Grants AD running

Hi all

I'm new to apps dba. Any help in detail is appreciated.

To read me the file of patch 9239089 , instructions for execution adgrants.sql is given. I have some doubts about this.

The actual instructions are

Instructions for the execution of AD subsidies
Run the script adgrants.sql as a user that can connect as SYSDBA to grant privileges to the objects selected for SYS and create objects in PL/SQL profiler.


1. create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.

2. copy of the patch directory (UNIX) adgrants.sql for
Or copy of this patch directory (Windows) adgrants_nt.sql for
% ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin.

3. set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.

4. use SQL * more to run the script:

$ sqlplus/nolog
SQL > @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql < name of the APPS schema >

C:\ > sqlplus/nolog
SQL > @%ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin\adgrants_nt.sql < name of the APPS schema >


Step - 1 is clear: I should create an admin folder in this path in dbTier

Step-2 is also ok

Step-3: what is this environment variable definition pointing to ORACLE_HOME in database server? I already have the environment variable ORACLE_HOME to dbTier and I created the admin folder in the path specified in step 1.

Step-4: I need to run this script on dbTier.

Please tell me the step 3.

Kind regards

Acquisition of knowledge is the ultimate, he shares is unique.

Hi Haran;

1. you must connect as user oramgr, in your case, the user gdevdb

It is:

1 su - gdevdb
2. echo $ORACLE_HOME
3. echo $ORACLE_SID

They should bring your home and sid database

4. do not pass user applications (su - gdevapps) continue to work with gdevdb

5 sqlplus as sysdba

SQL > @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql

or you can run

SQL > @YOUR ORACLE APPS HOME//appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    ORACLE 11g r2.

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    Handle: scottjhn
    Status level: Beginner
    Join date: April 22, 2003
    Total messages: 646
    Total Questions: 95 (46 pending)

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    , v$ session_wait w
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    (select kgllkhdl from x$ kgllk where kgllkreq > 0)
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    Stored procedures can be ' DEFINER rights"or" Summoner"stored procedures with the default being the author's rights.

    So by default, if user A has a stored procedure and grants access running on this stored procedure to user B, the procedure runs with privileges to A user. Specifically, the procedure runs with the privileges granted explicitly to the user, not the privileges granted to the user through a role.


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    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- --------- --------- 
    SYSTEM                         role_name                    SYS                            dir_name                     EXECUTE                                  NO        NO        
    SYSTEM                         role_name                    SYS                            dir_name                     READ                                     NO        NO        
    SYSTEM                         role_name                    SYS                            dir_name                     WRITE                                    NO        NO        
    3 rows selected
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    GRANT EXECUTE ON DIRECTORY dir_name TO role_name
    Error report:
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    22928. 00000 -  "invalid privilege on directories"
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    *Action:   Only CREATE, DELETE, READ and WRITE privileges can be granted or
               revoked on directories. Do not grant or revoke other privileges.
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    Because you cannot, according to the 10 g documentation...

    However, in 11g, it can be done...

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    PS. Hiroto has a solution too: Hiroto, javascript fix for CSA.


    Here's my javascript which now includes the cloning of pagination in header. The pagination_in_header() of service as well as the relevant rules of style injected by CSSStyleSheet.insertRule () does the job. You can adjust the positioning of the cloned by CSSRule element defined in javascript.


