How iterate over the attributes of a single entity?

I'm working on a script of transformation of the logic model. I take a list of entities:

var = model.getEntitySet () .toArray () entities;

iterate over the entities:

for (var e = 0; e < entities.length; e ++) {}

var = [e] entities entity;

and try to get a list of all the attributes of the current entity:

var attributes = entity.getAttributeSet () .toArray ();

After that, I try to iterate through the attributes:

for (var a = 0; a < attributes.length; a ++) {}

attribute var = attributes [a];

While performing an iteration on the attributes, I realized that the list is always the same. I always get a list of all the attributes probably of the whole model, even for entities without any attribute.

How can I get a list of the attributes of a single entity?


Use entity.getAttributes)

Tags: Database

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    I need to iterate over all rows in a TableView without using events. I would like to get the total number of lines, TableRow and a cell of a TableColumn specified in the TableRow.

    Something like this:
    for(TableRow tableRow: tableView.getRows()){
        Cell cell = tableRow.getColumn(4).getCell();
        // do something to the cell 
    Is this possible?

    Published by: Conzar on May 19, 2013 23:18

    However, the problem with the checkbox has been resolved so I don't need to iterate over the lines longer.

    Yes, don't use do not research to manage this is a much better solution, I just gave my search for a solution based on because you asked an iterative solution.

    Below (research) code produces no output.

    It works for me, I've included an example of executable, so you can try it.

    My guess is that you are not taking into account the fact that the research is just a glimpse of the cells of the table at a time in time.
    If you do a search for cell before show you the table on a stage, he's not coming back what it is because the cells are generated only on an as needed basis, and there is no need to generate all the cells before displaying the table on a stage.

    I get the following output on Win7 Java8b89:

    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@344fe46[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@44187690[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@34618adc[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@61eb7609[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@50b006a1[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@307d4153[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@178969ad[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@e3149ea[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@3683d879[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@589e421f[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@7e26215b[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@69d59720[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@1ad26ff1[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    TableColumn$1$1@34dc3da4[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@4994195c[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    TableColumn$1$1@246d8751[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    TableColumn$1$1@d1aa50a[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    TableColumn$1$1@537eab32[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@687cc257[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@3d524978[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    NumberedTableViewSample$2$1@44554375[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@22f89594[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
    TableColumn$1$1@1f891aaf[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]
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    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellDataFeatures;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
    import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class NumberedTableViewSample extends Application {
        private TableView table = new TableView<>();
        private final ObservableList data =
                new Person("Jacob", "Smith", "[email protected]"),
                new Person("Isabella", "Johnson", "[email protected]"),
                new Person("Ethan", "Williams", "[email protected]"),
                new Person("Emma", "Jones", "[email protected]"),
                new Person("Michael", "Brown", "[email protected]")
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public void start(Stage stage) {
            Scene scene = new Scene(new Group());
            stage.setTitle("Table View Sample");
            final Label label = new Label("Address Book");
            label.setFont(new Font("Arial", 20));
            TableColumn numberCol = new TableColumn("#");
            numberCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback, ObservableValue>() {
              @Override public ObservableValue call(CellDataFeatures p) {
                return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper(p.getValue());
            numberCol.setCellFactory(new Callback, TableCell>() {
              @Override public TableCell call(TableColumn param) {
                return new TableCell() {
                    @Override protected void updateItem(Person item, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty);
                        if (this.getTableRow() != null && item != null) {
                        } else {
            TableColumn firstNameCol = new TableColumn("First Name");
                    new PropertyValueFactory("firstName"));
            TableColumn lastNameCol = new TableColumn("Last Name");
                    new PropertyValueFactory("lastName"));
            TableColumn emailCol = new TableColumn("Email");
                    new PropertyValueFactory("email"));
            table.getColumns().addAll(numberCol, firstNameCol, lastNameCol, emailCol);
            final VBox vbox = new VBox();
            vbox.setPadding(new Insets(10, 0, 0, 10));
            vbox.getChildren().addAll(label, table);
            // this lookup set won't print anything as no cells have been generated.
            for (Node r: table.lookupAll(".table-row-cell")){
                for (Node c: r.lookupAll(".table-cell")){
            ((Group) scene.getRoot()).getChildren().addAll(vbox);
            // now the table has been initially rendered and it's initial set of cells generated,
            // the cells can be looked up.
            for (Node r: table.lookupAll(".table-row-cell")){
                for (Node c: r.lookupAll(".table-cell")){
        public static class Person {
            private final SimpleStringProperty firstName;
            private final SimpleStringProperty lastName;
            private final SimpleStringProperty email;
            private Person(String fName, String lName, String email) {
                this.firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(fName);
                this.lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(lName);
       = new SimpleStringProperty(email);
            public String getFirstName() {
                return firstName.get();
            public void setFirstName(String fName) {
            public String getLastName() {
                return lastName.get();
            public void setLastName(String fName) {
            public String getEmail() {
                return email.get();
            public void setEmail(String fName) {
  • How can I iterate over the columns of a REF CURSOR?

