How can I propose extensions to Oracle SQL / Oracle DBMS?


Is there a standard process to offer extensions to the Oracle database?

I waited for some extensions for Oracle 8 I consider as very useful and quite easy to implement compared to others who have found their way into the product. I want to put them in some sort of base of the proposal. How can I do?

These are the extensions:

(1) comparison of Tuple according to the lexicographic order

Imagine a table of SALES (product_id, year, quarter, amount).

I like question all sales of the third quarter of 2008 to the second quarter of 2009 as this:
select *
  from sales
 where (year, quarter) >= (2008, 3)
   and (year, quarter) <= (2009, 2)
and even
select *
  from sales
 where (year, quarter) between (2008, 3) and (2009, 2)
Clues are lexicographically ordered, these conditions must be easily supported by the database. If there is an index on the SALES (year, quarter), it will be easy to make a simple index range scan here.

Note that the notation of tuple is not completely new. I can write something like
select *
  from sales
 where (year, quarter) in (select year, quarter from some_table)
These days, you should not set a table in the way we did above. You must set a date column year_quarter and represent each quarter - Let's say - from his first day, which is the third quarter of 2008 by July 1, 2008.
You might even guarantee this by a check constraint 'year_quarter = (year_quarter, 'q'). The above query must be written:
select *
  from sales
 where year_quarter between date '2008-07-01' and date '2009-04-01'
But it's still heavy.

If you always set a table in the way that I did at the beginning, you will end up using index based on a function on phrases such as "year * 10 + quarter" in support of these "intuitive" such as queries
select *
  from sales
 where year * 10 + quarter between 20083 and 20092
But imagine you want in 2008 and all you have is this a function-based index:
select *
  from sales
 where year = 2008
The index based on a function on SALES (year * 10 + quarter) does not help. You can write:
select *
  from sales
 where year * 10 + quarter between 20081 and 20084
But it's not really practical.

The extension project allows you to query both a given year (Beach) and a specific range of quarter, effectively using the same index defined on (year, quarter).

(2) comparison operators that deal with NULL as a normal value

If you need to compare two columns and treat NULL values as a normal value, you need to write something like "(t1.a = t2.a ou (t1.a est null et t2.a est null)"): "
select *
  from tab1 t1
 where not exists (
         select *
           from tab2 t2
          where (t1.a = t2.a or (t1.a is null and t2.a is null)
            and (t1.b = t2.b or (t1.b is null and t2.b is null)
It would be much easier to read and certainly much easier to optimize by the optimizer if there is an equality operator 'is' which deals with NULL as a normal value.
select *
  from tab1 t1
 where not exists (
         select *
           from tab2 t2
          where (t1.a == t2.a
            and (t1.b == t2.b
You can even ask the same idea to >, > =, <, < = and allow such tags only 'with null max"and" min null ":
select *
  from tab
 where x <= 7000 with null min
   and y >= 10 with null max
null <= null with null max --> true
null <= 1 with null max --> false;
1 <= null with null max --> true
1 <= 2 with null max --> true
(3) new aggregate function to indicate that one value is expected

Imagine there is an aggregate function called unique (...) which takes all values and checks if they are identical. If so, this single value is returned. Otherwise, an exception SQL ORA-# is raised.

When you use the group by clauses and functionally dependent columns, you write queries as follows.
Imagine that you have a CONTRACT table (contract_id, contract_owner_id,...) and a CONTRACT_DETAIL table (contract_detail_id, contract_id,...).
You want to select all contracts and for each contract its owner and the number of the contract details. With 'unique', you can write:
select c.contract_id
     , unique(c.contract_owner_id)
     , count(*) detail_cnt
  from contract c, contract_detail cd
 where c.contract_id = cd.contract_id
 group by c.contract_id
Today, I write either
select c.contract_id
     , max(c.contract_owner_id) -- functionally dependant on c.contract_id
     , count(*) detail_cnt
  from contract c, contract_detail cd
 where c.contract_id = cd.contract_id
 group by c.contract_id
select c.contract_id, c.contract_owner_id, count(*) detail_cnt
  from contract c, contract_detail cd
 where c.contract_id = cd.contract_id
 group by c.contract_id
        , c.contract_owner_id -- functionally dependant on c.contract_id
Both have drawback that I need to use a comment to describe what is happening. And worse, if my assumption was wrong, the database fails with an error and doesn't force me to rethink things.

Another use of unique (...) is in combination with analytical functions.
For example, when I use «aggr (...)» keep (dense_rank first/last seen by...) ", in most cases, the order by clause defines a unique first or last line."
In these cases, the aggregate function "aggr (...)" is of no real use.

