Newbie: why can I not use a collection of table to feed a line chart series

Unfortunately, I have a simple wish, but I'm spending hours trying to get this to work flex.

1. take a collection of table

2. Enter the data in a chart.

To bind the data to the table... I tried all kinds of combinations of "@date" or or {date}... etc...

Below, works now... why?  (Note, when I self an XMLListcollection and @close for data binding, it seems to work)

I'm at the beginning of the career of 'flex' and must admit that it is difficult with the lack of detailed examples, so hopeful of inspiration.

< mx:ArrayCollection id = "2" >
< mx:source >
< mx:Object date = open '8' = '40,38' close = "40.81" / >
< mx:Object date = '9' open = "40.5" close = "40,41" / >
< mx:Object date = "10" open = '40,82' close = "40.6" / >
< / mx:source >
< / mx:ArrayCollection >

< mx:Panel title = 'LineChart and AreaChart control 3.
= "84" height = "491" width = "729" layout = "horizontal" x = "350" >
< mx:LineChart id = 'linechart' height = '100% ' width = '100% '.
paddingLeft = "5" = "5" paddingRight
showDataTips = "true" dataProvider = "{2}" >
< mx:horizontalAxis >
< mx:CategoryAxis id = categoryField = "{ 'ca'}" title = "Date" / > "
< / mx:horizontalAxis >
< mx:series >
< mx:LineSeries yField = "{data.close}" form = "curve" displayName = "Profit" lineStroke = "{s1}" / > ""
< / mx:series >
< / mx:LineChart >
< mx:Legend dataProvider = "{linechart}" / >
< / mx:Panel >

Try categoryField = "date" and yField = "close" with no braces.

Tags: Flex

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