Element is not defined in the SESSION

Anyone has an idea why a user of the site would get a message error "some element is not defined in the SESSION" and no one else? Whenever the user presses a page that calls a session variable from a previous page that has defined the variable, they get an error message of session. They get the same results with different browsers, IE and Firefox. ???

The problem is solved itself. I don't know how. I scoured the user through a few test pages (which does not require a login) who comes to set a variable in session to text, and then on the next page shows the session variable. It has worked well. I thought: "maybe it has to do with the session during a connection.
Then I put the test pages in a folder that requires a login and test pages worked. Then I had the user to access pages throwing error "undefined in session", after logging, and the error disappeared. I don't know what happened.

Tags: ColdFusion

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    I have this.
    I want to insert values such as blue, yellow or red
    in the field of database col_Radio.

    what I have to change to make it work?

    Thank you


    RADIOV element is not defined in the FORM


    15:53:22.022 - term Exception - in C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\ACT_inputcolor.cfm: line 10
    RADIOV element is not defined in the FORM.

    Note: line 10 is "#Trim (Form.RADIOV), #


    What I need to change to the radiov element to define or is this the only mistake?

    In other words, the FORM variable name must be identical to yourname of the field.

    When you submit your form, this

    #FORM.group1 #.

  • ORA-08002 sequence < sequencename >. CURRVAL is not defined in the session

    Hi all.

    In what follows:


    s_new_OJECT_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "Application";
    s_new_OBJECT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "Print Room";
    s_new_OBJECT_DB_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = 'Oracle ';
    s_primary_application CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = 'Visual ';
    s_database_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "vprd2";
    s_new_ROLE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "CM_PrintRoom";
    s_IS_DEV_ROLE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "IS_Development";
    s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_1 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "read";
    s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_2 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "write";
    s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_3 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50): = "Administration";


    INSERT INTO env.security_object
    Select env.security_object_seq.nextval as SECURITY_OBJECT_KEY,
    Sot.security_object_type_key as SECURITY_OBJECT_TYPE_KEY,
    OF sot env.security_object_type
    where sot.object_type_name = s_new_OJECT_TYPE;

    INSERT INTO approx. Role
    Select env.role_seq.nextval as role_key,
    s_new_ROLE_NAME as the NAME,
    Dec.database_key as DATABASE_KEY
    env.database_env_config dec
    WHERE dec.database_type = s_new_OBJECT_DB_TYPE
    and dec.primary_application = s_primary_application
    and lower (dec.database_name) = s_database_name;

    INSERT INTO env.security_subobject
    Select env.security_subobject_seq.nextval as SECURITY_SUBOBJECT_KEY,
    env.security_object_seq. CURRVAL as SECURITY_OBJECT_KEY,
    NULL as NAME,
    of security_action its
    where lower (sa.action_name) in (s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_1);

    INSERT INTO env.security_subobject
    Select env.security_subobject_seq.nextval as SECURITY_SUBOBJECT_KEY,
    env.security_object_seq. CURRVAL as SECURITY_OBJECT_KEY,
    NULL as NAME,
    of security_action its
    where lower (sa.action_name) in (s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_2);

    INSERT INTO env.security_subobject
    Select env.security_subobject_seq.nextval as SECURITY_SUBOBJECT_KEY,
    env.security_object_seq. CURRVAL as SECURITY_OBJECT_KEY,
    NULL as NAME,
    of security_action its
    where lower (sa.action_name) in (s_ACTION_NAME_TO_ADD_3);

    INSERT INTO env.security_group
    Select env.security_group_seq.nextval as SECURITY_GROUP_KEY,
    env.security_subobject_seq. CURRVAL as SECURITY_SUBOBJECT_KEY,
    env.role_seq. CURRVAL as ROLE_KEY
    of env.security_access_type Sam
    where sat.access_type_name in s_ALLOW_PERMISSION;

    I see the error in the text in bold:
    Security_subobject_seq.currval ORA-08002 sequence is not yet defined in this session.

    I know I should call nextval for this sequence before I can call currval but I did above SQL...
    Am stuck on it. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Well, Jamie. error occur for the sequence security_subobject_seq right?
    Because there above "insert" statements.. in fact security_subobject_seq.nextval do not occur.
    Reason is the condition "where" each end of insert statements, when this false condition so really "security_subobject_seq.nextval" not the case. :-) then you get an error.

