Error of Muse


The expensive company,

I'm sorry I don't speak English very well, so Google wrote compiler. The above error, you want to get a solution.



An update was released today, please install the latest update.

Adobe help Muse | Release notes | Adobe Muse CC

Thank you


Tags: Adobe Muse

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    Deb Kelleher

    [email protected]

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    Instantiate UID outside legal range for site.jpg

    This error is often seen when a .muse file is stored in a synced folder and the folder synchronization software (Dropbox, GoogleDrive, etc.), swapped the Muse file was opened with a different version of the same file, then a backup was performed. Given that Muse is not aware of the swap and only saves the changes made (and is not to rewrite the entire file), the result is a mess. In this case, the file probably contains conflicting changes from two different sessions of Muse.

    On the plus side, most (all?), the solutions of synchronization of folder that I have this problem also give access to all synchronized versions of a file for a number of days, so that you can return to an earlier work, if necessary. For Dropbox, it is possible via the 'Events' page in the user interface of the browser.

    If the file is not stored in a synced folder, please provide a little more information on where it was stored and how it may have been opened in more than one copy of Muse. Thank you.

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    Sorry to hear that you run in this crash. Could you send your .muse file to [email protected] (or use the file sharing service) with a link to this post?

    Thank you


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    Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 3.15.18 pm.pngScreen Shot 2015-05-15 at 3.14.55 pm.png


    What I want to know is this is a bit of php, html or js that I can add to make it disappear and stop the pop up of projection, no patch solves the problem but it ignores

    Thank you


    That's the problem with Muse. It's for people who don't want to mess with the code. But it seems that you or whoever created the site for you made a lot of tinkering with the code.

    I don't know how Muse structures pages and assets, but by looking at the error message, this is the style sheet that is missing.

    There are two ways I think you might be able to solve the problem. The first method I suggest is to include a link to the style sheet. For now, you link only the master styles."/ >

    If the page is not correctly displayed, delete the link to session - times.css and modify the script at the top of the page to remove session - times.css of the list:

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    Could you please check if you are able to open the file muse after save on another location on your machine?

    Kind regards


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    "Object UID:U6875 has two (or more) owners: U3633 and U3165.

    I just want to say that since I've updated the Muse in 2014.3, I had lost all my Add ons and followed the instructions about uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing happened, and I re - install manually.

    I am working on a very important project and this failure is a very big problem for me.

    I thank "to the rescue!

    Revive the Muse.

    Say no to the recovery. "Do you want to Muse to recover your unsaved changes? N °

    You will lose all changes since the last successful record.

    Open your file.

    DO NOT connect or upgrade assets.

    In the components Panel find each asset with an entry for the "bottom" and the entries for one or more pages (images to fill browser).

    Make a copy of these files from image disk and re - set fill to browser to use the copy.

    Once you have done so for each image that is used as a picture fill to the browser and the picture fill for other objects, you will be able to connect or update assets and save without errors.

    Really sorry for the inconvenience and the bug. We have an update to fix quickly.

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    I built a site, went to save a download in British Colombia.

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    Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 2.13.39 PM.png

    As it is due to an error of BC at the time... referring to this thread

    [JSONT/parseError] JSONParseError: unexpected< encountered="">

    closing of

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    Thank you


    If you need to contact Adobe Muse, here is the link to contact us by Chat or call: contact customer service

  • Error Adobe Muse CC 2014


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    Don't believe that someone clues, or is this a common bug?

    Thanks for your help

    I he stares at me in the meantime the "awesome" of adobe support.

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    I found the answer and it worked, it's here...

    Had the same problem and here is the fix translated for windows users:

    1. Close the creative cloud application.
    2. Navigate to the OOBE folder.
      • Windows: [system drive]: \Users\ [user name] \AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
      • Mac OS: /Users/ [user name] / folder/Library/Application Support / Adobe / OOBE
    3. Delete the file opm.db.
    4. Launch the creative cloud.
  • Adobe error #2014 Muse

    I uninstalled and deleted all numous times... still the same error. When I try to open this is the error that I get... any ideas how to solve this problem?

    : Error #2014: feature is not available at this time.

    to flash.filesystem::File$/initDocumentsDir()

    to flash. filesystem::File$ /get documentsDirectoryPath()

    to flash. filesystem::File$ /get documentsDirectory()

    at com.adobe.common.utils::TraceFlowManager()

    to com.adobe.common.utils::TraceFlowManager$/get instance()

    at global/com.adobe.common.utils::traceflow()

    to MuseOnAIR / preinitializeHandler)

    to MuseOnAIR / ___MuseOnAIR_PASHonAIRApplication1_preinitialize)



    at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()

    at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()

    to spark.components::Application/initialize()

    to spark.components::WindowedApplication/initialize()

    at com.adobe.pash.air::PASHonAIRApplication/initialize()

    to MuseOnAIR / initialize)

    at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/childAdded()

    at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()

    at mx.managers::SystemManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()

    to mx.managers::SystemManager / ()

    to mx.managers::SystemManager / ()



    at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()

    at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()

    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()


    Please see the thread:

    Moving to the forum of Muse,

    Kind regards

    Romit Sinha

  • Error of Muse CC plan of the site

    When I try to load the sitemap that Muse created in Google Analytics it comes up with this error. General HTTP error: 404 not found HTTP error: 404 |

    Any ideas what is wrong?

    I think it was that the capital S should be lowercase.

    Thank you

  • En PHP error formulario MUSE


    realice a sitio en Muse, y el contacto formulario, al dar click enviar en, me da el siguiente message 'form PHP script is missing from the web server or PHP is not properly configured on your web hosting provider. Check if the form PHP script has been downloaded correctly, contact your host about the configuration of PHP. »

    Con mi servidor contactar al, welcome me solicita confirms this cual're version y modulo PHP necessary.

    Alguien indicarme donde puedo averiguar esto can?

    See this discussion what version of php in muse?  where a similar topic was discussed.

  • card error generated Muse site - incorrect domain name

    the sitemap generated muse for my site is to generate code with the incorrect domain name instead of the correct

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    " < urlset xmlns =" "xmlns:xhtml =" " ">

    < url >

    < loc >< / loc >

    < lastmod > 2010 - 04 - 14 < / lastmod >

    < changefreq > weekly < / changefreq >

    < priority > 0,5 < / priority >

    < / url >

    I can't find where this happens - site works fine

    You specify the domain name in the file > export as HTML... or file > load to the host FTP... of the dialog boxes. If you publish your sitemap.xml generated by Business Catalyst and selects the areas assigned in the Admin of BC (accessed via the button manage in Muse).

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