    Document Object Model (DOM) level 2 Style specification

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name            ASC thread content view (d2)
    // @namespace       bubo-bubo/gmscripts
    // @description     ASC - disable jquery animation, initially show all replies, hide rollup solved answer in page 2 or later, clone pagination navigator in header.
    // @grant           unsafeWindow
    // @run-at          document-end
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // @version         0.2.1
    // ==/UserScript==
    var _debug = 0;
    var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
    var watchdog1, watchdog2, watchdog3;
    var watch_interval          = 300; // [ms]
    var re_thread               = new RegExp('^https://[^/]+/thread/');
    var re_thread_or_message    = new RegExp('^https://[^/]+/(thread|message)/');
    // disable jquery animation (globally)
    $ = true;
    // supplementary styles for pagination nagivator cloned in header (.thread-container-wrapper)
    // pagination navigator
    '.thread-container-wrapper {\
        position: absolute !important;\
        top: -10px !important;\
        right: 0px !important;\
    }', 0);
    // loading gear icon
    '.thread-container-wrapper .j-loading-big {\
        position: absolute;\
        top: -6px;\
        left: 0;\
        margin-left: -60px;\
        z-index: -1;\
    }', 0);
    // modify thread content view behaviour (in post-load phase)
    window.onload = function() {
        // register event listeners
        window.addEventListener('unload', function(e) {
            if (_debug) console.log('unload is observed');
            window.removeEventListener('_locationchange', _locationchange_handler, true);
            window.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee, true);
        }, true);
        window.addEventListener('_locationchange', _locationchange_handler, true);
        function _locationchange_handler(e) {
            if (_debug) console.log('_locationchange is observed');
            var href = window.location.href;
            if ( href.match(re_thread) ) {
                setTimeout(show_all_replies, 100);
            if ( href.match(re_thread_or_message) ) {
                setTimeout(hide_solved_p2, 100);
                setTimeout(pagination_in_header, 100);
        // _locationchange watch dog
        var prev_href = '';
        watchdog1 = setInterval( function() {
            // watch for location to change
            var curr_href = window.location.href;
            if (curr_href != prev_href) {
                if (_debug) console.log('_locationchange is issued');
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('_locationchange'));
                prev_href = curr_href;
        }, watch_interval);
    function show_all_replies() {
        window.addEventListener('_helpfuldisplay', function(e) {
            if (_debug) console.log('_helpfuldisplay is observed');
            $('.helpful-all-switch li.helpful').addClass('inactive').removeClass('active').hide();
            $('.helpful-all-switch li.all-replies').addClass('active').removeClass('inactive').show();
            window.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee, true);
        }, true);
        watchdog2 = setInterval( function() {
            // watch for helpful container to appear
            if (_debug) console.log('watchdog (for helpful container) is active : ' + watchdog2);
            if ($('#helpful-container').css('display') != 'none') {
                if (_debug) console.log('_helpfuldisplay is issued');
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('_helpfuldisplay'));
        }, watch_interval);
        setTimeout(stop_watchdog, 3000, watchdog2);
    function hide_solved_p2() {
        var u = window.location.href;
        var re = /[?&]start=([0-9]+)/;
        var m = re.exec(u);
        var p = m ? m[1] : 0;
        if (_debug) console.log('current start post numebr = ' + p);
        var div = $('.j-answer-rollup.recommended-answers.span-full-width');
        if (!div) { return; }
        p > 0 ? div.hide() :;
    function pagination_in_header() {
        window.addEventListener('_pagereday', function(e) {
            if (_debug) console.log('_pagereday is observed');
            var pg = $('.all-replies-container');
            if (pg) {
            window.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee, true);
        }, true);
        watchdog3 = setInterval( function() {
            // watch for reply container opacity to be 1 (which is .5 while loading)
            if (_debug) console.log('watchdog (for page ready) is active : ' + watchdog3);
            if ($('.all-replies-container').css('opacity') == 1) {
                if (_debug) console.log('_pagereday is issued');
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('_pagereday'));
        }, watch_interval);
    //  setTimeout(stop_watchdog, 5000, watchdog3);
    function stop_watchdog(dog) {
        if (_debug) console.log('watchdog is inactive : ' + dog);

    Tested with Greasemonkey 3.9 and Firefox 45.3.0esr OS X 10.6.8.

    All the best,




    Whe have six 6 PROD databases that match our different applications of six 6.

    I am required to create six 6 INVESTIGATION for each six database user and grant the entire table of app (select only) him.

