How to get the result of the assessment?

According to Adobe Captivate online help, "use the assessment mode when you want to test how the user has understood a procedure. You can set a score for every correct click. "

But how the person who makes the assessment of the result (score/percentage) GET?

Go to the Quiz settings and select the option to show the Score at the end of the Quiz.

A new Quiz results slide is added at the end of your quiz so that learners can see their quiz results.

Tags: Adobe Captivate

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    In the first query, you can add any profile you want to check, and then try the below

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    --------- ----------




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    This is called a Pivot , and here's a way to do it:

    SELECT       branch_no
    ,       SUM (CASE WHEN acct_type LIKE '1%' THEN curr_bal END)     AS total_1
    ,       SUM (CASE WHEN acct_type LIKE '2%' THEN curr_bal END)     AS total_2
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    This will work in any version of Oracle, from 8.1, but starting in Oracle 11.1, you can also use the SELECT... Function PIVOT.

    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all tables and also post the results desired from these data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.

    Furthermore, your table is called
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    ACTNO ( Act means 'account') and
    acct_type ( acct means 'account')
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    That is the problem. Call a Subvi dynamic means users could change, but it is also very attractive.

    The dynamic call should be used in a user control, but some parade can avoid problems.

    It depends on why you use dynamic calls...-online 2 main ways:

    -Dynamic call are used to maintain a scalable framework for the code without acting on the executable file-online a single VI distribution managed by the administrator/developer

    -Dynamic call are used to provide a collection of "external" characteristic that could be enriched by the administrator/developer. For example, you provide your customers a set of selectable custom signal filters in the executable.

    In 2 cases, you are only able to assess the skills of the users to know if there is a risk of damage, if there is a change.

    So to stay only master a parade might be to provide dynamic VI without a schema, but with the problem of maintenance, since no in-place editing and more attention to manage distribution.

    Another way is to hide the actual distribution to user-online call dynamic VI but it without name as *.vi but others (a repellent name as system of OS name ) or simply without extension in order to attract not user... but that's debatable...

    Another more difficult but more secure method is to create a consistency check before your routine (version, user, modified date,...)

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    I don't see a CVI function for this.  The attribute ATTR_TITLE_FONT for GetPanelAttribute (...) is only valid for the panels of the child which prevents me from using the GetTextDisplaySize (...) to get the size.  Dive into the Windows SDK I can not even find an answer here.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

    Figured out how to do this.  Go to the SDK to get the font properties - is kind of nonobviousness.  But once you have the font properties, you can create a font of meta in CVI, with properties, and once you have the meta font you can use GetTextDisplaySize (...) to get the size.  For any future reference:

    //define a NONCLIENTMETRICS structureNONCLIENTMETRICS ncmtest;//We have to set the cbSize parameter to the size of the passed structure before retrieving it
    ncmtest.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS);
    //Get NONCLIENTMETRICS structure
    result = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncmtest, 0);
    //copy the title font name to a c-string
    while(ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfFaceName[i] != 0)
        thefont[i] = (char)ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfFaceName[i];
    //null terminate
    thefont[i] = '\0';
    //create meta font with title font properties.  lfWeight & 0x700 indicates bold.  CreateMetaFontWithCharacterSet() doesn't recognize DEFAULT_CHARSET so we replace it with VAL_NATIVE_CHARSET(?).
    uir_status = CreateMetaFontWithCharacterSet ("TheTitleFont", thefont, abs(ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfHeight), ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfWeight & 0x700 ? 1 : 0, ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfItalic, ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfUnderline, ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfStrikeOut, 0, ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfCharSet == DEFAULT_CHARSET ? VAL_NATIVE_CHARSET : ncmtest.lfCaptionFont.lfCharSet);
    //get titlebar text
    uir_status = GetPanelAttribute (panelhandle, ATTR_TITLE, thetext);
    //get title bar length
    uir_status = GetTextDisplaySize (thetext, "TheTitleFont", &height, &width);

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    ... --- ...

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    In any case. Thanks for Cloud_Strider to point to the firmware upgrade. I did, but it alone did not help. BUT I don't know if it was still a part of the solution. So, thank you!

