NET. Throughput.usage.Average

Get - VM * db * |

Select Name, @{N = ' Mbit/s Avg network flow'; E = {}

[math]: Round ((Get-Stat-entité $_-Start (Get-Date).)) AddDays(-1)-Stat "net.throughput.usage.average" |

where {$_.} {Instance - eq ""} |

Measure-object-property - average value. Select average - ExpandProperty) / 1 k, 2)


I got the result as below

NameMbps throughput of the network of AVG

now Questions or clarification;


NET. Throughput.usage.AverageUse of net debitKbps

The use of band current network bandwidth for the host

Why then the o/p shows MBPs & not Kbps

2. If a second on the last day 1 as the VM did network traffic means 2.16 for vm y?  Does include entering & leaving them both?

Thank you

To get the unit use the property Unit of or the returned samples.

The net.throughput.usage.average metric is the sum of the net.received.average and net.transmitted.average parameters.

See also network script get-stat

Tags: VMware

Similar Questions

  • "Mem.Usage.Average" against the total aggregate of cluster host memory

    Please see the attachment for the whole story.

    Please give me a sanity check on this. I used the "Mem.Usage.Average" as a % against allocated VM MemoryMB. The sum of these calculations escaped by far the actual calculations of the vCenter % memory-based. So, I changed my calculations that you see in the worksheet to use the 'Mem.Usage.Average' against the total aggregate available on all hosts in the cluster. This amount came to less than 1% of my calculations based on vCenter GUI. Am I right against the total aggregate memory cluster host instead of against VM memory assigned using 'Mem.Usage.Average '? Thxs-


    SDK is not clear on "total configured memory available or". Part description of memory used as a percentage of the total configured or available memory.

    $start = (get-Date). AddDays(-5)

    Get-cluster-location ActualClusterName | Get - VM | Where {$_.} PowerState - eq "Receptor"} @{N = "Mem.Usage.Average"; E = {[Math]: round ((($_ |))} Get-Stat - Stat mem.usage.average - start $start - $finish - IntervalMins 1800 - MaxSamples finishing (250) | Measure - Object - average value). Average), 2)}}"

    Cluster is 6 hosts with 128G per host for total of 768G (786432 MB of RAM), there are 118 powered on virtual machines


    for me the SDK says that percentage reflects the relationship between the memory 'active' in the virtual machine against the memory configured for the virtual machine.

    A configured with 8 GB of memory virtual computer that has 'use' of 25% is actively using 2 GB of memory.

    I think that your numbers you get for VMS are biased because of the great period of time during which you take the average (see previous answer).

    You can cross-check the mem.usage.average with the

    In the following code, I calculate the different 2 meters actual memory used by the virtual machine.

    $clusterName = "mycluster.

    $stat = 'mem.usage.average ',' '.

    $vm = get - Cluster - name $clusterName | Get - VM | where {$_.} PowerState - eq "Receptor"}

    $stats = get-Stat-entity $vm - Stat $stat - Realtime - MaxSamples 1

    $stats | Group-object - property {$_.}} | %{

    [PSCustomObject] @ {}

    VM = $_. Group [0].

    MemoryMB = $_. Group [0]. Entity.MemoryMB

    MemUsagePerc = $_. Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "mem.usage.average"} | Select - ExpandProperty value

    MemUsageMB = [int]($_.) Group [0]. Entity.MemoryMB * ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "mem.usage.average"}). Value) / 100

    MemActiveMB = ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq ""} | Select - ExpandProperty Value) / 1 KB



    The result shows a specific virtual machine, these two numbers are close enough to be considered the same imho.

    That they should be in fact, the mem.usage.average is derived from the

  • CPU.ready.summation of measurement when cpu.usage.average max

    Hi, I'm new in powercli,

    I use the following script to get cpu.usage.average mem.usage.average min, average, max, and the maximum of cpu.ready.summation

    I would like to correct also the cpu.ready.summation when the cpu.usage.average is max, and I can't!