  • Element is not defined in the url

    Hi all

    The cfif don't seem to work, if I add sectorid = 1 to the url, it works, but throws an error if there is no value. Why does this work? Thank you

    < cfquery name = "qNames" datasource = 'sales' >

    Select * of the COMPANY, the sector

    where COMPANY.sectorid = sector.sectorid

    < IsDefined (url.sectorID) cFIF >

    and sector.sectorid = #url.sectorid #.

    < / cfif >

    < / cfquery >

    but the page generates an error if there isn't page.cfm without any parameter of sectorid

    If you have a mistake you want to help, don't just tell us that you got an error, tell us what error.  Inded attentive to the error message will tell you generally where you're going wrong.

    Also, look at this:

    Select * of the COMPANY, the sector
    Sector.sectorid = #url.sectorid #.

    If there is no sectorid, what SQL that creates?

    The SQL sent to the DB should be part of the error message, btw...


  • DSN of ELEMENT not defined in the APPLICATION scope

    DSN of ELEMENT not defined in the APPLICATION scope

    Hi, I'm new to see my problem is as follows:

    I have 2 files:

    application.cfm that is inside


    hand. CFC

    inside of application.cfm I set an application variable:
    < cfset Application.DSN = "mydb" >
    (and connections mydb works if they are tested in coldfusion administrator)

    inside the main.cfc, I use the application variable:

    < cffunction = 'getLogin' access returntype = name "remotely" = "struct" output = "true" >
    < name cfargument = "nickname" type = "string" required = "true" >
    < name cfargument = "password" type = "string" required = "true" >
    < cfset returnedValue = structNew () >
    < name cfquery = "q_getLogin" datasource = "#application. DSN #">"
    SELECT id, nickname
    to allieve

    < cfreturn returnedValue >
    < / cffunction >

    I call the SWC from flash, and I get the DSN of ELEMENT error undefined in APPLICATION scope.
    Someone has an idea of what could be bad?
    Thanks in advance,

    Not sure now why doesn't he call application.cfm, but my solution to CF6 time should include the application.cfm within my CFC... you can add a cfinclude within the item, on the very top, not inside any function... every time that Flash calls the CFC this code will be executed before the function call.
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  • TITLE element is not defined in BLOGPOST

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    The cfdump showed that title get out, so I would like to know why he's not the var.

    TITLE element is not defined in BLOGPOST

    The error occurred in gpost.cfm C:/ColdFusion11/cfusion/wwwroot/learncfinaweek/chapter1solution/admin/content/blog/listblo: line 34


    "< cfimport taglib ="... /... "/ customTags" prefix = "ct" / >

    < ct:securityCheck redirectPage = "#cgi.script_name #" / >

    < cfset Chemin_admin = createObject('learncfinaweek.chapter1solution.admin.cfc.system').getBasePath (cgi.script_n OM) / >

    <!--> pull Blog Posts

    < cfset blogPosts = EntityLoad ('BlogPost') / >

    < cfoutput >

    < ct:layout section = 'blog' >

    < section = 'blog' active 'post' = ct:navigation / >

    < div class = "span10" >

    Blog < h2 > < / h2 >

    < form class = 'bar of navigation-form drop down to the right' >

    < a class = "btn, btn-primary" href = "< cfoutput > #adminPath # < / cfoutput > / content/blog/editblogpost.cfm" >

    < i class = "icon icon-more" white > < / i >

    New Blog Post

    < /a >

    < / make >

    < table class = "table pointing to the table" >

    < thead >

    < b >

    Title < th > < /th >

    < th > publish Date < /th >

    < th > Actions < /th >

    < /tr >

    < / thead >

    < tbody >

    < cfloop array index = "" #blogPosts # "="blogPost">"

    < b >

    < td >

    <!--> title

    #blogPost.title #.

    < table >

    < td >

    <!--> publication date

    #dateFormat(blogPost.datePosted,"mm/dd/yyyy") #.

    < table >

    < td >

    <!-edit-> Post

    < a href="#adminPath#/content/blog/editblogpost.cfm?id=#blogPost.id#" > < i class = 'icon-edit' > < / i > < / has > "

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < / cfloop >

    < / tbody >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / ct:layout >

    < / cfoutput >


    persistent component = {'true'

    The property name = the column 'id' = 'blogpostid"fieldtype = generator of 'id' ="increment ";

    Name of the property = "title" ormtype = "text";

    Name of the property = "Summary" ormtype = "text";

    Name of the property = 'body' ormtype = 'text ';

    Name of the property = "dateposted" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "createdDateTime" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "modifiedDateTime" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "deleted" ormtype = "boolean";

