Error trying to create for iOS Provisioning Profiles (Distribution) .ipa

Hello, I tried to deploy my application MAF to a .ipa package. I use jDeveloper 12 c. I've already done before for profiles of development and it was working perfectly until yesterday when I tried to create a .ipa with certificate of Distribution. Now, I can't deploy for distribution, or for the development...

The corresponding configurations for the iOS platforms, I did: I created the profile of Provisioning for Distribution in space subscribers for Apple developers and by signing the identity, I added the certificate corresponding to Distribution applications. I also defined an APP ID, I have configured my CRG - application.XML with the corresponding APPID, well.

But when I tried to deploy my application to a package I get the below error:

[11:33:13] successful deployment

[11:33:13] security copy of related files at the request of the MAF...

[11:33:13] executed command-line path: / users/MYMAC/jdeveloper/mywork/myMAFApp/deploy/OTROOOOOOOOOOO/temporary_xcode_project /.

[11:33:13] run command line: xcodebuild-window Oracle_ADFmc_Container_Template archive archivePath - /Users/myMac/jdeveloper/mywork/myMAFApp/deploy/OTROOOOOOOOOOO/Destination_Root/Company.xcarchive - IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = 1 7.0 iphoneos sdk, ADD_SETTINGS_BUNDLE 2 = No. PRODUCT_NAME = company CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Distribution: MY COMPANY NAME. (215AST54872)

[11: 33:15] orders for next generation failed:

[11: 33:15] command-line execution failed (return code: 65)

[11: 33:15] undeployment.

[11: 33:15] - incomplete deployment.

[11: 33:15] could not build the iOS application pack.

[11: 33:15] deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by 'xcodebuild.  What follows is a summary of the returned error:

Command-line execution failed (return code: 65)

Orders for next generation failed:

Check dependencies

(1 failure)

I don't know what could happen... This happened last week when I was trying to do the same thing and I registered my app in iTunes Connect. I wasn't able to delete the iTunes Connect app so I modified the APPID and since then, I have been able to deploy my application to a package again (certificate for development), but this time I didn't create a new application in iTunes Connect, so I don't know what could be happeing...

I hope you guys can help me because I'm panicking... I ran out of options...

I'm sure it's a problem with certifications, because I can deploy to iOS Simulator without any problem.

Thank you very much!

Thanks for your advice. I ran the command in the console and I could see the xcodebuild log and I realized that I was not setting good App ID, so I changed it and it worked perfectly.

Thank you very much for your help!

Tags: Oracle Mobile

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      public void addProperty(String pName, String pText) {     Element elm = new Element("property");        elm.addAttribute("name", pName);      elm.setTextContent(pText);        document.appendChild(elm);    }    public String toFormattedXMLString() {     return document.toFormattedXML();    }}


    import java.util.Enumeration;import java.util.Hashtable;import java.util.Vector;
    public class Element {   private Vector children;  private String name;  private String textContent;   private Hashtable attributes;
      public Element(String name) {     this.children = new Vector();     this.attributes = new Hashtable(); = name; } public void appendChild(Element child) {      this.children.addElement(child);  } public Vector getChildren() {     return children;  } public String getName() {     return name;  } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getTextContent() {      return textContent;   } public void setTextContent(String textContent) {      this.textContent = textContent;   } public Hashtable getAttributes() {        return attributes;    } public boolean hasChildren() {        return (this.children.size() > 0); } public int childrenCount() {      return this.children.size();  } public String getAttributeValue(String name) {        return this.attributes.get(name).toString();  } public void addAttribute(String key, String value) {      this.attributes.put(key, value);  } public void addAttribute(String key, int value) {     addAttribute(key,Integer.toString(value));    } public void addAttribute(String key, long value) {        addAttribute(key,Long.toString(value));   } public void addAttribute(String key, boolean value) {     addAttribute(key, String.valueOf(value)); } public boolean hasAttribute(String name) {        return this.attributes.containsKey(name); } public Element getChild(int position) {       return (Element) this.children.elementAt(position);   } public Enumeration getAttributeKeys() {       return this.attributes.keys();    }}


