Customizing fields to a manager of a screen.

This is my first post here, so Hi everyone.

I have the following problem:

I create a "Manager" to the screen. So, I want to add the field to this Manager, and after that I want to add fields to this handler in sublayout method and try to setPositionChild and LayoutChild. The problem apparently is that I can't call the following functions on the newly created Manager, because they are protected.

GRR Im may be confusing.

Since I went through a period of similar confusion about a year ago, I think I know what you're asking.

So here:

1. some of these protected methods aren't for you to call - they are called by the BlackBerry infrastructure.  You override methods such as sublayout(), setPreferredWidth() etc to change the behavior of your Manager.

2 setPositionChild() and layoutChild(), on the other hand, are protected and not private in the abstract class Manager exactly because RIM wanted to give you access to them when extending the class of their Manager.  You call to your sublayout() method to position the fields as desired.

3. you don't add fields inside your method of sublayout() - you add before add your manager to another Manager (or a screen). When the screen containing your Manager finally gets push in the battery of the screen, the system calls your method sublayout() to determine how your manager wants to look in the provided rectangle.  In addition to laying the fields, you will need to call setExtent() and setVirtualExtent() it.  In order to browse your fields managed one by one, use getFieldCount() and then getField() in a loop.

Good luck - you will need it!


P.S.: I suggest that you answer here again if you have more general questions.  For something more specific, try searching the forums first, and then open your own new discussion if you can't find what you need.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Anyone know where Im going wrong here?

    Thank you for posting.

    Custom form fields does not appear in the field selector. You have to go to the next screen, and then select the shape in question from the dropdown list the custom filter to the CRM form.

    Kind regards

    Scott Raj Rouanet

  • Question view screen with custom fields

    I've developed a class that extends the scope and Implements DrawStyle. The field contains a bitmap with text drawn on the left of the it... nothing too complicated. I made focasable, has erased layout and drawFocus, painting, etc., but I'm having a Visual anomaly.

    On my screen (no title), I added a LabelField (non-active), and then a BitmapField (non-Focus), followed by a number of my custom fields. When the first screen, everything looks great. My first custom control has focus and is drawn as such.

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    What methods should be overritten in a custom control to ensure the scrolling will work properly?

    Which must be defined in the screen?

    1. prepare your screen unscrollable as:


    2 use a VerticalFieldManager to add all of your components.

    Make sure verticalManager Scrollable and set its size and background color.

    Something like:

            mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)
                //setting background color
                protected void paintBackground(Graphics graphics)
                //setting its height and width
                protected void sublayout( int maxWidth, int maxHeight )
                    int width = Display.getWidth();
                    int height = Display.getHeight();
                    super.sublayout( width, height);
                    setExtent( width, height);

    3. now add this to your screen.

    Now your screen does not scroll and you will not get the white background at the end.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



  • Add a field to a manager internal vertical field (vertical field managers are nested) on a screen, will eventually call the sublayout of the screen. Can someone explain the mechanism of notification concerned?


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    each field can call getManager to check if it is added to another Manager. If a field is added to a manager that this Manager notifies its topmanager, it notifies its topmanager etc. until the highest level is reached.

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    It's not trivial.

    You must create a Manager and tell it to use all the way up and not be vertically scrollable.  So the dimensions that are placed in its sublayout will give you the height available to you.

    Now, you must add two managers to this Manager.  The first is that you'll add all you fields too - it will be a standard value, so that it scrolls.  The second will be the stuff you want at the bottom of the screen.

    In sublayout you will be setting page, the second field first, get its height and then set its position is at the bottom.  This will also give you the area that is available for your manager to scroll.  You will be then layout manager to say the things that he is restrcted to the height that you left.  As he scrolls will not worry.

    Finally, in sublayout, you will find setExtent making sure you use all the height that you were given.

    For more information:

  • Question regarding setExtent and getPreferredWidth for the custom field

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    At present, getPreferredWidth returns the total width of the field without all the empty columns, is longer than the width of the screen. I use the same value in setExtent for width. GetPreferredWidth must return the size of the field that is painted on the screen - the total width less the width of the columns out of the screen? I have the same question about setExtent - width either in total, longer than the screen width or the width of the part of the field that is painted on the screen?