    I have the following situation:
       text   VARCHAR2 (100) := '';
       TYPE gen_cursor is ref cursor;
       c_gen gen_cursor;
       CURSOR c_tmp
            SELECT   *
              FROM   CROSS_TBL
          ORDER BY   sn;
       FOR tmp IN c_tmp
          text := 'select * from ' || tmp.table_name || ' where seqnum = ' ||;
          OPEN c_gen FOR text;
          -- here I want to iterate over the columns of c_gen
          -- c_gen will have different number of columns every time,
          --        because we select from a different table
          -- I have more than 500 tables, so I cannot define strong REF CURSOR types!
          -- I need something like
          l := c_gen.columns.length;
          for c in c_gen.columns[1]..c_gen.columns[l]
              -- do something with the column value
          END LOOP;
       END LOOP;
    As you can see from the comments in the code, I couln would find examples on the internet with a REF CURSOR low and selecting from multiple tables.
    What I found was:
    CREATE PACKAGE admin_data AS
       TYPE gencurtyp IS REF CURSOR;
       PROCEDURE open_cv (generic_cv IN OUT gencurtyp, choice INT);
    END admin_data;
       PROCEDURE open_cv (generic_cv IN OUT gencurtyp, choice INT) IS
          IF choice = 1 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM employees;
          ELSIF choice = 2 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM departments;
          ELSIF choice = 3 THEN
             OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM jobs;
          END IF;
    END admin_data;
    But they have only 3 tables here and I have like 500. What can I do here?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Hope it will help > [Ref Cursor dynamic dynamic Fetch |]

    See you soon,.

  • How to access the attributes of VO through binding...

    I have a lookup table that has 2 columns namely encode and attrib.

    I created a ViewObject with SQL like:


    And he stated in an Application Module.

    Now I want to post it to the end-user as part of a selection
    that should show REFER to but returns the value CODE.

    I want to iterate the elements and generating the choices myself.
    So I tried this on my page:

    < af:selectOneChoice label = "Test" required = "true" >

    < af:forEach elements = "#{bindings." Var StudyTypeCodesVVO1.allRowsInRange}"="row">

    "< af:selectItem value =" #{row.code} "label =" #{row.describ} "id ="si3"/ >

    < / af:forEach >

    < / af:selectOneChoice >

    It gives an error. Looks like how I use
    "#{row.code}" or "#{row.describ} ' is false.  If I ' # {line} "then
    It's OK, and I could see that the line is a

    ViewRow [oracle.job.Key []]

    But I do not know how to access attributes by name 'Code' and ' means ".". " I also tried
    "#{rank." Code}"with the capital and it does not work.

    How to access the attributes 'code' and 'describe' of each line?

    Kindly help.

    Thank you.

    Check the RangeSize property on the iterator to pageDef.


  • I try to combine a picture of my sister with a picture of a poem next to her. How to combine the two into a single photo?

    Paint or Windows Photo Gallery

    I try to combine a picture of my sister with a picture of a poem beside it, how to combine the two into a single photo?

    If you have the poem recorded in an image format,
    the following freeware can create a side by side

    (FWIW... it's always a good idea to create a system)
    Restore point before installing software or updates)

    Download IrfanView
    (filename: iview433_setup.exe)
    (uncheck if you don't want Google Chrome)

    Download plug-ins too...

    IrfanView plugins
    (filename: irfanview_plugins_433_setup.exe)

    When the program is installed...

    Open IrfanView and go... Image / create the Image of the Panorama...
    (this will open the screen to "Create a panorama image")

    On the screen to "Create a panorama image"... left click on the add images"" button.
    (Displays the 'Open' screen. Now, drill down to the
    the folder that contains your saved Photos of veterinarians.

    Now... click left (highlighted), the two images, you want to join.
    (you can select more than one if you hold down your Ctrl key)
    The two images highlight... left click on the button 'open '.
    (Or... you can add the images one at a time... which is always easier)

    Now, go back to the screen "Create the panorama image.
    and the file names of the selected pictures need to be in the
    Field "Input Images.

    Now with the names of two files in 'Images of entry' field...
    You can left click on the button 'create Image '.

    (the positions left and right of these images can be swapped in)
    selection of a file name and using the "mount image" / "Move."
    Images down"buttons...)

    Now you should see a display of the combined image.
    Reach... File / save as...

    Choose a backup location / enter a file name / choose a format...
    On the left, click on the button "Save..."