    This user of INQUIRY will be our "app data analyst" for purposes of verification and validation.

    Y at - it an order of a single line to give all tables to INQUIRYuser? Something like "grant select on all tables from HR to the INVESTIGATION?

    Or should I grant 1 by 1 and recreate synonyms 1 by 1?

    Or I have to create the function to SYS (grant select on tables) and grant to run the survey?

    Thank you

    Petra k.

    Technically, you must issue a SELECT on each table.

    You can write a PLSQL block that iterates through a list of tables (. e.g. USER_TABLES in the scheme of the owner) and emits the granting of the right to SELECT.

    Hemant K Collette

  • Semantic error with ProC for a given package


    We now move to Oracle 11 g 2, and I encounter an error during precompilation of our code for ProC.  The error is S-PLS-00201, identifier "XXXXXX" must be declared.

    Let me explain what I'm doing.

    The identifier in question is a package.  The owner of this package is a schema user1 user.  In the same instance of the database, I have another user of schema, user 2.

    Granted User1 RUN to USER2.  And a SYNONYM was created for User2.  So now connect with USER2 with SqlDeveloper, I see the synonym of the given package.

    When precompiling with ProC, I use the SQLCHECK = SEMANTICS USERID=USER2/PWD@INSTANCE.

    Other indicators are: DBMS = V8 CHAR_MAP = VARCHAR2 ireclen = 80 oreclen analysis 80 = NONE select_error = no = NO maxliteral = 1024 maxopencursors = 10 TLigne = NONE release_cursor = YES

    That's when I get the error.  I need to connect with User2, because it is the main schema, and only a package is in another schema.  But if I change the username for ProC User1 and precompile only the part of the code that need USER1, it works (same package here, but in the scheme of the owner).  It seems that there is a problem with the GRANT.

    Does anyone have an idea?

    Thank you.

    Jessy Saint.

    Of course, it's the ovious.  The grant has been removed from someone else, something of another test.  The problem with the large dev teams using the same databases...

    Thanks again.

  • 403 Forbidden error of execution of the procedures of the URL of the browser stored

    I am currently trying to run a simple stored procedure (ea.hello_world, where "ea" is the pattern and "hello_world" is the name of the procedure) a URL from the browser, but am getting a 403 Forbidden - error message "you don't have permission to access /pls/apex/ea.hello_world on this server. I use APEX 3.2 with Oracle 11 g and mod_plsql and gave the steps of apex_public_user. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?

    Here is the process I have used so far:

    Create the "Hello_World" procedure in the "EA: schema

    create or replace
    procedure hello_world
    HTP. Print ("'Hello World!");

    I then successfully granted to run the apex_public_user procedure:

    Grant execute on ea.hello_world to apex_public_user;

    Then, I tried to call the stored procedure from the browser using the following syntax:

    http:// < Server >: < port > / pls/apex/< schema >. < Procedure & gt;

    I also experimented with the use of a public synonym and the configuration of the wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local, but I do not think that the function s relevant since I'm using mod_plsql and not the embedded pl/sql gateway.


    If you have below the line in dads.conf, then wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local sets

    PlsqlRequestValidationFunction wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

    Create public synonym

    CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM hello_world FOR ea.hello_world;

    Grant privilege to execute procedure to the public

    GRANT execute on hello_world to public;

    Then change the APEX_030200.wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local function

        IF UPPER(procedure_name) IN (
            RETURN TRUE;
            RETURN FALSE;
        END IF;

    Then try

    If you can now run your procedure in URL, you can then low and e.g. grant execute procedure to the user of DAD.

    Kind regards


    Published by: jarola on December 6, 2011 16:20

    Published by: jarola on December 6, 2011 16:24

    typo in the name of the function

  • OLS Question: ORA-12407

    Hi all

    I met a problem that stuck. Google gives little more than the inscription of the error. If anyone can get an idea, I would really appreciate it.

