Loading XML URL?

I have a clip rectangle shaped and need to add the link to that of XML.

How can I do?

This my code

AS Code:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest ("linkNewD2.xml"));

xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, displayHTML);

function displayHTML(e:Event):void {}

var xmlData:XML = new XML (e.target.data);

var tURL:String = xmlData.Header1.option;

targetURL (tURL);


function targetURL(event:String):void


var valURL:String = event;

myMc1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoHome);

function gotoHome(evt:MouseEvent):void


var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest (URL (valURL));

navigateToURL (myURL);



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

XML code:

< data >

< Header1 >
< option >
http://www.google.com < / option >
< / Header1 >

< / data >

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------

Please help me!

Thank you


This is not a mistake but warning. Warnings do not affect anything.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • How to 'Allow smoothing' for the loaded XML .jpg?

    I have a thumb wheel image that loads a bunch of jpg. They are be enlarged rollover in 1,05.

    I've seen pixelated at scale 1 x 1 as well as expanded.

    I'm happy prettey how Flash renders the images with "Allow smoothing" on.

    How would I do it for the loaded xml jpg? Would it be as a script in the main folder or in the xml file?

    Here's how to load images in AS3:

    function completeHandler_AppPopUps(e:Event):void{
              //trace("thumbnail complete "+e.target.loader.parent.parent.name)//tells us when the loading is complete
              //size image into scroller (need only if I will have images at different sizes)
              resizeMe(e.target.loader.parent, 60, 90, true, true, false);
              TweenMax.to(e.target.loader.parent.parent, .5, {alpha:.7});//makes all thumb images at alpha=.7 after they are fully loaded
              //Tweener.addTween(e.target.loader.parent.parent, { alpha:1, time: .5 } );//caurina version
              TweenMax.to(e.target.loader.parent.parent, .5, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.1, brightness: .7, saturation: .5}});//makes all thumb images at brightness:0.5 after they are fully loaded

    I don't want to complicate things more than necessary, but just in case it's needed here is the complete code for the edification of the wheel section:

    /////Parse XML
    //build scroller from xml
    function buildScroller(imageList:XMLList):void{
              trace("build Scroller");
              for (var item:uint = 0; item<imageList.length();item++) {
                        var thisOne:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
                         var blackBox:Sprite = new Sprite();
                        blackBox.graphics.drawRect(-1, -1, 62, 92);//-1,-1 places rectangle 1px left and up.62, 92 draws rectangle 1px wider on all sides of placed image dimenstions of 60x90
                        blackBox.alpha = thumbFadeOut;//setting Border Tweens
                        thisOne.blackBox = blackBox;//setting Border Tweens
                          thisOne.x = thisOne.myx = (60 + padding) *item;//replaces the line above for scale tweenw roll over calculation. "myx" is a made up term which defines the position. 61 is the width of the thumb
                        thisOne.itemNum = item;
                        thisOne.title = imageList[item].attribute("title");
                        thisOne.link = imageList[item].attribute("url");
                        thisOne.src = imageList[item].attribute("src");
                        thisOne.alpha = 0;//makes all thumb images at alpha=0 before they are fully loaded
                        //Loading and Adding the Images
                        //image container
                        var thisThumb:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
                        //add image
                        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
                        //var url:String = imageList[item].attribute("src");
                        var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(thisOne.src);
                        trace("loading thumbnail "+item+" into Scroller: " + thisOne.src);//url
                        //assign event listeners for Loader
                        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,completeHandler_AppPopUps);//tells us when the loading is complete
                        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler_AppPopUps);//tells us if there are any typo errors when the loading is complete
                        //create listeners for this thumb
                        thisOne.buttonMode = true;//makes boxes act as buttons
                        thisOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickScrollerItem_AppPopUps);//makes boxes act as buttons
                        thisOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overScrollerItem_AppPopUps);//traces the title when the mouse is over the bounding box in the Output Panel
                        thisOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outScrollerItem_AppPopUps);//traces the title when the mouse is out the bounding box in the Output Panel
                        //add item
              scroller.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveScrollerThumbs);//adding movement on mouse position
              trace("termination of build scroller");

    in your listener to full charge, enable the property smoothing to the content of your charger (expressed as a bitmap).