  • How to access the attribute of the Parent of a child node?


    I'm trying to accomplish something simple here, by accessing the value of the attribute of the node parent to a value of the child. I have the date given here, but I'll try to find the name of the event to the date, the name of the event or the attribute parent date.

    I have the code here, as in the following, but I kept getting #1009 error term undefined in line with parent() inside. Could someone please guide me on how to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance.


    "alice_data" wrote in message
    > Hi,.
    > I am trying to accomplish something simple here, by accessing the parent company
    > value of the attribute of the node to a value of the child. I have the date given here,
    > but I
    > trying to find the name of the event of the day, including the name of
    > the
    > event is the attribute of date parent.
    > I have the code here, as in the following, but I kept getting term #1009
    > not
    > set the error on line with parent() inside. Could someone please guide
    > me on
    > How do I fix this?
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Alice
    > Excerpt from Actionscript:
    > var resultC:XMLList;
    > resultC = searchResult...;
    > var resultD:XMLList;
    > / * The following two lines kept giving me some bad mistakes #1009
    > / / resultD = resultC.parent () .@type;
    > / / trace ("It's D" + resultD + "\n");
    > / * End of error
    > var resultC_collection:XMLListCollection = new
    > XMLListCollection (resultC.*);
    > //Debug goal, print the string the result selected XML
    > trace ("this is the result:" + resultC);
    > XML:
    > 20/03/2009
    > 22/03/2009

    I think your problem is that resultC is an XMLList. Go to the parent company, you
    necessary to arrive at a SINGLE element in the list. Even if it is a list that contains
    a single element, which is not the same as a single element.


    Note that I do not book in your xml, so I doubt that is correct
    resultC is searchResult.child('book') .child ('schedule_item').child('date');.

    resultD resultC = [0] .attribute () .parent ('type');

    Note that the syntax that you used will break if no element has not one
    child or the attribute corresponding to your request, so I used the more verbose syntax.



  • How hovering over the menu as history, bookmarks, and options buttons, open their menu expanded without hovering over the arrow beside them?

    I am at the end of "the most recent difficulty updated" and the last thing I want to do before I head for the door, it is make sure when I open the menu and hover on things like the Favorites of history and options, that their submenus open when my mouse is positioned on the words or arrows. at the present time the sub menus open only when I hover over the arrow.
    I want to do the words and their arrows, a single button with the functional purpose of the two.
    Thank you in advanced for your time.

    Do you use the extension classic restaurateur theme?

    It's one of the things that I also noticed when you use this extension.

    Maybe contact the developer to see if this behavior can be changed.

  • How to take the attributes separately circle

    Hi all

    I need to consolidate the attributes (such as RADIUS, Centre, Center XY) function IMAQ circles detect circles. For example, all positions must be grouped in an array. I couldn't separate them.

    I tried a few things to do. I add my last essay as an attachment. Because I am new to Labview is not a good way. If it is not a good way to do this task, I'd be happy to hear the different methods or modifying the VI would be appreciated

    omersevinc wrote:

    Hi all

    I need to consolidate the attributes (such as RADIUS, Centre, Center XY) function IMAQ circles detect circles. For example, all positions must be grouped in an array. I couldn't separate them.

    I tried a few things to do. I add my last essay as an attachment. Because I am new to Labview is not a good way. If it is not a good way to do this task, I'd be happy to hear the different methods or modifying the VI would be appreciated

    The vi circle IMAQ detect returns an array of clusters. Each cluster contains a cluster of position x and Y information (float single precision), RADIUS (double precision float) and score (double precision float). You can separate these first, getting a single element of the array. In the excerpt below, I use a tunnel indexed in a loop to do this. Then use the Unbundle based on the name to separate the three elements of the cluster. You will need to reuse the Unbundle based on the name out of X and Y from the pole Position. Then just run all the values out of the loop with a tunnel indexed For you. Hope this is what you are looking for.

    Kind regards

  • How to control the attributes of the sliders with Boolean button

    Hello world

    I would like the attributes of the control sliders by clicking a Boolean. For example: when I click on my button, I want the cursor to disappear or change color...
    How can I do this? I saw that I can select cursor style, color slider etc. in the property of the XYgraph node, but I don't know how to use it.
    Any idea?

    Best regards

    You first need to identify your cursor active then you can set the visible property of the cursor in your Boolean control. Creating a property node, drag to show two properties, set the first wire of ActCrsr years the number of cursor for it (0 for the first slider). Now select Cursor.Visible for the second property and wire your Boolean instead. You can add other properties after that.


  • How to change the attributes on a folder, including all subfolders and files without doing a file at a time?

    Windows operating system.  I get a disk crash and a lot of my restored photos and documents are now set to hidden or read only files.  I would like to reset the attributes of files to remove these attributes, but are not particularly care to do one file at a time.  How can I make a folder at a time?


