Date (date and time) with MySQL, register here!



I have a page (form) to capture traffic. It works, it allows the user to enter details of attendance. Click, he writes to the database - table. The date is not entered on the form. I want to date this stamp by inserting a date (date and time - declared field). I'll give you the source code. Please pin point what code I'd be inserting and assuming that everything in this code.


Insert the date and time in the database table-


<? php require_once('Connections/dbAttendance.php');? >

<? PHP

If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


$theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

Switch ($theType) {}

case 'text ':

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "long":

case "int":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "double":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "date":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "set":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



Return $theValue;



$editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

If (isset {}

$editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


If ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_insert"] == 'form')) {}

$insertSQL = sprintf ("INSERT INTO attendlist (IDWindows, title, first name, name, mobile extension, jobrole, courses, GIC, mgrname, room) VALUES (%s, %s %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ")

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["'textfield"], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['select'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['textfield2 "],"text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['textfield3'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['textfield4'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['textfield5'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['choisies5'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["select2"], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['select4'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['textfield7'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['select3'], "text"));

@mysql_select_db ($database_dbAttendance, $dbAttendance);

$Result1 = mysql_query ($insertSQL, $dbAttendance) or die (mysql_error ());

$insertGoTo = "Thankyou.php";

If (isset {}

$insertGoTo. = (strpos ($insertGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;

$insertGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];


header (sprintf ("location: %s", $insertGoTo));


@mysql_select_db ($database_dbAttendance, $dbAttendance);

$query_rsAttendance = "SELECT * from attendlist";

$rsAttendance = mysql_query ($query_rsAttendance, $dbAttendance) or die (mysql_error ());

$row_rsAttendance = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rsAttendance);

$totalRows_rsAttendance = mysql_num_rows ($rsAttendance);

? >

< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""

" < html xmlns =" ">

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

< title > delegate registry < /title >

< link href = "Registerpage.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

< link href = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

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< script src = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

< script src = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

< / head >

<? PHP

$date = date ("format", $timestamp);

? >

< body >

< div class = "container" >

< div class = "header" > < img src = "Identify Imperial2.jpg" width = "960" height = "150" alt = "" / > <! - end .header - > < / div > "

< div class = "content" >

Registry < H3 >: <? PHP echo "Date -".date("d/m/y - H:ia"). > < / h3 >

< do action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "post" name = "form" >

< table width = "780" border = "0" >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > user ID * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "sprytextfield1" >

< input name = "textfield" type = "text" id = "textfield" tabindex = "1" size = "18" maxlength = "10" / >

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > a value is required. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > title * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "spryselect1" >

< select name = "select" id = "select" tabindex = "2" >

< option value = '0' > select < / option >

< option value = "1" > Ms < / option >

< option value = "2" > Ms < / option >

< option value = "3" > Mdm < / option >

< option value = "4" > Dr. < / option >

< option value = "5" > Mr < / option >

< option value = "6" > Professor < / option >

< / select >

< span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select an item. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > name * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "sprytextfield2" >

< input name = "textfield2" type = "text" id = "textfield2" tabindex = "3" size = "30" maxlength = "30" / >

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > a value is required. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > family name * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "sprytextfield3" >

< input name = "textfield3" type = "text" id = "textfield3" tabindex = "4" size = "30" maxlength = "30" / >

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > a value is required. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > Contact / beep * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "sprytextfield4" >

< input name = "textfield4" type = "text" id = "textfield4" tabindex = "5" size = "30" maxlength = "30" / >

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > a value is required. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > Mobile no: (optional) < / div > < table >

< td > < input name = "textfield5" type = "text" id = "textfield5" tabindex = "6" size = "20" maxlength = "20" / > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > function * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "spryselect5" >

< select name = "choisies5" id = "choisies5" tabindex = "7" >

< option value = '0' > select < / option >

< option value = "1" > doctor < / option >

< option value = "2" > nurse IP < / option >

< option value = "3" > nurse OP < / option >

< option value = "4" > midwife < / option >

< option value = "5" > booking clerk < / option >

< option value = "6" > medical Secretary < / option >

< option value = "7" > OP receptionist < / option >

< option value = "9" > CNS/NP < / option >

< option value = "10" > test < / option >

< / select >

< span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select an item. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > manager name * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "sprytextfield5" >

< input name = "textfield7" type = "text" id = "textfield7" tabindex = "8" size = "30" maxlength = "30" / >

