Issue of SWF and movieclip

In my index.swf, I have a movieclip, content_mc which contains a menu movieclip, portMainButtons_mc.

index.swf load portfolio.swf in a UILoader, sectionLoader. When portfolio.swf has completed an animation, I want to say portMainButtons_mc in index.swf to gotoAndPlay (2).

I tried this at the end of the animation of portfolio.swf:

var mainMovie:Object is this. DisplayObject.parent;

mainMovie.content_mc.portMainButtons_mc.gotoAndPlay (2);


and that did not work.

I read that the use of "parent" is not the best thing to do.

In fact, the error could be related to use: this. DisplayObject.parent... the correct way to write which would have been... DisplayObject (parent)... and 'that' is not often necessary in AS3

I will try to help him, using some hear - say I've heard said since then I have not much chance to experiment with it.  In case of failure I'll direct you to the publication of the pre-hear-say...


Add something to raise the event at the end of the loaded swf file:

dispatchEvent (new Event ("donePlaying", true));

In your SWF to loading/parent, listen for the complete event on the UILoader.  In the complete event handler, add a listener for the event.

sectionLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loaderComplete);   // *****

triggered when external swf loading event handler / / *.
function loaderComplete(event:Event) {/ / *}
stage.addEventListener ("donePlaying", doneHandler);
}                                    // *****

function doneHandler(event:Event):void {}
your code here... content_mc.portMainButtons_mc.gotoAndPlay (2);

The main difference in what I'm showing compared to the announcement, that I refer also is that the listener for events donePlaying of your swf file is assigned to the scene in this case instead of the object that was loaded.  The 'real' in the function dispatchEvent call is indicative of the event to bubble as it can be heard beyond the object.

In this case, I don't know that you have to wait to assign the listener for the donePlaying event, then you can try jump seen the listener/handler for the UILoader and see if it plays.  In other words, you won't have the lines that I marked with "/ / *"

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    I took the code by btw:

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    var _swfLoader:Loader;

    var _swfRequest:URLRequest;

    var _swfPathArr:Array = new Array)

    '00.swf', '01.swf', '02.swf'


    var _swfClipsArr:Array = new Array();

    var _swfTempClip:MovieClip;

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    _swfRequest = new URLRequest();



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    _swfRequest.URL = path;

    _swfLoader.load (_swfRequest);


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    function onSwfComplete(event:Event):void {} (Event.COMPLETE, onSwfComplete);

    _swfTempClip =;

    _swfTempClip.customID = _loadedSWFs;

    _swfClipsArr.push (_swfTempClip);

    If (_loadedSWFs < _swfPathArr.length - 1) {}

    _loadedSWFs ++;

    loadSWF (_swfPathArr [_loadedSWFs]);

    } else {}




    I have no problem with ff and I don't see any problem in chrome.

    You probably have a typo in if:


    should be


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    LOL, I think you're just overthinking it.

    When you publish the temporary folder it created SWF, right?

    Thus, on the empty slides, you just need to click on them to open them in the editor of Captivate.

    Then click on Insert > Animation and head toward them.

    See you soon... Rick

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    import flash.text.TextField;

    import flash.text. *;

    import flash.utils.Timer;


    var RSSLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    var RSSURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("");

    RSSLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, RSSLoaded);

    RSSLoader.load (RSSURL);

    var RSSXML:XML = new XML();

    RSSXML.ignoreWhitespace = true;

    var title: TextField;

    var desc:TextField;

    var allText:TextField;

    title = new TextField();

    allText = new TextField();

    var i: int;

    function RSSLoaded(e:Event):void {}

    trace ("xml load file here");

    RSSXML = XML (;

    for {(var selectedItems:String in

    title. Text = ( [selectedItems] .title + "/");

    title.wordWrap = true;

    tfLog.text += title.text;

    tfLog.wordWrap = true;

    trace (title. (Text);



    var t:Timer = new Timer (200);



    function(EV:TimerEvent): void


    tfLog.text tfLog.text.substr = (1) + tfLog.text.charAt (0);



    t.Start ();

    var picTimer:Timer = new Timer (2000);

    picTimer.start ();

    picTimer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, timehandler);

    function timehandler(event:TimerEvent):void {}

    setChildIndex (getChildAt (7), 0);


    A way around that is to have a PHP file on your server that reads the XML feed and your swf reads the data from the PHP file rather than directly from the external domain.