    function completeHandler_AppPopUps(e:Event):void{

              //trace("thumbnail complete "+e.target.loader.parent.parent.name)//tells us when the loading is complete

    //size image into scroller (need only if I will have images at different sizes)
              resizeMe(e.target.loader.parent, 60, 90, true, true, false);

    TweenMax.to(e.target.loader.parent.parent, .5, {alpha:.7});//makes all thumb images at alpha=.7 after they are fully loaded
              //Tweener.addTween(e.target.loader.parent.parent, { alpha:1, time: .5 } );//caurina version

    TweenMax.to(e.target.loader.parent.parent, .5, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.1, brightness: .7, saturation: .5}});//makes all thumb images at brightness:0.5 after they are fully loaded


  • Load the url in tab of firefox running via cmd versions

    I launched several version of firefox with the following command.
    "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 18\firefox.exe" - profile "C:\f18" - no-remote
    "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox31\firefox.exe" - profile "C:\f31" - no-remote
    Both versions are running, now I want to load a url in tab via cmd versions. currently I'm unable to do so. I have tried almost every flag / command, documented by Mozilla.
    for example
    "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox18\firefox.exe" - profile "C:\f18" - distance "openURL (http://example.com, new-tab)".
    "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox18\firefox.exe" - distance "openURL (http://example.com, new-tab)".
    "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox18\firefox.exe" - profile "C:\f18" - distance "openURL (http://example.com, new-tab)".
    Whenever I faced with an error due to parent.lock or another new windows (with the new process) has appeared.
    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I want to open a url in the running versions of Mozilla Firefox tabs. If please correct me if I'm doing wrong or guide me how can we solve this problem,
    Thank you

    The - No.-line remote control switch does not allow you to use - remote (as its name suggests). Which took effect in Firefox. 9 (see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mo.../Command_Line_Options#-no-remote).

    Could test you Firefox start with the (not well-documented) new - new-switch instance instead of - no.-remote and see if it works? Which was added to Firefox 13.

  • When I open another tab and type a Web site address, once the site loads the URL in the navigation bar disappears. Why?

    When I open a new tab and type the URL of the Web site, after that load the url of the Web site Web site disappears. In order for me to get him back, I have to right click on the navigation bar, then click Cancel. Why is this?

    Has this happened immediately after the reboot or at a later date?

    This only happens to you in a new tab?

    What is the current setting of the new tab as established through the browser.newtab.url pref page?

    You can open the topic: config page via the address bar.

    Rename or remove the file prefs.js and numbered possible prefs-# .js and the file user.js to reset all default prefs.

  • Loading XML data in ListView of C++ after extraction of http data

    I'm sorry did searh but could not find any refrence related to my problem
    I am trying to load the xml data returned from a web service HTTP Post QNetworkRequest and QNetworkReply in c ++.

    My XML that gets donwloaded is as

     http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">

    In My QML, it comes to the ListView can say SearchResult.qml

    ListView {
              objectName: "resultlist"
              dataModel: feedsdatamodel
              listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            PeopleListItem {
                                name: ListItemData.givenName + ", " + ListItemData.sn
                                role: ListItemData.ExtFunction
                                leftPaddingText: 40
     attachedObjects: [
           // The data model that contains the content of a XML file
            GroupDataModel {
                id: feedsDataModel
                sortingKeys: [
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        property alias name: titleLabel.text
        property alias role: functionLabel.text
        property alias leftPaddingText: textcontainer.leftPadding
        layout: StackLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
        preferredWidth: 768
        preferredHeight: 135
        Container {
            id: textcontainer
            topPadding: 10
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
            Label {
                id: titleLabel
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                textStyle.color: Color.Black
            Label {
                id: functionLabel
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                textStyle.color: Color.Gray
        Divider {
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    This is the function I'm using to display the QML it is called from main.qml and works correctly.

    void PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked() {
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\t" << "begin";
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\tfname:"
                << m_fname << "\tlname:" << m_lname;
        // Create a network access manager and connect a custom slot to its
        // finished signal
        mNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
        // create a data model with sorting keys for lastname and firstname
                connect(mNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*))));
        //Load the bew QML file of Search from here
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///SearchResults.qml").parent(
        qml->setContextProperty("peoplefinder", this);
        Page *mypage = qml->createRootObject();
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\t s444444";
        // Retrieve the activity indicator from QML so that we can start
        // and stop it from C++
    //  mActivityIndicator = mypage->findChild("myIndicator");
        // Retrieve the list so we can set the data model on it once
        // we retrieve it
        mListView = mypage->findChild("resultlist");

