In JavaFX, binds an alternative to the action-listener?

Hi, I was wondering if in JavaFX, binding can be an alternative to the events/listener action? Can address us all the actions with the binding instead of event management?

The links may serve as an alternative to the management of events that represent an action of the user, such as ActionEvents MouseEvents or KeyEvents. ActionEvents are generated when the user takes a specific action, for example on a button, or by pressing the Enter key in a TextField. There is nothing that you can really link to this situation.

JavaFX defines an API of property that allows to create observable properties (and observable values, whose observable properties are a specific example). You can register ChangeListeners with these observable properties to be notified when their values change. So, for example, TextField has a textProperty containing the value of the text in the text field. If you register a listener changes with textProperty of the text field, it will be notified whenever the text in the text field is changed. (Note that the notification happen essentially on every key shot in the field of text, not just at the point where the user agrees to a value with the Enter key).

Links to present a simpler alternative to a particular use case for listeners of changes on these properties: when the listener change would simply update the value of another property. For example, the following text:

final label = new Sun;

final TextField textField = new TextField();

final VBox, vbox = new VBox();

vbox.getChildren () .addAll (label, textField);

label.textProperty () .bind (textField.textProperty ());

will cause the label to change to match the text in the text field.

See using JavaFX and binding properties. JavaFX tutorials and documents 2 for a fuller analysis of properties and binding.

Tags: Java

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    System.out.println ("invoked");

    This is my code to the action listener, she is hard-coded

    Hey Zaid,

    Try the following code.

    1. create the inner class on your managed bean.

    private class MyListener implements ActionListener {

    {} public void processAction (ActionEvent actionEvent)

    write your action listener code here...

    System.out.println ("invoked");



    2. then add actionListener class to your button.

    Addpopup RichCommandImageLink = new RichCommandImageLink();

    addpopup.addActionListener (new MyListener());

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    Firefox 3.6.13

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    How can I solve this problem? Thank you to everyone.

    Best regards

    You can paste the code of the page where you added the listener to action?
    Make sure it is added within the menu option.

  • JavaFX binding throws illegal state Exception: not on the thread of Application FX

    Hi all

    I am updating a label of a task using bindings.

    However, when I 'Bind' the label text property with a property of the task, Illegal state exception string is thrown. Saying: this is not not on the thread of JavaFX.

    The Exception occurs whenever I try to set the property of the task of the Interior string.

    Please do not suggest to use the platform. RunLater(). I want to do this through links as the values I am trying to display in the label (later on) could change too frequently, and I don't want to flood the queue of the thread of the user interface with executable objects.

    Please let me know what I'm doing wrong and what I need to change to make it work properly with links. (I'm new to links and concurrency JavaFx API)

    Here is my Code.

    public class MyTask extends Task<String>{
           System.out.println("Task Constructor on Thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
        private StringProperty myStringProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(){
                System.out.println("Creating stringProperty on Thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
        private final void setFileString(String value) {
            System.out.println("Setting On Thread"+Thread.currentThread().getName());
            myStringProperty.set(value); }
        public final String getFileString() { return myStringProperty.get(); }
        public final StringProperty fileStringProperty() {
            System.out.println("Fetching property On Thread"+Thread.currentThread().getName());
            return myStringProperty; }
        public String call() throws Exception{
            System.out.println("Task Called on thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
           for(int counter=0;counter<100;counter++){
               }catch(Exception e){
               System.out.println("Counter "+counter);
           return "COMPLETED";
    public class MyService extends Service<String> {
        MyTask myTask;
        public MyService(){
            System.out.println("Service Constructor on Thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
            myTask=new MyTask();
        public Task createTask(){
            System.out.println("Creating task on Thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
            return myTask;
    public class ServiceAndTaskExperiment extends Application {
        public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
            Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Sample.fxml"));
            Scene scene = new Scene(root);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    public class SampleController implements Initializable {
        private Label label;
        private void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event) {
            System.out.println("You clicked me!");
            myTestService.start(); //This will throw out exceptions when the button is clicked again, it does not matter
        MyService myTestService=new MyService();
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
            label.setText("Hello World!");
            //adding the below Line causes the exception
            label.textProperty().bind(myTestService.myTask.fileStringProperty()); //removing this line removes the exception, ofcourse the label wont update.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import java.lang.*?>
    <?import java.util.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
    <AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" prefHeight="200" prefWidth="320" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="serviceandtaskexperiment.SampleController">
            <Button layoutX="126" layoutY="90" text="Click Me!" onAction="#handleButtonAction" fx:id="button" />
            <Label layoutX="126" layoutY="120" minHeight="16" minWidth="69" fx:id="label" />

    And it is the output with links on:

    Output: when the link is activated label.textProperty () .bind (myTestService.myTask.fileStringProperty ());

    Service on JavaFX Application Thread constructor

    Creating string on thread JavaFX Application Thread

    Task, Builder on JavaFX Application Thread

    Get the property on request ThreadJavaFX wire

    You clicked me!