    Property = "comments" singularname = "comment" fieldtype = name "one-to-many" cfc = "how" fkcolumn = "blogpostid" cascade = "all";

    Fieldtype 'categories' = property name = "one-to-many" cfc = "blogPostCategory" fkcolumn = "blogPostid;

    public string function getCategoryIDs() {}

    var categoryList = ";

    If {(hasCategories())

    for (var categoryPost in getCategories()) {}

    categoryList = listAppend (categoryList, categoryPost.blogCategory.id);



    CategoryList return;


    public string function getCategoryNames() {}

    var categoryList = ";

    {if (hasCategories ())}

    for (var categoryPost in {getCategories())}

    categoryList = listAppend (categoryList, categoryPost.blogCategory.name, ',');



    CategoryList return;



    To get the value of the property X of an entity, use myEntity.getX () instead of myEntity.X. It's

    blogPost.getTitle () instead of blogPost.title

  • vCO WebView error - parameter value is not defined in the list of the Webview attribute


    I tried to create a simple web view for Orchestrator (5.5.1 1617127), who will present a link to launch a single workflow. I followed the instructions in the Guide of VMware and the VCO Team Blog, but both find themselves with similar errors, which seem to have a common root: it seems that the display of web pages can not read the attributes.

    On the web page, I'll see something similar to the following:

    WebView - an exception has occurred.

    Reason: WorkflowLink component error: value of the parameter "attribute" (alias "workflow") ("createVM") is not defined in the list of the Webview attribute

    You may continue by restarting the session.

    In the server.log, I see the following: -.

    11:46:04.717 2014-10-02 + 0100 [http-bio-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-8281-exec-2] {} [WebviewExceptionPage] Exception Webview INFO - message:

    org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: component error WorkflowLink: "attribute" parameter value (alias "workflow") ("createVM") is not defined in the list of the Webview attribute

    The createVM attribute is set in the correct web view as an attribute with a Type of Workflow and value to create simple virtual machine. I get a similar error any attribute type I try to get out of the workflow (the example of getVirtualMachineList does not create an error on the page, but is not fill the window and creates a similar message appears in the log).

    Can someone give me directions on what to watch next? I can't find anyone else with this error, which makes me think it might be something specific to this medium, but I can't work on what it could be.

    Thanks in advance,


    I had the time this by restarting the service after each new attribute has been added, which was far from perfect, but looking around the forums, I have seen that WebViews were being obsolete, so I'll have to look at alternatives in any case.

  • Element "" is not defined

    Any idea on the below error. I'm getting this while submitting a form, but this happens only in the production.

    ' Element "is not defined in an object of type Java class coldfusion.filter.FormScope'

    Please help if someone have faced the same situation.

    It is a little hard to say anything without the full error message and the code, in that respect.

    But what does the error: you try to refer to a form variable, which does not exist. I suspect it is because you are trying to refer to a form variable, which does not exist. Just a guess.

    The bit curious is that said variable form does not seem to have a name. I suspect that you have a code that is on the form dynamically named fields, and the code has a logic error in it.



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    I finally got CS2 installed on my system. But now the drop-menu background color is black and the elements are not visible until the cursor is over them. It is very difficult to read. How can I change this? I tried to go into change preferences but it does not work

    I changed it to the value default them and that worked. Thank you very much

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    13 elements will not work with the new camera, it will not be updated raw 8.7.1. I downloaded the patch, installed, but the old version is it in elements. Thank you, esther

    Try again a little later. Sometimes the Adobe servers are busy. If you get the same answer, you may need to uninstall and reinstall. Try an alternative link, then confirm with your 24-digit serial number - click here to download PES

  • Not able to deploy Applications: "the process is not defined in the descriptor.

    All the

    I have a pretty serious problem here to try to take a LCA of an environment and get in another environment.  Source and destination environments are LCES 2.5 (LCES 2 with Service Pack 2).  I have about 6 applications and there are a few extreme dependencies (one application that refers to an asset from another application) are.  I took a STROKE of all these applications in the environment of the source and ACL matter perfectly in the destination environment, but I am unable to deploy one of the applications that have extreme dependencies.  The error that I always get when I try to deploy any application that has an extreme addiction is:

    [Process name] otherwise is not defined in the descriptor.