    import java.util.Enumeration;
    public class Document { private static final char _gt = '>';   private static final char _lt = '<';   private static final char _eq = '=';  private static final char _dqt = '"'; private static final char _cl = '/';  private static final char _sp = ' ';  private static final char _tab = '\t';    private static final byte[] _nl = System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes();
      private Element rootNode; private StringBuffer sb;
      public Document(String rootName) {        this.rootNode = new Element(rootName);    } public void appendChild(Element child) {      this.rootNode.appendChild(child); } public String toFormattedXML() {      sb = new StringBuffer();      format(this.rootNode,0);      return sb.toString(); }
      private void format(Element node, int depth) {        writeOpenTag(node, depth);        for (int i=0;i0;i--) {            sb.append(_tab);      } }    private void writeOpenTag(Element node, int depth) {       indent(depth);        sb.append(_lt);       sb.append(node.getName());        for (Enumeration keys = node.getAttributeKeys();keys.hasMoreElements();) {            String key = keys.nextElement().toString();           sb.append(_sp).append(key);           sb.append(_eq).append(_dqt);          sb.append(node.getAttributeValue(key).toString());            sb.append(_dqt);      }    }    private void writeCloseTag(Element node, int depth) {       if (node.hasChildren()) {         sb.append(_lt).append(node.getName());        } else {          sb.append(_cl);       }     sb.append(_gt).append(_nl);    }}

    This line:

    private static final byte[] _nl = System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes();

    is originally a NullPointerException because line.separator is not well supported. The line terminator standard for XML is CR/LF, so you can use:

    private static final byte[] _nl = { '\r', '\n' };
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    [{'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ["ROWID"]}]

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['RELATIONID']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['ID']}

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['RESPONDEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [255], 'columnName': ['RESPONSE']},

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    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_CREATEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_SYSTEMMODSTAMP']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [10], 'columnName': ['SYS_ISDELETED']},

    [{'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [50], 'columnName': ['TYPE']}]

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    Error 500 - Internal server error

    Of RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1:

    10.5.1 500 internal Server Error

    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented him from meeting the demand.

    I am able to 'get' existing table schemas, delete the tables, but I'm not able to make put them and post operations. Can someone help me to identify the problem, if there is no fault in my approach.

    Thank you


    I managed to create a table successfully using the API - the only thing I see in your JSON which is different from mine is that you have square brackets around your values JSON where I have not. Here is my CURL request and extract my JSON file (named createtable.txt in the same directory as my CURL executable):

    curl u [email protected]: password UPDATED h x ' X-ID-TENANT-NAME: tenantname ' h ' Content-Type: application/json '-binary data @createtable.txt k



    'columnName': 'ID',

    'dataType': 'DECIMAL ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': false



    'columnName': 'NAME',

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'STATUS."

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'CREATED_DATE."

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    'columnName': 'UPDATED_DATE ',.

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



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    C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\vi.lib\Motion\FunctionBlocks\straightLineMove\

    Invoke the node in>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Method name: Save target: Instrument

    Visit support request page to learn more about the resolution of this problem. Use the following as a reference:

    Error 6a held at>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Possible reasons:

    LabVIEW: File generic i/o error.
    NOR-488: IO abandoned operation.

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  • error trying to create PDF via Distiller indd files

    %% [Error: undefined;] OffendingCommand: Ioo fa½1icþt· DOCUMENT p] %.

    %% [Flushing: rest of job (end of file) will be ignored] %%.

    %% [Warning: PostScript error.] No PDF file produced. ] %%

    How to fix a undefined error?

    It looks like what you were doing was trying to run distill directly on a document .indd InDesign file. Who will absolutely not work. Distiller processes only the PostScript (.ps) and Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) files.

    The appropriate method of creating a PDF file from an InDesign document (no matter whether someone else can advise you) is to open the InDesign (.indd file) document in InDesign, and then use the function export, Save as PDF (print), by specifying the name of the destination file (and directory) as well as the appropriate options (generally PDF/X-4 parameters or printing of high quality performance best results for most of the cases).


  • Error trying to create multiple linked clones

    Hi all

    I have another question from script to this that attempts to create multiple linked clones.  I get the error message "Wait task: the object has no associated provider.» (see below under the results section).  Just need to know why this happens, but I'm new to PowerCLI.


    $vm = get - VM 'test ' | Get-View

    $clonePrefix = "testclone".