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > a value is required. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > course * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "spryselect2" >

< select name = "select2" id = "select2" tabindex = "9" >

< option value = '0' > select < / option >

< option value = "1" > demo < / option >

< option value = "2" > doctors < / option >

< option value = "9" > CNS/NP < / option >

< option value = "3" > nurse IP < / option >

< option value = "4" > nurse OP < / option >

< option value = "5" > midwife < / option >

< option value = "6" > booking clerk < / option >

< option value = "7" > medical Secretary < / option >

< option value = "8" > OP receptionist < / option >

< / select >

< span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select an item. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > location * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "spryselect3" >

< select name = "select3" id = "select3" tabindex = "10" >

< option value = '0' > select < / option >

< option value = "1" > CHX 12 floor Rm 1 < / option >

< option value = "2" > CHX 12 Floor Rm 2 < / option >

< option value = "3" > CHX 10 West < / option >

< option value = "4" > HH N207 < / option >

< option value = "5" > HH W12 Conference < / option >

< option value = "6" > Rm SMH one < / option >

< option value = "7" > Rm SMH b < / option >

< option value = "8" > SMH Ming wing Rm 5 < / option >

< option value = "9" > SMH Ming wing Rm 3 < / option >

< / select >

< span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select an item. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "right" > GIC * < / div > < table >

< td > < span id = "spryselect4" >

< select name = "select4" id = "select4" tabindex = "11" >

< option value = '0' > select < / option >

< option value = "1" > GIC 1 - medicine < / option >

< option value = "2" > GIC 2 - surgery and Cancer < / option >

< option value = "3" > GIC 3 - specialized Services < / option >

< option value = "4" > GIC 4 - Services circulatory and renal medicine < / option >

< option value = "5" > GIC 5 - women and children < / option >

< option value = "6" > GIC 6 - clinic and investigation Sciences < / option >

< option value = "7" > GIC 7 - private Patients < / option >

< option value = "8" > other < / option >

< / select >

< span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select an item. </span > < / span > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < table >

< td > < input name = "button" type = "submit" id = "button" value = "Submit" / > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > < div align = "center" > * mandatory fields < / div > < table >

< td > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< input type = "hidden" name = "MM_insert" value = "form" / >

< / make >

<! - end content - > < / div >

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" < a href =" "> < img ".

      src=" "alt ="Valid XHTML 1.0"Transitional height ="31"width ="88"/ > < / a > "

< p align = "center" > Cerner@Imperial ICT training team < /p >

< /p >

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<! - end .container - > < / div >

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var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield1", "none", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

var spryselect1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect1", {validateOn: ["change", "blur"]});

var sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield2", "none", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

var sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield3", "none", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield5", "none", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

var spryselect2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect2", {validateOn: ["change", "blur"]});

var spryselect3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect3", {validateOn: ["change", "blur"]});

var spryselect4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect4", {validateOn: ["change", "blur"]});

var sprytextfield4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield4", "none", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

var spryselect5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect5", {validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

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< / body >

< / html >

<? PHP

mysql_free_result ($rsAttendance);

? >

There are several ways. One is to get the date of the php time() function and use it in your insert statement. Another is to use the MySQL CURDATE () function. But probably the easiest and best are simply set the default value for the column of date / time than the current date/time and exclude it from the insert statement. No required code changes.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    The full list of formatting specifiers is in MySQL documentation at

    Use DATE_FORMAT()) for your time columns.

    DATE_FORMAT(theTime, '%l:%i%p') AS formatted_time

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    Hi Deepak,

    This example should show you how you can recover each "piece" of the date in JavaScript and piece and then that their back together according to your needs.

    You will find several examples of scripts on the date formatting here:

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    If after having set the time/Date and stop and restart your machine the time means the 2001 2007 2009 year ETC, you have a CMOS battery has failed in the motherboard.

    They cost about $5 and are easy to replace.

    How to replace a CMOS battery.

    See you soon.

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    You need start the System/ucm/cs/bin properties applet. Virtue of the present, you see tab location option.

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    If it were a new mac mini, you need already installed 10.1 iMovie.  Otherwise, but you already have iMovie 9 registered version to your Apple ID, you can upgrade to version 10 for free, but if (as it appears) is an earlier version then you have to buy version 10.


