How to set a width of ObjectChoiceField?


can someone tell me how I can set a width of objectchoicefield.

Suppose that there are two values in objectchoicefield.

'abc '.


now I want the width should be equal to the string max.

When I select abc the objectchoicefield become smaller compared to the "abcdefg".

now I want the width should be equal to the string max.


I think you should write an overring of the custom ObjectChoiceField class by provision of overring, paint, drawfocus etc needs to satisfy you.

OK, here's one of my custom ObjectChoiceField class. Copy pasted from one of my old code.

I think that playing around with the code you will should be able to do like yours.

import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ObjectChoiceField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
import java.lang.String;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYRect;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font;
import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;

public class CustomChoiceField extends ObjectChoiceField

    /** Constants for the horizontal text alignment */
    public static final int TEXT_HALINGMENT_LEFT = 0;
    public static final int TEXT_HALINGMENT_CENTER = 1;        

    /** Array of choices */
    String[] m_Choices;    

    /** Left margin of the field */
    private int m_MarginLeft = 1;    

    /** Right margin of the field */
    private int m_MarginRight = 1;    

    /** Top margin of the field */
    private int m_PaddingTop = 5;    

    /** Top margin of the field */
    private int m_PaddingBottom = 5;        

       /** Top margin of the field */
    private int m_MarginTop = 5;    

    /** Top margin of the field */
    private int m_MarginBottom = 5;       

    /** Right margin of the text in the selectbox */
    private int m_TextMarginRight = 5;    

    /** Left margin of the text in the selectbox */
    private int m_TextMarginLeft = 5;    

    /** Horizonta text alingment */
    private int m_HTextAlignment = TEXT_HALINGMENT_CENTER;    

    /** Width of the chpice box */
    private int m_ChoiceFieldWidth;    

    /** Height of the field */
    private int m_Height;    

    /** Determones is field focused */
    private boolean m_isFocused = false;    

    /** Width of thr DropDown arrow */
    private int m_DropDownArrowWidth;        

    /** Field default color */
    private int m_DefBgColor = 0xffffff;    

    /** Field text default color */
    private int m_DefTextColor = 0;    

    /** Field color when it is focused */
    private int m_FocusedBgColor = 0xf6921e;    

    /** Field text color when it is focused */
    private int m_FocusedTextColor = 0;        

    /**     * Constructor. The width of choice box became as big as
    * maximum length of choice strings + text marfins + derop-down arrow width.
    * *      * @param String - label of the field
    * * @param String[] - field choices
    * */
    public CustomChoiceField(String label, String[] choices)
        super(label, choices);
        m_Choices = choices;        

        //dimensions of selectable field
        Font currFont = getFont();
        m_DropDownArrowWidth = m_Height = currFont.getHeight();
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[0]);
        for(int i = 1; i < choices.length; i++)
            if(m_ChoiceFieldWidth < currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]))
                m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]);
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth += m_TextMarginLeft + m_TextMarginRight + m_DropDownArrowWidth;

    /**     * Constructor. The width of choice box became as big as
    * maximum length of choice strings + text marfins + derop-down arrow width.
    * *
    * * @param String - label of the field
    * * @param String[] - field choices
    * * @param int - initial choice index
    * */
    public CustomChoiceField(String label, String[] choices, int initialIndex)
        super(label, choices, initialIndex);
        m_Choices = choices;        

        //dimensions of selectable field
        Font currFont = getFont();
        m_DropDownArrowWidth = m_Height = currFont.getHeight();
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[0]);
        for(int i = 1; i < choices.length; i++)
            if(m_ChoiceFieldWidth < currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]))
                m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]);
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth += m_TextMarginLeft + m_TextMarginRight + m_DropDownArrowWidth;