    Here is my script:

    $allvms = @)
    $vms = get - Vm
    {foreach ($vm to $vms)
    $vmstat = "" | Select VmName, MemMax, MemAvg, MemMin, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin, CPURDYMax
    $vmstat. VmName = $
    $statcpu = get-Stat-entity ($vm) - start (get-date). AddDays(-1)-Finish (Get-Date) - MaxSamples 10000 - Intervalmins 30 - stat cpu.usage.average
    $statmem = get-Stat-entity ($vm) - start (get-date). AddDays(-1)-Finish (Get-Date) - MaxSamples 10000 - Intervalmins 30 - stat mem.usage.average
    $statcpurdy = get-Stat-entity ($vm) - start (get-date). AddDays(-1)-Finish (Get-Date) - MaxSamples 10000 - Intervalmins 30 - stat cpu.ready.summation
    $cpu = $statcpu | Measure-object-property value - average - Maximum - Minimum
    $mem = $statmem | Measure-object-property value - average - Maximum - Minimum
    $cpurdy = $statcpurdy | Measure-object-property value - average - Maximum - Minimum
    $vmstat. CPUMax = $cpu. Maximum
    $vmstat. CPUAvg = $cpu. Average
    $vmstat. CPUMin = $cpu. Minimum
    $vmstat. MemMax = $mem. Maximum
    $vmstat. MemAvg = $mem. Average
    $vmstat. MemMin = $mem. Minimum
    $vmstat. CPURDYMax = $cpurdy. Maximum
    $allvms += $vmstat
    $allvms | Select VmName, MemMax, MemAvg, MemMin, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin, CPURDYMax | Export-Csv "c:\extract.csv" - noTypeInformation

    Best regards.

    OK, I hope that I finally got.

    Try this version. It indicates the maximum percentage of loan for the day.

    $allvms = @()
    $vms = Get-Vm  $start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
    $metrics = "cpu.usage.average","mem.usage.average","cpu.ready.summation"
    Get-Stat -Entity $vms -Start $start -Stat $metrics |
    Group-Object -Property {$_.Entity.Name} | %{
      $cpu = $_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usage.average" -and $_.Instance -eq ""} | Measure-Object -Property value -Average -Maximum -Minimum  $mem = $_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "mem.usage.average"} | Measure-Object -Property value -Average -Maximum -Minimum  $vmstat = "" | Select Time,VmName, MemMax, MemAvg, MemMin, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin, CPURDYMaxPercent  $vmstat.VmName = $_.Group[0].Entity.Name  $vmstat.Time = $_.Group | Sort-Object -Property Timestamp | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Timestamp  $vmstat.CPUMax = $cpu.Maximum  $vmstat.CPUAvg = $cpu.Average  $vmstat.CPUMin = $cpu.Minimum  $vmstat.MemMax = $mem.Maximum  $vmstat.MemAvg = $mem.Average  $vmstat.MemMin = $mem.Minimum  $vmstat.CPURDYMaxPercent = &{
        ($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.ready.summation" -and $_.Instance -eq ""} |
        Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending |    Select -First 1 |
        Select -ExpandProperty Value)/$interval  }
      $allvms += $vmstat}
    $allvms | Select Time,VmName, MemMax, MemAvg, MemMin, CPUMax, CPUAvg, CPUMin, CPURDYMaxPercent |
    Export-Csv "c:\extract.csv" -noTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • MEM.usage.Average Question

    We make sure that our ESX clusters are run under 70% memory usage.  Is it possible to subtract 70 (percent) memory usage in the following script?

    foreach ($cluster Get-cluster |) Sort - Object) {$esx = $cluster |} Get-VMHost; $ds = get-Datastore - VMHost $esx | where {$_.} Type - eq "VMFS"}; $cluster | Select @{N = "Cluster name"; E = {$cluster. Name}}, @{N = 'use of memory (%) » ; E = {[Math]: round ((($_ |))} Get-Stat - Stat mem.usage.average - Start (Get-Date). AddHours(-72) - IntervalMins 5 - MaxSamples (12) | Measure - Object - average value). Average), 2)}}}

    Easy enough;

    foreach($cluster in Get-Cluster | Sort-Object ){
    $esx = $cluster | Get-VMHost;
    $ds = Get-Datastore -VMHost $esx | where {$_.Type -eq "VMFS"};
    $cluster | Select @{N="Cluster Name";E={$cluster.Name}},
      @{N="Memory Usage (%)";E={[Math]::Round((($_ | Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-72) -IntervalMins 5 -MaxSamples (12) | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2)}},
      @{N="Amount Under Threshold";E={70 - [Math]::Round((($_ | Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-72) -IntervalMins 5 -MaxSamples (12) | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2)}},
      @{N="GB Used";E={144/100 * [Math]::Round((($_ | Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-72) -IntervalMins 5 -MaxSamples (12) | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2)}},
      @{N="GB Free";E={144 - (144/100 * [Math]::Round((($_ | Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-72) -IntervalMins 5 -MaxSamples (12) | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))}}  
  • (Mem.usage.Average & Mem.Active.Average meter with get-stats

    I try to put together a weekly statistics using get-Stats... his works all well but if I use Mem.usage.Average, I have the memory percentage. using would give me the use of memory in KB, I understand.

