How can I centralize text on the button?


I made the button graphic using some effects of filling and then wanted to add text to it. Of course I could just put a block of text above and group them, and then convert it to button, and which works very well. The problem is when I want to add the substitution effect. I just wanted to add a simple glow effect for this, but if I used a component grouped, it places the glow effect on two points in the group, including the text, ruining the graph.

I can type text directly in the graph button to avoid these effects of doubles, but then I can't align the text vertically in the button, because unlike the blocks of text, graphic blocks do not offer a vertical alignment option.

The only viable option seems to be to place and graphics adding to the effect of substitution of a file, which seems to be too complicated and messy. Intuitively I would have thought a rollover State could be created simply by dragging another graph in this position - but that is not possible either.

Anyone has any advice on how to achieve this?



I solved the problem by using the vertical offset, but this doesn't seem to be the right way to go about it for me...

JasonDD210 wrote:

I can type text directly in the graph button to avoid these effects of doubles, but then I can't align the text vertically in the button, because unlike the blocks of text, graphic blocks do not offer a vertical alignment option.

Try this: do not apply the glow effect to the group, only apply it to the shape of the background. To do this, select only the background shape with the direct Selection tool and open the effects window.

Tags: InDesign

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