    I tried all of the following conditions:

    (1) combined 1 LCA applications

    (2) taking several local calling areas where each ACL contains only a single request

    (3) taking several local calling areas where each LCA includes an application as well as all the extreme dependencies for this application

    No matter what I try, they deploy.  I can import the LCA and I can get the apps in the Workbench and play with them, but they do not deploy everything simply.  I also tried to manually set all the groping in the processes themselves, but that does not work either.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I wanted to just follow the solution to my problem.

    It seems centres issue around distant circular dependencies.  In general, it seems that LiveCycle choke when two applications of each reference to another.  Note that I'm not talkinng on the true circular referencing here in which a process in the references of the application has an application B while this process refers to the initial process request.  Indeed, although I have not tested recently, I believe that LiveCycle can actually catch this kind of question.  I'm talking about circular dependencies of distant is simply when a process requests was (let's call it a1) refers to a process in application B (let's call b1) while a process in application B (call the b2) refers to a process in applicatoin has (let's call a2).  Apparently, this type of circular reference causes the deployment of applications of such choke.

    The fix was painful because I had to manually delete all distant dependencies of these two application, deploy these two requests to get in the long term and then implement these dependencies again.

    Now it seems preferable to never have 1 direction of the dependencies for any application.

  • Perl not defined to the Oracle Applications environment. (Libraries T2K not in INC.


    Am getting the following error when applying patches autoconfig.

    Perl not defined to the Oracle Applications environment. (Libraries not in the INCLUSION list T2K)
    Make sure that automatic configuration was performed and found a source correctly your environment.
    /U01/tech/appl/FND/11.5.0/patch/115/bin/txkprepatchcheck.pl line 131.
    BEGIN failed--compilation missed the line 141 /u01/tech/appl/fnd/11.5.0/patch/115/bin/txkprepatchcheck.pl


    (1) source the environment file
    (2) make sure that 'APPLRGF' variable is set in the environment. If this isn't the case, set it to the same value as "APPLTMP".
    (3) in the place where this patch was unzipped, patch_top/patchnumber/fnd/patch/115/bin.

    Run the utility as follows:

    Platform command line

    UNIX or Linux (must be a single line)
    ./txkprepatchcheck.pl-script = ValidateRollup-outfile = $APPLTMP/txkValidateRollup.html - appspass =

    do not FND_TOP/patch/115/bin

  • XML Query when all the elements are not defined.

    I have the following:

    We could have a situation that elements of PRICES are not defined, but all others are. I can t solve this problem by performing a union query. Is there a way appropriate or better?

    Thank you


    x_xml CLOB

    " : = ' < OTA_ResRetrieveRS xmlns =" http://www.OpenTravel.org/OTA/2003/05 "" xmlns: xsi = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance " Version = "7" "xsi: schemaLocation =" http://www.OpenTravel.org/OTA/2003/05 OTA_ResRetrieveRS.xsd "TimeStamp =" 2015-05 - 20 T 14: + 00:00 40:44.000000 "Target ="Test"TargetName ="AUS"TransactionIdentifier ="2716181"> " ""

    < success / >

    < errors >

    < error Type = '0' doc = "None" / >

    < / errors >

    < ReservationsList >

    < HotelReservation RoomStayReservation = "true" ResStatus = "Internal" >

    < Type UniqueID = "14" ID = "514803980" / >

    < services >

    < Service >

    < TPA_Extensions >

    < TPA_Extension >

    < WiFiFees NumberConnections = '2' = ConnectionType "F" LengthOfStay = "4" / > "