    However, I get an entry using null.

    On the study, I noticed through the chart options to real a meter (attached document) only the section of memory in time performance?

    The counter can be added to the other section? or y at - it a config I need to do?

    See you soon

    The metrics are collected for different intervals depend on what you are configuring in


    In this form, you will see the 4 historical intervals and for each, there is a "level of statistics" (being the metric 4, 1 being the least metric).

    You can check what you have there?

    If the level is 1 for all the intervals that could be the reason why you can not get the meter.

    Note the data in real time, see you in the VI Client comes from the real time hard coded interval (20 seconds) which is collected on the ESX servers themselves and is kept only for a limited period of time.

  • Average throughput of the network to a virtual machine with PowerCLI

    I would get average network throughput for a virtual machine with PowerCLI including all e-cards, the virtual machine has for the last week (not including NFS or storage of traffic-related).

    How best should add this report:

    Get - vm myvm | Select name, numcpu

    Thank you!

    Try like this

    Get-VM | Select Name, @{N="Avg Network Throughput MBPs";E={    [math]::Round((Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -Stat "net.throughput.usage.average" |    where {$_.Instance -eq ""} |    Measure-Object -Property Value -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average)/1KB,2)}}

    The script takes the aggregate value for all NICs for (the one where the Instance is an empty string).

    Then we take the average and converts the Kbps, Mbps.

  • Average throughput of storage VM with PowerCLI

    I would like to get the flow of average storage for a virtual machine in MB for the total of all virtual disks available to it for the last week.

    My current script is:

    Get - vm myvm | Select name, numcpu

    How can I better integrate something as a get-stat function to average to shoot in this report?

    I don't need to list on the flow of each virtual disk individually, just for the virtual machine in its whole, including all the virtual disks (and RDM if there is).

    Try this

    Get-VM | Select Name, @{N="Avg Disk Throughput MBPs";E={    [math]::Round((Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -Stat "virtualDisk.throughput.usage.average" |    Group-Object -Property Timestamp | %{        $_.Group | Measure-Object -Property Value -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum    } | Measure-Object -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average)/1KB,2)}}

    For each virtual computer it will be first to summarize the flow for all it's virtual disks by timeslice.

    He then takes the average of all values of timeslice.

    And finally, it converts the Kbps to Mbps.

    Update: I changed the timeslice

  • Get daily usage of memory and CPU VMs

    Good morning guys,

    Will be possible to do?, all that I need is to get all our virtual machines the CPu and the memory (percent) usage for the day elapsed (within 24 hours) for each virtual machine and save it in one. CSV file, also send me an email telling me that vCPU and daily usage report memory was created, here is what will be great to have:

    CPU and memory daily report:

    The virtual computer name . vCPUs Assigned | Last day, use of the CPU Max . Last day, the CPU min | Average CPU utilization last day | Men assigned . Max men use last day | Use of men min last day | Average use of men last day |

    Appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Try something like this

    $report = @()
    $metrics = "cpu.usage.average",""
    $vms = Get-Vm | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}
    $start = (get-date).AddDays(-1) 
    Get-Stat -Entity ($vms) -start $start -stat $metrics | `  Group-Object -Property EntityId | %{
        $row = ""| Select VmName, Timestamp, vCPU, MinCpu,AvgCpu,MaxCpu,MemAlloc,MinMem,AvgMem,MaxMem
        $row.VmName = $_.Group[0].Entity.Name
        $row.Timestamp = ($_.Group | Sort-Object -Property Timestamp)[0].Timestamp
        $row.vCPU = $_.Group[0].Entity.NumCpu
        $cpuStat = $_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usage.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Minimum -Maximum -Average    $row.MinCpu = "{0:f2}" -f ($cpuStat.Minimum)
        $row.AvgCpu = "{0:f2}" -f ($cpuStat.Average)
        $row.MaxCpu = "{0:f2}" -f ($cpuStat.Maximum)
        $row.MemAlloc = $_.Group[0].Entity.MemoryMB
        $memStat = $_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq ""} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Minimum -Maximum -Average    $row.MinMem = "{0:f2}" -f ($memStat.Minimum)
        $row.AvgMem = "{0:f2}" -f ($memStat.Average)
        $row.MaxMem = "{0:f2}" -f ($memStat.Maximum)
        $report += $row}
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\VM-stats.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
    $smtpServer = "MySmtpServer" $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = "[email protected]" $msg.To.Add("[email protected]")
    $msg.Subject = "Report created"$msg.Body = "The report has been created"$smtp.Send($msg)
  • Message tells me that the memory usage has been 75%


    I get (once a week) a message Bublé Tosh saying my memory usage average during the last 7 days was 75%.
    Should I be worried?