    If I use the width of what is painted on the screen or the other of these methods, then the width changes when the user scrolls through the field. As the user scrolls, I calculate the number of columns will agree to a width of the screen and paint these columns. Is it a problem to have the PreferredWidth and the setExtent change width? I read that setExtent is called only when the Manager sets this field, so that the changes will not be recognized.

    It seems to work in two ways in a few simple tests, but I was just curious as the value of width that is right.

    Thank you!


    When a field has changed in a way that requires the update of the screen (for example, after scrolling offset changes), simply call invalidate() from this area. That will eventually lead to paint (Graphics) for the field. At this point, you return the update field. (If only part of a field - as a single cell - needs to be updated, there invalidate() versions that accept arguments where, for efficiency, you can limit the update for just this part.)

    If I understand your needs, you can achieve the effect desired in the paint method. You can use the current dimensions of the field, the cutting of the graphics area, and your internal roll compensates to decide what to paint and what to delete. Let your custom field leave white space where you decide of doesn't make is not part of a cell. There is no need to change the scope of the field.

    If you go about it by changing the dimensions of the field, and then you ask the system to play much more work he has to do. If the custom field is the only field on the screen, it won't make much difference in the behavior (although there may be performance). With more than one field, it can be weird effects. For example, suppose that your custom field is one of several fields in a HorizontalFieldManager and you change the field width. When the HorizontalFieldManager recalculates its own layout, it will change the horizontal position of the fields to the right. The effect on the user, I think, would be really confusing: as the custom field parade, parties to the right of the screen could bounce left and right as the changed width field. I can't imagine that's what you want.

    Here's another way to think about this: absent some bit of style, your custom field would prefer be exactly wide and high enough to show all without scrolling. So the width and height would be based on adding the appropriate cell widths and heights, regardless of what actually is on the display. (It's also a long time that you do not have something fanciful.) If the optimum height is a function of the width available - as with sheathed on the line of text - you would implement this logic in the layout method. You then have no use for autonomous preferred width and height).

  • Fields from painting hidden on the screen


    I have a screen that adds custom himself fields. Custom fields contain information downloaded before the loading screen and an image that is downloaded from a PHP script, when the field is painted. Currently, what happens is that when you scroll down, and a new field is revealed, it runs the paint method, which downloads the image and stores it in memory.

    What I want to do, is have a default image for all objects, and have two sons: one that downloads photos while the user is using this screen, and another thread that redraws the fields if their images were downloaded. This is the code that sets up the screen:

    public void CreateIncidentList(ResponseGroup rg) {   for (int i = 0; i < rg.getIncidentsUBound(); i++) {        IncidentListItem ili;     try {         ili = new IncidentListItem(rg.getIncident(i));            add(ili);         //ili.invalidateLaneBitmap(); //XXX: Do we need to do this to force it to paint blank lanes the first time?         } catch (Exception e) {            continue;        }        if (i < (rg.getIncidentsUBound() - 1)){            add(new SeparatorField());            }    }
      threadLaneBitmapDownloader = new Thread(LaneDownloader);  threadLaneBitmapRepainter = new Thread(LaneRepainter);    threadLaneBitmapDownloader.start();   threadLaneBitmapRepainter.start();    try {     threadLaneBitmapDownloader.join();    } catch (InterruptedException e) {        e.printStackTrace();  } try {     threadLaneBitmapRepainter.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {        e.printStackTrace();  }}

    Here is the Downloader executable:

    private Runnable LaneDownloader = new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
        //Manager m = me.getMainManager();
        int numIncidentListItems = getFieldCount();
        IncidentListItem ili;
        Incident i;
        for(int x = 0; x < numIncidentListItems; x++){
                ili = (IncidentListItem) getField(x);
                i = ili.getIncident();
                for(int counter = 0; counter < i.getUBoundLocalIncidentInformation(); counter++){
                    if(i.getLocalIncidentInformation(counter).getLaneBitmap() == LocalIncidentInformation.blankLane){
            } catch (ClassCastException e){

