iOS Application Loader: "a request packet not valid."


I often download of AIR apps to iTunes Connect via the Application Loader, but for the last 24 hours he has been complaining that "the file is not a valid request packet.

I use AIR 4.0 at the command line with all certificates of right and app IDs, and I decompress and recompress the payload on a Mac I've done hundreds of times before. And it comes up with 3 all the apps that I'm trying to update is not an isolated incident.

Nothing has changed since 4.0 AIR which would explain it? Anyone who knows the same thing this week?

HI ~ I have the same problem in Mac OS 10.6 and application Loader v2.5.1, but I use Mac OS 10.7 & v2.9.1 application Loader is ok.

You can try it.

Tags: Adobe AIR

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    Clear the cache and cookies from sites that cause problems.

    "Clear the Cache":

    • Tools > Options > advanced > network > content caching Web: 'clear now '.

    'Delete Cookies' sites causing problems:

    • Tools > Options > privacy > Cookies: "show the Cookies".

    See also:

    You can try to reset (power off / on) of the router.

    One possible cause is security software (firewall, antivirus) that prevents or limits Firefox or plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after the detection of changes (update) for the Firefox program.

    Delete all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container in the permissions list in the firewall and leave your firewall again ask permission to get full unlimited access to the internet for Firefox and the plugin-container and the update process.


    You can also do a check of malware with some digitization programs of malicious software on the Windows computer.


    Alternatively, you can write a check for an infection rootkit TDSSKiller.

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    Hi CMAC.

    As mentioned in the previous post,, AJ McTide , it is not recommended to download pirated apps.

    In dealing with the problem with the opening of applications, try the suggestions of this link.

    When you run an .exe on a Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer file, the file can start another program

    Important: Follow the steps described in this section carefully. Serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, Save the registry restore problems.

    Thank you.

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    Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 10.16.55.png

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    The behavior of the two numbers has been changed recently. Previously you could not increase the number of generation without increasing the version number, which, when using test flight of Appl'e system means that the beta has go through approval each time. If you can keep the version number the same, but increase the build number, the new beta does not have to go through approval.

    Watch 'Number of Build in the iOS of the AIR' in the release notes: es.pdf

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    I have also contacted Milkman games support but they tell me that I'm the only one with the problem, and this technical support is unable to reproduce the problem.

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    Anyone know what I can do? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much!

    Hello world

    Change the minimum OS to 6.0 doesn't work but when I tried 6.1 that he submitted to the app store very well apple.

    Thanks Colin!

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    I guess the failure could be the change I made in the Bundle ID.

    Of the original identifier:

    Identifier of the workforce:

    Screen Shot 2013-11-15 at 21.11.54.png

    Here the screenshot with the error.

    I tried severeal times to resolve this, bthere leave it everywhere with new certificates. But it simply doesn't.

    I was wondering if it would solve the problem, if I could spare even once to the appropriate identifier, which seems to be:

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

    The mistake is to tell you what the problem is: you try to download an application where the .mobileprovision file, you used has a bundle ID that corresponds to the app that you (or someone else?) already downloaded.

    You need to choose a new package that is not used elsewhere ID, update your .mobileprovision file, and then build the application again with App Builder.


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    The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded. "I can always access the internet but what do I do to get rid of this message. The home page does not display the icon of firefox.

    You can check the setting of the homepage:

    • Tools > Options > general > startup: Homepage

    Firefox supports several home pages separated by ' |' symbol (pipe).

    Start Firefox in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/tools > Modules > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem.

    • Put yourself in the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/tools > Modules > appearance
    • Do NOT click on the reset button on the startup window Mode safe

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