Is it possible to have an object hidden by default?

I thought being smart and having an object that must be frequently recycled his "rest of project" timing value

I put it hidden with the advanced actions on each slide where it should not be considered. Everything was great until I get to the quiz. If I start the quiz after another slide he is fine as the previous slide hide. But if I leave the course during the quiz, when I restart the course, it will start the quiz and there is no chance to perform an action on the entrance of the quiz slide that you want to hide the objects.

Hello again

I'm not convinced there is only one solution to workaround. I just tested this by selecting all the slides in the pool pointed to by slides random and assigned the Action advanced to each slide in a single shot.

During playback, it seems to run as it should. Even if I use a random question slide because the measures were each slide in the pool, it is always run when the question slide is presented.

Maybe try that?

See you soon... Rick

Tags: Adobe Captivate

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    function RunReport()


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    Yes it is possible. We have in our system.

    * First you must allow to open the report in its name (by changing slightly the query ID of report item get and ticket InReportTicket.htm/Custom_InReportTicket.jsmodel). Of course, it takes the opportunity to get the record of the report by ITEM_ID is if the name attribute is not provided in your custom query.

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    function RunReport (z_report_name)


    MDA = Main.document.all;

    If (mda. ENTITY_TYPE! = null) {}

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    var z_report_name = "CALL % 20REPORT."


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