    Once the page loads in the QML it call the launch request providing c ++ file and once the
    query is completed under function is called with the data. I checked that data are downloaded properly

    void PeopleFinder::requestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) {
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                << "response received";
        // Check the network reply for errors
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            // Open the file and print an error if the file cannot be opened
            qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                    << "No error";
            // Write to the file using the reply data and close the file
            QByteArray xml = reply->readAll();
            qDebug() << "Data: \n" << xml;
            // load the xml data
            XmlDataAccess xda;
            QVariant list = xda.load(xml, "ArrayOfPeople");
            qDebug() << "List:::\n" << list;
            GroupDataModel *datamodel = (GroupDataModel*)mListView->dataModel();
            // add the data to the model
            datamodel->setSortingKeys(QStringList() << "givenName" << "sn");
            qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                    << "Datamodel set size:: " << datamodel->size();
            // Set the new data model on the list and stop the activity indicator
        } else {
            qDebug() << "\n Problem with the network";
            qDebug() << "\n" << reply->errorString();

    But now, the real problem begins as in how to convert QByteArray data type of QVariantList which can be loaded into the datamodel
    I don't want to write the data to the XML file and then pass that as a list his will is very slow, once I move test environment to the production environment.

    Please help me solve this problem

    I got it to work using xml parsing with QXmlStreamReader

  • Store functions/procedures in BI Publisher - failed to load XML

    Hello world

    I am trying to call a function to return a set of rows with BI Publisher. When I want to look at the data on the 'Data' tab, I get "Failed to load XML".

    Here are the steps I took:

    Step 1: created a type

    create type numset_t as table of number;

    Step 2: Creating the function

    create or replace function f1(x number) return numset_t pipelined is
    for i in 1..x loop
    pipe row(i);
    end loop;

    Step 3: Under "Data sets", I created a SQL query with the following options/code


    select * from table(f1(3))

    Options: Data Source - my selected schema

    SQL type: Non-standard SQL

    Name of tag line: test

    How can I check my data using the button "data"?

    Thank you

    Here's the steps/documentation on how to call a function from BI Publisher:

    #1) make sure you use SYS_REFCURSOR.

    (#2) create your function as below:

     IF P1 = 'USA' THEN
     END IF ;
    END FUNC1;

    (#3) connect as system and grant execute the user to BI


    (#4) under the data model, create a data set with the following (as for example):

    BI requires the variable xdo_cursor as the output, so do not change the name of the variable.

       type refcursor is REF CURSOR;
       xdo_cursor refcursor;
       :xdo_cursor := SchemaName.func1(:P1);

    Type of SQL procedure call =

    Thank you. I hope that everything that troubleshoot you.

  • "Error loading XML Document from saw.dll./answers/saw.selections.xml?fmapId=RRxCfQ. "The answer was: ' when you access analytic dashboards

    During these months, we were faced with an error "" error when loading XML Document saw.dll./answers/saw.selections.xml?fmapId=RRxCfQ. "The answer was: ' when you access analytical dashboards OBIEE.

    It is a global problem, and users cannot access any dashboard in OBIEE analytics.

    We used weblogicPlugin 1.1 to configure the reverse proxy for our 64-bit using IIS 7.5 weblogic server. WebLogic Server Version: We see the error "resolveRequest: application ' / analytics/saw.dll/answers/saw.selections.xml' has not been sent." Found OR '?', or ';' in URI "in the IIS Proxy log.

    This question is regardless of the browser and get to each broser we tested. Users should click on the error message loading XML Web page pop for about 20 times to see the dashboard.

    No idea how to solve this problem?

    By Oracle Support suggestion, I installed Oracle HTTP server (OHS) and the problem is solved. For now, the problem is solved but SITEMINDER SSO and Siebel IFRAMES should be tested with OSH being the web server now.

  • BAM-06008: load XML is not valid; additional content was found.