    * Constructor. The width of choice box became as big as
    * * maximum length of choice strings + text marfins + derop-down arrow width.
    * *
    * * @param String - label of the field
    * * @param String[] - field choices
    * * @param int - initial choice index
    * * @param long - field style(see ObjectChoiceField styles)
    * */
    public CustomChoiceField(String label, String[] choices,  int initialIndex, long style)
        super(label, choices, initialIndex, style);
        m_Choices = choices;
        //dimensions of selectable field
        Font currFont = getFont();
        m_DropDownArrowWidth = m_Height = currFont.getHeight();
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[0]);
        for(int i = 1; i < choices.length; i++)
            if(m_ChoiceFieldWidth < currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]))
                m_ChoiceFieldWidth = currFont.getAdvance(choices[i]);
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth += m_TextMarginLeft + m_TextMarginRight + m_DropDownArrowWidth;

    * Set field choices
    * *
    * * @param String[] - array of field choices
    * */
    public void setChoices(Object[] choices)
        m_Choices = (String[])choices;

    * Set field margins. This method takes an effect for
    * * parameter to be >= 0.
    * *
    * * @param int - left margin of the field
    * * @param int - right margin of the field
    * * @param int - top margin of the field
    * * @param int - bottom margin of the field
    * */    

    public void setMargins(int marginLeft, int marginRight, int marginTop, int marginBottom)
        if(marginLeft >= 0)
            this.m_MarginLeft   = marginLeft;
        if(marginRight >= 0)
            this.m_MarginRight  = marginRight;
        if(marginTop >= 0)
            this.m_MarginTop    = marginTop;
        if(marginBottom >= 0)
            this.m_MarginBottom = marginBottom;

    * Set horizontal text alignment in the text box.
    * *
    * * @param int - alignment of the text
    * */
    public void setTextHAlignment(int alignment)
        m_HTextAlignment = alignment;

    * Set choice box width.
    * *
    * * @param int - choice box width.
    * */
    public void setChoiceWidth(int width)
        m_ChoiceFieldWidth = width;

    * Set text font.
    * *
    * * @param int - font style (see Font class)
    * * @param int - font height
    * * @param boolean - if true control height updates according to the new font height.
    * */
    public void setTextFont(int style, int height, boolean updateHeight)
        this.setFont(getFont().derive(style, height));
            m_DropDownArrowWidth = m_Height = getFont().getHeight();

    * Method retrieves this field's preferred width.
    * *
    * * @return int - field's preferred width
    * */
    public int getPreferredWidth()
        return m_MarginLeft + m_MarginRight + m_ChoiceFieldWidth + getFont().getAdvance(getLabel());

    * Method retrieves this field's preferred height.
    * *
    * * @return int - field's preferred height
    * */
    public int getPreferredHeight()
        return m_MarginTop + m_PaddingTop + m_PaddingBottom + m_MarginBottom + m_Height;

    * Determines if this field accepts the focus.
    * *
    * * @return boolean - always true.
    * */
    public boolean isFocusable()
        return true;

    * Retrieves this field's current focus region.
    * *
    * * @param XYRect - object to contain the focus rect for this field in local coordinates
    * */
    public void getFocusRect(XYRect rect)
        rect.set(m_MarginLeft + getFont().getAdvance(getLabel()), m_MarginTop , m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop);

    * Draws the focus indicator for this field
    * *
    * * @param Graphics - graphics context for drawing the focus
    * * @param boolean - true if the focus should be set; otherwise, false.
    * */
    protected void drawFocus(Graphics graphics, boolean on)

    * Lays out field contents.
    * *
    * * @param int - amount of available horizontal space.
    * * @param int - amount of available vertical space.
    * */
    protected void layout(int width, int height)
        setExtent(Math.min(getPreferredWidth(), width), Math.min(getPreferredHeight(), height));

    * Invoked when a field receives the focus.
    * *
    * * @param int - Indicates from which direction the focus enters the field.
    * */
    public void onFocus(int direction)
        m_isFocused = true;

    * Invoked when a field loses the focus.
    * */
    public void onUnfocus()
        m_isFocused = false;

    * Method draws a edit field.
    * *
    * * @param Graphics - graphic context.
    * */
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        Bitmap image = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("dropdown.png");

