How can I assign attribute value?

Hi all

I have 2 variables - vari1 and vari2
I have a requirement where if vari2 = 'abc', the value of vari1 must vari1 = 1234
If vari2 = "pqr", the value of vari1 must vari1 = 5678

How can I achieve this? As I m new to OPA.

Thank you.

Fragmentation of the rule is not appropriate for this situation. Use a Table of rules in Word (or Excel if you prefer).

Your rules in Word table might look like:

| vari1                |
| 1234 | vari2 = "abc" |
| 5678 | vari2 = "pqr" |
| 0    | otherwise     |

It's very basic features of OPA. I highly recommend training.

Kind regards

Anthony Bettanin | OPA & RCMP Partner Enablement | Oracle global alliances & channels | [url] Area to OPA knowledge

Tags: Oracle Applications

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    I checked the account details and you have subscribed to two plans under your Adobe ID only.

    As you mentioned that you purchased the plan student for your son, I advise you get it canceled your account and buy under your son's account.

    You can create an Adobe Id for your son and subscribe to the terms of this.

    Please see cancel your membership creative cloud for cancellation.

    Kind regards


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    Add the Javascript file as an external Javascript file in the dashboard Interface and add a variable.

    For example,.

    AdobeEdge.myVar1 = "a Variable"; It is a chain called myVar1

    and you can easily just call this variable to the edge like that.


    Or use in an alert or whatever.

    Alert (AdobeEdge.myVar1);

    I did something like this some time ago is an example file of it

    I hope it helps.

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