    -Oracle Database 11 g 2
    Official LANGUAGES - installed and put in work
    O/s = Red Hat 5.5

    Package or attempt to execute the procedure: SA_USER_ADMIN. SET_USER_LABELS (in the LBACSYS)

    User oracle: myUser

    Permissions granted: myUser has run on SA_USER_ADMIN and SA_SESSION

    When you try to run SA_USER_ADMIN. SET_USER_LABELS('myPolicyName','userName','labelString'); I get:

    ERROR on line 1:
    ORA-12407: operation not allowed for policy "myPolicyName."
    ORA-06512: at "LBACSYS. LBAC_STANDARD', line 20
    ORA-06512: at "LBACSYS.SA_USER_ADMIN", line 42
    ORA-06512: at "LBACSYS.SA_USER_ADMIN", line 1420
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    Now, I can run this same command if connected as a LBACSYS without problem. This leads me to believe that it is a problem of permisions. However, I have explicitly granted to run on the SA_USER_ADMIN package to myUser, so I'm confused.

    Order out any other package, I temporarily gave performance at all the LBACSYS myUser rights packages. Still, it gave the same error.

    Any ideas?

    If I left any relevant information, my apologies and I would be happy to fill in the gaps. I am really puzzled.


    PS I apologize for the generic names. I had to replace the real names, go figure, for security reasons. :)

    Hi, which is a security feature of operation LIFELINE - normally, LBACSYS would create at the start of the policy and another user could pick up and complete the life policy, but LBACSYS to grant _DBA another user for this user to handle just this one political; in your model, myuser could manage / change (!) all policies.

    Also, see here:

    HTH, Peter

  • Errors on the migration of to procedures

    Hi people!
    I'm migration (32-bit) to (32 bit).

    In the old database of myl, I have several procedures that calls another one that uses the <>schema. SEND_MAIL

    When I try to compile the procedure mentioned above, I get the following error.

    103/22 PL/SQL: ignored element
    103/22-PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_SMTP' must be declared
    113/22 PL/SQL: ignored element
    113/22-PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_FILE' must be declared
    143/4 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    143/4 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    148/4 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    148/19 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    149/4 PL/SQL: statement ignored

    149/19 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    159/5 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    159/20 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    163/4 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    163/25 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    195/4 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    195/26-PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is

    incomplete or incorrect

    227/14 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    227/14 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    238/14 PL/SQL: statement ignored
    238/36 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    incomplete or incorrect

    My question is: is this procedure may become invalid with oracle 9.2 to oracle 11.2?
    Sorry if the question / answer is stupid or just, but I'm at the office of my client, and belive it or not, I don't have access to metalink...

    Thanks in advance.

    As security improved, a number of packages of % UTL_ is not granted to public any longer. You will need to connect as sysdba and grant to run on these packages for the patterns that must be used. They recompile and the errors should go away.

  • CTXSYS. Problem creating index of type CONTEXT.

    Hi all

    I am trying to create an index of context as follows and it works well.


    CREATE INDEX succeeded.

    But when I'm adding it setting paragraph as follows, I get the below error.

    INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS. CONTEXT parameters ('sync (each SYSDATE + 5/1440)');

    Error from the 1 in the command line:
    INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS. CONTEXT parameters ('sync (each SYSDATE + 5/1440)')
    Error in the command line: 1 column: 23
    Error report:
    SQL error: ORA-29855: error when executing routine ODCIINDEXCREATE
    ORA-20000: Oracle text error:
    DRG-50857: error oracle in drvddl. IndexCreate
    ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
    ORA-06512: AT CTXSYS. DRUE, line 160
    29855 00000 - an error has occurred in the execution of routine ODCIINDEXCREATE
    * Cause: Cannot run the ODCIIndexCreate routine.
    * Action: Check if the routine was coded correctly.

    Please advise to solve the problem.

    Thank you


    the use of the synchronization setting, the user must be granted to run a job. Oracle is a job to do the synchronization. Then issue:



    Herald tiomela

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