    <!-RATES DAYS = '7' UPGRADE = LEVEL-10 "20.65" = "21.95' LEVEL-20 ="39.95"/ >

    < RATES DAYS = UPGRADE '3' = '8.85"LEVEL-10 = '13.95' LEVEL-20 ="23.95"/ >

    < RATES DAYS = UPGRADE '1' = "2.95" LEVEL-10 = "5.95" LEVEL-20 = "9.95" /-->

    < / TPA_Extension >

    < / TPA_Extensions >

    < / service >

    < / services >

    < ResGuests >

    < ResGuest >

    profile of <>

    < ProfileInfo >

    < Type UniqueID = "21" ID = "356321732" / >

    < profile >

    < TPA_Extensions >

    < TPA_Extension >

    < DRI_INFO MemberLevel = GuestType 'SAM' = 'GST' OwnerStay = "N" / >

    < / TPA_Extension >

    < / TPA_Extensions >

    < customer >

    < PersonName >

    Tomas < name > < / name >

    Lane Donald < GivenName > < / GivenName >

    < / PersonName >

    < / customer >

    < / profile >

    < / ProfileInfo >

    < ProfileInfo >

    < Type UniqueID = "21" ID = "356321734" / >

    < profile >

    < TPA_Extensions >

    < TPA_Extension >

    < DRI_INFO MemberLevel = GuestType 'SAM' = 'GST' OwnerStay = "N" / >

    < / TPA_Extension >

    < / TPA_Extensions >

    < customer >

    < PersonName >

    James < name > < / name >

    Amanda < GivenName > < / GivenName >

    < / PersonName >

    < / customer >

    < / profile >

    < / ProfileInfo >

    < / profile >

    < / ResGuest >

    < / ResGuests >

    < RoomStays >

    < ideal >

    < BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode = "LOL" / >

    < price >

    < RoomRate RoomID = code '17105' = 'SAM' >

    < GuestCounts >

    < GuestCount Count = "1" / >

    < / GuestCounts >

    < / RoomRate >

    < / price >

    < TimeSpan Start = end of the '2015-05-20' = "2015-05-24" / >

    < / ideal >

    < / RoomStays >

    < / documents >

    < / ReservationsList >

    < / OTA_ResRetrieveRS > ';



    IN (SELECT x1.roomnumber












    xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"")

    , ' / OTA_ResRetrieveRS/ReservationsList/documents ".

    PASSAGE xmltype (x_xml)

    COLUMNS Numerobureau VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'RoomStays/RoomStay/RoomRates/RoomRate/@RoomID '.

    , property VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'RoomStays/RoomStay/BasicPropertyInfo/@HotelCode '.

    , rates XMLTYPE PATH "Services, Services, TPA_Extensions, TPA_Extension.

    , profiles XMLTYPE PATH "ResGuests/ResGuest/profiles/ProfileInfo.

    , connections VARCHAR2 (2000)

    Path "Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@NumberConnections".

    , connecttype VARCHAR2 (2000)

    Path "Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@ConnectionType") x 1

    , XMLTABLE (xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05'), ' / TPA_Extension/RATES " )

    PASSAGE x1.rates

    Days of COLUMNS VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH '@DAYS '.

    , upgrad VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH '@UPGRADE '.

    , lev1 VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH ' @LEVEL-10'.

    LEV2 VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH "(@LEVEL-20') x 2.


    xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05'), ' / ProfileInfo'

    PASSAGE x1.profiles

    Folio VARCHAR2 COLUMNS (2000) PATH 'UniqueID/@ID '.

    , name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH ' profile/client/PersonName/family name.

    First name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'Profile, customer, PersonName, GivenName') x 3

    the Union - is - it possible to get results without it?

    SELECT x1.roomnumber












    xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"")

    , ' / OTA_ResRetrieveRS/ReservationsList/documents ".

    PASSAGE xmltype (x_xml)

    COLUMNS Numerobureau VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'RoomStays/RoomStay/RoomRates/RoomRate/@RoomID '.

    , property VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'RoomStays/RoomStay/BasicPropertyInfo/@HotelCode '.

    , rates XMLTYPE PATH "Services, Services, TPA_Extensions, TPA_Extension.

    , profiles XMLTYPE PATH "ResGuests/ResGuest/profiles/ProfileInfo.

    , connections VARCHAR2 (2000)

    Path "Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@NumberConnections".

    , connecttype VARCHAR2 (2000)

    Path "Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@ConnectionType") x 1


    xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05'), ' / ProfileInfo'

    PASSAGE x1.profiles

    Folio VARCHAR2 COLUMNS (2000) PATH 'UniqueID/@ID '.

    , name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH ' profile/client/PersonName/family name.

    First name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH 'Profile, customer, PersonName, GivenName') x 3

    ORDER BY 8)


    Dbms_output.put_line (i.roomnumber

    || ' '

    || students

    || ' '

    || i.Days

    || ' '

    || i.upgrad

    || ' '

    || i.Lev1

    || ' '

    || i.Lev2

    || ' '

    || i.Folio

    || ' '

    || i.LastName

    || ' '

    || i.FirstName

    || ' '

    || i.Connections

    || ' '

    || i.CONNECTType);



    I can t solve this problem by performing a union query. Is there a way appropriate or better?

    Yes, you can use an OUTER JOIN:

    SELECT x1.roomnumber












    XmlNamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05')

    , ' / OTA_ResRetrieveRS/ReservationsList/documents ".

    PASSAGE xmltype (x_xml)

    COLUMNS Numerobureau PATH VARCHAR2 (2000) 'RoomStays/RoomStay/RoomRates/RoomRate/@RoomID '.

