How to get the name of a page class in the apex oracle

Hi all

Can you get it someone please let me know how we can get the class of a page or area name in the oracle apex? I would also like to know how to get the DOM object for particular item ID.

I appreciate any help on this.


If a category exists already, then you can find them by inspect element in firefox/chrome browser and look like to class = «MyClass...» »

If there isn't one, then you can add via - point edit > attributes of the HTML Form element > class = "yourclass.

See this

Tags: Database

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    Hi Dennis,

    If you want to get all the items page,... on the current page have a look at the views of the APEX dictionary. You can query all the metadata of your application at run time. For example

    select item_name
      from apex_application_page_items
     where application_id = :APP_ID
       and page_id        in (0, :APP_PAGE_ID)
     order by item_name

    will return the page all items on the current page and on page 0 names. Page 0 is a global page where all the components of this page to get merged into the current page during execution.

    The APEX_DICTIONARY view to return all the available Apex dictionary views.

    My Blog:
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    my code:

    package parsepack;

    import java.util.Vector;


    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.DrawStyle;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListFieldCallback;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

    to import org.W3C.DOM.document;
    Import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    Import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

    extends xmlparsing public class UiApplication implements ListFieldCallback, FieldChangeListener

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    xmlparsing app = new xmlparsing();
    app.enterEventDispatcher ();

    public long mycolor;
    Connection _connectionthread;
    private static ListField _list;
    private static Vector listElements is new Vector();.
    public display display = new MainScreen();
    MainManager VerticalFieldManager;
    VerticalFieldManager subManager;

    public xmlparsing()
    pushScreen (screen);

    final Bitmap Imagearriereplan = Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("blackbackground.png");

    mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)

    public void paint (Graphics graphics)
    graphics.drawBitmap (0, 0, Display.getWidth (), Display.getHeight (), Imagearriereplan, 0, 0);

    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    subManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)
    protected void sublayout (int maxWidth, maxHeight int)
    int displayWidth = Display.getWidth ();
    int displayHeight = Display.getHeight ();

    Super.sublayout (displayWidth, displayHeight);
    setExtent (displayWidth, displayHeight);

    Screen.Add (mainManager);

    _list = new ListField()


    public void paint (Graphics graphics)

    graphics.setColor ((int) mycolor);
    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    myColor = 0x00FFFFFF;
    _list. Invalidate();
    _list.setEmptyString ("* only supplies not available *", DrawStyle.HCENTER "");
    _list.setRowHeight (50);
    _list.setCallback (this);
    mainManager.add (subManager);
    listElements.removeAllElements ();
    _connectionthread = New Connection();
    _connectionthread. Start();

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time)
    Here, go to another screen if you need.

    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception:-: navigationClick()" + try ());
    Returns true;

    private class login extends thread
    Public connection()

    public void run() {}
    Doc document;
    StreamConnection conn = null;
    InputStream is = null;
    try {}

    Conn = (StreamConnection) ("

    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
    docBuilderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace (true);
    docBuilderFactory.setCoalescing (true);
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder ();
    docBuilder.isValidating ();
    is = conn.openInputStream ();
    doc = docBuilder.parse (is);
    doc.getDocumentElement () .normalize ();
    List of NodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName ("ID");
    for (int i = 0; i)< list.getlength();="" i++)="">
    Node node = list.item (i) .getFirstChild ();
    listElements.addElement (textNode.getNodeValue ());
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    System.out.println (try ());
    } {Finally
    If (is! = null) {}
    try {is.close ();
    } catch (IOException ignored) {}
    } If (conn! = null) {}
    Try {conn.close () ;}
    catch (IOException ignored) {}
    }} UiApplication.getUiApplication () .invokeLater (new Runnable() {}
    public void run() {}
    _list. SetSize (listElements.Size ());
    subManager.add (_list);
    Screen.Invalidate ();


    ' public void drawListRow (list ListField, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w)
    Your string = (String) listElements.elementAt (index);
    int yPos = 0 + y;
    g.drawLine (0, yPos, w, yPos);
    g.drawText (, 5, 15 + y, 0, w);

    public {get {Object (ListField list, int index)
    Return listElements.elementAt (index);
    public int indexOfList (String prefix, ListField list, int, string)
    Return listElements.indexOf (prefix, string);
    public int getPreferredWidth (ListField list)
    Return Display.getWidth ();
    public final void insert (String toInsert, int index) {}
    listElements.addElement (toInsert);

    ' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context) {}


    Thank you.

    I told you that replace the navigationclick() method where initialize you your listfield

    as I think that changing your code and then answer me

    _list = new ListField()
    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
      return true;
    public void paint(Graphics graphics)
    graphics.setColor((int) mycolor);
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    Hi all

    I got the Contact Picker work but I have no idea how to get the selected telephone number and the name.

    There are attributes that I can put like contactId.value () to retrieve or there is another way?

    Thanks in advance.

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
                    Label {
                        id: result
                        text: "You chose contact: "


    You can get the contact name and phone number as this,

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
    // call a cpp method to get the details
    app.getDetails(contactId); } } ] } Label { id: result text: "You chose contact: " }

    the CPP code:

    void ContactDetails(ContactId id)
    Contact contact_info = m_contactService->contactDetails(id);
        QString firstName = contact_info.firstName();
        QString lastname = contact_info.lastName();
            QList phoneno_list = contact_info.phoneNumbers();
        QStringList no_s;
        foreach(ContactAttribute attr, phoneno_list)
            no_s << attr.value();

    You can get details like this.

