Need a powershell script to collect info patch esx


IAM looking for a powershell script that collects the result of "motion esxupdate" for all versions of esx host 3.5 in the Virtual center 2.5 version and exports to CSV file.

It should take input as virtual Center and collect all the information of ESX host, connect to esx hosts, run the esxupdate query and update of the CSV with results.

I got the code base of other scripts. I've pasted below. He collects only results for esx server in view of the need to modify the code for the above requirements.


$servers = "server0″", server1″

$account = "root".

$password = "password".

$servers | % {$a = plink - pw $password $account@$_ "esxupdate query"

{$server = $_}


Thanks in advance!

Have you tried running the script in the powershell console?

May be a problem with the vesi script editor.

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 March 2010, at 21:14, Sureshadmin<>

Tags: VMware

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    Thanks in advance!

    So I'm at my wits end here.

    It works for me and Robert also confirmed that it worked for him.

    Although I don't see why this would solve the problem, you could finally try an upgrade to PowerShell v2 RTM.


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    Noticed that the two threads under became a little mixed in the script.

    This is the script with the devIds with the indication of the active / standby.

    foreach($esxImpl in (Get-VMHost)){
         $esx = $esxImpl | Get-View
         $netSys = Get-View $esx.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
         foreach($pg in $esx.Config.Network.Portgroup){
              $pNICStr = @()
              $pciStr = @()
              $cdpStr = @()
              foreach($a in $pg.ComputedPolicy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.ActiveNic){
                        $pNICStr += ($a + "(a)")
                        $pciStr += ($esx.Config.Network.Pnic | where {$_.Device -eq $a} | %{$_.Pci + "(a)"})
                        $cdpInfo = $netSys.QueryNetworkHint($a)
                        $cdpStr += &{if($cdpInfo[0].connectedSwitchPort){$cdpInfo[0].connectedSwitchPort.devId + "(a)"}else{"CDP not configured(a)"}}
              foreach($s in $pg.ComputedPolicy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.StandbyNic){
                        $pNICStr += ($s + "(s)")
                        $pciStr += ($esx.Config.Network.Pnic | where {$_.Device -eq $s} | %{$_.Pci + "(s)"})
                        $cdpInfo = $netSys.QueryNetworkHint($s)
                        $cdpStr += &{if($cdpInfo[0].connectedSwitchPort){$cdpInfo[0].connectedSwitchPort.devId + "(s)"}else{"CDP not configured(s)"}}
              $pg | Select @{N="ESXname";E={$esxImpl.Name}},
              @{N="PCI location";E={$pciStr}},
              @{N="Physical switch";E={$cdpStr}}


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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                   @{N="Cluster";E={(Get-VMHost $vm.Host | Get-Cluster).Name}},
                   @{N="Device Label";E={$_.Name}},
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    Blog: LucD notes

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    Looks like you are using an older version of PowerCLI, the CapacityGB was introduced in one of the previous PowerCLI builds.

    Try to upgrade.

    If an upgrade is not possible, you can do

    Get-Datacenter -Name MyDC | Get-VM | Sort-Object -Property Name |Get-HardDisk | Select @{N="VM";E={$_.Parent.Name}},Name,@{N="CapacityGB";E={[int]($_.CapacityKB/1MB)}},@{N="Type";E={[string]::Join('/',($_.DiskType,$_.StorageFormat,$_.Persistence))}},@{N="Comment";E={' '*25}} |Export-Csv C:\HD-report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

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    Just noticed that there is a lack of vacuum after the - password parameter.

    It should be

    $userName = Read-Host "Username"
    $password = Read-Host "Password" -AsSecureString:$true
    Import-Csv "C:\vmhosts.csv" | %{
         Connect-VIServer -Server $_.Hostname -Credential (Get-Credential)
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    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    Get-VM | %{
         $vm = $_
         $_ | Get-Vmguest | %{
              $guest = $_
                   $i = 0
                   $_.Nics | %{
                        $row = "" | Select Name, Powerstate, Host, Cluster, "IP address","Nic Name",Portgroup,vSwitch
                        $row.Name = $vm.Name
                        $row.Powerstate = $vm.PowerState
                        $row.Host = $vm.Host.Name
                        $row.Cluster = ($vm.Host | Get-Cluster).Name
                        $row."IP address" = $guest.IPAddress[$i]
                        $row."NIC Name" = $vm.NetworkAdapters[$i].Name
                        $row.Portgroup = $guest.Nics[$i].NetworkName
                        $row.vSwitch = (Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name $guest.Nics[$i].NetworkName -VM $vm).VirtualSwitchName
                        $report += $row
                   $row = "" | Select Name, Host, Cluster, "IP addr","Nic Name",Portgroup,vSwitch
                   $row.Name = $vm.Name
                   $row.Powerstate = $vm.PowerState
                   $row.Host = $vm.Host
                   $row.Cluster = ($vm.Host | Get-Cluster).Name
                   $row."IP address" = "na"
                   $row."NIC Name" = "na"
                   $row.Portgroup = "na"
                   $row.vSwitch = "na"
                   $report += $row


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    My mistake, the point (any character) is to eat the rest of the message.