    $numClones = 2

    $concurrentClones = 2

    $cloneFolder = $vm.parent

    $cloneSpec = new-object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineCloneSpec

    $cloneSpec.Snapshot = $vm. Snapshot.CurrentSnapshot

    $cloneSpec.Location = new-object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec

    $cloneSpec.Location.DiskMoveType = [Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateDiskMoveOptions]: createNewChildDiskBacking

    #To of power on each clone immediately after its creation:

    #$cloneSpec.powerOn = $true

    $i = 1

    While ($i - the $numClones) {}

    $taskViewArray = @)

    foreach ($j in 1.. $concurrentClones) {}

    $taskViewArray += $vm. CloneVM_Task ($clonePrefix, $cloneFolder, $cloneSpec + $i)

    $i ++


    $taskArray = $taskViewArray | Get-VIObjectByVIView

    Wait-job $taskArray


    PowerCLI C:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI >. \hinomu


    Waiting-task: the object has no associated provider.

    In C:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\HinoMultipleCl

    ones.ps1:25 char: 13

    + Wait-Task < < < < $taskArray

    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [waiting-Task], InvalidOperationE)


    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.InvalidOperationException, VMware.VimAutom


    PowerCLI C:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI >

    You try to mix two different things here.

    The CloneVM_Task call you is a method of the API in the SDK and it returns an SDK task object.

    This task SDK object is not the same object as that returned by the RunAsync switch on several PowerCLI cmdlets.

    The Wait-job cmdlet waits an object returned by the RunAsync switch.

    You can use the task the UpdateProgress method on the object of the SDK in a loop.

    And wait for the news. Condition of the property on the Task SDK object turns into success or error.

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    I try to create a store of standard data to the server with the file system of type 3, because I need this platform to support different VMS of different platforms.

    The error I get is as follows:

    "It was not correct to specified parameters.

    ' Call 'HostStorageSystem.ComputeDiskPartitionInfo' to object 'storage system' on ESXi '' failed.

    I installed several files VIB at HP, thinkig maybe it was a driver problem. This has not solved the problems.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you


    Basically VMFS5 supports LUNS with up to 64 ~ to. However, there are exceptions, like the P410 controller (the driver). Please take a look at for more details.

    What you can do is to use the ACU (Array Configuration Utility) since the SmartStart CD and spit the RAID5 in 2 logical volumes. The controller BIOS utility does not support this.


  • Error when packaging app for iOS - Undefined symbols for armv7 architecture

    First time trying to package an AS3 Air application for development.

    App works fine on Android and is available on the Google/Amazon etc. store. The version I try to package a all references to DONKEY I use removed for simplicity.

    I use Flash Builder 4.7, AIR v4.0 and developed on a PC in Windows 8.

    When you use fast packaging no error is thrown, but the app shows just a black screen on my test Ipad (v3).

    Using standard packaging, I get the following error at 57%:

    Error occurred during the application of packaging:

    For architecture armv7 httpd Undefined symbols:

    "__Z15abcOP_nullcheckIPN7avmplus6AbcEnvEEvPNS0_9MethodEnvET_", referenced from:

    _abcMethod_builtin_2_2_function public::global21.describeType in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_3_3_function public::global21.describeTraits in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_6_6_function public::global21.describeParams in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_5_5_function public::global21.describeMetadata in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_4_4_function public::global21.finish in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_26_26_function public::Object$ ._dontEnumPrototype in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o

    _abcMethod_builtin_30_30_null IŠ¬:_init. in AOTBuildOutput - 3.o


    LD: symbol not found armv7 architecture

    Compilation failed during execution: ld64

    Any help you can offer would be very welcome.

    Please try with the latest version of the AIR 15 Download Adobe AIR beta 15 - Adobe Labs , as it contains many corrections of bugs for the new quick links Manager. Let us know if you still faces questions.