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  • How to get the text of a SystemPrompt (Cascades)


    I've been struggling with this for a few hours now. I followed the example of "dialogues" on github, so I have successfully created a SystemPrompt (the dialog box that allows the user to enter text and accept / reject). Curiously, in this example there is no use of user text input. Do you know how to get the text in my QML? Here you have an example of code that I use:

    My QML:

    // Default empty project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    // creates one page with a label
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        Page {
            attachedObjects: [
                SystemPrompt {
                    id: prompt
                    title: qsTr("Enter a text for the label")
                    modality: SystemUiModality.Application
                    inputField.inputMode: SystemUiInputMode.Default
                    inputField.emptyText: "Label text..."
                    confirmButton.label: qsTr("Ok")
                    confirmButton.enabled: true
                    cancelButton.label: qsTr("Cancel")
                    cancelButton.enabled: true
                    onFinished: {
                        if (result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                            lab1.text = ????? // Here is where I don't know what to do
            Container {
                layout: StackLayout {}
                Label {
                            id: lab1              text: "Label text"
                    objectName: "lab1"
                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                Button {
                    text: "Update label"
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    topMargin: 150.0
                    onClicked: {

    Be sure to add this in your .cpp file or all of app:


    and don't forget to include them in your app .cpp file (probably not all are needed, but just in case I leave here for the moment):

    qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiButton");
        qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiInputField");
        qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemToast");
        qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemPrompt");
        qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemCredentialsPrompt");
        qmlRegisterType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemDialog");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiError", "");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiResult", "");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiPosition", "");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiInputMode", "");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiModality", "");

    Thank you very much

    If you look very carefully by the docs, you'll trip over

    So, replace your? with inputFieldTextEntry() and you will get the text you need.

  • How to get the number and the name of the contacts selector

    Hi all

    I got the Contact Picker work but I have no idea how to get the selected telephone number and the name.

    There are attributes that I can put like contactId.value () to retrieve or there is another way?

    Thanks in advance.

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
                    Label {
                        id: result
                        text: "You chose contact: "


    You can get the contact name and phone number as this,

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
    // call a cpp method to get the details
    app.getDetails(contactId); } } ] } Label { id: result text: "You chose contact: " }

    the CPP code:

    void ContactDetails(ContactId id)
    Contact contact_info = m_contactService->contactDetails(id);
        QString firstName = contact_info.firstName();
        QString lastname = contact_info.lastName();
            QList phoneno_list = contact_info.phoneNumbers();
        QStringList no_s;
        foreach(ContactAttribute attr, phoneno_list)
            no_s << attr.value();

    You can get details like this.

    Kind regards

    Naresh Kodumuri.

  • How to get the current timestamp in C++ to the BB10 project

    Please help me how to get the current timestamp in C++. Thanks for your help!

    Following your suggestion,

    QTime is only for a day.

    I found "QDateTime" of references of the API:

    QDateTime = now QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    timestamp long = now.toTime_t ();

    But I got an error. I searched but no results are clear:

    -variable 'QDateTime now' initializer has but
    incomplete type
    -type incomplete "QDateTime" used in the nested name
    specifier of

    I am a newbie. So thank you for your help

  • How to get the time of the device


    I'm developing an application in which I send location of the device in lat, long for every 10 minutes.  I want to send some time also with lat, long. This time must be peripheral situation updates for every 10 minutes.  Can someone tell me how do I do this?

    It is not obvious to your OP exactly what you ask.

    Ask you in a certain way a consistent recording time no matter what time zone are you in?

    Or are you just asking how to get the date and time?

    If it's the last QDateTime is one of the ways to get the date and time...

    If you ask for the first answer more complex, you will probably need to check the time against an external clock (say GMT) and then re-reading use the contact information you have saved to determine what the weather was (including a calculation of DST) at this point in this particular time zone.

    Relying on the phone to change accurately that it is time that you move in time zones will not give accurate results.

  • How to get the value of a column in sql query?

    Hi, anyone knows how to get the value of a column in sql query?

