = new ActionDescriptor;
        hdDesc.putInteger( stringIDToTypeID( 'version' ), 6 );//I'm not sure what this does
        hdDesc.putInteger(  kmethodStr, 3 );// the toning method to use, 3 = local adaptation
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'radius' ), hdrRadius );
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'threshold' ), hdrStrength );// strength
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'center' ), hdrGamma );// gamma
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'brightness' ), hdrExposure );// exposure
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'detail' ), hdrDetail );
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'shallow' ), hdrShadow );
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'highlights' ), hdrHighlights );
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'vibrance' ), hdrVibrance );
        hdDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'saturation' ), hdrSaturation);
        hdDesc.putBoolean( stringIDToTypeID( 'smooth' ), hdrSmooth );
        hdDesc.putBoolean( stringIDToTypeID( 'deghosting' ), hdrDeghosting );
        //create the tone curve
        var cDesc = new ActionDescriptor;
        cDesc.putString( stringIDToTypeID( 'name' ), 'Default');
        var cList = new ActionList;
        var points = hdrCurve.split(',');
        for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
            if(i % 2 == 1)
                var pDesc = new ActionDescriptor;
                pDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'horizontal' ), points[i-1] );
                pDesc.putDouble( stringIDToTypeID( 'vertical' ), points[i] );
                pDesc.putBoolean( keyContinuity , false );// ?????
                cList.putObject( charIDToTypeID( 'Pnt ' ), pDesc );
        cDesc.putList( stringIDToTypeID( 'curve' ), cList );
        hdDesc.putObject( kclassContour, classShapingCurve, cDesc );
        //call the script that actually invokes the toning plugin
        convertFromHDRNoDialog( outputBitDepth, hdDesc );
    function initializeProgress()
        progressWindow = new Window("palette { text:'Meilleure Visite Chargement', \
            statusText: StaticText { text: 'Processing Images...', preferredSize: [350,20] }, \
            progressGroup: Group { \
                progress: Progressbar { minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 100, value: 0, preferredSize: [300,20] }, \
                cancelButton: Button { text: 'Cancel' } \
            } \
        statusText = progressWindow.statusText;
        progress = progressWindow.progressGroup.progress;
        progressWindow.progressGroup.cancelButton.onClick = function() { userCanceled = true; };
    function promptUser()
        var setupWindow = new Window("dialog { orientation: 'row', text: 'Meilleure Visite', alignChildren:'top', \
            leftGroup: Group { orientation: 'column', alignChildren:'fill', \
                inputPanel: Panel { text: 'Input', \
                    sourceGroup: Group { \
                    }, \
                    bracketGroup: Group{ \
                        bracketLabel: StaticText { text: 'Number of Brackets: ' }, \
                        bracketBox: EditText { characters: 2 }, \
                        filterLabel: StaticText { text: 'File Filter: ' }, \
                        filterText: EditText { characters: 5 }, \
                        alignCheckBox: Checkbox { text: 'Align' }\
                        deghostLabel: StaticText { text: 'Deghost: ' }\
                        deghostDropDown: DropDownList { }, \
                    } \
                }, \
                toningPanel: Panel { text: 'Toning', orientation:'row', alignChildren:'top' } ,\
                outputPanel: Panel { text: 'Output', \
                    outputGroup: Group { \
                        outputBox: EditText { characters: 10, text: '', enabled:false }, \
                    }, \
                    outputOptionsGroup: Group { \
                        outputFilenameLabel: StaticText { text: 'Filename Format: ' }, \
                        outputFilenameText: EditText { characters: 10 }, \
                    }, \
                    saveSettingsGroup: Group { \
                        saveTypeLabel: StaticText { text: 'Save As: ' }, \
                        saveDropDown: DropDownList { }, \
                        jpegQualityLabel: StaticText { text: 'JPEG Quality (1-10): ' }, \
                        jpegQualityText: EditText { characters: 2}, \
                        outputBitDepthLabel: StaticText { text: 'Bit Depth', enabled:false }, \
                        outputBitDepthDropDown: DropDownList { enabled:false }, \
                    } \
                } \
            }, \
            rightGroup: Group { orientation: 'column', alignChildren:'fill', \
                okButton: Button { text: 'OK', enabled: true } \
                cancelButton: Button { text: 'Cancel' } \
            } \