    Try again with

    $mask = [regex]"vmid=(\d+)\s+([\w-]+)"

    He accepts what regex esteem alphabetic characters or the hyphen (-).


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    That's what I have so far but its does not give me the results I need.

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    Try like this

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    $date = get-date-format MM-DD-YYYY
    $now = get-date
    $subtractDays = new-object System.TimeSpan 5,0,0,0,0
    $then = $Now.Subtract ($subtractDays)
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    ForEach-Object - InputObject $Computers - process {Get-EventLog - LogName $log - after $then - before $now - EntryType error | select EventID, MachineName, Message, Source, TimeGenerated |} ConvertTo-html | {Out-file $env:TEMP\Applicationlog.htm}
    Invoke-Expression $env:TEMP\Applicationlog.htm

    Thank you



    To help with the repost the question script to the script Center Forum

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    1. information on the hardware-storage & gt; to collect information on the SCSI controller and HBA cards.

    ESX name | | SCSI controller HBA1 | HBA2

    Expected results

    ESX name | SCSI (model, Bios version, serial number, Raid config) | HBA1 (model, Firmware version, serial number, WWPN) | HBA2 (model, Firmware version, serial number, WWPN)

    Note: Need info on all controllers SCSI and HBA in the ESX box, so additional columns may be added as required.

    2. report on the use of storage - & gt; Usage report storage including local file system storage and SAN devices.

    ESX name | | File system Size | Opportunity | DISP | Use% | Mount point | Scopes

    Note: Need of all sizes in the UK. Extensions are applicable to data SAN storage and just the DiskID measure as vmhba1:1:1

    3 San disk information - & gt; To collect information on San Disk

    Disc ID | Lun ID | Size of the disk | Brand/model | Paths | Policy |     Active HBA WWPN

    Expected results

    vmhba1:1:1 | 0110 | 130 G | EMCxxxx | 4 | Fixed | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    There was an error, you cannot delete items from a hash table by looping through the values.

    Try this one (it works for me).

    $nrMax = 10
    $taskHash = @{}
    Get-Cluster  | Get-VM | %{
      $spec = new-object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec;
      $spec.cpuAllocation = New-Object VMware.Vim.ResourceAllocationInfo;
      $spec.cpuAllocation.Shares = New-Object VMware.Vim.SharesInfo;
      $spec.cpuAllocation.Shares.Level = "Normal";
      $spec.cpuAllocation.Limit = -1;
      $spec.cpuAllocation.Reservation = 0;
      $task = Get-View ($_.Extensiondata.ReconfigVM_Task($spec))
      $taskHash[$task.Info.Key] = $task
      while($taskHash.Count -eq $nrMax){
            $toBeRemoved = @()
            foreach($task in $taskHash.Values){
                if("success","error" -contains $task.Info.State){
                    $toBeRemoved += $task.Info.Key
            $toBeRemoved | %{
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    An overview of the ESX servers

    Each ESX Server:

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    How to combine the following cmdlets?

    Get-cluster 'cluster ' | Get-VMHost | Select name, CPUTotalMHz, MemoryTotalMB

    Get-cluster 'cluster ' | Get-vmhost | Get-Datastore. Select name, CapacityMB

    Hi Vincent,.

    I am pleased that you fixed. And thanks for the link. I didn't know this trick.

    Best regards, Robert

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    I've programmed in a distant past, but did not use scripts. If I had an example I could go from there. I don't read very well of manuals.

    I am 78 years old. Would be grateful yourhelp!

    Thank you



    The question you posted would be better suited in the TechNet Forums. I would recommend posting your query in the link below.

    Hope this information helps.

  • PowerShell script


    Say I want to install the Microsoft Patches each month on a field with 50 + servers. I need a script that could give me the following,

    (i.) the availability of each server present in the field, while running the script.

    II.) he should list on the fixes that have been set up so far and this should be exported to excel.

    Servers are 2003 & 2008. Also, I'm not particularly on Powershell scripts. So anything that meets the objective would be really useful.

    Please help me with this.

    Thank you much in advance.

    René-coral. (* E-mail address is removed from the privacy *)

    This issue is beyond the scope of this site and must be placed on Technet or MSDN

Maybe you are looking for