    Hi all


    We get the BAM error: "BAM-06008: load XML is not valid; "additional content were found" after I have added a field to another in a BAM Object.I have added this extra field to corresponding data objects .wsdl file as well as in the .xsd. I see the new field in the BAM. However, when I used to send a load with the newly added field it fails with the above error. However, if I add a new data object in BAM with the field he works very well.

    Why I get this error?

    Thank you


    I followed the following steps: -.

    1. make sure the new field entry in the ".wsdl" file that is located in the BAM folder.

    2. make entry new class in file ".xsd".

    3 do the mappings in the file ".xsl" corresponding to the action of the probe.

    Initially, I was just restart BAM and was faced with above mentioned error. After the reboot of SOA and BAM server, it started working.

  • JavaFX Webengine not to validate the form using javascripts loaded from URL


    I'm working on Javafx Webiew in application of the swing.

    I created a Web view and a URL to load, but when we submit the form, JavaScript validation should be done, but they are not in the background.

    Usually if I load this URL into the browser chrome and click on submit, it displays error required fields. But this is not not in Web view.

    I tried activating the firebug, loaded scripts, but the validation don't is not made.

    Can you let me know do I need to run the scripts loaded from the URL in the webengine

    Thank you


    > The HTML5 attribute for the input "required" tag does not work in the webview JavaFX webengine.

    You're right, it does not work.

    Register a tweak request against the WebView.


    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.web.WebView;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class WebViewFunctionTest extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
        public void start(Stage stage) {
            final WebView webView = new WebView();
            stage.setScene(new Scene(webView));

    > I was reading online JavaFX 2.2 supports HTML 5

    WebView supports most of the HTML 5 features, but not the required attribute.

    In any case, HTML 5 is one of these specs that nobody implements completely, so nobody can't really.

    The test HTML5 - how well your browser supports HTML5?

    HTML 5 is also a "standard of living", while the standard changes over time in front of the implementations.

    FAQ - Wiki WHATWG - standard of living

    In particular, the required attribute is just a feature in a draft specification poorly supported in browsers:



    So basically, you have to:

    (a) apply for a tweak on the JavaFX project.

    (b) to implement the javascript code for relief for your web page for validation on the client side.

    You can get assistance with (b) by posting questions on a forum of JavaScript.

  • Problem loading XML content.

    Hello, when I open Dreamweaver CS6 I now get this message at the bottom right of the window and do not know what he's trying to tellme. Clicking on it does nothing.

    Meaasage is:

    Problem loading XML content.

    You have requested a language ("en_IL") that has no content available.

    In suggestions he shows English, United States.

    I don't know why this has happened. But I managed to get rid of this message on my computer. It seems "application.xml" file points to the incorrect language for content files folder.

    On my computer, the program is installed in C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. If you can navigate to this file using your file manager (in my case 'File Explorer', in point 8.1 of Windows), see the listed folders.

    On my installation, note that there is a record of language called "en_US", and there are a bunch of files that it contains. I think that this is where are stored the content files, for my installation. There is also a folder called "amt".

    Open the folder "amt". You will see that there is a load of files of the language, including en_IL and en_US. also note the files listed at the bottom of this issue, in particular the application file "." XML ". I edited this file by right clicking on it and choosing "Edit". However, when I tried to save the change, I got the message "access denied." I don't have permissions to edit and save the file. So, before editing the file once again, I changed the permissions of the file as follows.

    In the file Explorer, right click on the file "application.xml" and select "Properties". Click on the tab 'Security' "Edit" (to change the permissions). Select "users". In the lower window, click on "full control". Then click on 'Ok '. Then click 'Ok' again on the next page.

    Assuming that it worked, you should now be able to edit and save the file in the application ".» XML ".

    Then, right-click on the file name "application.xml" and choose "Edit". It's a text file, so I edited in the "Notepad". Halfway the page, you will see the term "en_IL". Change this to "en_US" (or whatever the name of the other folder is in your installation folder (see paragraph 3 above). Save the file.

    Open Dreamweaver and see if the message has disappeared, replaced by a tip.

  • Is it possible to load a URL on stage?


    I use CC - Action Script 3 Flash, is it possible to load a URL on the stage?