    This is the executable Repainter:

    private Runnable LaneRepainter = new Runnable(){
       public void run() {       while(threadLaneBitmapDownloader.isAlive()){          Manager m = me.getMainManager(); //Don't know if this is correct!         int numIncidentListItems = getFieldCount();           IncidentListItem ili;         Incident i;
              for(int x = 0; x < numIncidentListItems; x++){             try{                  ili = (IncidentListItem) getField(x);                 i = ili.getIncident();                    if(ili.getPaintedLaneBitmap() == LocalIncidentInformation.blankLane){                     final IncidentListItem mIli = ili;                        UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeAndWait(new Runnable(){                                public void run () {                                  mIli.invalidateLaneBitmap();                                  mIli.setPaintedLaneBitmap(mIli.getIncident().getLocalIncidentInformation(0).getLaneBitmap());                             }                         });                   }                 try {                    Thread.sleep(100);                 }                 catch (InterruptedException ioe) {                        System.out.println(ioe.getMessage());                 }
                   } catch (ClassCastException e){                   continue;             }         }     } }

    What I want to accomplish is to allow the user to scroll the fields while the images are uploaded and refreshing while scrolling. IncidentListItems are wrappers for field for objects of Incident which is where the image is stored. There is also a field called paintedLaneBitmap, which is supposed to store the picture that was painted when the IncidentListObject is created. This should normally be the image of blankLane. The idea is so that only one thread download background images and another thread checks to see if laneBitmap of the object of the IncidentListItem Incident is different from being painted and repainted the field.

    How can I accomplish this?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Sorry I did not yet look your code because I would actually do what you want a different way.

    Here's a quick suggestion.

    Have a Thread dealing with your downloads.  He works outside a queue, you add the pictures you want to download in the queue.

    The queue is just a vector of objects.  Each object contains enough information for the Downloader to get and keep the useful image somewhere.  There also a "passable".  The executable is responsible for the update of the screen.

    If your thin wire of downloading an image, it's simply an invokeLater on the floor, which then becomes responsible for the update of the screen.

    So there is no vote, no loop, you use notify/waiting on the download Thread so it uses all resources except if we work to make it.

    There are many many variations on this theme, but I hope it's enough to make you rethink how you treatment works, that he will do what you want more efficiently.

  • Need help with Custom Field Layout - getting wirer height value

    In the BB Simulator, I get a strange value placed in in my field layout() method custom. The width is 320, which is correct, but the height is 1073741823 and it takes 240 or less. In this test, my custom field is the only field in the Manager, so I expect to 240.

    I tried two different simulators - BB curve and the 8800. I use JDE 4.5.0 in Eclipse 3.4.1. This is the code for my method of layout:

    Protected Sub layout (int width, int height) {}
    s long = getStyle().
    If ((s & USE_ALL_WIDTH)! = USE_ALL_WIDTH) {}
    width = Math.min (width, getPreferredWidth());
    If ((s & USE_ALL_HEIGHT)! = USE_ALL_HEIGHT) {}
    height = Math.min (height, getPreferredHeight());
    setExtent (width, height);
    model.setExtent (width, height);
    Model.Scroll (0, 0);

    I expect the value of the screen height, or less, if the domain is configured correctly.

    I'm upgrading my custom field in a VerticalField Manager with the following attributes:

    Super (VerticalFieldManager.USE_ALL_WIDTH
    | VerticalFieldManager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT
    | VerticalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER | VerticalFieldManager.FIELD_VCENTER);

    Is this a bug in the Simulator, or I understand the API correctly? Is there a way to 'reset' the Simulator - I tried to get out of Eclipse and restart Windows, but I always get the same value.

    Thank you!


    A VerticalFieldManager comes, I think, with default VERTICAL_SCROLL.  If you do not want to scroll through this particular Manager, add VerticalFieldManager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL to your forests of style and it will be laid out with only the height and the actual width.

    Also, since you setExtent() by yourself, USE_ALL_HEIGHT and USE_ALL_WIDTH are redundant, I think.

    Hope that helps,


  • How can I get the position of a field in a Manager?

    Hi all

    I just want to know that how I can the position of a field in a Manager (Vertical or flow)?

    If I get the x, position y, I can do a pop-up screen depends on this position...

    Can someone help me solve this problem?

    Thank you very much.

    Welcome to the forums.

    I use getFocusRect to fetch the XYRect of the target field. You can get the details from there.

  • When you define the virtual measure of the Manager, the entire screen scrolable

    Hi all,

    My original CD is what is displayed in this thread

    I got a solution for this case are not the last field added to VFM in short my repainting issue is resolved

    But now I have another problem

    It's that I should give my vfm an area specified on the screen.