  • Error trying to create a sales order using oe_order_pub.process_order

    Hi all

    I am creating a sales order using api oe_order_pub.process_order...
    This is the procedure that I had written.

    x_return_status VARCHAR2 (250);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (250);
    F varchar2 (2000);

    -out parameters
    x_header_rec OE_Order_PUB. Header_Rec_Type;
    x_header_val_rec OE_Order_PUB. Header_Val_Rec_Type;
    x_Header_Adj_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Adj_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_Adj_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_price_Att_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_Adj_Att_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_Scredit_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
    x_Header_Scredit_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Header_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_line_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Tbl_Type;
    x_line_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Adj_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Adj_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Adj_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Adj_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_price_Att_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Price_Att_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Adj_Att_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Adj_Att_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Adj_Assoc_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Scredit_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Scredit_Tbl_Type;
    x_Line_Scredit_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Line_Scredit_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_Lot_Serial_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Lot_Serial_Tbl_Type;
    x_Lot_Serial_val_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Lot_Serial_Val_Tbl_Type;
    x_action_request_tbl OE_Order_PUB. Request_Tbl_Type;

    l_header_rec OE_Order_PUB. Header_Rec_Type;
    t_line_tbl OE_ORDER_PUB. Line_Tbl_Type;


    l_header_rec: = OE_ORDER_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_REC;
    l_header_rec.ORG_ID: = 204;
    l_header_rec. ORDER_TYPE_ID: = 1437;
    l_header_rec. SOLD_TO_ORG_ID: = 1290;
    l_header_rec. SHIP_TO_ORG_ID: = 1425;
    l_header_rec. INVOICE_TO_ORG_ID: = 1424;
    l_header_rec. PRICE_LIST_ID: = 1000;
    l_header_rec.salesrep_id: = 1006;
    l_header_rec. ORDER_CATEGORY_CODE: = "MIXED";
    l_header_rec. VERSION_NUMBER: = 0;
    l_header_rec. OPEN_FLAG: = 'Y ';
    l_header_rec. BOOKED_FLAG: = 'Y ';
    l_header_rec. PRICING_DATE: = sysdate;
    l_header_rec. TRANSACTIONAL_CURR_CODE: = "USD";
    l_header_rec.created_by: = FND_GLOBAL. USER_ID;
    l_header_rec. CREATION_DATE: = sysdate;
    l_header_rec. LAST_UPDATED_BY: = FND_GLOBAL. USER_ID;
    l_header_rec. LAST_UPDATE_DATE: = sysdate;
    l_header_rec.attribute1: = '250';
    l_header_rec. Operation: = "CRΘER";