        } ");
        //shortcut variables
        var sourceBox = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.sourceGroup.sourceBox;
        var sourceBrowse = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.sourceGroup.sourceBrowse;
        var bracketBox = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.bracketGroup.bracketBox;
        var filterText = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.bracketGroup.filterText;
        var alignCheckBox = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.bracketGroup.alignCheckBox;
        var outputBox = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.outputGroup.outputBox;
        var outputFilenameText = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.outputOptionsGroup.outputFilenameText;
        var outputFilenamePost = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.outputOptionsGroup.outputFilenamePost;
        var saveDropDown = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.saveSettingsGroup.saveDropDown;
        var jpegQualityText = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.saveSettingsGroup.jpegQualityText;
        var jpegQualityLabel = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.saveSettingsGroup.jpegQualityLabel;
        var outputBitDepthDropDown = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.saveSettingsGroup.outputBitDepthDropDown;
        var outputBitDepthLabel = setupWindow.leftGroup.outputPanel.saveSettingsGroup.outputBitDepthLabel;
        var okButton = setupWindow.rightGroup.okButton;
        var cancelButton = setupWindow.rightGroup.cancelButton;
        var toningPanel = setupWindow.leftGroup.toningPanel;
        var deghostDropDown = setupWindow.leftGroup.inputPanel.bracketGroup.deghostDropDown;
        //set default values
        bracketBox.text = numberOfBrackets;
        filterText.text = fileMask;
        //mergeToHDR.useAlignment = true;
        alignCheckBox.value = mergeToHDR.useAlignment;
        outputFilenameText.text = outputFilename;
        jpegQualityText.text = jpegQuality;
        saveDropDown.add("item", "TIFF");
        saveDropDown.add("item", "JPEG");
        saveDropDown.add("item", "TIFF LZW");
        saveDropDown.add("item", "TIFF ZIP");
        saveDropDown.selection = 0;
        outputBitDepthDropDown.add("item", "8");
        outputBitDepthDropDown.add("item", "16");
        outputBitDepthDropDown.add("item", "32");
        outputBitDepthDropDown.selection = 0;
        var generateDeghostDropDownList = function(count)
            deghostDropDown.add("item", "Best");
            deghostDropDown.add("item", "Off");
            for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                deghostDropDown.add("item", i);
            deghostDropDown.selection = 0;
        //event handlers
        bracketBox.onChange = function()
            numberOfBrackets = bracketBox.text;
        filterText.onChange = function() { fileMask = filterText.text; };
        alignCheckBox.onClick = function() { mergeToHDR.useAlignment = alignCheckBox.value; };
        deghostDropDown.onChange = function() 
            if(this.selection.text == "Best") 
                hdrDeghosting = kMergeToHDRDeghostBest;
            else if(this.selection.text == "Off")
                hdrDeghosting = kMergeToHDRDeghostOff;
                hdrDeghosting = Number(this.selection.text);
        outputBox.onChange = function()
            outputFolder = new Folder(outputBox.text);
            okButton.enabled = sourceFolder != null && outputFolder != null && sourceFolder.exists && outputFolder.exists;
        outputFilenameText.onChange = function() { outputFilename = outputFilenameText.text; };
        saveDropDown.onChange = function()
            saveType = saveDropDown.selection.text;
            jpegQualityText.enabled = saveDropDown.selection.text == "JPEG";
            jpegQualityLabel.enabled = saveDropDown.selection.text == "JPEG";
            if(saveDropDown.selection.text == "JPEG")
                outputBitDepthDropDown.selection = 0;
            outputBitDepthDropDown.enabled = saveDropDown.selection.text != "JPEG" && saveDropDown.selection.text != "Radiance" && saveDropDown.selection.text != "OpenEXR";
            outputBitDepthLabel.enabled = outputBitDepthDropDown.enabled;
        jpegQualityText.onChange = function() { jpegQuality = jpegQualityText.text; };
        outputBitDepthDropDown.onChange = function()
            outputBitDepth = outputBitDepthDropDown.selection.text; 
            toningPanel.enabled = outputBitDepth != 32;
        okButton.onClick = function() { setupWindow.hide(); cleanUpPreviews(); };
        cancelButton.onClick = function() { sourceFolder = null, setupWindow.hide(); cleanUpPreviews(); };
    function cleanUpPreviews()
        if(originalDoc != null)
            originalDoc = null;
        if(previewDoc != null)
            previewDoc = null;
    function generateToningPanel(toningPanel)