    , the path of the VARCHAR2 (2000) 'RoomStays/RoomStay/BasicPropertyInfo/@HotelCode '.

    , rates XMLTYPE PATH "Services, Services, TPA_Extensions, TPA_Extension.

    , profiles XMLTYPE PATH "ResGuests/ResGuest/profiles/ProfileInfo.

    , connections VARCHAR2 (2000) path 'Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@NumberConnections '.

    , connecttype PATH VARCHAR2 (2000) 'Services/Service/TPA_Extensions/TPA_Extension/WiFiFees/@ConnectionType '.

    ) x 1


    XmlNamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05')

    , ' / TPA_Extension/PRICE.

    PASSAGE x1.rates

    Days of COLUMNS VARCHAR2 (2000) '@DAYS '.

    , upgrad VARCHAR2 (2000) path '@UPGRADE '.

    , lev1 PATH VARCHAR2 (2000) ' @LEVEL-10'.

    , lev2 PATH of VARCHAR2 (2000) ' @LEVEL-20'.

    ) (+) x 2


    XmlNamespaces (DEFAULT 'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05'), ' / ProfileInfo'

    PASSAGE x1.profiles

    Folio VARCHAR2 COLUMNS (2000) path 'UniqueID/@ID '.

    , name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH ' profile/client/PersonName/family name.

    , name VARCHAR2 (2000) PATH "profile, customer, PersonName, GivenName".

    ) x 3

  • Page element 0 hidden not showing do not value in the session

    Hi all

    I have an item hidden on page 0 with the name P0_ITEM2
    I have an interactive report whose title of column is & P0_ITEM2.
    I also have another page where the point label is & P0_ITEM2.
    My problem is that the element on the page shows the dynamic label correctly, but the interactive report does not show the dynamic column name.
    Also if I look at the value of the page item 0 in the session, no value is displayed. Why is the element on the page using the & P0_ITEM2. While the interactive report column header is not?

    I set the value of the element page0 in the attribute of the Source (the body of PL/SQL function).
    Can someone explain this behavior to me? How can I fix?

    Thank you

    You try to set the value of the element in a calculation "to load before the header" and check if it works with the IR?

    I'm not sure to this subject, but its possible that the IR region is rendered (or even in "ready" mode) before the value element.

  • element not defined in the url

    I was assinged to create screens .cfm for our web page. I have absolutely no. Cold Fusion or HTML background. I have some introductory information to C++, c# and VB. I use Dreamweaver to create ColdFusion pages.

    Our Web site is used to display data, not to submit information on the forms. The first time that a user presses my form called detail_staging.cfm a SQL statement executes happening three variables of the previous grid using:

    SOME stuff
    Control PANEL
    WHERE card_data.card_year = < CFQUERYPARAM value = "" #URL.FY # "CFSQLTYPE ="cf_sql_char"> AND"
    CARD_DATA.card_month = < value CFQUERYPARAM = '#URL. "MY #" CFSQLTYPE = "cf_sql_char" > AND
    agencydim.agy_agency_name = < cfqueryparam value = '#URL. "AGN #" cfsqltype = "cf_sql_char" >

    This works very well and displays information based on the year, month and the Agency. I wanted the user to be able to change the month, but keep the year and the Agency. I've added:

    < action = "FORM detail_staging.cfm" method = "get" > "
    < div align = "center" > < span class = "page_text_bold" > select month: </span >
    < select name = "Month" class = "page_text_side_header_content" >
    < cfoutput query = "Month" >
    < option value = "#CALENDAR_MONTH #" > #CALENDAR_MONTH # < / option >
    < / cfoutput >
    < / select >
    < input type = "submit" value = "go" >
    < / div >
    < / MAKE >
    CALENDAR_MONTH is filled in the drop down based on the query 'months '.

    When I try to change the month, I get "Element FY is undefined in URL" how to keep the value of the variable for FY and AGN that appeared the first time the page is loaded and change only the month?

    I tried to find an answer to this for a day and a half now and I hope that you all can help me.

    Thank you very much

    Thanks for your reply. I'm still not it. The stuff that I looked up
    told to put an entry inside the form tag, but when I do that he wants a
    name - so I named it.

    Now, it does not display anything. Is there something I'm missing or one
    more precise steering. You can direct me.

    You also put it in the block so that the url variable
    is resolved in its value?

    Select the month:

    You will also need your name chosen to match the url name you use in the
    query. They both must be either 'MY' or 'months '.

Maybe you are looking for

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