    t_line_tbl (1): = OE_ORDER_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_REC; -check
    t_line_tbl (1) .inventory_item_id: = 193742;
    t_line_tbl (1) .ordered_quantity: = 1;
    t_line_tbl (1) .operation: = "CRΘER";
    oe_debug_pub. Initialize;
    -oe_debug_pub. SetDebugLevel (1);
    OE_Order_PUB. Process_Order
    (- p_org_id = > 204,
    -p_operating_unit = > "Ontario."
    p_api_version_number = > 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list = > FND_API. G_TRUE,
    p_return_values = > FND_API. G_TRUE,
    p_action_commit = > FND_API. G_TRUE,
    x_return_status = > x_return_status,
    x_msg_count = > x_msg_count,
    x_msg_data = > x_msg_data,
    p_header_rec = > l_header_rec,
    p_old_header_rec = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_REC,
    p_header_val_rec = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_VAL_REC,
    p_old_header_val_rec = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_VAL_REC,
    p_Header_Adj_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Adj_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_TBL,
    p_Header_Adj_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Adj_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_VAL_TBL,
    p_Header_price_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_PRICE_ATT_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Price_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_PRICE_ATT_TBL,
    p_Header_Adj_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_ATT_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Adj_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_ATT_TBL,
    p_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_ASSOC_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_ASSOC_TBL,
    p_Header_Scredit_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_SCREDIT_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Scredit_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_SCREDIT_TBL,
    p_Header_Scredit_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_SCREDIT_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_Header_Scredit_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_HEADER_SCREDIT_VAL_TBL,
    p_line_tbl = > t_line_tbl,
    p_old_line_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_TBL,
    p_line_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_line_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_VAL_TBL,
    p_Line_Adj_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Adj_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_TBL,
    p_Line_Adj_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Adj_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_VAL_TBL,
    p_Line_price_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_PRICE_ATT_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Price_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_PRICE_ATT_TBL,
    p_Line_Adj_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ATT_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Adj_Att_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ATT_TBL,
    p_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ASSOC_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_ADJ_ASSOC_TBL,
    p_Line_Scredit_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Scredit_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_TBL,
    p_Line_Scredit_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_Line_Scredit_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LINE_SCREDIT_VAL_TBL,
    p_Lot_Serial_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_TBL,
    p_old_Lot_Serial_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_TBL,
    p_Lot_Serial_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_VAL_TBL,
    p_old_Lot_Serial_val_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_LOT_SERIAL_VAL_TBL,
    p_action_request_tbl = > OE_Order_PUB. G_MISS_REQUEST_TBL,
    x_header_rec = > x_header_rec,
    x_header_val_rec = > x_header_val_rec,
    x_Header_Adj_tbl = > x_Header_Adj_tbl,
    x_Header_Adj_val_tbl = > x_Header_Adj_val_tbl,
    x_Header_price_Att_tbl = > x_Header_price_Att_tbl,
    x_Header_Adj_Att_tbl = > x_Header_Adj_Att_tbl,
    x_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > x_Header_Adj_Assoc_tbl,
    x_Header_Scredit_tbl = > x_Header_Scredit_tbl,
    x_Header_Scredit_val_tbl = > x_Header_Scredit_val_tbl,
    x_line_tbl = > x_line_tbl,
    x_line_val_tbl = > x_line_val_tbl,
    x_Line_Adj_tbl = > x_Line_Adj_tbl,
    x_Line_Adj_val_tbl = > x_Line_Adj_val_tbl,
    x_Line_price_Att_tbl = > x_Line_price_Att_tbl,
    x_Line_Adj_Att_tbl = > x_Line_Adj_Att_tbl,
    x_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl = > x_Line_Adj_Assoc_tbl,
    x_Line_Scredit_tbl = > x_Line_Scredit_tbl,
    x_Line_Scredit_val_tbl = > x_Line_Scredit_val_tbl,
    x_Lot_Serial_tbl = > x_Lot_Serial_tbl,
    x_Lot_Serial_val_tbl = > x_Lot_Serial_val_tbl,
    x_action_request_tbl = > x_action_request_tbl,
    --For bug 3390458
    p_rtrim_data = > 'n',.
    p_validate_desc_flex = > 'Y' - bug4343612
    If x_msg_count > 0 then
    for l_index loop 1.x_msg_count
    x_msg_data: = oe_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index = > l_index p_encoded = > F);
    PRINT ('x_msg_data: ' | x_msg_data);
    end loop;
    end if;
    -Check return status
    If x_return_status = FND_API. G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then
    Print ('success');
    on the other
    Print ('failure');
    end if;

    PRINT ('x_return_status: ' | x_return_status);
    PRINT ('x_msg_count: ' | x_msg_count);
    PRINT ('x_msg_data: ' | x_msg_data);
    PRINT ('x_header_val_rec: ' | x_header_val_rec.accounting_rule);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec header_id: ' | x_header_rec.header_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec order_number: ' | x_header_rec.order_number);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec ship_to_org_id: ' | x_header_rec.ship_to_org_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec payment_term_id: ' | x_header_rec.payment_term_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec order_source_id: ' | x_header_rec.order_source_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec order_type_id: ' | x_header_rec.order_type_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec price_list_id: ' | x_header_rec.price_list_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec invoicing_rule_id: ' | x_header_rec.invoicing_rule_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec accounting_rule_id: ' | x_header_rec.accounting_rule_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec org_id: ' | x_header_rec.org_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec sold_to_org_id: ' | x_header_rec.sold_to_org_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec invoice_to_org_id: ' | x_header_rec.invoice_to_org_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec salesrep_id: ' | x_header_rec.salesrep_id);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec invoice_to_org_id: ' | x_header_rec.invoice_to_org_id);
    PRINT (' operation x_header_rec: ' | x_header_rec.) Operation);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec transactional_curr_code: ' | x_header_rec.transactional_curr_code);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec orig_sys_document_ref: ' | x_header_rec.orig_sys_document_ref);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec request_date: ' | x_header_rec.request_date);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec conversion_rate_date: ' | x_header_rec.conversion_rate_date);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec last_update_date: ' | x_header_rec.last_update_date);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec ordered_date: ' | x_header_rec.ordered_date);
    PRINT (' creation_date x_header_rec: ' | x_header_rec.) CREATION_DATE);
    PRINT ('x_header_rec created_by: ' | x_header_rec.created_by);

    It is throwing the following error message.