        var leftToningGroup = toningPanel.add("group{orientation:'column',alignChildren:'fill'}");
        var rightToningGroup = toningPanel.add("group{orientation:'column',alignChildren:'fill'}");
        var presetGroup = leftToningGroup.add("group{orientation:'row'}");
        var presetDropDown = presetGroup.add("dropdownlist");
        var loadPresetButton = presetGroup.add("button", undefined, "Load Preset");
        var edgePanel = leftToningGroup.add("panel",undefined,"Edge Glow");
        var radiusSlider = createSliderControl(edgePanel.add("group"), "  Radius: ", "px", 0, 500, 0, hdrRadius, function(newValue){ hdrRadius = newValue; });
        var strengthSlider = createSliderControl(edgePanel.add("group"), "Strength: ", "", 0, 4.0, 2, hdrStrength, function(newValue){ hdrStrength = newValue; });
        var edgeGroup = edgePanel.add("group");
        var smoothEdgesBox = edgeGroup.add("checkbox",undefined, "Smooth Edges");
        var detailPanel = leftToningGroup.add("panel",undefined,"Tone and Detail");
        var gammaSlider = createSliderControl(detailPanel.add("group"), "  Gamma: ", "", 0.1, 2.0, 2, hdrGamma, function(newValue){ hdrGamma = newValue; });
        var exposureSlider = createSliderControl(detailPanel.add("group"), "Exposure: ", "", -5.0, 5.0, 2, hdrExposure, function(newValue){ hdrExposure = newValue; });
        var detailSlider = createSliderControl(detailPanel.add("group"), "     Detail: ", "%", -300, 300, 0, hdrDetail, function(newValue){ hdrDetail = newValue; });
        var advancedPanel = leftToningGroup.add("panel",undefined,"Advanced");
        var shadowSlider = createSliderControl(advancedPanel.add("group"), "  Shadow: ", "%", -100, 100, 0, hdrShadow, function(newValue){ hdrShadow = newValue; });
        var highlightSlider = createSliderControl(advancedPanel.add("group"), " Highlight: ", "%",  -100, 100, 0, hdrHighlights, function(newValue){ hdrHighlights = newValue; });
        var vibranceSlider = createSliderControl(advancedPanel.add("group"), "  Vibrance: ", "%",  -100, 100, 0, hdrVibrance, function(newValue){ hdrVibrance = newValue; });
        var saturationSlider = createSliderControl(advancedPanel.add("group"), "Saturation: ", "%",  -100, 100, 0, hdrSaturation, function(newValue){ hdrSaturation = newValue; });
        var toningCurvePanel = leftToningGroup.add("panel{text:'Toning Curve',alignChildren:'fill'}");
        var curveBox = toningCurvePanel.add("edittext", undefined, hdrCurve);
        //default values
        smoothEdgesBox.value = hdrSmooth;
        var presetFiles = getPresetFiles();
        var updateSliders = function()
            smoothEdgesBox.value = hdrSmooth;
            curveBox.text = hdrCurve;
        if(presetFiles.length > 0)
            for(var f in presetFiles)
                presetDropDown.add("item", presetFiles[f].displayName.replace(".hdt",""));
            presetDropDown.selection = 0;
            presetDropDown.onChange = function()
        //event handlers
        loadPresetButton.onClick = function()
        smoothEdgesBox.onClick = function () { hdrSmooth = smoothEdgesBox.value; };
        curveBox.onChange = function () { hdrCurve = curveBox.text; };
    function createSliderControl(group,label,postLabel,min,max,round,value,onValueChanged)
        var ignoreChange = false;
        group.add("statictext", undefined, label);
        var slider = group.add("slider",undefined,value,min,max);
        slider.alignment = "fill";
        var box = group.add("edittext",undefined,value);
        box.characters = 6;
        group.add("statictext", undefined, postLabel);
        slider.onChange = function()
                ignoreChange = true;
                box.text = slider.value.toFixed(round);
                ignoreChange = false;
        box.onChange = function()
                ignoreChange = true;
                slider.value = box.text;
                ignoreChange = false;
        return function(newValue)
            slider.value = newValue;
            box.text = newValue.toFixed(round);
    //forces a redraw while a script dialog is active (for preview)
    var waitForRedraw = function()
        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
        desc.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID("Stte"), charIDToTypeID("Stte"), charIDToTypeID("RdCm"));
        executeAction(charIDToTypeID("Wait"), desc, DialogModes.NO);
    function getZoomLevel()
        var ref = new ActionReference();
        ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
        var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
        return Number(desc.getDouble(stringIDToTypeID('zoom'))*100).toFixed(1);
    function setZoomLevel( zoom )
        if(zoom < 1 ) zoom =1;
        var ref = new ActionReference();
        ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("capp"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
        var getScrRes = executeActionGet(ref).getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('unitsPrefs')).getUnitDoubleValue(stringIDToTypeID('newDocPresetScreenResolution'))/72;