Imagine a time-stamped time table PROJECT_STATUS with the 'no temporal primary key' project and the TS timestamp column.
Technically, (project, ts) is a unique key of the table. So, there is always only one line with the maximum timestamp TS.
I want to choose the status ID of all projects. I can write:
select ps.project_id
     , max(status) keep (
        dense_rank last order by  ts
       ) as status
  from project_status ps
  group by ps.project_id
I can use 'min' instead of 'max' with the same result. Using 'unique' instead not wrongly suggests that a maximum or minimum is selected but would be only a mathematical expectation is chosen has established:
select ps.project_id
     , unique(status) keep (
        dense_rank last order by  ts
       ) as status
  from project_status ps
  group by ps.project_id
We have two variants of "unique":

(1) normal 'single (x)' treats NULL as a value. Thus, it would be illegal if there were a few lines with x = NULL and a few lines with x = 5.

(2) "single (x ignores nulls)" ignores all values null (similar to "last_value(... ignore nulls) (...)") and is less strict because x must be unique for all non-null values. He allows that x has the value NULL for some lines and 5 for the other. In this case, it returns 5.

You open a session request for improvement through Metalink.

The procedure is documented in Metalink document 166650.1 as follows:

How to connect to an enhancement request:

Create a new Service request in MetaLink.
In creating an SR - brief Description screen, in the problem field Type, select request for development.
Important factors to remember when to complete the Service request model requires development and create demand for services:
Fully describe why the current functionality of product does not satisfy your needs.
Explain in detail building wanted implemented
If possible, describe how the product can be changed to achieve the desired results.
Describe your expectations of the company. The dates of the step key and justifications as to why this request is so important and the benefits that your organization has everything to gain if it takes will be accepted.
Once your Service request has been created, it will be assigned to a Support engineer who will validate your information. In some cases, your application may be a defect in the product new or known that the technical support engineer may provide a fix, workaround, or adopt Oracle development for resolution. In other cases, you can present a valuable product enhancement that can improve the functionality of the Oracle product. In all cases, the Support Engineer will be able to qualify your application and pass the information to the development of the Oracle.
Once the technical support engineer validates your request and agreement on action plan is created, your Support Engineer will create a new development application and you provide with a request to improve tracking number. The research on MetaLink BUG tool then receive updates status.
Please note that the technical support engineer will end the SR once the improvement was noted.

In addition, see the document 214168.1

Tags: Database

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    Kind regards


    Hi Monika,

    First to write all your calls of dbms_ldap in the procedure a pl/sql. Do not call dbms_ldap api functions separately in java.

    Didn't test it, but it should work.

    1 Wrrite a pl/sql package. You can also add create api user.

    create or replace package apps.xxanil_pkg as
        function authenticate(p_dn in varchar2, p_password in varchar2 ) return varchar2;
        function password_operation ( username varchar2, newpassword varchar2 ) return varchar2;
    create or replace package body apps.xxanil_pkg as
        function authenticate(p_dn in varchar2, p_password in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is
            l_ldap_port   number        := 389; --ldap port
            l_ldap_host   varchar2(100) := '';
            l_out         varchar2(1);
            l_retval      pls_integer;
            l_retval2     pls_integer;
            l_session     dbms_ldap.session; 
            l_string      varchar2(256);
            my_attrs     dbms_ldap.string_collection;
            my_message   dbms_ldap.message;
            my_dn        varchar2(256);
            my_entry     dbms_ldap.message;
            x_retval     pls_integer;
            x_dn         varchar2(256);
            ldap_base     varchar2(256):= '';
            l_admin_dn    varchar2(256):= '';
            l_admin_pass  varchar2(256):= '';
            if p_password is null then
                return 'N';
            end if;
            l_retval                    := -1;
            dbms_ldap.use_exception     := true;       
                l_session   := dbms_ldap.init( l_ldap_host , l_ldap_port );
                l_retval    := dbms_ldap.simple_bind_s( l_session, l_admin_dn, l_admin_pass );
                my_attrs(1) := 'distinguishedName';
                x_retval    := dbms_ldap.search_s( l_session, ldap_base,  dbms_ldap.scope_subtree, 'sAMAccountName='||p_dn ,my_attrs , 0, my_message);
                my_entry    := dbms_ldap.first_entry(l_session, my_message);
                my_dn       := DBMS_LDAP.get_dn( l_session, my_entry );
                l_retval2   := dbms_ldap.unbind_s( l_session );
                if my_dn is not null then
                   x_dn := my_dn;
                end if;
            exception when others then
                x_dn := null;
                l_session       := dbms_ldap.init( l_ldap_host , l_ldap_port );
                l_retval        := dbms_ldap.simple_bind_s( l_session, x_dn, p_password );
                l_retval2       := dbms_ldap.unbind_s( l_session );
                l_out := 'Y';
            exception when others then
                l_retval2       := dbms_ldap.unbind_s( l_session );
                l_out := 'N';
            if l_out = 'Y' then
                return 'Y';
            end if;            
            return 'N';
        exception when others then
            return 'N';
        function password_operation ( username varchar2, newpassword varchar2 ) return varchar2 is
            l_result                    boolean;
            l_out                       varchar2(1) :='N';
            l_user_exist                varchar2(1);
            l_user_password_correct     varchar2(1);
            select decode(count(*),0,'N','Y') into l_user_exist from fnd_user where user_name = username ;
            if l_user_exist = 'Y' then  -- user exists
                l_user_password_correct := fnd_web_sec.validate_login(username,newpassword);
                if l_user_password_correct = 'N' then  -- user exists but password is wrong. change the password
                    l_result := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username,  newpassword );
                    if l_result then
                        l_out := 'Y';
                        l_out := 'N';
                    end if;
                else -- user exists, password is correct, do nothing
                    l_out := 'N';
                end if;
            else -- user not exists. create user here
            end if;  
            return l_out;
        exception when others then
            l_out := 'E';
            return l_out;