    Creating a task on a thread Thread Application JavaFX

    Task called threadThread-4

    Setting on ThreadThread-4

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: not on the application thread FX; currentThread = Thread-4



    to javafx.scene.Parent$ 1.onProposedChange(

    at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableObservableList.setAll(

    at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.setAll(



    to$ 3.changed(

    at javafx.beans.value.WeakChangeListener.changed(

    to com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$ SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent (

    at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(



    in$ 100 (

    to$ Listener.invalidated (

    to com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$ SingleInvalidation.fireValueChangedEvent (

    at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(





    to serviceandtaskexperiment. MyTask.setFileString (

    to serviceandtaskexperiment. (

    to serviceandtaskexperiment. (

    to javafx.concurrent.Task$ (


    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

    to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (


    Output with links removed: (label will not be updated)

    Service on JavaFX Application Thread constructor

    Creating string on thread JavaFX Application Thread

    Task, Builder on JavaFX Application Thread

    You clicked me!

    Creating a task on a thread Thread Application JavaFX

    Task called threadThread-4

    Setting on ThreadThread-4

    Counter 0

    Setting on ThreadThread-4

    1 meter

    Setting on ThreadThread-4

    2 meter

    Setting on ThreadThread-4

    If myStringProperty is bound to the textProperty of etiquette, you can only change it on the Thread of the JavaFX Application. The reason is that change its value will result in a change of the label, and changes of live parts of the graphic scene cannot be performed on the Thread of the JavaFX Application.

    Task and Service classes expose a messageProperty you could use here. The Task class has a updateMessage (...) method that changes the value of the message on the Thread of the JavaFX Application property. It also merges calls in order to prevent the flooding of this thread. If you could do the following in your () method:


    and then in your controller just do


    If you don't want to use the messageProperty for some reason any (for example you are already using it for something else, or you want to make something similar to a property that is not a string), you must merge the updates yourself. What follows is based on the source code of the task:

    public class MyTask extends Task {
         // add in the following:
        private final AtomicReference fileString = new AtomicReference<>();
        private void updateFileString(String text) {
            if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {
            } else {
                if (fileString.getAndSet(text) == null) {
                    Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            final String text = fileString.getAndSet(null);
       // Now just call updateFileString(...) from your call() method
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    action = URL redirection
    validation = YES

    URL =


    any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Why not make your button click on fetch the IR Help menu link on-the-fly and use it

    Change your action buttons to redirect URLS

    JavaScript: Window.Location.href is $('_#apexir_ACTIONSMENU_a.dhtmlSubMenuN[title="Help"]').attr ('href');.

    Or even the following would

    JavaScript:popupURL ('wwv_flow_utilities.show_ir_help? p_app_id ='+ $v ('pFlowId') ' + ' & p_worksheet_id = ' + $("div_#apexir_DATA_PANEL_table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA').attr ('id'))

    It also has the advantage that there is no demand or worksheet_id hardcode in the URL.

  • How given the action to a dynamic button programmatically?


    I use JDeveloper

    I am trying to assign the action to a button that is created programmatically, using the following code:


        public static MethodExpression createActionMethodExpression(String actionMethodExpression){
            FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ELContext elctx = fctx.getELContext();
            Application app = fctx.getApplication();
            ExpressionFactory exprFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
            //Create and add method expression that references the ADF
            //binding layer to execute the operation
            MethodExpression methodExpr = null;
            //create method expression that doesn’t expect a return type (null),
            //and that has no parameters to pass (new Class[]{})
            methodExpr = exprFactory.createMethodExpression( elctx,actionMethodExpression ,null, new Class[]{});
            return methodExpr;

    But it gives an error:

    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: method not found: [email protected])

    Why is this happening?

    Kind regards



    The code above works well after you stop and restart the application.

    Thank you


  • Alternative to the model of David Giammona ADF area popup?

    Hi all

    y at - it anyway more simple/pattern, to include fragment (so, no full page) based bounded workflow inside af: light popup, but to do the same (cleaning of good task flow etc...)?

    In our current application, so we have a lot of these use cases, the implementation of this model in each case will be a time wasting.
    We need something less complicated.

    Any help?

    In I think JDev 11.1.3 a new af:popup property has been introduced: chiildCreation which can be set to 'deferred '. This property with the property deferred workflow link prevents loading of taskflows displayed in a box inside a pop-up window on the initial page load.

    It is an alternative to the technique of David so that's why the bosses is discouraged.

    The difference however is that, once the popup is open the taskflow is responsible and will remain loaded, consumes resources.
    If you want to release these resources again when you close the pop-up window, you can use the activation on the taskflow binding property. Bind this property to a Boolean property in a managed bean and the value of this property to true when the pop-up window is opened and set it to false when the popup window is closed.


  • reset the action using a few imagelink

    Hi experts, - adbc - oracle db10g jdev

    Hi I know not af:reset button is to reset the fields.

    but trying to do commandImageLink link.

    Why go commandImageLink means. image link has some pictures. every time the link. I have to reset the fields.

