Difference between AWR, ADDM, ASH


Can someone explain to me the difference between database AWR ASH AND ADDM reports please

Thank you



ASH - history of the Active Session. Name says it all.


Tags: Database

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    Hi all

    AIX 5L (quadcore, 16 gram) 6.1

    I'm still confused how to take full advantage of these monitoring tools.

    In fact our performance database is currently satisfactory, except occasionally some minutes of CPU spikes high > 80.

    I just want to catch the culprit process/program responsible for this tension, as I have no I idea of who he is.

    Is it wise to run ASH, AWR, ADDM with a time entry 01:00 to 01:00 the next day?

    I mean, I will analyze a 1 day period, so that I can catch the program/process with the cpu/memory more for day use.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you very much


    yxes2013 wrote:

    THA app works well with this thing of UPDATES. Once in a 'blue moon' PPE would not account for this.  I suspect that this could be explained by hardware bugs?

    Do you have any evidence to believe that the problem is a hardware bug?  Of course, it is possible for the material to go wrong.  But the absence of evidence, a hardware failure is radically less likely that an application coding problem.


  • What is the difference between the time cpu and cpu in AWR db?

    Hi, experts:

    What is the difference between the time cpu and cpu in AWR db?

    As a general rule, 'DC CPU', 'CPU Time' (and 'DB CPU of "TIME") are references to the same (i.e., a measure of the amount of time the instance of Oracle on the CPU), but to avoid any risk of misunderstanding, it is best to give us a little background labels - i.e. lines 6 or 7 containing an example of every use of one of your AWR reports


    Jonathan Lewis

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    Best regards

    Hi Anjum

    attached are the main differences in 10g:

    -Changes to internals SQL optimizer
    -Oracle Grid computing
    -Tables AWR and ASH incorporated in Oracle Performance and Pack Diagnostic options
    -The Session history automated (ASH) materializes the Interface Oracle wait over time
    -Data Pump replaces utility imp with impdp
    -Automatic database monitor diagnostic (ADDM)
    -SQLTuning Advisor
    -SQLAccess Advisor
    -Rolling upgrades of database (using Oracle10g RAC)
    -package dbms_scheduler replaces dbms_job of scheduling

    (Burleson thanks for the list of very good)

    Please note that ASM (Automatic Storage Management) and CRS (Cluster Ready Service) were also introduce 10 g

    Consult the otn.oracle.com/rac

    Published by: Hub on November 15, 2008 14:13

  • What is the difference between AXIEM and EMSIght? What are the benefits of AXIEM by EMSight if any?

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    AWR estimated AXIEM most powerful plan EM Simulator around.   AXIEM is at the center of continuous research and improvement, while EMSight is only worked on if revealed serious flaws.  Here is a summary of the differences:


    • EMSight must mesh the nearest grid drivers using rectangles.  This causes the mesh to have more elements mesh when there are small and large geometries.  The grid should be small enough to capture the small geometry but then causes large geometries to mesh more.   In addition, angled or curved structures causes inefficiencies mesh.

    • AXIEM STS forms, rather than a grid.  In addition, the mesh can be rectangle or triangle.   This allows a much more efficient mesh.   AXIEM generally have a much more efficient

    • AXIEM contains the ability to process forms to clean geometries that cause inefficiencies of the mesh.  EMSight does not have this feature.

    • AXIEM can forms thick metal mesh, EMSight can not, and user must make approximations when thick metal will change coupling (loss is recorded properly with the thickness of the metal)


    • The ports are for the most part similar, but parasites due on AXIEM ports are less.  In addition, the AXIEM has a side wall, thus the effects of not move of the terms of reference of the edge of the line are a lot less AXIEM in.

    • Ports can be added to most any place in geometry with AXIEM.  For EMSight, the ports are usually only added outside the geometry and have limitations to the aircraft on either side of the reference speaker.

    Problem solvers

    • EMSight does not have a low frequency Solver.  Stop low-frequency and then extrapolate to DC.  This usually works well, but you must take into account if the extrapolation is accurate.  AXIEM presents both a low and high frequency Solver so will do better in a low frequencies generally much better in DC.