    I have 1014 MB and I don't exactly tell me a power user!

    Thanks for any help.


    Don t think that there could be a problem is only a windows Vista notification message that informs you about the State of laptops OS.

  • Average use of memory

    How can I get the use of the average memory of a group of virtual machines?  I have a current report that uses get - vm to create a group of objects of virtual machine.  I would like to integrate a custom property that goes and gets the average memory of this group of VMS usage and adds it as a custom property.  I would like to use Get-stat but I'm at the level of statistics 1 so I can only use what is available there.

    Get-vm-place somecluster1, anothercluster2 | Select name, memorygb, numcpu, aMillionOtherProperties,

    @{N = "AverageRAMUsage"; E = {ABrilliantget-statSnippet}}


    Thank you!

    When you want to obtain this use?

    In all cases, you could do something like that, don't forget to adapt the content of the variable $start

    $clusterName = "mycluster.

    $start = (get-Date). AddHours(-1)

    $stat = "mem.usage.average".

    $vms = get-VM-location (Get-Cluster-name $clusterName)

    Get-Stat - $vms - Stat $stat entity - start $start - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |

    Group-object - property {$_.} Enity.Name} |

    Select Name,

    @{N = "MemoryGB"; E={$_. Group [0]. Entity.MemoryGB}},

    @{N = "NumCpu"; E={$_. Group [0]. Entity.NumCpu}},

    @{N = "AverageRAMUsage"; E = {}

    [math]: Round (($_.)) Group [0] | Measure-object-property - average value. Select average - ExpandProperty), 2)


  • Average use of memory in MB? Not %

    I have the following code that uses get-stat to gather cluster statistics and exports the timestamp and the memory usage average percentage in the csv format:

    # In-memory cluster statistics

    foreach ($cluster in $xml. Settings.Setting.Clusters.Cluster)


    $metrics = "mem.usage.average".

    $stats = get-stat-entity (get-cluster $cluster) - Stat $metrics - start $start - finishing $finish - interval 86400

    $groups = $stats | Group-object - property {$_.} TimeStamp, $_.} $report = $groups | % {

    New-object PSObject-property @ {}

    'TimeStamp' = $_. Group [0]. TimeStamp

    '%' = $_. Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "mem.usage.average"} | Select value - ExpandProperty



    $csv_clustermem = ($ScriptPath + $cluster) + '_mem.csv '.

    $report | Select the TimeStamp, '% '. Export-Csv $csv_clustermem - NoTypeInformation

    Mem_Chart # launch Excel and generate the graph

    I do not know how to retrieve the memory in MB with her average? I tried to simply add Mo as an additional property to retrieve and then expand but I don't think that's true.

    Thanks in advance

    Try something like this

    $finish = Get-Date$start = ($finish).AddDays(-7)$metrics = "mem.usage.average"$cluster = Get-Cluster
    $stats = get-stat -Entity $cluster -Stat $metrics -Start $start -Finish $finish -Interval 86400$groups = $stats | Group-Object -Property {$_.TimeStamp, $_.Entity.Name} $report = $groups | % {  $totMem = $_.Group[0].Entity.ExtensionData.Summary.TotalMemory  $memAvgPerc = $_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "mem.usage.average"} | Select -ExpandProperty Value  New-Object PSObject -Property @{    Cluster = $_.Group[0].Entity.Name    TimeStamp = $_.Group[0].TimeStamp    '%' = $memAvgPerc    'Avg MB' = [math]::Round(($totMem * $memAvgPerc / 1MB / 100),0)  }}$report
  • Average use of CPU and memory of the ESX host

    Dear team

    script of powercli necessary to fetch the last 2 month avg cpu and memory utilzaition for all ESX hosts that are managed by vcenter server.