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    Thanks Peter,.

    Once again, but it is possible to get the movieclip that is create from addChild(), normally access like this "mc.mcInternal".

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    mc.mcInternal = new Movieclip();

    mc.addChild (mcInternal);

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    Click on file/publish/formats settings, make sure that the swf and html boxes are selected, and click the button use default namespace.  then click on file/publish.  are the files in your directory with your fla?

    Otherwise, create a new directory (which has no subdirectory), save your fla to this new directory using a new name (it is, click File/Save as).  then click on file/publish.  see the new directory for your 3 files.

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    1. a movieclip is a leprechaun on steroids.

    2. a movieclip has a timeline, a sprite does not work.  who has major implications on the properties, methods, and events including a movieclip and a sprite does not.

    3. the movieclip class is dynamic (that is to say, you can add properties), the sprite class is not.

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    The key is that you can not!

    What you * CAN * do, however, is to create the illusion that they establish between these objects. What you do is use a box click object which has been placed on top or in front of the Image or SWF file.

    See you soon... Rick

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    Here are your files in this way, they should be programmed. There is a minor change in your file main eoa.fla (with the path to elephants.swf) and major changes to elephant.fla:

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    I have a great difficulty using the loadMovie command.

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    Here is the AS what I use in the last picture of my flv:


    next_btn.onRelease = function() {}

    loadMovie ("next_file.swf", load);


    prev_btn.onRelease = function() {}

    gotoAndStop (previous_page_frame)


    Then. all I want to do is create a sequence: 1 2 hits and close file 1

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    Any ideas? Thank you very much

    You should have a main swf that takes care of everyone else, including your first chapter.

    but, if you want to do it your way, you can use in the main scenario for each swf:

    this.loadMovie ("nextswf.swf"); this.loadMovie ("prevswf.swf")

  • Load external swf and stopping on the 1st frame.

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    I use following code to display an external swf file on the iPad.

    var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://< server ip > / test.swf");

    loader = new Loader();

    Loader.Load (request);

    The file load passes through each image and closes the application.

    Y at - it will be a way to stop the 1st frame once the file is loaded and move between the ribs to the?

    Thank you

    If you listen to when the charger is finished, you can stop the swf file:

    var mc:MovieClip;

    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, swfloaded);

    function swfloaded(e:Event) {}

    MC = as MovieClip;

    MC. Stop();


    Now you can do what you like in this clip. As:

    mc.gotoAndStop ('some ' label');


    mc.gotoAndStop (10);

  • [HELP] External SWF with Movieclip Preloader included

    Hello world

    I have a problem headaching me throughout the afternoon:

    Inside of a SWF I want to load an external SWF inside an empty movieclip. On this image, I have:

    emptymovieclip.loadMovie ("external.swf");

    Inside the external SWF, I have a Preloader in the first image, consisting of a movieclip to 128frames. I want to appear from the first image to the 128th associated percentage of loading. When loaded, go to fram 2 and this is the script on the movieclip:

    onClipEvent (load)
    total = this.getBytesTotal();
    onClipEvent (enterFrame)
    loaded = this.getBytesLoaded();
    percent = int(loaded / total * 128);
    text = "Loaded " + percent + "%";
        if (
    loaded == total)


    Needless to say that it does not and that is why I am asking your help.

    All stops on the first frame of the Preloader.

    I'm a noob to bit for script-stuff that I'm not a programmer, I'm sorry...


    If you put

    _lockroot = true;

    in the main timeline of the external swf file, it refers to its own _root whenever you use a reference to _root in its code.  Otherwise, it refers to the _root of the main file that loads the swf file.  If it works with _root when you perform the external file separately, and so it should wotk if you add this line.

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