        var docRes = activeDocument.resolution;
        activeDocument.resizeImage( undefined, undefined, getScrRes/(zoom/100), ResampleMethod.NONE );
        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
        ref = null;
        ref = new ActionReference();
        ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " ), charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" ), charIDToTypeID( 'PrnS' ) );
        desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref );
        executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "slct" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
        activeDocument.resizeImage( undefined, undefined, docRes, ResampleMethod.NONE );
    function ZeroPad(number,numZeros)
        var result = number.toString();
        while(result.length < numZeros)
            result = "0" + result;
        return result;
    var getPresetFiles = function()
        var presetFolder = new Folder(app.path + "/Presets/HDR Toning");
        return presetFolder.getFiles("*.hdt");
    var loadPreset = function(presetFile)
        if(presetFile == null)
            presetFile = File.openDialog("Select Preset","*.hdt");
        if(presetFile != null)
            var tmpStr = new String();
            var binaryData = new Array();
            presetFile.encoding = "BINARY";
                var ch = presetFile.readch();
                if ( ch.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ){
                    tmpStr += ' ';
                else {
                    tmpStr += ch;
            if(binaryData.length >= 40)
                // init start position for reading datas
                // start position for english version ( string "D e f a u l t" is in the preset file )
                var startPos = 38;
                if ( ("P a r   d é f a u t") > -1 ){
                    // start position for french preset file version ( string "P a r   d é f a u t" is in the preset file ) (==> + 6 bytes)
                    startPos = 44;
                // if your preset file can't be read, try this : open it in notepad to see the string "D e f a u l t" in your language and add the code here to set startPos to 38 + diff between the length of ("D e f a u l t") and length of ("D e f a u l t" in your language)
                var curvePointCount = getUInt16(binaryData, startPos);
                if(binaryData.length >= 104 + curvePointCount * 4)
                    var curvePointStr = "";
                    for(var i = 0; i < curvePointCount; i++)
                        curvePointStr += getUInt16(binaryData, startPos + 4 + i * 4) + "," + getUInt16(binaryData, startPos + 2 + i * 4) + ((i < curvePointCount - 1) ? "," : "");
                    hdrCurve = curvePointStr;
                    hdrStrength =  getFloat32(binaryData,8);
                    hdrRadius = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 10 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrExposure = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 34 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrSaturation = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 38 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrDetail = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 42 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrShadow = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 46 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrHighlights = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 50 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrGamma = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 54 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrVibrance = getFloat32(binaryData, startPos + 58 + 5 * curvePointCount);
                    hdrSmooth = getUInt16(binaryData, startPos + 62 + 5 * curvePointCount) != 0;
                    alert("Error Loading File", "Error", true);
                alert("Error Loading File", "Error", true);
    function getUInt16(byteArray,offset)
        return byteArray[offset] * 0x100 + byteArray[offset + 1];
    function getUInt32(byteArray,offset)
        return byteArray[offset] * 0x1000000 + byteArray[offset + 1] * 0x10000 + byteArray[offset + 2] * 0x100 + byteArray[offset + 3];
    function getFloat32(byteArray,offset)
        var bytes = getUInt32(byteArray,offset);
        var sign = (bytes & 0x80000000) ? -1 : 1;
        var exponent = ((bytes >> 23) & 0xFF) - 127;
        var significand = (bytes & ~(-1 << 23));
        if (exponent == 128)
            return sign * ((significand) ? Number.NaN : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
        if (exponent == -127) {
            if (significand == 0) return sign * 0.0;
            exponent = -126;
            significand /= (1 << 22);
        } else significand = (significand | (1 << 23)) / (1 << 23);
        return sign * significand * Math.pow(2, exponent);