    Mr. Vmware

    Try something like this

    $esx = Get-VMHost
    $start = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-2)
    $metric = "cpu.usage.average","mem.usage.average"
    Get-Stat -Entity $esx -Start $start -Stat $metric | Group-Object -Property {$_.Entity.Name} |
    Select @{N="VMHost";E={$_.Name}},  @{N="Avg CPU %";E={$_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usage.average"} |
        Measure-Object -Property Value -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average}},  @{N="Avg Memory %";E={$_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "mem.usage.average"} |
        Measure-Object -Property Value -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average}}
  • capacity.usage of mem meter went from vSphere 5.0U2?

    I run a weekly performance report host whose performance memory capacity.usage counter.

    I did some additional research on this and it seems that the API reference is not correct.

    According to the guide, this counter should only be available for resourcepools.

    With the following script, I discovered that Get-Stat returns metric for this counter for resourcepools, ESXi hosts and computers virtual, from the historical range "last week.

    And the level of statistics for the month and since one year is not defined at level 4 in my test environment.

    In fact, I wonder what would mean "the unit level" for this counter?

    I used this script for my tests.

    $clusterName = "MyCluster" $objTypes = "ResourcePoolWrapper","VMHostWrapper","VirtualMachineWrapper" $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $clusterName $items = Get-Inventory -Location $cluster | where {$objTypes -contains $_.GetType().Name}
    Get-StatInterval | %{
      Get-Stat -Stat mem.capacity.usage.average -Entity $items -IntervalSecs $_.SamplingPeriodSecs -MaxSamples 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |  Select Timestamp,IntervalSecs,Value,@{N="Entity";E={$_.Entity.Name}},@{N="Type";E={$_.Entity.ExtensionData.GetType().Name}}

    The test environments had thse executed versions: vCenter 5.0.0 build 755629 and ESXi 5.0.0 build 914586.

  • Home daily on average for a period of seven days?

    Hi all.

    Right underneath a week ago I had really touched other than work with Windows Server Core Powershell/PowerCLI. After a request for measures of host VI of my boss and thanks to the help of the forum and its members, I am now my head around things and I have two scripts that run as scheduled tasks that gather on the fly / a week average information for our ESX / ESXi hosts.

    I hit a bit of a good brick wall; He also wants me to collect data rolling base for guests on a daily basis, and I tried to set up a script that I can run once a week, which collects averages daily, per day, for seven days. At the base of the levels, let's say I have two hosts and I want to raise the average CPU per day for seven days, which looks something like:


    host1 day1 average value

    host1 day2 average value

    host1 day3 average value

    host1 day4 average value

    host1 day5 average value

    host1 day6 average value

    host1 day7 average value

    host2 day1 average value


    I simply can't get head around this (and after a week, it is not for lack of trying or trawl the forums) and I'd appreciate any help. I also need memory and network average but if anyone can help with the above, I expected to be able to add the code to include these issues.



    The Group-Object cmdlet that will do for you.

    Use the 'day' of the timestamp for group statistical data per day / per host.

    This is an example

    $esxImpl = Get-VMHost $todayMidnight = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0).AddMinutes(-1)
    $stats = Get-Stat -Entity $esxImpl -Stat cpu.usage.average -Start $todayMidnight.AddDays(-2) -Finish $todayMidnight $groups = $stats | where {$_.Instance -eq ""} | Group-Object -Property {$_.Timestamp.Day, $_.Entity.Name}
    $report = $groups | % {
      New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Description = $_.Group[0].Description    Entity = $_.Group[0].Entity    MetricId = $_.Group[0].MetricId    Timestamp = $_.Group[0].Timestamp.ToShortDateString()
        Unit = $_.Group[0].Unit    Value = [math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average, 2)
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\Daily-cpu.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • Get-stat cpu.usage.min

    I have a need to collect data from performance of my bunches.

    I understand cpu.usagemhz.average & mem.usage.average very well.

    What I can't do, is bring together the cpu.usage.min, the cpu.usage.max, the mem.usage.min and the mem.usage.max for clusters.

    In the reference of VI-Kit cmdlet to tools is watch the "cpu.usage.min" in detailed descriptions.  So I guess that this is possible.

    Can someone give me an example of how together these mini/maxi measures?

    Min/max metrics require at least level 3 statistics.

    You have at least one of the four historical intervals seams at least level 3?

    If so, you can get the metrics of min/max for that specific interval with the cmdlet Get-Stat.

Maybe you are looking for