    • Solver of EMSight scales O (n) ^ 2 for memory and O (n) ^ 3 for the moment.   It has a special algorithm to break the question of memory, but the question of time is the killer.  AXIEM has a direct Solver which scales in the same way and an iterative Solver which will scale O (nlogn).   In other words, AXIEM can solve a lot of bigger problems than EMSight.

    • Several AXIEM processes are multithreaded as EMSight.


    • EMSight is inside a perfect driver side wall.   This works well if you the circuit is in the same cavity.  If not, you must know the rules of them on to the forms of space of the flanks and how that much to extend the port could reference planes.   AXIEM is not here.   AXIEM does not currently have to simulate a perfect driver side wall.

    I don't know that I missed a few aspects of the tools.   From the point of view of the AWR that AXIEM is the tool of choice, except in a few cases have been EMSight may be required.

  • Difference between CPU DB and DB times


    What is the difference between CPU DB and DB AWR report?


    For a session, with a view to the db, a session can be one of three things:

    1 work (i.e. on the CPU or waiting for CPU)

    2. pending a not-idle event

    3 idle

    > 1DB CPU is the CPU time. It means only ACTIVELY work on CPU. Queue TIME is not included.

    Queue time is not included - it is the CPU or waiting to get the CPU (which the db has no knowledge of)

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    E/s time is measured in queue time - file db scattered reading, sequential reading of file db, etc, etc.

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    Don't know. Perhaps to clarify the absoluately then IO is included in DB times

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    See time model statistics

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    Top 5 + Foreground wait Class + waiting in the foreground events

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    Can someone clear the confusion?

    All the scripts/tools mentioned by you should pack tuning license to buy. Please consult the guide for authorization for the same thing,


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    Terminal is the command-line from your computer, AppleScript is a language of code developed by apple, and AppleScript Editor is a code editor for AppleScript.

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    Here is the link showing the differences between the various models of iPhone 7.

    You have a question?

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    Information about the models of series 2 Apple Watch (including Apple Watch Nike +) are available here:


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    They were built to be sold to the Japan and North America, respectively.

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    Firefox for Android is a version of Firefox that works on a wide range of Android devices. It follows the design by Google guidelines and can synchronize data with desktop installations of Firefox.

    You can read more about Firefox for Android here: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/android/

    BONES of Firefox is a new mobile operating system which is usually installed on less expensive phones. He manages the types of tasks that Android runs on phones Android and tablets, but has a new design. He is still young and may not be suitable for power users.

    You can learn more about FirefoxOS here: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/os/2.0/

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    the House is your account, which is located ON your hard disk, but it is NOT your hard drive.

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    Thank you to those who can help

    iCloud made only in iCloud, is usually not the part where you would hold pictures, it would be iCloud library that synchronizes your photos on your selected devices.

    With iCloud library enabled, you cannot delete a photo on a device (or iCloud.com) without deleting each device which uses iCloud photo library (iCloud.com). In order to save space on your mobile devices (and indeed your Mac if you want to) turn on the optimization of the pictures on these devices (settings > photos & camera > optimize storage on your mobile device and Photo preferences > optimize storage on your Mac)

    Dynamic optimization, it reduces the resolution of your photos, if necessary, so that you don't notice it occurring initially. However, when necessary, it is very effective, and users have reported libraries being optimized for much less than 10% of their original size in some cases. My own library is about 9% of its original on my phone size.

    In most cases, optimize your photos should be enough to alleviate space issues on your device. However, if you have an exceptionally large library you may need to disable iCloud photo library on your mobile device and use instead the photo stream. You can then use a computer to manage the photo stream photos and have them automatically imported into you iCloud photo library.

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    I was just looking for help/precision, I was looking for apps that helped me to record the sound of my mac internally (not only the mic) and downloaded a few Online applications, soundflower is one, I think it is the certificate has expired because it was an older application, when app (+ another) does not seem to work I wanted to uninstall the I noticed that the instructions on the web had run the uninstall files, rather than simply move it to the trash that I was used to it since I got my mac, I was wondering if there was a difference between these two measures, with regard to one of the applications when I tried to open the uninstall file it opens a script editor which I am totally familiar with ,

    Thanks for any help you can give me! It's my first post

    Running an uninstall program will remove its support files outside of the application and can also delete its preferences file.


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