    I do not support exhibitions in order to perform processing HDR.   I don't want to create HDR images. The EXIF data does not have an EV adjustment. You can calculate EV information EXIF information.  Should the process of HDR data EXIF to calculate EV your image file need to have then the metadata.  Your script can be able to be something for the HDR script, I have no idea what the deghostFlag is all. Maybe if you examine the code in the script of David Milligan you can very well how to use the HDR script from another script.

  • Merge HDR file saving location

    I've recently updated to lightroom CC... can't find the answer to this question...

    When I merge to HDR, a series of photos... sometimes Lightroom creates the merged photo and stores it in the stack of photos as the Spain 9usually 2nd in the battery) and then sometimes she deposits the phot merged at the end of all the photos in the file...

    So, why the different locations?

    And is there a way to set the preferences where I WANT the merged file to file?

    I would like to have all files merged to stack up at the end of the files of the battery... is it possible to do... If not, is there a way to save in the SAME PLACE every time... either in the battery, or at the end of the list of files...

    Thanks for the help... Dave

    When I merge to HDR, a series of photos... sometimes Lightroom creates the merged photo and stores it in the stack of photos as the Spain 9usually 2nd in the battery) and then sometimes she deposits the phot merged at the end of all the photos in the file...

    So, why the different locations?

    This is controlled by the order of sorting photos in Lightroom. If you want with photos that went into HDR and not at the end, you must set the order of sort by file name or Date of Capture.

    I would like to have all files merged to stack up at the end of the files of the battery... is it possible to do... If not, is there a way to save in the SAME PLACE every time... either in the battery, or at the end of the list of files...

    Is not directly possible, it depends on the sort order, then you could do that the sort order is set correctly before creating HDR. There is no option that you can set to determine where in the stack of the winds reaching the photos, but you can set it manually whenever you want in the stack.

  • Merge HDR stuck...

    Hi guyes.

    I'm an avid user of the new feature HDR in Lightroom. As a real estate photographer I use it every day.

    However, sometimes (a lot actually) does not "create HDR Preview"...

    The window opens, but nothing is generated. Sometimes I fix it by closing and try again. But now he's stuck right all the time.

    Anyone of you experience this problem before?

    I wish adobe could have an option to disable the preview generation and just go directly to the creation of the HDR. (I KNOW my images are aligned).

    I wish adobe could have an option to disable the preview generation and just go directly to the creation of the HDR. (I KNOW my images are aligned).

    There is a way without papers to do. Select images and type Ctrl + Shift + H.  Who will start the fusion with the previously used settings.  You can have several mergers going at the same time.  In addition, if all the photos to merge are in a small stack, you can select the photo from the top of the stack and do Ctrl + Shift + H, and it will use all the photos in the stack.