    I found two ways

    setExtent() and setVirtualExtent()

    If I use setExtent() prblm it gives my is that kind of area hard is the for the optimization of the resources on the screen, if the area of fields its ok. But if the field is less than the assigned area there is empty space below them, which is kind of wrong.

    So he made me use setVirtualExtent(), it sort the problm setExtent() was given, but raised a new now if fields added consume more VFM my entire screen area is set to scrolable, but actually only the VFM must scroll.

    so, please help me to sort out one of the question is the issue of the emptyspace so that I can use the setExtent()

    or the scrolling screen problem so i can use setVirtualExtent()

    A big thank you in advance to all the world.

    Respect of

    Thank you peter for your answers.

    My problem is now solved. I just do a check in the subLayout() of my VFM on basis of the number of fields to adjust the height in setExtent(). Now my domain is added in the optimization of resources, but the field 1 is always at the top new fields are added below and I have to scroll to access. but my of paint and other problems are now solved.

    (No idea of what is happening in particulr but thank God my problm is now resolved)


  • Changing custom field problem Listener

    I created a custom field that works as a button. He painted a bitmap to the screen. And when it focuses it changes the color of the image. However, I try to add a field change listener to it. I looked on the forum and found this code.

    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
         return super.navigationClick(status, time);

    It works but I have a problem. You see, my button now push a small screen, thin in the stack that has another button of the same type on it (custom button). At the moment it is the only button on this screen, which means that it has the focus. But it seems that once my button has the focus, I can click anywhere and it is always enabled. I only want to be activated when I touch it. Any suggestions? Here is my code

    public class MenuButtonField extends Field
        Bitmap imagePic;
        Bitmap highlightedPic;
        public MenuButtonField(String imageName, String focusedImg)
        public void layout(int width,int height)
        public boolean isFocusable()
            return true;
        public void drawFocus(Graphics graphics, boolean on)
        public boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message)
            int type=0;
                return true;
                return false;
        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
            return super.navigationClick(status, time);
        protected void paint(Graphics g)
            g.drawBitmap(0, 20, 20, 80, imagePic, 0, 0);
                g.drawBitmap(0, 20, 20, 80, highlightedPic, 0, 0);


    I found help here

    The position of Scribe the Lion was the solution.

  • touch events for several fields in the Manager of several

    In my application... I have a vertical field (VFM) Manager in the screen.

    In this optimization of resources, I inserted 3 manaagers:

    (1) District Manager hfmHeader horizontal (in which I added 1 label (NON_FOCUSABLE) and 1-2 Btns according to the conidtion (tuochEvent FOCUSABLE and overrried all in initlilsing it).)

    (2) District Manager vertical ListField container or TextField or LabelField vfmManager in accordance with the condition.

    ((3) District Manager horizontal hfmButtons containing 6 btns... all tuochEvent FOCUSABLE and overrried initlilsing while the).

    public int getFieldAtLocation (int x, int y)
    XYRect rect = new XYRect();
    int index = getFieldCount()-1;
    While (index > = 0)
    getField (index) .getExtent (rect);
    If (rect.contains (x, y))
    -the index;
    return to index.

    Second, the click event try something like:

    protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent event)
       switch( event.getEvent()  )
            case TouchEvent.CLICK:
              int index = getFieldAtLocation(event.getX(1),
              // Ignore click events outside any fields
              if (index == -1)return true;
              Field field = getField(index);
                System.out.println("Bitmap Clicked");
            return true;
       return super.touchEvent(event);

    Even when I am using above solution, can't scroll. and click event of the hfmButtons buttons aren't the gt performed.

    Second... If I don't stand... I am able to scroll and executed at least the first 3 buttons click event.

    How can I implement for each button click event in any Manager? Is this possible...

    Can someone please help in this regard. Any suggestion or if possible code snippet will be appreciable.

    Thank you

    Use the snippet for each manager of...

    case TouchEvent.CLICK:
    India = getFieldAtLocation (event.getX (1),)
    event.getY (1));
    If (India! = - 1) {}
    Field fm = getField (India);
    {if (FM. Equals (vfmMain))}
    int index1 = vfmMain.getFieldAtLocation (event.getX (1),)
    event.getY (1));

    If (index1 >-1) {}

    Field = vfmMain.getField (index1);

    check field is instance of the field you want

    {if (Field.Equals (footerManager))}
    Container.isFooterManager = true;
    int index2 = footerManager.getFieldAtLocation (event.getX (1), event.getY (1));

    Search fields in the Manager of this...