    Here is my code, the value must be 1350079224397 in my PB, but I get 0

    QString query ("SELECT version FROM db_version");

    QVariant result = sda.execute (query);
    QVariantMap versionMap = result.toList () such () .toMap ();
    If (! versionMap.IsEmpty ())
    qDebug()<"Version: "=""><>

    OK, I have the solution

    QString query ("SELECT version as version FROM db_version");

  • How to get the new activation key when some numbers are taken away and you have received?

    How to get the new activation key when some numbers are taken away and you have received?

    Have a laptop with windows 7 from Dell. Need to re install W7. And I have some numbers are taken as a result of its use.
    How can I get a new code activation or my complete activation code?
    Best regards, W7 user

    How to get the new activation key when some numbers are taken away and you have received?

    Have a laptop with windows 7 from Dell. Need to re install W7. And I have some numbers are taken as a result of its use.
    How can I get a new code activation or my complete activation code?

    Dell provided you with restore/recovery media and/or a way to restore the machine 'default' as a key sequence?  If so - you won't need the number--unless they just sent a DVD of Windows 7 nu - and they are usually not unless you ask.

    They have probably installed using their key, which means that even with a utility like Belarc Advisor or ProduKey - you will not get the product key that matches the one on the sticker.

    Some may have you take several different digital pictures of the sticker from different angles and see if you can decipher the missing characters like that (you'd be surprised to see how that works).

  • How to get the part of string before and after a character

    Hi all

    How to get the string before and after the comma character)

    Ex: The string contains the value John Kennedy

    I need the output as first stirng - John

    Second stirng - Kennedy

    Create table names (fullname varchar2 (20));

    insert into values of names ("John, Kennedy");

    insert into values of names ("papa ibra, Shan");

    insert into values of names ('Don Bosco'),

    Select * from names;

    Expected results

    FullName firstname lastname

    John, Kennedy John Kennedy

    Nicolas, Nicolas Shan Shan

    Don Bosco Don Bosco

    Please let me know how to proceed

    Thank you


    This proves what I said before, on 0 and several commas commas.

    If we add these 3 rows to the sample data you posted:

    insert into names (fullname) values ("tou").

    insert into names (fullname) values (' David, Lloyd, George ");

    insert into names (fullname) values ('J, R, R, Tolkien");

    then the query I posted earlier produced these results:


    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    John, Kennedy John Kennedy

    Nicolas, Nicolas Shan Shan

    Don Bosco Don Bosco

    TOU tou

    David Lloyd, George David Lloyd, George

    J, R, R, Tolkien J R, R, Tolkien

    If you prefer to get these results:


    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    John, Kennedy John Kennedy

    Nicolas, Nicolas Shan Shan

    Don Bosco Don Bosco

    TOU tou

    David Lloyd, George David, Lloyd George

    J, R, R, J, R, R Tolkien Tolkien

    then you just change line 1:

    WITH got_commapos AS


    SELECT FullName

    , INSTR (fullname, ','-1) AS commapos-* CHANGED *.



    SELECT FullName

    , SUBSTR (fullname, commapos 1, -1) AS a first name

    SUBSTR (fullname, commapos + 1) in the FORM name

    OF got_commapos


  • How to get the data in the table if the date is less - than two months from the current date?

    Hi all

    I have a requirement in to retrieve table data. If any of the basic date in the column data.

    I have a date field (expiration date) I need to display data which expires two months.

    Please give me a solution.



    Hi, Shankar,

    Sorry, we don't know what you want.

    If you want something which, when executed on March 13, 2014, finds all the lines where expires and is located between March 13, 2014 and may 13, 2014, inclusive,

    SELECT *- or whatever the columns that you want to

    FROM table_x

    WHERE expire > = TRUNC (SYSDATE)

    Maturity AND< add_months="" (trunc="" (sysdate)="" ,="" 2)="" +="">


    I hope that answers your question.

    If not, post a small example data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all of the tables involved and also publish outcomes from these data.

    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.

    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum:

  • How to get the text formatting in the tables

    Dear experts and aid

    For my project, I import an RTF file and then read the data into 3 tables. It works fine when just using the contents of the string of paragraphs. However, the final script should be able to read and to replace the text formatted...
    Why use intermediate tables? Because otherwise I need to swap between two fm-documents (and you can be a part of the book).

