Disjoint content bearing fixed spot

I'm doing a disjointed rollover, but after I have a grid of thumbnails, I want my enlargemnt be contained in a specific area. I have this case it's the right saide sidebar. I found a good tutorial that got me this far, but can't seem to find how to make the next step. I don't want the enlargemnt compared to thumbnai. I want it in a fixed position.

Here is my code so far:

< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > ""

" < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ">

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

< title > Untitled Document < /title >

< style type = "text/css" >



Police: 100% / 1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

background-color: #4E5869;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

Color: #000;


/ * ~ ~ Tag of the element selectors ~ ~ *.

UL, ol, dl {/ * because of variations between the browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and the margin on lists.} For consistency, you can specify the amounts you want to here, or on the list (LI, DT, DD) items they contain. Don't forget that what you're doing here cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */

padding: 0;

margin: 0;


H1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {p}

margin-top: 0;     / * remove the top margin works around a problem where margins can escape from their container div. The margin of the low rest it will take away from all of the following items. */

padding-right: 15px;

padding-left: 15px; / * adding padding to the sides of the elements in divs, instead of divs themselves, gets rid of any mathematical model of box. A div nested with side pads can also be used as an alternative method. */


an img {/ * this switch how to remove the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link * /}

border: none;


/ * ~ ~ Style for your site links must remain in this order - including the Group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */

a: link {}

color: #414958;

text-decoration: underline; / * unless you style your links appear to be extremely unique, it is best to predict stresses quick visual identification * /.


a: visited {}

color: #4E5869;

text-decoration: underline;


a: hover, a: active, a: focus {/ * this group of selectors will give a browser keyboard the same experience of hovering as the person using a mouse. * /}

text-decoration: none;


/ * ~ ~ This container surrounds all the other div tags giving them their percentage width ~ ~ * /.

. Container {}

Width: 80%;

Max-width: 1260px; / * a max-width may be desirable to keep this provision to become too wide on a big screen. This keeps the more readable line length. IE6 does not respect this statement. */

min-width: 780px; / * a min-width may be desirable to keep this provision to become too narrow. This keeps the more readable line length in the side columns. IE6 does not respect this statement. */

background-color: #FFF;

margin: 0 auto; / * set to auto on the sides, coupled with the width available to the centres. It is not necessary if you set the width of the .container to 100%. */


/ * ~ ~ the header is not given a width. It will extend to the entire width of your layout. It contains an image placeholder to be replaced by your own logo linked ~ ~ * /.

. Header {}

background-color: #6F7D94;


/ * ~ ~ These are the columns for page layout. ~~

(1) padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the divs. The elements contained in these divs have padding on their sides. This avoids any «mathematical model of box» Keep in mind, if you add lateral pads or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width that you set to create the * total width. You can also remove the padding of the element inside the div tag, and place a second div inside it with no width and padding necessary for your design.

(2) no margin was given to the columns, because they all floated. If you need to add the margin, avoid placing on the side you're floating into (for example: a right margin on a div set to float to the right). Many times, padding can be used instead. For divs where this rule needs to be broken, you must add a statement of ' display: inline ' to the rule of the div to tame a bug where some versions of Internet Explorer double the margin.

(3) given that the classes can be used several times in a document (and an element can also have several classes applied), the columns have received the names of classes instead of IDs. For example, two sidebar div could be stacked if necessary. These can easily be changed to the ID if that's your preference, as long as you don't use them once per document.

(4) If you prefer your nav on the right instead of the left, simply float those columns as the opposite direction (straight instead of left all) and they will return in reverse order. There is no need to move the div in the HTML source code.



float: left;

Width: 20%;

background-color: #93A5C4;

padding-bottom: 10px;


. Happy {}

padding: 10px 0;

Width: 60%;

float: left;



float: left;

Width: 20%;

background-color: #93A5C4;

padding: 10px 0;


/ * ~ ~ This group selector gives the lists in the domain content space ~ ~ * /.

. Content ul, ol {} content

padding: 0 15px 15px 40px; / * This padding reflects the right padding in the titles and the paragraph above net. Padding was placed on the bottom for the space between the other elements in the lists and on the left to create the withdrawal. These can be adjusted as desired. */


/ * ~ ~ The list of navigation styles (can be removed if you choose to use a contextual menu premade as Spry) ~ ~ * /.

UL. NAV {}

list-style: none; / * This command deletes the list marker * /.

border-top: 1px solid #666; / * This creates the top border for the links - all the others are placed using a bottom border on the LI * /.

margin-bottom: 15px; / * This creates space between the following content browsing * /.


{ul li. NAV

border-bottom: 1px solid #666; / * This creates separation button * /.