    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    import flash.text.TextField;

    import flash.text.Font;

    import flash.text.TextFormat;

    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import flash.text. *;

    import flash.filters.BitmapFilter;

    import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;

    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;

    Import 12345678910111213import;

    import flash.display.Loader;

    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    var link: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://simplegreen.com/");


    var containerStage: Sprite = new Sprite();

    containerStage.tabChildren = false;

    stage.addChild (containerStage);


    var my_date: Date;

    var mon_timer: Timer = new Timer (1000); create a new timer that everysecond ticks

    var dateStyle: TextFormat = new TextFormat;

    dateStyle.color = 0xFFFFFF;

    dateStyle.size = 48;

    dateStyle.font = "myriadMm;

    dateStyle.align = 'left ';

    var myDateTextBox: TextField = new TextField;

    myDateTextBox = new TextField();

    myDateTextBox.width = 600;

    myDateTextBox.x = 70;

    myDateTextBox.y = 70;

    myDateTextBox.setTextFormat (dateStyle);

    Add to the scene;

    containerStage.addChild (myDateTextBox);

    var myTimeTextBox: TextField = new TextField;

    myTimeTextBox = new TextField();

    myTimeTextBox.width = 600;

    myTimeTextBox.x = 70;

    myTimeTextBox.y = 117;

    myTimeTextBox.setTextFormat (dateStyle);

    Add to the scene;

    containerStage.addChild (myTimeTextBox);

    my_timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);

    my_timer. Start();


    var months: Array = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'may', 'June', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Seven', "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];

    days var: Array = ["Sun", "Read", "Ma", "Wed", "Game", "Fri"];

    Text charger

    var textLoader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

    textLoader.load (new URLRequest("assets/phoneList.txt"));

    var ampm: String = new String();

    function onTimer (e: TimerEvent): void {}

    my_date = new Date();

    myDateTextBox.text = days [my_date.day] + "," + "" + months [my_date.month] + "" + formatF (my_date.date) + "" + my_date.fullYear;

    If (my_date.hours< 12)="">

    AMPM = "AM";

    } else {}

    AMPM = 'H ';


    var hours: int = my_date.hours;

    If {(heures > 12)}

    hours-= 12;


    myTimeTextBox.text = formatF (hours) + ":" + formatF (my_date.minutes) + "" + ampm.


    function formatF(n:int):String {}

    var s:String = n.toString ();

    While (s.length<>

    s = « 0 » + s ;


    return s;


    Event listeners

    phone.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame);

    function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    trace ("ready directory');


    simpleGreen.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2);

    function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    navigateToURL (link, "_self");


    videoDirectory.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_3);

    function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_3(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    trace ("Video Player is ready");


    function textLoaded(evt: Event): void {}

    info_txt.htmlText = textLoader.data;


  • Problem loading xml using sql loader file

    I am trying to load data into the table test_xml (xmldata XMLType)

    I have an xml file and I want any file to load in a single column

    When I use the following control file and run from the command-line as follows
    sqlldr $1@$TWO_TASK direct control=$XXTOP/bin/LOAD_XML.ctl = true; :

    INFILE *.
    XmlType (XMLDATA)
    tank fill ext_fname (100),
    XMLDATA LOBFILE (ext_fname) COMPLETED BY expressions of folklore
    U01/appl/apps/apps_st/appl/XXTop/12.0.0/bin/file. XML

    the file is loaded in the table perfectly.

    Unfortunately I can't hard-code the name of file as file name will be changed dynamically.

    so I removed the block

    U01/appl/apps/apps_st/appl/XXTop/12.0.0/bin/file. XML

    control file and tried to run by giving the following command line path

    sqlldr $1@$TWO_TASK control=$XXTOP/bin/LOAD_XML.ctl direct data=/u01/APPL/apps/apps_st/appl/xxtop/12.0.0/bin/file.xml = true;

    But strangely it attempts to load each line of the xml file in the table instead of the whole file