  • Help with HDR

    Hi, I have a Canon 70 d.  There are HDR and I guess only he photos in the camera to produce a single image for the development of Lightroom 5 of the layers.  My problem is that I can't tell which ones are HDR in the library.  They are all named in jpeg format.  Is there a way to tell them apart?  It also appears that are 3 identical pictures in the library, these would be the ones who should be superimposed once again, I was under the impression that it does automatically in camera.  Could someone help me please.  Thank you.

    MJM wrote:

    Thanks for the replies, but I'm still confused to find out if there is a way to tell which are HDR in the library... also, I should disable HDR to take with the AEB for manual lamination?


    As the 70 d saves only the HDR output so that particular image is the HDR image, but she is not named differently to the other images taken by the camera. You may notice a difference with the detail of the image but no difference in the tone mapping etc if the 'Natural' blending mode is used... other modes give more garish results.

    For manual or treatment of the device, you must use AEB to produce images to mix. Note that DPP 3.15 (software that came with your camera) has an HDR tool that emulate the process of the camera but allow you to adjust more brightness, contrast, Saturation in detail, and finesse. Then you could save as a 16 bit TIF and import the output in Lightroom for further processing.

    As you use Lightroom there are many commercial products, outside of Photoshop, available: NIK HDR Efex Pro, etc. Photomatrix. One of the products that give the more pleasant effect (my opinion), it's LR/Enfuse in range of photographers (LR/Enfuse - multiple exposures mix together in Adobe Lightroom) is a product of don, but since I'm not a real fan of HDR you need look around the internet to see what is most appropriate for you.

    As for PS Elements is probably not the best to create HDR type images that it's a completely manual process... There are a few tutorials on the internet about the use of PES to produce HDR images.

  • Create file .psd in single layers from photos selected in PES 10?

    I wonder if there is a way to take a group of photos - is selected in the Organizer menu in the editor or in a file browser - and layer them in a PSD file or drop them "en masse" on a file in the editor.  I have two uses... it is to layer a bunch of Luminance tonemapped files to create HDR art - in this case, all layers are directly on top of the other (and usually the same size), with the original on the bottom, then I adjust layer modes and opacity of the art tonemapped versions (this link is very obsolete but gives you the idea of creating (:  Another use is to create a scrapbook page - I would choose a bunch of items ('paper' - textured 12 x 12 frames, elements, photos, etc.) and have all added to a file so that I can move them, etc. These will all be of different sizes. Sometimes, I already have the page (a model for example) and want to deposit additional layers.

    Currently, I create a blank document, select my photos in the Organizer, use Ctrl-I to open in the editor and then all a drop in my empty file, then close all the windows that I need is no longer. However, it is heavy, and it seems that the process could easily be automated.

    Any thoughts on how to make your job easier?

    Thank you


    There are several scripts that can work like this: AV Bros. Collector 1.0

    This script will make all the open documents in a single file.

    (the part about the file browser does not apply to the PES 10)

    To test this, load all the files you want in the PES 10 editor and then click file > open and select the script to open and it will display a dialog box.

    If this is what you want, we can show you how to change the script so that it appears in the menu Tools of automation in ESP 10.

  • CS5 Merge to HDR crop the images during the alignment?


    I am using photos HDR merges to build a panoramic view in Autodesk Stitcher.  When I use Photoshop Merge to HDR, stitcher program gives an error that it is unable to Sting as the file sizes are different. When I use Photomatix Pro 4.1 to create HDR, there is an option to disable cropping. This fixes the problem with Stitcher.  If Photoshop cultures during HDR merging, y at - it an option to OFF turrn?

    Thank you


    I don't know if it cultures, but it does not change the pixel dimensions (size) according to how to get your images out of alignment are if you use auto alignment.