UL. NAV, the ul.nav: visited {/ * these selectors of grouping allows you to ensure that your links to retain their look button even after the ongoing visit * /}

padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px;

display: block; / * Gives the link properties block causing it to fill the whole container LI. This causes the entire area responds to a mouse click. */

text-decoration: none;

background-color: #8090AB;

Color: #000;


UL. NAV a: hover, ul.nav one: ul.nav active,: focus {/ * this changes the background and color of text for browsers of the mouse and the keyboard * /}

background-color: #6F7D94;

color: #FFF;


/ * ~ ~ Footer ~ ~ * /.

.footer {}

padding: 10px 0;

background-color: #6F7D94;

position: relative; / * This gives hasLayout IE6 to well clear * /.

Clear: both; / * This clear property forces the .container to understand where the columns end up and contain them * /.


/ * ~ ~ various float/clear classes ~ ~ * /.

.fltrt {/ * this class can be used to float right to the item in your page.} The floating element must precede the element it should be next to the page. */

float: right;

left margin: 8px;


.fltlft {/ * this class can be used to float an element on your page.} The floating element must precede the element it should be next to the page. */

float: left;

right margin: 8px;


.clearfloat {/ * this class can be placed on a < br / > or div empty as the final element after the last div floating (in the #container) if the #footer is removed or put out the #container * /}

Clear: both;

height: 0;

font size: 1px;

line-height: 0px;


. Happy h1 img {}

height: 100%;

Width: 100%;


#rollover a {}

border: none;

text-decoration: none;

padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; / * the space between icons * /.

position: relative; / * delete rule position if the images full size will share the same display area. **/


#rollover a span {}

visibility: hidden;

background-color: #FFF;

display: block;

position: absolute;

/ * adjust the positioning of the images full size in px or % * /.

left: 250px;


/ * optional image captions * /.

do-size: 12px;

line-height: 1.2;

color: #666;

text-align: right;

position: absolute;

top: 0 px;

right: 20px; / * optional image borders & padding * /.


#rollover a: hover span, #rollover a: active duration, #rollover one: duration of development {visibility: visible ;}}

#rollover a: hover, #rollover a: focus

{visibility: visible ;}}


< / style >

<!-[if lte IE 7] >

< style >

. Happy {right margin:-1px ;} / * this negative margin of 1px can be placed on any of the columns in this layout with the same corrective effect.} */

UL. NAV a {zoom: 1 ;}}  / * the property zoom gives IE the hasLayout trigger to fix additional whiltespace between the links * /.

< / style >

<! [endif]-->

"< script type =" text/javascript"src="includes/jQueryGallery/gallery.extend.js "> < / script >

"< script type =" text/javascript"src="includes/jQueryGallery/jQueryGallery.js "> < / script >

"< script type =" text/javascript"src="includes/jQueryGallery/jQueryGallery21.js "> < / script >

"< link href="includes/jQueryGallery/jQueryGallery21.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >

< / head >

< body >

< div class = "container" >

< div class = "header" > < a href = "#" > < img src = "" alt = "Insert here the Logo" name = "Insert_logo" width = "20%" height = "90" id = "Insert_logo" style = "background-color: #8090AB; Display: block; "/ > < / a >

<! - end .header - > < / div >

< div class = "sidebar1″" >

< ul class = "nav" >

< li > < a href = "#" > link a < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "#" > connect two < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "#" > link three < /a > < /li >

< li > < a href = "#" > link four < /a > < /li >

< /ul >

< p > the links above demonstrate a basic navigation structure using a style with CSS unordered list. Use it as a starting point and modify properties to produce your own unique look. If you have need of flyouts, create your own by using a Spry menu, a menu widget from Adobe Exchange or a variety of other javascript or CSS solutions. < /p >

< p > if you want the navigation along the top, simply move the ul.nav to the top of the page and recreate the style. < /p >

<! - end .sidebar1 - > < / div >

< div class = "content" >

< h1 > < / h1 > < div id = "reversal" >

< p >

"< a href =" # "> < img src =" file:///C|/GSLD site Web/images/Civic/Civic Adjustments/a2mclobb_thumb.jpg"width ="81"height ="78"/ > / > < span > < img src =" file:///C|/GSLD site Web, images, Civic, Civic Adjustments/bloomfieldexterior.jpg "width ="768"height ="532"/ > < br / >

Legend option #1 </span > < /a >

"< a href =" # "> < img src =" SmallIcons/image.png"alt =" "/ > < span > < img src =" FullSize/image.jpg"alt =" "/ > < br / > legend #2 optionally </span > < /a >

"< a href =" # "> < img src =" SmallIcons/image.png"alt =" "/ > < span > < img src =" FullSize/image.jpg"alt =" "/ > < br / > legend #3 optionally </span > < /a >