    Please find the log of the program with the error

    Loading XML through SQL * Loader begins
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file ' <? XML version = "1.0"? > ' table field TEST_XML XMLDATA
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file '< root >' XMLDATA field table TEST_XML
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file '< ScriptFileType >' field XMLDATA table TEST_XML
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file ' < Type > forms < / Type > ' table field TEST_XML XMLDATA
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file ' < / ScriptFileType > ' table field TEST_XML XMLDATA
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file '< ScriptFileType >' field XMLDATA table TEST_XML
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file ' < Type > PLL < / Type > ' table field TEST_XML XMLDATA
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file ' < / ScriptFileType > ' table field TEST_XML XMLDATA
    SQL * Loader-553: file not found
    SQL * Loader-509: System error: no such file or directory
    SQL * Loader-502: cannot open the data file '< ScriptFileType >' field XMLDATA table TEST_XML

    Please help me how can I load full xml in a single column using command line without Hardcoding in the control file

    Published by: 907010 on January 10, 2012 02:24

    But strangely it attempts to load each line of the xml file in the table instead of the whole file

    Nothing strange, that the data parameter specifies the file containing the data to load.
    If you use the name of the XML here, the control file will try to interpret each line of XML as being separate ways.

    The traditional approach this is to have the name of the file stored in another file, say filelist.txt and use, for example:

    echo "/u01/APPL/apps/apps_st/appl/xxtop/12.0.0/bin/file.xml" > filelist.txt
    sqlldr $1@$TWO_TASK control=$XXTOP/bin/LOAD_XML.ctl data=filelist.txt direct=true;
  • How to load xml with base64 big element using sqlldr

    I'm trying to load xml data into Oracle 10 g 2. I want to use tool standard sqlldr if possible.
    (1) I recorded my schema successfully:
    -Put the 6kbytes schema in a table
    - and
    schema_txt CLOB.
    SELECT the text IN schema_txt patterns;
    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerschema ("uddkort.xsd", schema_txt);
    -Success: I can create table like:
    XMLSCHEMA 'uddkort.xsd '.
    ELEMENT 'profile '.
    -USER_XML_TABLES shows:
    "XMLTEST", "uddkort.xsd", "THISE", "profile", "OBJECT-RELATIONAL".

    (2) how can I load XML data into that?
    -An element of the schema is < xs: element name = "billede" type = "xs: base64Binary" minOccurs = "0" / >
    -This data field may be 10kbytes or more

    I tried many control files - search the net but no luck so far.
    Any suggestions?
    / Christmas, DK

    I regret - it seems, Miss me some basic understanding here (XBD is new to me...):

    Reread this part of the documentation on the XML to mappings of SQL types:

    When you save the relational storage schema object, Oracle creates SQL object types to support the underlying structure.
    In particular (see table 5-6 in the link), XS: base64Binary is mapped to a compatible SQL binary data type: RAW (default), or BLOB (if we use the annotation).

    In my example, the generated object type is:

    SQL> desc "image888_T"
     Nom                                       NULL ?   Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     SYS_XDBPD$                                         XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
     name                                               VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)
     content                                            BLOB

    I don't understand how this can be (is) done automatically?

    When you load an XML instance in the table, the contents of the string encoded in base64 is automatically converted into format binary original and stored as a BLOB (that's works the mapping).
    Then, when you run:

    select extractvalue(t.object_value, '/image/content') from images_table t;

    It follows a BLOB column containing the original image, not the string base64, so you won't need a converter.

  • Cannot get rid of loaded xml image scroller when navigate off the page.

    I have a thumb wheel loaded xml that stays on the screen when I leave the frames where it exists.

    This is the upward I tried to solve this problem. It has been suggested that I put a mc on the frames with the scrolling of the image and call it dummy_mc.

    Then I put the code on frameworks that are not supposed to have thumb scroller:

    dummy_mc. Visible = false;

    function removeScrollerF2(e:Event=null):void {}

    If (scroller) {//prevents a problem if you were to use the same navigation code after having removed the scroll}

    scroller.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveScrollerThumbs);

    removeChild (scroller);

    scroller = null;  If, when you want to create your clipping, it does not need to be re-created, delete this line of code.


    trace ("dummy2_mc works on null");


    dummy_mc.addEventListener (Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeScrollerF2);

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------

    I have this error of argument in the output panel:

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()

    at acolyte51c_AppsPopUpsThumbs_fla::mainsite_mc_2/removeScrollerF2() [acolyte51c_AppsPopUpsTh umbs_fla.mainsite_mc_2::frame73:399]

