Import of business components of JDev 10 g to 11g

I have an old project UIX heading 2002 which uses hundreds of business components, and I need to migrate this project in order to use the ADF faces.

I wish I could reuse the business components if possible, so I've implemented a new application of ADF faces in Jdeveloper, and I tried to import the business components using file-> Import and select 'Business components' that gave me the option to select a xml, jpx, jar or zip file.

I tried the jpx first, and I got an error like the following dialog box:

Cannot find the file on the source path or class.
Make sure that the file is on the way to source or a project category.

Then I tried a xml for a view objects and I got the same message.

Why a file I am trying to import from another project should already be on the source path or class? Which path source or class is he referring?

Is there another way to do what I'm trying to reuse a UIX project business components in a new project of the ADF?

Thank you.

Have you tried to convert the project to 11g by simply opening the fichiers.jws/.jpr? Depending on the version of the original project, you might need to open first using an intermediate version.

You should make a backup first!


Tags: Java

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    Right-click on a component business package and select Synchronize with db. This will add the new and missing column or rule changes to the EO. Updates of the VO you owe it to yourself (for example to add column to VO).

    And the new FK does not automatically cause in the new association or viewlink. What you need to do it yourself.

    If you did not write too much code, you can delete the business components and create new tables again.


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    This page documents the DBs we certify with:

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    You may need to create the EO attributes by hand in this case.

  • ADF against the REST business components to access data


    JDeveloper 12.2.1

    We are about to build a custom application of ADF that must run completely on the site.

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    Thanks for any help.


    Without knowing your situation, I would say that it seems that the use ADF BC is the right way to go.

    It will allow you not only to access your database, but also add logic and to create complex data structures and relationships – all in a layer that is outside your database.

    Your ADF UI can then link directly to this ADF BC layer.

    If in the future you will need other interfaces to access the same logic through REST services - then that in 12.2.1 you can expose ADF BC as REST services will give you this ability.

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    Best regards

    Luis Cabaco

    You have experience in the use of EJB or ADF BC in other projects? This could influence your decision.

    This moment (12.1.3) to produce the JSON ADF BC, you will need to code the solution.

    The plan should provide declaratively to expose REST JSON ADF BC in the next 12.2.1 release.

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    Best regards, Luc


    BC has undergone a lot of recent changes. Please consult the manual of the BC.

    Connect to your site using Dreamweaver

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    Thank you



    It's like asking which way in Rome. The result is the same that you find yourself in Rome.

    The business components of table creates EO, VO, and AM only once and it is easy to start (a beginner option).

    Table OS, this is for when you want to create the template manually. If you are a developer experienced ADF BC who knows how to build from VO of entity objects, but also associations and view links manually then this option more puts you in control, so to speak. (option expertise and probably my choice)

    But as said, the end result is the same, you find yourself in Rome.


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                 version="" id="DataBindings" SeparateXMLFiles="false"
                 Package="view" ClientType="Generic"
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    Published by: adf009 on 03/20/2013 14:44


    Well, you've learned that samples should be provided on the HR diagram. Also try to put the steps to see the mentioned number.

    Anyway, here's the anwer-

    You missed a step. See link [Fusion Developer Guide |]... Go figure - 'Figure 37-9 project properties displays Message Resource Bundles' - this is the step failed. So just add your package customized to the ADF BC project.

    This should solve you problem... Let me know if you need examples updated the.

    Thank you

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    is there an expression for the locale of the user?

    Thank you.

    You can create a connection variable: countries with this groovy expression:

    And in the query:

    where country_id = :country


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    can you please share a link regarding on the use of references to adf business components. all ebook titles or a book would also be appreciated. : D

    Kind regards

    Published by: 848858 on April 24, 2011 03:27

    should give you a start.


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    Not really clear on your use case, but [url] This shows how two declarative actions with one click

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    Add the catalyst Business Suite does not work with DW CC 2015. See the following help page to learn how to connect with DW: connect to your site using Dreamweaver

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    It should work perfectly. One thing you will need to know is the passivation of State mechanism used by ADF BC can use a store based on files or DB-table-based store. Obviously, if you want to use the DB-table-based store, you will have to configure it to point to a database where you can write to DB tables, which will be probably different from your database pending of DG. Otherwise, I can't think of specific issues (but I don't him have not personally tested).


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    I can easily use the Get functions (by id), nor on the criteria to get a customer by one of his name.

    The problem is that I need a function to retrieve all customers (without any criteria) in a table, and then modify the selected customer, perhaps with the update function. I tried this but, there is no collection on the data control to do so.

    On the last days, in that I wanted a resolution to my problem but the tutorials I've seen, none seems to be exactly what I need. At least none that I could clearly understand it is being implemented.

    Can someone give me a hint or two on how to make this implementation using BC/SOAP?

    Off-topic question: is there an advantage over the use of SOAP on REST, since the REST seems to be faster due to the possibility of using JSON?

    Thank you!

    You can create the custom method in your AppModuleImpl class that presents the signature.

    Something like:

    public List getAllRecords(){
        List result = new ArrayList<>();
        ViewObject vo = getYourVO();
            ViewRowImpl row = (ViewRowImpl);
        return result;

    And in the AM editor expose this method as part of your web service.

    Then in the other project to create this ws-based Web Service data control, call the getAllRecords() method (as method activity in some task flow, or drop it on the page as a button) and in the end, expand getAllRecords() day in data controls pane and drag and drop 'result' to your af:table page


  • Declarative components ADF business components with

    Hi, I created a generic project in jdev

    Created DeclrativeComponent and Application Module defined in the project. My idea is to deploy the declarative component with App module in an ADF library jar.

    Created a test page in this project and was able to read the records in the db using the app module.

    But when I deploy as ADF Lib and when I try to access the db through my added pot this pot is unable to internally find the app module.

    same code is running independently but fails when added to another project in the jar.

    public static DeclarativeComponentAMImpl getAm() {}

    DeclarativeComponentAMImpl am;

    FacesContext CF = null;

    Application app = null;

    ExpressionFactory elFactory = null;

    ELContext elContext = null;

    ValueExpression valueExp = null;

    try {}

    CF = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();

    App = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance () .getApplication ();

    elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory ();

    elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance () .getELContext ();

    {valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression (elContext, "#{data.", Object.class "}") DeclarativeComponentAMDataControl.dataProvider};

    } catch (Exception e) {}

    e.printStackTrace ();


    AM = (DeclarativeComponentAMImpl) valueExp.getValue (elContext);

    am coming as null here when executing it in another project by adding this as jar lib adf

    am back;


    I need assistance to the deployment of adf lib with the two component function declarative with his app module.

    Help, please

    BC4J configuration add inside the Databindings.jpx solved the problem

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