        String visibleText = (getSelectedIndex() == -1 || getSelectedIndex() >= m_Choices.length)?"":m_Choices[getSelectedIndex()];
        int textLength = getFont().getAdvance(visibleText);
        int labelLength = getFont().getAdvance(getLabel());
        int textY = m_MarginTop + m_PaddingTop + (m_Height - getFont().getHeight())/2;
        if(textY < 0)
            textY = m_MarginTop;                

        //Text can be as big as text box field
        while(textLength > m_ChoiceFieldWidth - m_TextMarginLeft - m_TextMarginRight - m_DropDownArrowWidth && visibleText.length() > 0)
            visibleText = visibleText.substring(0, visibleText.length()-1);
            textLength = getFont().getAdvance(visibleText);
        int textX = (m_HTextAlignment == TEXT_HALINGMENT_CENTER)?              m_MarginLeft + labelLength + m_TextMarginLeft + (m_ChoiceFieldWidth - m_TextMarginLeft - m_TextMarginRight - m_DropDownArrowWidth - textLength)/2:
        m_MarginLeft + labelLength + m_TextMarginLeft;
        if(textX < 0)            textX = m_MarginLeft + labelLength + m_TextMarginLeft;                

        g.drawText(getLabel(), m_MarginLeft, textY);
        if(m_isFocused == false)
            image = Utils.resizeBitmap(image, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop);
            //Draw edit box bg
            g.fillRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height);            

            //Draw edit box rect
            g.drawRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height);
            //Draw edit box text
            g.drawBitmap(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop,  m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop, image, 0, 0);

            g.drawText(visibleText, textX, textY);            

            //g.drawText(Integer.toString(cursorPosition), m_MarginLeft + labelLength + m_TextMarginLeft, textY);
            //Draw edit box bg
            /*m_FocusedBgColor = ApplicationTheme.DEFAULT_TEXT_BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR_ON_FOCUS;
            g.fillRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height);            

            //Draw edit box rect
            g.drawRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height);          

            //Draw edit box bg
            g.fillRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height);

            image = Utils.resizeBitmap(image, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height  + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop);
            g.drawBitmap(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop,  m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop, image, 0, 0);  

            //Draw edit box rect
            g.drawRect(m_MarginLeft + labelLength, m_MarginTop, m_ChoiceFieldWidth, m_Height + m_PaddingBottom + m_PaddingTop);
            //Draw edit box text 

            //Draw edit box text
            g.drawText(visibleText, textX, textY);

Let me know if you still have problems.



Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Ever need to use it, so have not tried, but I note that the ObjectChoiceField includes a method called:


    Now, I assume that the width is in pixels, and that the normal process would invoke using the field.font and make a getAdvance().  But I have often wondered if, by changing it, I would change the actual width of the field.

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    Rakesh Shankar.p

    Agree with Stephen, here is a code which may help

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    You can use custom attributes: CSS min-width and max-width properties



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    68.6% of 1680px equals 1152px, then Yes, he is bigger than 960px

    If you want to stop at the 960px available, then set max-width: 960px to the container as well as width: 68.6%.

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    * arrg * navigation bar does not work with the current version of the plugin.

    In this case, take a look at the plugin and find the definition of the left box. You can find parts to copy into your page.

    Best regards


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    You can use the this.width, this.height and properties.

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    Change the element and in the form HTML to the elements attributes field type the following:


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    In code view, add a style inline, and adjust the width according to your needs:

    style = "" width: 900px ">"

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

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    I NAME
    - ---------
    1 ROBERT

    The problem is, I want the column heading set out (in this case, it's just the ID)

    -- ---------
    1 ROBERT

    Better yet,.

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    I want to see:

    --------------- -----------------
    1 ROBERT

    (The ID in the column width of centering would be good too, but it's "sauce")

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    Published by: leonhardtk on August 23, 2010 11:55


    You can check [SQL Reference |] for syntax.

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