< /p >

< / div > < / p >

< p > note that if you use the property inspector to access your image of the logo using the field of the CBC (instead of remove and replace the placeholder), you need to remove inline background and view properties. These inline styles only serve to make the placeholder logo displays in browsers for demonstration purposes. < /p >

< p > to remove the inline styles, make sure that your CSS Styles Panel is updated. Select the image and in the properties of the CSS Styles Panel pane, right-click and delete the display and background properties. (Of course, you can always go directly in the code and remove the image inline styles or placeholder there.) < /p >

< h4 > Internet Explorer conditional comments < / h4 >

< p > these liquid page layouts contain an Internet Explorer conditional comment (CICE) to correct two problems. < /p >

< ol >

< li > browsers are inconsistent in the way which they circle sizes in percent layouts div. If the browser must make a number like 144.5px or 564.5px, so round up to integer closest. Safari and Opera round, rounds up to Internet Explorer and Firefox rounds a column upwards and the other downwards to fill the tank completely. These rounding problems can lead to inconsistencies in some layouts. In the IECC there is a negative margin of 1px to fix IE. You can move to one of the columns (and on the left or right) to meet your needs for layout. < /li >

< li > the zoom property has been added to the anchor in the navigation list since, in some cases, the extra space will be rendered in IE6 and IE7. Zoom gives IE its property hasLayout exclusive to correct this problem. < /li >

< /ol >

<! - end content - >

< / div >

< div class = 'sidebar2' >

Background < h4 > < / h4 >

< p > by nature, will show the background color to any div for the length of the content. If you want a line instead of a color, place a border on the side of the content div (but only if it will contain more content). < /p >

<! - end .sidebar2 - > < / div >

< div class = "footer" >

< p > this .footer contains the statement of position: relative; giving hasLayout in Internet Explorer 6 for the .footer and it erase properly. If you are not required to support IE6, you can remove it. < /p >

<! - end .footer - > < / div >

<! - end .container - > < / div >

< / body >

< / html >

Here's the concept:

  1. Create a page with two pictures on it
  2. Give each image a name attribute (use the name field in the property inspector)
  3. Select the first image and apply the swap image behavior
  4. By filling in the details of the behavior, select the SECOND image in the field called "Images".
  5. Complete the behavior by navigating to the incoming image you want to REPLACE THE SECOND image

Get it?  This approach requires that you already have a picture of "detention" on the page that will be replaced by the enlarged image of the behaviour of swap.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    3. Locate the tile 'Manage the items' and click the 'v' button in its upper right
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    I knew this would happen!

    It's pretty simple. Add a class selector to your tag of himself and set it in CSS:


    . Round {}

    border-radius: 20px;

    -webkit-border-radius: 20px;



    class 'round' = src = "images/TopR_fish.png" > "

    Delete the definition of the background image of the topr_image class.


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    Hello Marco,.

    Please contact us for the detailed report. This is much like a bug we have identified in our latest release and are about to get a fix for. I'll send you an invitation to the beta. If you want to join and try it, you should see that the content is fixed. If this isn't the case, I'd obviously love to hear. You are also welcome to send me the file so I can confirm that he has set myself at [email protected].

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    Or leave comments via http://www.apple.com/feedback/

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    Hello smartek,.

    It seems to be some confusion around the subject, so I want to clarify because this will help you and others.

    A Web Application must not evolve or scroll. Only lists and other data overrun should scroll. This gives a good user experience.

    First, you must include a meta tag to specify the options of scale for your window. Insert the following text in your:


    The above tag disables the zoom.

    Then, you must make sure that your top-level container extends over the entire visible screen. This is accomplished by the following text:


    You must decide how to handle the overflow content. The layout of the typical user interface is header, contents, and footer. Each has a fixed position. The "content" section will usually be overflowing elements, such as lists, grids, etc. So, we must properly handle the overflow. What follows will allow the user to scroll through the content and adds native interita smooth overflow scroll with rebounds when the item reaches the top and bottom:

       position:fixed;   width:100%;
       top:100px; /* because the header is 100px high */
       bottom:100px; /* let's say the footer is also 100px */
       overflow: scroll /* standard overflow propery */
       -webkit-overflow-scrolling: -blackberry-touch;
       /* this allows for inertia scrolling */
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    The version of your phone require different content than the version of the Tablet? If Yes, then you will need create a new project with 2 levels. But if your phone and Tablet include the same content, but you want to just browse different page layouts, you can create formats of presentation for phone and tablet.

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    Thank you


    Reactive Adobe Muse CC 2015 is now online. Please install the update of CC > Apps.