    You can only deactivate in the open HDR Pro dialog box:


  • Image automatically changing the resolution with HDR and Photomerge in CS4

    I am trying to create HDR images and Hi Res Panoramas using Photoshop CS4. It seems that the resulting image is a much weaker than expected resolution (that is, the image has been reduced by 50% and changed at 240 dpi). I can do the thing smame on my laptop without problem, but may not know why it does not work on my desktop.

    Is there a preference that I missed?

    I use DNG images processed in lightroom.

    Create the Photomerge / HDR in Photoshop by using the option to automate.

    Thank you

    You define ACR for image - change your settings in ACR.

  • SONY RX100 II range bracketing (M2)

    I want to buy the new M2 RX100 when available... However have a concern about the range. I understand that the camera will support 1/3 EV, EV 2/3 and 1? Does this mean that it will take only one stop Photo 1/3 above inhalers stop and lower 1/3 stop inhalers? (also the same for the 2/3 EV?)

    I have a NEX-7 which started like that and a software upgrade fixed the range and can now do + 1, 0 and -! (maybe even 2, I forgot). If these cameras are intended for us enthusiasts, we want to use for HDR and stop these ranges are useless! If they do an upgrade for the NEX series, why make a new camera again WITHOUT him? How can I get around this... really love the camers, but this can send me at Fuji!

    I checked that the DSC-RX100M2 takes 3 pictures steps 1/3 or 2/3 outside your game of EV bracketing mode. Although there is in fact no possibility to use a wider range of EV, the camera has a mode whare HDR merges three images automatically to a difference of up to 6 EV stops. This is a good feature that you can use if you want to create HDR images.

    If this post answered your question, please mark "accept as a Solution.

  • For "own" images color correction

    Dear all,

    I have recently migrated to Lightroom opening, already pulled mainly analog and scanned photo negatives, with little or not then adjusts. Now however, I'm moving to shooting digital and will be taken more architecture and interiors.

    There is currently a lot of photographers making very nice pictures, which can be described as clean or minimalist who very crisp whites and often seem overexposed without air. For example, I really like the work in cereals, particularly rich Stapleton Magazine:

    Videos and photos of Instagram • Rich Stapleton (@rvstapleton)

    Outside the creative aspect obvious to create these photos as the composition, tilt-shift lenses and correct exposure, what are the other manipulations are doing to get this kind of effect? I don't think that many of these photos are indeed killed as available light, but are they HDR?

    When, for example, I take a picture of a room with white walls, I'll often have a combination of blue, yellow and green, climb the walls, but in these pictures, the whites are almost perfect. It is the result of a lot of tinkering in photoshop with different layers etc, or are there tools relatively simple to do this?

    References to sites/forums specifically for the correction of the colors like this, or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Some images may have a slight touch of hdr, but I know how to get a look buckle minimum images.

    Color is relative and depends on many factors. The most disturbing are different types of light sources.

    Those who are 'out of the box' photos, with nothing fixed except for the view:

    Settings: ISO100, 24mm, f10, 1/6s and 2. 5 s

    Picking on the wall to the right gives with the dark picture, R=27.9%, G=27.2%, B = 25.4 percent (slightly yellow because of the light on the ceiling and with light R=95.0%, G=94.8% and B=94.9%, almost pure white image.

    As I said: colours without corrections, as there is nothing to fix. You can use hooks like this to create HDR images and when you manipulate the settings carefully, they will not tend to this HDR look visually explicit. You can also load the images into Photoshop layers and take parts of the photo to get the correct aspect.

    BTW: Take a look at these videos: Lightroom tutorials by Julieanne Kost

  • Difference between LR5 and CRD


    So the creative cloud downloaded LRCC on my machine, but I also LR5? They are different applications (and if so what is the difference?) or LR5 must have been deleted?

    LR CC and is the new version of creative cloud of Lightroom which includes, among other new features, creating HDR and panorama in Lightroom, brushes for the gradual filter and filter radial, face recognition. It would be installed and more LR 5 because it's a new update that includes new features. It's your choice to uninstall 5 Lightroom or not. When you first run LR CC it prompts you to allow it to update your catalog. This creates a new copy of your catalog in a database format that is required for the new version. 5 Lightroom will be left intact and usable if you want to do. Otherwise, you can feel confident in removing.

