Microsoft may just give me Windows 7 instead of Windows 8?

Microsoft would accept please that Windows 8 is hated by the people for more than 45 years, do not have a touch screen and want a program that is business friendly. So give me a professional / XP / Windows 7 download version so I can remove this junk on my computer. This version is very unpleasant as far as I'm concerned and is full of bloat ware that I didn't need.

I need a new desk that my old faithful of 7 years is dead the new one I bought came with Windows 8 and I hate it.

. I'm just a business owner wishing to simple as what I had before this is logical and easy to use. Microsoft you screwed in place and if you can't correct what I have then I will get rid of this computer and get one with a different OS.

You and me both. I agree on the blocks of color for children on the desktop. Why search the entire screen something when you can show a small list. It's too distracting. This 8.1 is really pushing me Microsoft all together. I just bought a new laptop and this is what happened to this topic. It looks more like the coloring book of the child as a desktop computer. I seriously think to go to a few other non - MS OS if this continues. I already dropped the MS Office products. It is a shame.

Tags: Windows

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