    Kind regards

    Naresh Kodumuri.

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    Thank you


    this.writeDiagnostics will be work AM and not CO. You mentioned that your code is AM, which is why I give (this.writeDiagnostics).

    You get an error when you use what to ? AM

    in CO, you must use pageContext. writeDiagnostics();

    You don't need to put any profile (other than DNF: Diagnostics), you just need to go to the Diagnostics - select the log on screen and choose the level that you used in the writeDiagnostics method.

    See you soon


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    Thank you.

    Hi K159,.

    You can spy on the InDesign debug Test/Spy/SpyPreferences menu for the observer notifications. Can add or remove a page and to analyze the output of the spy.

    On the kDocBoss, there is an interface IPageList form you can get the number of pages.


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    Thank you.

    Not on the broker, but there are the startup scripts to log on to the computer virtual itself:

    Note that these executed when a virtual desktop computer allocated connection, not to the point that the client connects - it is possible for the customer to not complete the connection (crash, cancel, network failure) and so any what solution you design must handle this.


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    Thank you.

    Try this:

    function getVcoHostname() {
        var answerUrl = workflow.getAnswerUrl().url;
        var re = new RegExp('^(?:f|ht)tp(?:s)?\://([^/]+)', 'im');
        return answerUrl.match(re)[1].toString().split(":")[0];
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    I have a problem for the creation of SQL AnyWhere Plugin (Database Plugin). In this regard, ServerDetector class long pids [] = getPids ("State.Name.eq =?"). Instead of question mark that I place. And how to get the name of this executable process.

    Thanks and greetings
    Florent K Reddy

    Take a look at the doc following if you have not already:

    State.Name is the name of the base of the executable of the process, such as "dbsrv9.

    On 16 May 2007, at 23:24, fredo Reddy wrote:

    Hi all
    I have a problem for the creation of SQL AnyWhere Plugin (Database Plugin). In this regard, ServerDetector class long pids [] = getPids ("State.Name.eq =?"). Instead of question mark that I place. And how to get the name of this executable process.

    Thank you & best regards
    Florent K Reddy

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    Kind regards
    Sébastien Pallav.

    Pushpesh Pallav says:

    I use the theme 4 for apex 4.0.2.
    I must have the logo as well as the name of the company the two, but when I select den Image it shows only the image in the dashboard and when I select den text it shows the name of the company.

    The word is spelled 'then', not 'den '.

    How to get the two logo and the name of the company?

    Select the text, and include HTML, making reference to the image in the text:


    The image src URI used depends on the location of the image, which you have failed to specify.

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    It can be the name of the server, Ip or other identifying information...

    Thank you.

    As the client that connects to the database is the application server

    CHE_TEST@tcp_asterix_impl> select sys_context('userenv', 'host') from dual;

    Should return you the host name of your application server.

    See for more information you can get with sys_context

    see you soon

  • How to get the value of a particular column column name?

    Hi all

    How to get the column name for a particular column value.

    create table test (ID number, col2, col3 varchar varchar);

    Insert into test values (1, 'true', 'false');
    Insert into test values (2, 'false', 'true');

    I want to choose the name of the data column 'true' with id = 1;

    That is to say) while waiting for answer is "col2". pls help someone.

    This might help:

       c1 SYS_REFCURSOR;
       OPEN c1 FOR
       SELECT col2,
       FROM   test
       WHERE  id = 1;
       FOR c IN (SELECT rownum rn,
                        t2.column_value.getrootelement() name,
                        EXTRACTVALUE(t2.column_value, 'node()') value
                   FROM TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(c1)) t,
                        TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(EXTRACT(column_value, '/ROW/node()'))) t2)
          IF c.value = 'true' THEN
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
  • How to get the name of the particular index table option.


    Can any body tell how to get the name of the item to a particular array.i have a table within array.i must compare the name of Francesca in particular is the table.

    myArray= Array (@43b1e09)
    [0] = object (@42b33f9)
    Testing_1 = Array (@4428821)
    [0] = object (@43adc19)
    choice_id = '0 '.
    delete = "N".
    DownloadURL = "xyz".
    selected = 'Y '.
    translation = "2_486."
    length = 1
    length = "N".
    Editable = 'Y '.
    field_id = '388 '.
    LanguageLink = 'Y '.
    linked_definition_id = null
    multiple values = "N".
    name = "Photo".
    otheroption = "N".
    photovitlink = object (@43ad0d9)
    required = "N".
    step = '1 '.
    translation = "Photo".
    visible = 'Y '.
    [1] = object (@43ad5d9)
    [2] = object (@4490089)

    Here is the structure of the table I get server side.i give table name of result as table myArray.This have several child as an object of object.each having .i table (Testing_1 in the first case) must get the name of this Testing_1 table and compare with my sort key that I perform an operation. But I am unable to get the name of this Testing_1 array(Since_it_is_dynamic_so_this_name_changes_some_times).can a body guide me how to get the name of this table.

    Thanks and greetings

    Vineet Sharma

    Hi Vineet Osho,

    You can browse your object using the loop and you can get the name of the table... as below...

    for each (var obj:Object in myArray)
    for (var str:String in obj)
    If (obj [str] is array)
    var arrayName:String = str;

    Thank you

    Jean Claude

Maybe you are looking for