    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()

    at acolyte51c_AppsPopUpsThumbs_fla::mainsite_mc_2/gotoFrame2() [acolyte51c_AppsPopUpsThumbs_f the. mainsite_mc_2::frame73:372]

    It's the frame73:399
    removeChild (scroller);

    on mainsite_mc section 73:

    replace line 38:

    this.addChild (scroller);


    dummy_mc. AddChild (scroller);

    and replace the code of 407 + with:

    dummy_mc. Visible = false;<- remove="" the="" graphics="" from="" the="" stage="" of="">

    dummy_mc.addEventListener (Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeScrollerF2);

    function removeScrollerF2(e:Event=null):void {}

    scroller.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveScrollerThumbs);


  • Loading XML into a Table

    Hi all
    I want to create a procedure in which, I provided the name of the table and the location of the XML file, the procedure goes to this place and pick the file XML and load it into the table. Can it is possible?

    Thank you

    Best regards


    Finally, I got your issue! It is the use of DBMS_LOB. LOADFROMFILE, I used DBMS_LOB. LOADCLOBFROMFILE instead. It was actually loading the binary content!. This is a fully functional code based on your table and XML file structure.
    The XML file, I used:


    True PL/SQL code:

    SQL> /* Creating Your table */
      2  (
      3  ACTNOI VARCHAR2 (8),
      4  MEMONOI NUMBER (7,0),
      6  AMOUNTI NUMBER (8,0),
      7  BRCDSI NUMBER (4,0),
      8  TYPEI NUMBER (4,0),
      9  TRANSMONI NUMBER (6,0)
     10  );
    Table created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_xml_emps(p_directory in varchar2,
      2                                              p_filename  in varchar2,
      3                                              vtableName  in varchar2) as
      4    v_filelocator    BFILE;
      5    v_cloblocator    CLOB;
      6    l_ctx            DBMS_XMLSTORE.CTXTYPE;
      7    l_rows           NUMBER;
      8    v_amount_to_load NUMBER;
      9    dest_offset      NUMBER := 1;
     10    src_offset       NUMBER := 1;
     11    lang_context     NUMBER := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;
     12    warning          NUMBER;
     13  BEGIN
     14    dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_cloblocator, true);
     15    v_filelocator := bfilename(p_directory, p_filename);
     16    dbms_lob.open(v_filelocator, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
     17    v_amount_to_load := DBMS_LOB.getlength(v_filelocator);
     18    ---  ***This line is changed*** ---
     19    DBMS_LOB.LOADCLOBFROMFILE(v_cloblocator,
     20                              v_filelocator,
     21                              v_amount_to_load,
     22                              dest_offset,
     23                              src_offset,
     24                              0,
     25                              lang_context,
     26                              warning);
     28    l_ctx := DBMS_XMLSTORE.newContext(vTableName);
     29    DBMS_XMLSTORE.setRowTag(l_ctx, 'ROWSET');
     30    DBMS_XMLSTORE.setRowTag(l_ctx, 'IBSCOLYTD');
     31    -- clear the update settings
     32    DBMS_XMLStore.clearUpdateColumnList(l_ctx);
     33    -- set the columns to be updated as a list of values
     34    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(l_ctx, 'ACTNOI');
     35    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(l_ctx, 'MEMONOI');
     36    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdatecolumn(l_ctx, 'MEMODTEI');
     37    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdatecolumn(l_ctx, 'AMOUNTI');
     38    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdatecolumn(l_ctx, 'BRCDSI');
     39    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdatecolumn(l_ctx, 'TYPEI');
     40    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdatecolumn(l_ctx, 'TRANSMONI');
     41    -- Now insert the doc.
     42    l_rows := DBMS_XMLSTORE.insertxml(l_ctx, v_cloblocator);
     43    DBMS_XMLSTORE.closeContext(l_ctx);
     44    dbms_output.put_line(l_rows || ' rows inserted...');
     45    dbms_lob.close(v_filelocator);
     46    DBMS_LOB.FREETEMPORARY(v_cloblocator);
     47  END;
     48  /
    Procedure created.
      2  insert_xml_emps('TEST_DIR','load.xml','IBSCOLYTD');
      3  END;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM ibscolytd;
    -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    28004125     251942 05-SEP-92        400        513          1          0
    28004125     251943 04-OCT-92        400        513          1          0

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