    This should give you all the information you need on the attrib command from a command prompt window

    To open a command prompt window.

    • Click Start
    • Click on run
    • Type cmd and press enter

    Post back if you have any other questions.


  • How to set the attribute in the request of adf defalut search form

    I use the default search engine in Jdeveloper with Table query.

    I followed this blog to replace the query by default:

    Question is how to set the value of an attribute in the request. The user will add what ever he wants those who are caught queryEvent I want to add to the value of an attribute that is not displayed to the user and the search engine and it is necessary for the application to run correctly.


    If you went on the blog that I posted, you could get the ViewCriteriaRow of the queryEvent and then you can add the attribute that you want to the ViewCriteriaRow, and then run the query accordingly.


  • How to get the attributes from the list of values


    I have two display objects, of 'Customer' and 'CustomerDetails '.
    'Client' view, has the attribute 'CustomerId' I've defined as LOV with view of 'CustomerDetails '.
    Like this:
        <AttrArray Name="AttrNames">
          <Item Value="CustomerId"/>
        <AttrArray Name="ListAttrNames">
          <Item Value="Id"/>
        <AttrArray Name="ListDisplayAttrNames">
          <Item Value="Name"/>
    I hung out in the soc on my page
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.CustomerId.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.CustomerId.label}"
           shortDesc="#{bindings.CustomerId.hints.tooltip}" id="soc16" autoSubmit="true">
     <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.CustomerId.items}" id="si16"/>
    In the 'CustomerDetails' view, there is also "address" attribute.
    I would like to get the address according to the ID.

    How could I get through links?
    or in another way.

    Thank you!!


    You want to display the address that is present in VO from customer to customer details?

    If so,.

    Perform the following steps:

    1 - Create a transient with string type attribute customer details VO (always updated).
    2 - I hope you have an attribute customer id here attribute where you created LOV. When LOV created in create list of values jump towards the top in the list of return values assign the value of the address in the transitional attribute.

    If you put this attribute on the user interface you can see the customer address id value correspondent.

    Thank you

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  • How to access the attribute accessor in script expressions


    I'm trying with validations of the entity at the attribute level. I have defined an accessor from view on the purpose of the entity. I write from validation script expression rule and it is necessary for me to access one of the attributes of the accessor of the view.

    How to get the value of the attribute accessor in the script expression.

    For example, I created the object of the entity for the employees table and created the accessor for job posting view. I need to get the jobs view accessor job description in the validation script expression. In the tokens of messages I can able to refer the accessor view using the following, but the same does not in the script expression.

    JobsAccessor.first (). JobDescription

    Thank you and best regards,

    S R Prasad

    Please check this post - where is the exact scenario specified by you:

    Thank you

  • How to hide the attributes of the OAM Board?


    We have a requirement to update some of the attrributes configured in panels (PPP using plugin) to OAM. We want to hide the attributes to modify Profile Page. How to get there? Anypointers on this is appreciated.

    Thank you inadvance.

    Kind regards

    Hi Srikanth,

    In the Access Control attribute, you do the attributes oblockouttime and obresponsetimeout visible only by the account that runs the IDXML (which is not necessarily the same account issuing the IDXML command) then they will appear to someone else when displaying the user profile - but they do need to be added to the Panel in the Configuration of the User Manager. I think that should meet your requirement, if I understand.

    As a matter of interest, how you build your custom plugin (I guess that this issues the IDXML)? You use the identity events API?

    Kind regards

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    I can access the Facebook site, but there is no content available. The page is not filled. It's just empty! Yesterday Facebook has been for a while, and since she is I can't access the content on my laptop. It is available on my iPad and iPhone.

  • ICloud on Web Mail vs. Mac Mail in applications

    ICloud on Web Mail has a tab From from one alias, but Mac Mail (the application on my MacBook Pro) does not have a tab (only a response to the tab). How to use my iCloud alias without having to go to the web version of iCloud?

  • Backflip: Progress of battery charge

    Yesterday when I got my phone for the first time that I accidentally stumbled upon a cool progress screen, I can't find if anyone knows where it is? -

  • How to re - install my HP webcam on my DV-6 1359 WM

    I had a virus clear my computer.  I lost my Microsoft Works, my Webcam and some other stuff.  I buy microsoft works, but whenever I look for my webcam I have a msg to check the path.  I don't know what this means.  I have Windows 7, 64 bit.

  • The Cliq is stuck on the start screen.

    Hey guys, after a normal day of use with my Cliq from 07:00 I got around 17:00 and put it on the charger, as it was almost dead, I went to charge less than an hour with it and now it is stuck on the start screen of Motorola with the small black bar o