    SQL > exec TEST_PROC;
    x_msg_data: ORA-01403: no data available in the package OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL procedure
    x_msg_data: Exception defined by the user in the package OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL procedure
    x_return_status: U
    x_msg_count: 2
    x_msg_data: Exception defined by the user in the package OE_ORDER_WF_UTIL procedure
    x_header_val_rec: immediately
    header_id x_header_rec: 156408
    x_header_rec order_number: 64097
    x_header_rec ship_to_org_id: 1425
    x_header_rec payment_term_id: 4
    x_header_rec order_source_id: 0
    x_header_rec order_type_id: 1437
    x_header_rec price_list_id: 1000
    x_header_rec invoicing_rule_id:-2
    x_header_rec accounting_rule_id: 1
    x_header_rec org_id: 204
    x_header_rec sold_to_org_id: 1290
    x_header_rec invoice_to_org_id: 1424
    x_header_rec salesrep_id: 1006
    x_header_rec invoice_to_org_id: 1424
    x_header_rec operation: CREATE
    x_header_rec transactional_curr_code: USD
    x_header_rec orig_sys_document_ref: OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL156408
    x_header_rec request_date: 2 April 09
    x_header_rec conversion_rate_date:
    x_header_rec last_update_date: 2 April 09
    x_header_rec ordered_date: 2 April 09
    x_header_rec creation_date: 2 April 09
    x_header_rec created_by: 13615

    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    I use R12...

    Just pass this to your table action query...
    l_request_tbl (1) .entity_code: = OE_GLOBALS. G_ENTITY_HEADER;
    l_request_tbl (1) .request_type: = OE_GLOBALS. G_BOOK_ORDER;

    And if you use the booking process deferred in your order header workflow, perform only the workflow back to the ground process engine type OM Order Header item and deferred process, Yes.

    Thank you

  • Binary non-PIE error in Flash CS6 for iOS

    Is where this was discussed. I delivered an iOS application and received a notice:

    The executable ".app" isn't a Position independent executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create executables PIE.

    Thank you

    I think that you need,

  • Error trying to stream to iOS (HLS)

    I am currently listening to:

    FMS URL: rtmp://

    Stream: livestream? ADBE-live-event = liveevent

    [you can try to connect too]

    But I can not not to deliver like HTTP, show error log:

    2012-08-0715:37:564060(e) 2611178Libf4f.dll error: path not found...-


    This could happen if the audio/video is received after the first fragment has been created. To ensure that this does not happen audio and video should start at the same time.

    What I suggest is that you clearly on course of water under livepkgr folder and file under livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent .stream, reboot your server, and then start your audio-video publishing at the same time. You use GFFE to publish the stream?

    If this does not help, you can try to increase the length of fragment in the Event.xml.

    Let me know if it works.

    Thank you


  • Beta iOS provisioning profile but remove the software update still shows a update available

    If I open the software update menu, then it shows that my iOS is updated.

    How to get rid of the '1 '?

    Thank you!

    Normally, resetting the device should solve the problem.

    Reset: hold the Home and Power buttons until you see the Apple logo (10 to 20 seconds).

  • Utility error system image creating NetRestore Image 2


    I s 2 constant error trying to create a picture of NBI NetRestore using System Image Utility 2 (Version 10.11.2 (778)).

    NetBoot and NetInstall work without error, but NetRestore won't quite work. The iMac I use is in target mode and mounted on a 10.11 Mac OS Server.

    This used to work wonderfully in Yosemite, but now it is a total nightmare...

    What I'm missing here?

    Thanks for any help...


    iMac, retina 5K 27 "end 2014

    The first thing you can do is set the verbose logging level. This will allow you to understand which tool (probably hdiutil) generated the error.

    If you only have problems in making images of existing volumes, I would start by checking the integrity of the volume with utility disk or another tool.

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    Hi, I really love Mozilla FireFox, but I have an iphone and I'm curious to know if you are going to produce Mozilla Firefox on IOS devices, because I'm waiting for it don't...
    Thank you

    There is no way for Mozilla create Firefox for iOS. Apple restricted a lot what kind of applications can be created for iOS. The only thing that could serve as Mozilla is a Firefox Sync client, which then uses the iOS Safari browser.

Maybe you are looking for

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