    I can't do this. How can I do?
    <af:commandImageLink styleClass="OraBITooltipText"
                                           id="cil18" icon="/icons/clear.png">


    something is entered in the field of af: table and I use commandimagelink to clear the entrance to the fields. It does not work properly. (Documents restored enterily)

    So what you see is that the new created line is removed, correct? Well, if that's your problem (I'm not quite sure that you mentioned on page 1 of this thread) then you can have an action listener defined (link order the value partialSubmit = true) who has access to the current row in the table, pass the attributes of this line and set them to null. However, for this you need to PPR table (as if not a single row refresh is not displayed).


  • Access the corresponding line via detailStamp triggered the action


    I am clearly not understanding something :/ I have a problem I'll demo with a small application here. I have a 'DeptView"(which is the SQL query mode, select deptid, deptname of Department in the HR schema) on which I based a simple af:table. It works very well, listing the data without problem.

    In the 'detailStamp' side, I have form fields based on the 'row' of the af var: table. This works fine as well. I use the DeptView as a DTO object, and in a backingbean action, I want to know what line the timbre of detail with the action button belongs to. Here is the demo app, showing the three different methods I've tried. The problem is the code I found returns the selectedRow, not the line containing the invocation of the action contained detailStamp.

    Here is an example of output about what is happening when I develop four lines, select the line 'marketing', then click "Who Dept?" in each detailStamp.

     <af:table value="#{bindings.DeptView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                      rowBandingInterval="0" varStatus="vs" summary="test"
                      rowSelection="single" id="t1"
              <af:column rowHeader="unstyled" headerText="depId" id="c2">
                 <af:outputText id="idCol" value="#{row.DepartmentId}"/>
              <af:column headerText="depName" id="c1">
                <af:outputText id="nameCol" value="#{row.DepartmentName}"/>
              <f:facet name="detailStamp">
                <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
                  <af:commandButton text="Which Dept?" id="cb1"
                  <af:inputText label="Table says:" id="it1" value="n/a"
                  <af:inputText label="VO says:" id="it2" value="n/a"
                  <af:inputText label="Iter says:" id="it3" value="n/a"
    Support action of bean:
        public String determineID() {
            // --------------------------------------
            // attempt data fetch by table
            FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding data = 
            // ---------------------------------------
            // VO
            DCBindingContainer bindings = 
            DCControlBinding cb = (DCControlBinding)bindings.get("DeptView1");
            Row currentRow = cb.getViewObject().getCurrentRow();        
            // ---------------------------------------
            // Iter
            DCIteratorBinding iterBind = bindings.findIteratorBinding("DeptView1Iterator");
            currentRow = iterBind.getCurrentRow();
            // mark textfields for refresh
            RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
            return "blah"; // doesn't matter        
    I guess that a solution would be allows only a single detailStamp open at a time, and get a rowDisclosureEvent to the other door detailStamps Manager and make the current line active (someone has me code is 11g to do this easy?). I feel however that I am just misunderstanding something basic.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Barry,.

    What you see is expected, extend a row does not define the current line as the extended line. If you want to get the current line (where you have the button) at the click of a button, try the approach below:

       //Pass the row to the bean property on click of a button using setActionListener tag
        //Inside Bean
        private FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding currentNode;
        public void setCurrentNode(FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding currentNode) {
            this.currentNode= currentNode;
        public FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding getCurrentNode() {
            return currentNode;
        public void printCurrentRow(){
            DCBindingContainer bindings =
            DCIteratorBinding iterBind = bindings.findIteratorBinding("DeptView1Iterator");
            Row currentRow = currentNode.getRow();
            //Write your code here

    Jean Lou

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    I could be the page is out of service.

    Go to the web page. Once the page loads, mouse to the address bar
    and left click the icon. A window to display information of site should
    developed. Now select permissions. In the menu, find the plugins, and
    the value all Allow. This action will have an effect only as a single site.

    Then reload the page.

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    You can watch this extension:

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  • The action "Watch Me Do" has encountered an error. The operation could not be completed. (OSStatus error - 50.)


    • Material: Apple Macbook Air 13 ", mid-2013. 1.7 GHz Intel Core i7. 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3. Etc...
    • El Capitan software to. 10.11.2
    • Automator to. 2.6 (419)

    I'm trying to automate downloads via iTunes take place during early in the morning to avoid using bandwidth more expensive. The operation (my apologies if I have the wrong terms, not a tech guy) fails and returns this error:

    The action "Watch Me Do" has encountered an error.

    The operation could not be completed. (OSStatus error - 50.)

    Is that what everyone has seen, or to which there is a known solution?



    Watch Me Do is designed to replay the same click of mouse and keyboard events to the same speed.  Think of driving your car to work and record each turn and stop.  Then play each round and down at the same speed.  What to do if while reading the traffic moves a little faster or a little slower?  If you drive the same route to work, you could get a red light at an intersection that you had a green light to yesterday.  "Watch Me" does not know how to deviate from these changes, so he'll just to stop and report an error.  If iTunes launches slower or an event during playback takes longer to achieve because of different background running processes, it will have the same effect.

    Allowing automatic downloads in iTunes and help Automator to activate your device network at a specific time might be a better solution.

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