    The imported file starts with a certain number of lines separated into two parts by a TAB ("designates a TAB in \x08 FM)
    [[Garneau, 1990 #12]]    »   [9]
    The good article can also be locally as text, e.g. [9]
    Then follow the same (or smaller) number of paragraphs with text formatted like this:
    [9]"D. Garneau, ed., National Language Support Reference Manual (national language Information Design Guide. Toronto, CDN: IBM National Language technical Centre, 1990.

    Is it possible to replace in the body of the function below the next song

      while(pgf.ObjectValid()) {
        pgfText = GetText (pgf, newDoc);
        pgf = pgf.NextPgfInFlow;

    with this

      while(pgf.ObjectValid()) { 
        pgf = pgf.NextPgfInFlow;

    Do I need a special statement of the gaBibliography range?
    And how to get the right part of the lines as formatted intro thingy in table gaFmtCitsFmt ?

    Currently, I read in the tables as "strings" (function GetText not shown):

    var gaFmtCitsRaw  = [];                           // left column in processed RTF
    var gaFmtCitsFmt  = [];                           // right column in processed RTF
    var gaBibliography= [];                           // bibliography lines from processed RTF
    // filename is something like E:\_DDDprojects\FM+EN-escript\FM-testfiles\BibFM-collected-IEEE.rtf 
    function ReadFileRTF (fileName) {
      var nCits=0, nBib = 0, openParams, openReturnParams, newDoc, pgf, pgfText ;
      var TAB = String.fromCharCode(8);               // FM has wrong ASCI for TAB
      var parts = [];
      openParams = GetOpenDefaultParams();
      openReturnParams =  new PropVals();  
      newDoc = Open (fileName, openParams, openReturnParams);  
      pgf = newDoc.MainFlowInDoc.FirstTextFrameInFlow.FirstPgf;  // get first pgf in flow
    // --- read the temp/formatted citations  
      while(pgf.ObjectValid()) {
        pgfText = GetText (pgf, newDoc);
        if (pgfText.substring (0,2) == "[[") {        // citation lines start with [[
          parts = pgfText.split(TAB);                 // get the two parts of the line
          gaFmtCitsRaw.push (parts[0]);               // Push the result onto the global array
          gaFmtCitsFmt.push (parts[1]);
          pgf = pgf.NextPgfInFlow;
        } else { break }
    // --- read the bibliography
      while(pgf.ObjectValid()) {                      // until end of doc
        pgfText = GetText (pgf, newDoc);
        pgf = pgf.NextPgfInFlow;
      newDoc.Close (Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);
    } // --- end ReadFileRTF

    The following questions will then be how to change the script of FindAndReplace of Ian Proudfoot for managing text formatted as replacement. I will need to use the copy and paste IMHO...

    Klaus, okay, before pasting, you must assign the TextSelection object at your insertion point.

    // Add a new paragraph after the current paragraph.
    var newPgf = oDoc.NewSeriesPgf (lastPgf);
    var textRange = new TextRange (new TextLoc (newPgf, 0), new TextLoc (newPgf, 0));
    oDoc.TextSelection = textRange;
    oDoc.Paste ();


  • How to get the ISO week number week start date


    I have a table with the following structure
    Year    error    Week1     week2   week3 ......week53
    2012       error1     2           4         2             1
    2012       error2    3          0        1                 1
    I was hoping to get something like select year, error, week 1 | "Start date of the week which is a Monday of this week" ", semaine2:" " Earlier this week, Monday again ",... table week53"

    Any suggestions please?

    Thank you

    Hi, the Sun,

    To see what a week N started, add 7 * (N - 1) days of the beginning of the year. (By definition, the beginning of the ISO year is the beginning of week 1 of the ISO year.)

    To see when the week started 22 of the current year:

    SELECT  TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'IYYY') + (7 * (22 - 1))
    FROM    dual

    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all of the tables involved and the results desired from these data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.
    See the FAQ forum {message identifier: = 9360002}

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