Problems with mail imap after upgrade of Sierra

After the upgrade to Sierra, I can't sync my hotmail account in Mail. Before even the upgrade, I always had to change my account after each restart settings, as required for authentication SMTP and IMAP user name has been deleted. The same thing happ

Syntax error? : = SUMIF(C2:C94,"=10",H2:H94)

I changed this equation in several different ways and may not have to work. I started by copying directly from a spreadsheet where he worked. Now that I have it on the worksheet on that I need I get syntax errors. I deleted and retyped thinking it wa

Sluggish after reinstalling OS

So I had to reinstall Win10, it a new install with Firefox and a new profile (I imported bookmarks). And now everything is slow. Videos and .gif are fine, but the user interface is trolling. If I open and close tabs, I can clearly see stutter them, b

How to type the hash and symbols

Hi all Hope someone can help me here. Here is the story: My Macbook Pro was stolen recently / 2009. I replaced it with a Macbook Pro Retina early 2015 model bought on Ebay UK. When he arrived, I discovered that he has a U.S. keyboard, rather than a U

System disabled

Help, please! Disabled system [55583141] Thank you!!

Why Yahoo! in my menu bar and how can I remove it?

I want to remove Yahoo! in the menu bar.

Skype stopped working 7.1

Hello I've updated to Skype, and now on the launch, he said "Skype has stopped working". I followed the advice on the appdata deleting and dbtemp, but this has not solved the problem. I posted my dxdiag data in a zip with this message. Any solution?

My Satellite C50D-A022 will not play DVD

I just got my toshiba and I was watching a dvd on it, half way through the visualization of the toshiba VCR movie frozen and then stopped playing. Now, I cannot even open the video player and am unable to play any dvd on the computer. Help, please!

Text messed up in iTunes

Hello Since the update to iTunes 12, various text labels are missing or misplaced. For example, in the screenshots below, you will notice that none of the playlist names appear, any more than what anyone in the top reading window. You will also notic

No idea is irrelevant: I turned off my computer before windows update has been completed

I turned my computer off without completing the update. I tried drinking it won't work. My recovery disk gives me error: 0100 1404 1405 1406 1407 140 a 1409 1415 2AC2. But it of the good Dvd and is the only one that does nothing (charges) on three di

How to export to the rtsi opposites?

I'm generating a frequency meter signal on a card pci-6220 m-series.  Then I want to share this signal with the other cards on a line of the RTSI, and therefore, I use export signal VI.  However, just after a computer restart this VI will not produce

What security ties are necessary

all of a sudden, I encounter computer problems with tracking cookies & stuff when I do my AVG scan everything is microsoft windows when I checked my security and it lists Administrator of Gina-PC\Admin that is me Gina-PC\useres of users Trusted Insta

After installation of 2050 HP desk jet 043 Windows 7 error code

OT: windows 7 043 error codeAfter that installation HP 2050 jet windows desktop 7 home top poster 043 with legacy software error code

W530 Predator HyperX memory

I ordered a w530 yesterday with 4 GB of memory standard. I would like to remove the standard memory and install (2) 8 GB sticks. I saw a small traffic where people put the predator HyperX memory with 1866 MHz chips in and the w530 autodetected and ru

How to save a video from You Tube?

Hello. Never used this forum and I just hope that someone will give me a little help. I have TMJ and remedy this problem some exercises are shown on a short video. Yes, I can look at it ok, but, well, how the hell do I save it? Thanks for any help on

Vista virus infection

I have an infected computer. It does not allow me to enter and doesn't let me go to the email or any site that sells packages of security internet, I downloaded the Security essentials to another computer and copied to the infected comp

Reference Audio Dell - will automatically switch on the headphones when you plug them.

XPS 9350 - 10 Windows Can I do Audio Dell (or something) automatically route the sounds of my helmet when I plug them?  I saw no option in the Audio from Dell menu to toggle this option. I do a bit of work to the library of my school, which means I h

Disk space used by the Windows folder

Hi guys I found that my windows folder takes a lot of my disk space. It takes 31 GB of my C: / drive... .and I saw on other computers just 15 and 16 GB of disk space. I also found that Winsxs is taking up to 18 GB 31 GB of the windows folder. Can you

Use Win7 Upgrade details on destroyed original laptop replacement

I have a detail Win7 Home Premium 3 x family Pack Upgrade. It has been used successfully to upgrade our 3 PCs/portables Vista (OEM licenses) to Win7. One of the laptops was destroyed and replaced by another laptop Vista licensed OEM genuine, valid an

How to save Windows 7 again?

I bought my laptop with Windows 7 Currys and they had on the floor of the Hall and recorded, how I record in my name so that it also shows my name in the Currys windows task manager and no user?