    2. decompile LoginCO.class and add after the code before "hashmap.put ("username", s1);". Launch OAExceptions if any statement that may be called by error occurs.

    OAApplicationModule am = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
    OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
    CallableStatement csLdap = null;
    String ldapResult =null;
    String sqlldap = "Begin :1 := APPS.xxanil_pkg.authenticate(:2, :3); End;";
    csLdap = txn.createCallableStatement(sqlldap, 1);
    try {
      csLdap.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
      csLdap.setString(2, s1);
      csLdap.setString(3, s2);
      ldapResult = csLdap.getString(1);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      //throw OAException here, cut the process
    } finally {
      try {
      if (cs != null)
      } catch (SQLException e) {
      //throw OAException here, cut the process
    if("Y".equals(ldapResult)) {
      CallableStatement cs = null;
      String result =null;
      String sql = "Begin :1 := APPS.xxanil_pkg.password_operation(:2, :3); End;";
      cs = txn.createCallableStatement(sql, 1);
      try {
      cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
      cs.setString(2, s1);
      cs.setString(3, s2);
      result = cs.getString(1);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
      //throw OAException here, cut the process
      } finally {
      try {
      if (cs != null)
      } catch (SQLException e) {
      //throw OAException here, cut the process

    Kind regards


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    Hi Sunil,

    Here it is on Linux, but you can try even for Windows for the upgrade of the 10g database at 12 c (

    Thank you


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    Addition to the response of Srini, you know that there is a new view in g 11 responses to display SQL logic? Just choose in the analysis-> results-> new view-> other-> SQL-> Standard SQL logic views.

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    Thank you
    set echo off
    select s.site_id SID,substr(s.site_name,1, 50) SITE, month.start_date_time, 
    sum(decode(sd.datatype_id,111,month.value,null)) EC,
    sum(decode(sd.datatype_id,1217,month.value,null)) PPM,
    round(sum(decode(sd.datatype_id,19,month.value,decode(sd.datatype_id,93,month.value,null))),2) CFS,
    round(sum(decode(sd.datatype_id,1216,month.value,decode(sd.datatype_id,1218,month.value,null))),0)  TOTAL_CFS,
    round(sum(decode(sd.datatype_id,20,month.value,decode(sd.datatype_id,1113,month.value,null))),0)  AF
    from hdb_site s, hdb_site_datatype sd, r_month month, ref_yao_sal_flow_site_map map
    where map.flow_site_id = &&site
    set verify off

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    OF rcv.recv_accessions ra
    where ra.prefix = 8 and ra.fiscal_yr = 11') double xml;

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    I get the following error in the form builder:
    Restriction of implementing: 'NONE': cannot directly access the slider or the package variable remote

    I also tried the following without success (with the exact same error as above):
    qryctx: = DBMS_XMLGEN. NEWCONTEXT ("select the prefix, suffix, fiscal_yr")
    OF rcv.recv_accessions ra
    in the case where ra.prefix = 8 and ra.fiscal_yr = 11');
    result: = DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML (qryCtx);

    So, how do a query to output to a file in XML format in the form builder?
    Thank you

    The function DB would be something like this:

    create or replace function get_xml
    return clob
       result   clob;
       qryctx  dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle%type;
       qryctx:=DBMS_XMLGEN.NEWCONTEXT('select prefix, suffix, fiscal_yr
           FROM rcv.recv_accessions ra
           where where ra.prefix = 8 and ra.fiscal_yr = 11');
       result := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(qryCtx);
       return result;

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       v_xml    clob;
       v_xml := get_xml;
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    WHERE ABAN8 = '20000 '.

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    2.i creat the joint complex physical schema:


    3.I creat the comlex participate full diagram
    4.I creat two Soursces
    The first is for AC01
    Second, one is fo AC02
    5. in the responses, I can't get the reasult.
    How to do? Please help me!
    Thank you very much.