    What's new: news summary

    Release notes: https://helpx.adobe.com/muse/release-note/adobe-muse-release-notes.html

    Delicate design:

    Adobe help Muse | Create responsive Web sites

    Adobe help Muse | Responsive web design in Adobe Muse

    Adobe help Muse | Migrate existing Adobe Muse Web sites to answer


    To get started with Adobe Muse (replaces how to make a website with Adobe Muse (coffee of Katie)):

    - https://helpx.adobe.com/muse/how-to/create-responsive-website.html

    Create a sensitive webpage with Adobe Muse:

    - https://helpx.adobe.com/muse/how-to/responsive-web-design.html (more detailed features RWD of Muse demo)

    Thank you


  • Rebuild a recent application, what tools?

    Two weeks ago, I had a simple editing approved by Apple application that is now available on iTunes and works perfectly. The customer discovered a problem of text that require resubmission of the app to Apple. I guess they have to pay $395 for another construction, correct? More important still, I was updated with the software BEFORE the last round of updates for the tools and has NOT done ANY update since then. If I try to correct typos and send the same application using Adobe today, would that work? It contains video and MSOs, but none of the html pages. Could you please give me a list of the versions of the tools that are recommended and reliable at the moment? It's quite urgent for my client and so for me!

    Hi Beth,

    The license (found in the terms and conditions on the lower part of the DPS dashboard) has clear language on the updates. You can't make significant changes to the contact within the same DPS edition single license; for example, change the meaning/purpose of the content. Fixing the typos should be a reasonable use of the existing license of DPS simple editing.

    • You can correct the typos in your folio
    • update of the version on the server running (via the Web interface of producer Folio)
    • Re - download the ZIP file on your hard drive. (via the Web interface of producer Folio)
    • Open Viewer Builder.
    • Open the recent construction of customer; and point to the newly-downloaded zip file
    • Go through the process and download the updated Viewer. It must have a version number of "higher".

    In iTunes Connect, you can create a new version and re-download the viewer distribution. Apple has to approve the new version.

    With sincere friendships.

    KlaasJan Tukker

    Adobe Systems

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    Some tools are interwoven with other tools. THA spot healing brush is in the slot located just below or next to the paint brush tool

    Depending on how your Toolbox is configured. Just hold down on the various tools in the Toolbox to see the nested tools.

    The small black triangle next to most of the tools indicates there are other tools that are nested in the same niche.

    You should see the scale to the current content in the Edit menu, which is different from the aware content with the spot Healing Brush tool

    or edit > fill > conscious content.

    When the tools are:



    Post edited by: MTSTUNER

  • Canon Vixia HD (LP, SP etc.) record modes


    SP records to 7mbps

    LP to 5 Mbps

    Does this mean that if I used LP my rendered file size would be a bit smaller and more compressed. Is it a good idea to reduce the overall size of the file?

    I currently use SP.

    Thank you

    Use anything that looks good to you and satisfied the customer/consumer - only you can judge that. Of course, a lower bitrate will produce a smaller file, at the expense of image quality, but I put the tasks of HD for broadcast which often compress down for about 4-5 Mbps, depending on the content of the spot. As long as you are not intending to send these films for movie theaters, you'll be fine

    You can ignore the call to unnecessarily spend money if you do work for you.

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    Someone has already posted an answer how the tool rotation by default here http://forums.adobe.com/message/1146944#1146944

    but my problem is that I have absolutely no idea whether to run a script. I've tried a few things, but they didn't work. Can someone explain this to me as if you would he explain to your grandmother? Heck, just walk me through it step by step if possible.

    I has a period of a few days and I create a PDF 3D a SketchUp model, I created and exported in Acrobat 3D. Basically what I need to do, is make Acrobat 3D orbit much better. I can't send it to customers the way it is by default. It's a joke. By default, it is really REALLY BAD. I need the rotation button deleted (which I think is possible) or make the default value of the spin button.

    On a side note, the camerarotate.js Adobe script provides is horrible... no pan? Come on! Coming from SketchUp where orbit works so perfectly, Acrobat 3D is painful to use sometimes.

    Thank you guys.

    Hello Szarky,

    -Create a .txt file containing the following line:

    runtime.setCurrentTool (runtime. TOOL_NAME_SPIN);

    You can change the .js extension renaming (file extensions should define visible so)

    -Double-click on your Annotation 3D with the advanced editing tool (image below)

    -Click on edit content

    -Fix Javascript under default script by browsing the file .js or .txt created

    I hope this can help, Chuck

  • How can I fix black spots on the camera in 9.3.5 iOS?

    How can I fix black spots on the camera in my iPhone 6 Plus? Please help me.

    You see the same locations if you take a picture out in the open?

    It's more like flares of the lens, because of the light coming from one side of the room and hit the lens at an angle. If so, it is an optical phenomenon and cannot be resolved.

Maybe you are looking for