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    Hi Vikas,

    You can contact HP here:

    Warning in the BIOS: BIOS change / semiconductor (CMOS) to complementary metal oxide settings can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the configuration of the BIOS/CMOS settings can be solved. Changes to settings are at your own risk.

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    The following code adds five days to the current date, and then prints the new date in the console window.

    Get the date and time

    var rightNow = new Date();

    Get the value of millisecond

    Article date

    var msRightNow = rightNow.getTime ();

    Calculate in milliseconds, of 5 days

    5 days x 24 hours/day x 60 min / h x 60 s / min x 1000 ms/s

    Challenge of var = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

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    var theNewDate = new Date (finalTime);

    In the actual work on a form code, you'll want to place the

    the object of a field value. But since this is test code, we will

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    Console.println ("5 days from now is:" + theNewDate.toString ());

    The foregoing is the exact code (cut and paste)

    The error I get here is;

    ReferenceError: theNewDate is not defined



    To get the "undefined" question a lot... it seems to me, learn to distinguish the undefined 'of type' undefined 'variable' and undefined 'value '.

    in this case 'theNewDate' seems to be defined as a variable equal to the current date plus 5 days... BUT I am now "educated" enough to 'see' Why am I getting the error...

    Any thoughts... Any who...

    You need to highlight all the text that you want to run.

    You have not set the rightNow variable before you can apply a method to the variable.

    You can just add a new variable as msRightNow name. Why not use rightNow.

    Executes the code that you provided with a new departure of Acrobat, I get the following error messages:

    rightNow.getTime is not a function


    TypeError: rightNow.getTime is not a function



    What you are showing probably works because your previous attempts have left behind them a variable "rightNow" and as long as you do not have the object of time date change too much, you will not notice the error.

    Cleaning of your code:

    get the number of milliseconds of the date object.

    rightNow var = (new Date()) .getTime ();

    define 5 days in milliseconds;
    Challenge of var = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

    Add 5 days to the value of this moment and assign the result to the last time;
    var CFAbsoluteTime = rightNow + challenge;

    convert finalTime value in a date object.
    var theNewDate = new Date (finalTime);

    display the result;
    Console.println ("5 days from now is:" + theNewDate.toString ());

    Have you tried the code that I provided, it is another way to add days to the date object.

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    Hi olderon,

    you date string is something like "30.01.2014" but looking for "%d//%m %y. Spot the problem?

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    Recently in Egypt, changes of daylight has been cancelled and I guess that's the cause of the problem!
    Any ideas?

    If time was recently cancelled, you can go to your control panel:
    Panel-> data and time-zone (tab) >
    and uncheck the "automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time.

    Otherwise, you probably need to adjust your zone settings on your computer using Microsoft time zone Editor.

    TZEdit: <> >


  • Problems with the date and time - have to reset the date & time on reboot

    original title: problems with the date and time

    Whenever I turn on my computer (Windows XP 2002) I click on F2.  Then I re - set the date and time it occurred in January 2006 1 h every time I have turn off the computer.  Can someone tell me what I need to do?

    You need to replace the battery in time clock (RTC) real of your computer.  It can also be called the CMOS or BIOS battery.

    Many computers, this battery is an inexpensive CR2032 button available in almost every pharmacy corner.  There are, however, some computers (especially laptops) that require a different (and probably more expensive) battery.

    Whatever the expense, almost all of these batteries are easy to replace.

    To get help, post back with the brand and model of your computer.

  • Passport problems of blackBerry with date and time on the passport of Blackberry

    I have problems with my passport for Blackberry.
    For the couple in a day time, it changes itself. So my hub doesn't work, I get no new messages, I can't send messages! The last time I did correct settings did not help. If everything is correct or hub or messages do not work. I tried to make different adjustments, tried to restart the hub, tried to restart the phone. but it does not work. I really need your help because I can't use my phone and nobody can connect with me.
    I didn't drop the phone. I know that these problems are related to the date and time because since the first problem with hub and messages has occurred, I saw that the date and time were bad, changed to correct and everything went well. I don't understand why he doesn't now. Can you tell me what to do?
    1 January, I received this phone and it worked allright until some of the OS updates, can't tell which exactly because I have auto update.

    For those who have the same problem: I deleted the contact of my mother on the phone. I deleted the messages displayed as January 27, then I added my mother to local contacts and new messages started coming

Maybe you are looking for