  • opening of 32 bit TIFF in camera raw (or not...)

    I followed tutorials on creating HDR images in photoshop using the 32-bit function.

    Once I created the 32-bit image and saved as a Tiff file. Then, I'm going to bridge and made sure that the preferences of camera raw are defined to allow suppoprted TIFFs. But I can't open this image in camera raw, it just opens in photoshop...

    In the turorials, I realized this doesn't seem to be one problem for others, why it will work for me?


    Thanks for your reply.

    I managed to fix this now. I recently downloaded photoshop and so assumed it was the more up-to-date version. However it was not the case, as I had camera raw 7.0 is installed. I have this update to the latest version and itself has this problem, I can now change the 32-bit TIFF in camera raw.

  • How to keep the lens corrections when sending images on Photoshop?

    I have a group of architectural photos taken in RAW format with a 10-20mm lens that I applied lens corrections in Lightroom 3.  When I open them in Photoshop using the bridge, lens corrections vanish.  I had the same problem using the mode of batch processing of Photomatix Pro to create HDR images.  If I select the trio of film images in Lightroom, right click on them and then export them in Photomatix, corrections of the purpose of stay, but if I close Lightroom and use the batch processing of Photomatix Pro mode to select and process the images, then corrections vanish.  Any ideas?

    The lens correction is a function of acr and LR communicates these parameters with PS CS5 and above.  If you are on CS4, to keep, LR should make before you send it.

    The same reason that you can't do batch processing of Photomatix, they don't understand LR treatment without current ACR, which is only compatible with LR3 and PS5 (and assumed, above).  So when you export from LR, LR is the treatment for you before you send it... so, you keep your changes.

    Even if you have CS4 or lower, LR would render to you.

    Which makes sense for you?

    See you soon!

    Post edited by: Jasonized: Correction, I meant an ACR function.

  • New file LRCC order (after importation) when a merger HDR. DNG file is created?

    Please can I get help!

    What happen inside LRCC´s when a new file is created in a row of pan. CR2 files in order.

    bracketing of included files for HDR panorama stitchin

    Will be of the order (after modification of the imported raw files, and why are new. DNG files placed by LRCC at the END of

    the imported. CR2 files?

    Is it possible automatically then a HDR merge DNG file is created will be PLACED in the original ORDER?

    So please those who know how the LRCC chooses to PLACE a DNG file is and then please help me to solve

    How to make the order with the new HDR. DNG file to fit in the right order, with the other panorama files of

    left to right - the order?

    Many THANKS in advance if you happen to have the solution for this detail in the workflow when you create a

    What we call PANORAMIC HDR photo.

    / Charl

    Set the sort order in the name of file in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, which should put the new file beside the source files.

    If you don't see the toolbar, press T.

  • How to create an HDR image when tutorial procedures do not work?

    I want to create an HDR image, but nothing happens when I followed the steps in the tutorial. Am I suppose to select three identical images in the library each with different exposures. The tutorial shows the images that is clicked to turn on highlight, but after clicking on the three photos, only the last remnant highlighted. The tutorial also said click on the PHOTO and then MERGE of PHOTOS then HDR. However nothing happens at all. The tutorial also indicated that this procedure is very easy. No it's not! What is the CORRECT procedure to create a HDR photo?

    Are you hold down the CTRL key as you select the three images?  Or click on the 'First' and then SHIFT-click on the 'last '.

    How to browse and compare photos in Lightroom

    The three images (or even two!) must be identical to the object and be taken at different exposures in the camera. (Create three different exposures of an image does not work!)

    So the procedure is-

    1. Select photos that two (or three) to merge to HDR

    2. press CTRL + H (command + H on a Mac)

    3. choose options in the dialog

    4. click on [fusion]

    5. open the image in the develop module and visually adjust as needed.

Maybe you are looking for

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