    1. create a separate query to SELECT DRSY, DRRT, DRKY, DRDL01 AS AC01DSC FROM PRODCTL. F0005 WHERE DRSY = '01' AND DRRT = '01'
    2 create a query seprate for SELECT DRSY, DRRT, DRKY, DRDL01 AS AC02DSC FROM PRODCTL. F0005 WHERE DRSY = '01' AND DRRT = '02'
    3. Insert a query and drag the PRODDTA table. F0101 in the catalog, select the top of the query results. now join a left outer join on two results with the main request.
    4. use the filter and create a where condition. run u should get the desired result.

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    sqlplus > startup mount

  • How can I solve the RDP and SQL problems after cloning of a paralytic?

    I got a job Server 2008 R2 system running SQL Server Enterprise 2012 all on an 8 G/4CPU VM and did a ' copy to ' VAPP Cloner.

    The new VAPP has been on one VLAN separated. During the copy process, customizing of comments was shortlisted, and I gave the new virtual machine, a new name for the machine. I can access both VLAN via my WIndows 7 x 64 desktop client OpenVPN.

    So far so good, I could use the vDC to log on the new machine of vApp using my previous administrator credentials.

    I found myself with two problems though...

    (1) none of my previous connections will work with SQL Server, when I try to launch SQL Server Management Studio. I get a message saying "Connection failed for user 'newmachine\user'" so maybe the MSN usr for duplicate users are not the same as the original sid user? I think that he could not tell the difference, if everything has been cloned and the machine name has changed.

    (2) my RDP 7 Windows client does not connect unless I have configure the new server to allow "a MOP" instead of just "Network Level Authentication" that has been configured on the original server that I cloned from. When I activate "all RDP" I can RDP into the cloned fine system.

    The cloned machine had the new name of the machine and a new SID assigned by the cloning process. The original and clone are on VLAN isolated and cannot see. Both not use areas and working groups.

    If I leave the cloned server THAT RDP "NLA" value only as the original server, my Windows 7 client gets a message complaining that RDP does not support the NLA for the cloned machine. RDP works fine connecting to the original server that still has not specified NLA. The RDP instance that says I need enabled NLA, watch NLA is activated in the about box.

    Someone at - he saw either of these issues? Any suggestions?

    Thanks, Dave

    Hi, my understanding is that sysprep does much more than simply by changing the SID of the box, it will also use the SID to regenerate the local MSN accounts system which is problably the origin of the problem, you're experiency. This is done for the security reasosns avoid guests who have accounts with the same sid on different machines. There is a tool called newsid that changes the SID of the server and let the system SID accounts because they were, but it has been known to have other issues but allow him to achieve what you want? I thiknk MS have retired it now, but you can always download on the net.

    If you need get SQL running sysprep and want to automate the process to set up your DB and users following post useful:

  • How can I access this tutorial oracle on weblogic with websocket

    Please someone help me with this.

    Thank you

    MD. Faruque Hossain

    db22f2c2-B22E-426e-b8e5-cc264eb23c7b wrote:

    Please someone help me with this.

    Thank you

    MD. Faruque Hossain


    Maybe you just need to "walk" the URL backward.

    This means that you delete segments of it, from the end or the URL and remove portions of it until you get to something that is readable.

    Yo can finally get to the

    (Note the difference between what you posted and this new URL.)

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    Is there an Oracle function that seeks a specific word? I want to search only the words (no chain). Please see the example below.

    text: "oracle forum is the best."
    Word: "orum.
    Result: There is no *.

    If we use INSTR, he said that the word exists. But I want to search word "orum" not for the word containing "orum. So the result is "Word orum exists in the text.

    Thank you.
      2            WHEN REGEXP_LIKE('oracle forum is the best','(^|\W)orum(\W|$)') THEN 'Exists'
      3            ELSE 'Not exists'
      4          END RESULT
      5    FROM  DUAL
      6  /
    Not exists
      2            WHEN REGEXP_LIKE('oracle forum is the best','(^|\W)forum(\W|$)') THEN 'Exists'
      3            ELSE 'Not exists'
      4          END RESULT
      5    FROM  DUAL
      6  /


  • How can I get extensions appears when changing CS6 CC Dreamweaver

    In the upgrade to CC this last month, I downloaded the Dreamweaver CC and none of my extensions appeared in the menu.  Is it possible to migrate extensions to the wire I have slide shows etc that are on a server with these applications and I need to get them into the new software?

    CC of Dreamweaver can't stand the old extension MXP format. It now supports ZXP only.

    Download the ZXP versions updated by the developer of the extension or roll (free) your MXP.

    You can convert your ZXP MXP extensions in Extension Manager CS6 then install in DW CC

    See also

    OT: Transition to Dreamweaver CC - read this first.

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