    } ElseIf... {

    go on the same cehcking

    } ElseIf {}

    ... like this, go to the control...



  • Two sliders in the custom field definition

    Hi guys,.

    First of all, I want to thank all those who helped me to this day. This forum has been essential for blackberry dev work I do, and I would be screwed without you guys. That being said, I'm having a problem. I install a custom like this text entry field.

    (1) creates a vertical field Manager, assigned a background and resized image with setExtent(). (works fine)

    (2) created a new type of field and inserted in the vertical field Manager to make native look (almost works)

    The problem I have is that two sliders are appearing. Cursor #2 is dynamically updated as it should be, but the #1 cursor seems to be a "flawed slider. Please see the image below for details.

    The custom field is defined using the following code. If I remove the custom field, or cursors comes, so I am positive that it is the source of the problem.

        public class JustifiedEditField extends HorizontalFieldManager implements FieldChangeListener {
            BasicEditField ef;
            public JustifiedEditField(long style) {
                ef = new BasicEditField(style) {
                    protected void onDisplay() {
                        setPosition(10, 17);
                    protected void update(int d) {
                        setPosition(10, 17);
                    protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
                        getFocusRect(new XYRect());
                        drawFocus(graphics, true);
                    protected void onUnfocus() {
                    protected void onFocus(int direction) {
                     * Intercepts ESCAPE key.
                     * @see net.rim.device.api.ui.component.TextField#keyChar(char,int,int)
                    protected boolean keyChar(char ch, int status, int time) {
                        switch(ch) {
                            case Characters.ESCAPE:
                                // Clear keyword.
                                if(super.getTextLength() > 0)
                                    return true;
                        return super.keyChar(ch, status, time);
            protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
                super.sublayout(width, height);
                setExtent(width, 57);
            public BasicEditField getEditField() {
                return ef;
            public String getText() {
                return ef.getText();
            public void setText(String value) {
            public void setChangeListener(FieldChangeListener changer ){
            public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {

    I am totally stuck on this issue, any help would be really appreciated. TIA!

    I came up with an alternative solution. It turns out that I can use a transparent border to set the offsets to where the edit field must be located within the input Manager; thus eliminating the need to use setPosition.

  • Problem in designing a custom field for the display of paragraph


    I need to develop a custom field that is supposed to act as a RichTextField with the additional of the hyperlink feature as seen in the web pages. I have a few paragraphs of text with an id associated with each of them. A paragraph may have link to another paragraph. I think that the hyperlink is actually like a button.

    My screen will consist of a single paragraph. If any hyperlink (id) in this paragraph is preesed then the screen reloads with another paragraph (id in a hurry).

    My problem is to develop a custom field for the display of this paragraph.

    Point: several lines of text without interruption. Some of the text may be bold, italic. a text can be the hyperlink.

    Now I'm stuck. I have no ideas how I can start with. Can someone give me please suggestions as to how I can start with?

    Thanks in advance


    I have a different Suggestion.

    If you are using an ActiveRichTextField, you get two things:

    (1) the ability to shape a field using different fonts:

    Comment - formatting text in a RichTextField
    Article number: DB-00124

    (2) the ability to create "links" automatically using string models

    How to-to comparison models in the BlackBerry smartphone to provide a user experience integrated applications
    Article number: DB-00525

    Using models of string, I think you'd be able to create ' hot-link in your text, which the run Menu item was able to process you want.

    Just an idea.  Hope this works for you.

  • typed letters are not visible after the end of the custom field in editfield

    class CustomEditField extends EditField {}

    CustomEditField (String text) {}



    public void layout (int width, int height) {}

    Super.Layout (getPreferredWidth (), getPreferredHeight ());

    setExtent (getPreferredWidth (), getPreferredHeight ());


    public int getPreferredHeight() {}

    Return super.getPreferredHeight ();


    public int getPreferredWidth() {}

    return (Display.getWidth () * 2/3);



    It's my edit custom field.

    When I type on this field and reached end of the field, can't see the letters after that, but I can type (the only thing is to type letters are not visible after the end of the field)

    What is the solution

    I'm sure that you must explicitly enable scrolling. See Manager javadocs.

    In addition, you limit the scope of your field, which may also fail to scroll.

Maybe you are looking for

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